Two Former Sony/Epic Execs Talk About MJ: Touring, Album Support, etc.

I loved this interview. Thank you for posting. These are the people who should be interviewed by the mass media, if anyone. They hit the nail on the head on every single point, and I love their stories about Michael.
I listened to it all! Sorry I joined late but this is very essential to be on TV and the media, we should spread the word.
Amazing interview. I forwarded it all to TMZ and PerezHilton; be nice if they put something like THAT out there for people to see and not just garbage.
Audio interview with two music execs from Sony/Epic.
They talk about Michael touring, making albums, lack
of support, the allegations, the tour, etc.

It is long, but overall very positive.

Listen to it here:
Includes a transcript too. It is long about 1 hour. The interviewer is Chris Yandek.

Who is in the interview: In 1993, music executive Chris Apostle began his stint as Vice President of Special Recording Projects at Sony Music Entertainment. He would become better known as Tommy Mottola’s – the company’s topper and a music industry legend – right hand man, working with everyone from Mariah Carey to Jennifer Lopez to Marc Anthony.

For the last 20 years, Apostle has been friends with producer/songwriter Cory Rooney. In 1998, Mottola named Rooney Epic’s Vice President of A&R. VH1 has called Rooney the best kept secret in the music industry. He has written and produced for artists including Jennifer Lopez, Mary J Blige, and Destiny’s Child among others. During his time at Epic, Cory became friends with Michael Jackson.

This was an awesome interview about Michael
This is what should be on national news stories. These guys know what Michael meant to the musical industry.
who he was and even glimpsed into his heart .. You can find many such stories on private blogs and smaller
websites - This should be forwarded to ABC, NBC, CNN, BBC, Larry King etc. ect.

I would love to hear Larry King interview them becuase he asks questions and allows them to speak
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I appreciate the efforts you are all making on behalf of my interview. To keep up on all celebrity interviews I'm doing, make sure to follow me on Twitter:

I'm glad that many of you have taken something away from it. Also, feel free to bookmark

If you guys have any other questions, please let me know.

Thank you for doing the interview in the first place Chris! :)

Is there any way that you can send this interview to other media outlets so that it can be spread out beyond the internet? I feel like this interview can go a long way to help fight against all the false speculation that spreads around like wildfire. I'd rather see interviews with Chris Apostle and Corey Rooney on Larry King Live rather than have all these 'experts' weigh in on speculation. I know that the woman who interviewed LaToya Jackson got face time on LKL, maybe you can go on the show also and share your experience or something like that. Anything to get more positive news about Michael out there.
I appreciate the efforts you are all making on behalf of my interview. To keep up on all celebrity interviews I'm doing, make sure to follow me on Twitter:

I'm glad that many of you have taken something away from it. Also, feel free to bookmark

If you guys have any other questions, please let me know.

Thank you for the interview and I hope many people out there to listen to it and I hope it reaches TV’s, documentaries, etc…
Here are the links to the Youtube videos I made using this incredible interview. Please feel free to post it anywhere and pass it along because the more people that read/hear this interview, the more the truth will get out there. Thanks for being patient!

Exclusive interview with Sony/Epic Executives reveals the TRUTH about Michael Jackson

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Thanks for the youtube links. :flowers:
Brilliant interview, so refreshing to see GOOD news published about Michael, and the way they feel about the industry is definitely the way I feel, good music is rare and hard to find, you have to search should say a lot when one is only 25 yrs old yet their music collections consists of acts from the 50's-80's (that's a fact for me) I can't listen to this bubblegum music where they MIGHT catch a good beat and overlay some popcorn lyrics onto it, or every song sounds the same, I haven't bought a new or recent artists album since I can remember. I hope someday the industry finds its way back to pure music, instrumentals, live bands so that my future children can enjoy it the way I did/do...they're still going to grow up on Michael though just like me :)
Man, why don't we see THIS all over the covers of the tabloids?! THIS is the kind of thing that should be printed! Amazing interview... this Michael Jackson is the Michael Jackson I know & love - not the one the tabloids are writing about!

Bravo Chris... fantastic job!
Thank's a miracle!:kickass:Finally, someone speaking out who actually has some insight and knowledge on Michael among other things.Bless their hearts. Hope the Victory Tour can be released since Michael owns all the footage...great news. I agree with them on material that may be released in the future...hopefully it is handled with the utmost respect and attention Michael would have given it. Thanks again.
could someone please post the photo of Cory Rooney and Michael from his facebook? thank you :)
please post the Cory Rooney and Michael's photo from Cory's facebook
Thank you Chris for the interview.

Thank you Liveonboca, for posting this amazing interview.

You both will continue to be blessed for this.

This interview makes me love Michael even more, if that's even possible.

I remember when Michael said he didn't like to tour. He said it jokingly but he meant it. He put his self through so much to tour. Most couldn't do it. I would give anything if TII were never even a thought. Michael would still be here, that I am sure of. But, it is what it is.

No, Michael was not a drug addict, he was not taking these prescription drugs for enjoyment it was cause he needed them. I hear everyday normal people talking about all the painkillers and p prescription medication they take on a daily basis. Are they drug addicts to? I think not. People just refuse to give Michael any credit.

Michael lived his life a Jesus lived his (a close as any Man can possibly do) an in turn he was treated as Jesus was, crucified. Just as we all are broken hearted over the way Jesus was treated we are also broken hearted of the way Michael was treated. God sent us an Angel, a gift for the entire world, and that gift was destroyed by devil (his greed and desire to take any and everything that God has created. I rebut the devil he is a lie) he will not prevail for God is all-powerful and he will take back all that is his.

Music is nothing like it was back in the day, all of these on hit wonders have no true respect for the true spirit of music. It's all about the all mighty dollar!.

My goodness "Peanut butter Jelly time", "Crank that Bat Man", "She got a dunk". I could go on an on about the ridiculous music that is out there now, that our Children are listening to. Is this, what music is about now? It's really sad.

Michael is an amazing human being. He is the best of the best. His heart is bigger than life. He has transformed me. I need to do something to make this world a better place. I don't have much, but damn there are people who have NOTHING!!!. This world is so ugly and evil; I have to do something to make it a better, even if my efforts art minuet it is better than doing nothing.

I have always seen the world for what it was, but never really analyzed it. As much as a hate to admit it, it has taken Michael death for me to comprehend how truly ugly this world is. It disgust me how a person so full of God could be treated so horribly, but is not just how Michael was treated it's everything. The way I will combat this ugliness is to give, give, and give more. I will make this world a better place. If I have to do it one person at a time, I will make this world a better place. I can no longer live on this earth in the condition that it is in. So until God calls me home I will do everything in my power to make it bearable. When someone does something evil, I will do something kind. This is how I will live my life from this day forward. Thank you Michael for you Inspiration.

God please forgive me for not seeing this sooner and thank you for blessing my life with Michael, someone I can model my life after his is one of my main inspirations. I will live my life as Jesus did and follow in Michael footsteps. If anyone thanks it's impossible to live as Jesus did, look at Michael's life and it’s a prime example of how it is done.

Thank you Michael and I will love you forever. :heart:
I haven't read it yet, but you guys so got me excited!

Thank you so much for posting, can't wait to read it! :)