Two Former Sony/Epic Execs Talk About MJ: Touring, Album Support, etc.

Wow, I went through soo many emotions while reading this interview. I went from sad, to mad, to happy, back and forth over and over again. Thank you so much for this interview. :) really is brilliant. Stayed up till 1:30 a.m. to read it and was still sorry it was over. Truly fantastic. Great points were made.

Some of my favourite....

Michael apologized for being late to a studio session by sending a gift basket with over 100 DVDs and a note that read, “I’m very sorry for not respecting your time.”

“The guy is acquitted on ten counts of child molestation. No one said, ‘Sorry Michael.’ No one said, ‘Michael, we knew you were innocent.’ No one did a BET tribute to him then. Nobody played his music and did a marathon then. Nobody rallied up and did a concert. Why should Michael have to go on tour to raise money? How come all of the artists didn’t band together and say, ‘Hey! You know what? Let’s do a tour like Michael did the We Are The World Tour and let’s raise some money. Let’s get this thing going.’

CR: “But they show up for a guy who executed families. A little girl begged for her life and he executed her. They said because he wrote in his time in prison he wrote children’s books that he tried to turn his life around. He was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. Well, how about the millions of children Michael Jackson has helped over the span of his career? Yet two children come with some false allegations and those two children become the two children that destroy him. It’s crazy. It makes me look at the entertainment business and just say I’m surrounded by a bunch of hypocrites.

When you ask me how would it affect them? I don’t even think they realize what this is. Everyone’s gonna do their tributes, but the tributes now if you look at it, it’s all because now everyone is going to get some spotlight, they’re gonna get some shine. Now all of the sudden everyone wants to say something good about him.”

me ‘Cory, I will never deny a child love and if it means that I have to be crucified or put in jail for it, then that’s just what they’re gonna have to do.’ When it was time for him to stand trial, the first time he went through it, his advisors told him, ‘Michael, this is not good. Pay this kid off and let’s keep moving.’ Second time he said, ‘You know what? All that did was make me look guilty like I was hiding something. So this time there won’t be any payoffs. I’m going to fight this in court. You’ll see. I’ll be innocent.’

CR: “I know for a fact he had health issues. That’s number one. Michael Jackson had other health issues that never were discussed like what is called dancer’s feet. Dancer’s feet is when your feet over years of dancing, a dancer wraps their feet to dance. You wrap them in tape and things like that. But of course because you don’t get enough oxygen skin dries up. Your skin starts to crack and splint, almost like paper cuts and Michael suffered bad with that.

What would happen is sometimes it be so bad he’d have to wrap his feet in a cast. That’s why sometimes you would see him with a cast on. The pains of that was excruciating. And yeah, was he on the painkillers for that? Yeah. I’m sure he was. I never physically seen him take a pill or a painkiller, but I’ve definitely spoken to him about it. Now whatever the autopsy shows, whatever the true factor on how this man has gone from here becomes it’s all still a result of what this business has done to him period. It’s all a result of what the business did to him.”

I had NO IDEA about "dancers' feet" ... and it's not something to be ignored.

God, Michael should have learned to complain from time to time, he never complained about anything and suffered on his own!!!

:cry: :cry: :cry:

CR: “This was years ago. I’m going to go back probably eight years ago and Michael told me, ‘Cory, I can’t tour anymore. I’m not gonna tour anymore. Ok?’ I said, ‘why Mike?’ He said, ‘Because it will kill me.’ That’s what he said to me. He said, ‘It will kill me.’ Why would you say something like that? He said, ‘Well, remember when I was preparing for my concert and I passed out at the Sony Studio?’ He said, ‘Well, it’s because when I get ready for a tour I get dehydrated. I don’t eat. I don’t drink. I don’t sleep. I put so much of myself into preparing for a tour.’

Now I feel like dying with him...

‘You know what? Half the time someone is going to think it’s an impersonator and not me anyway. Sometimes I can just jump out.”

:lol: Too cute.

‘Ok, it’s Monday. We gotta go back to work because Michael would’ve gone back to work.’”


CR: “Michael would’ve gone back to work. Like I said, he took his bumps, he took his bruises. He was one of the toughest men I ever met, and that’s the truth. He was a rugged tough guy. There was nothing timid about Michael Jackson.”

Michael was too good for this world. As a human, as a humanitarian, as an artist. The world simply didn't deserve him.

Thank you for posting this, totally broke my heart, but it was one of the best!
maybe mjjcommunity could try to get an interview with these guys so we can get even more info.
OMG thank you so much...I co-sign everything you said about MJ and the music industry...

Now I feel so guilty...I really can't look at all the This is it stuff..:no:
That interview was the best I have ever heard in a long, long time thank you from the bottom of my heart.

It is interview's like this that give me the desire to carry on when feeling so low. of the best things I have read in a while. And now I have a quote I can hit myself on the head with whenever I feel like I don`t want to face the world: Its back to work, like Michael would have done it. Not sense in self pity.
That man was STRONG! One of the reasons why I admire him so mutch, he never lost his integrity and he kept being a good man.