Two Former Sony/Epic Execs Talk About MJ: Touring, Album Support, etc.

Great read..:)sounds like they read my mind before saying all those things.But it's really true I have always felt it,where were all these so called celebrities when Mike was facing biggest trial of his life.Nobody stood by him in his corner and said Hey Mike we're with you..And now they are mourning for him but I doubt their mourning will last too long.So soon they will forget and move on to shine their own asses.:(

:scratch:And what was that Brazil concert about???From Dangerous Tour???
Thanks for sharing it! I read top to bottom.
It's so true.
all them hypocrites :rolleyes:
poor michael, he had to suffer so much....
Hi everyone! How are you all? I'm the interviewer of this 1 hour piece from my outlet that many of you have been so nice with your words about. I am beyond thrilled that many of you have enjoyed this piece of reporting. I am an on the record interview journalist that appreciates any reader/listener of my work. I hope many of you will look around my outlet and find other celebrity interviews I've done that also touch you.

If you have any questions, feel free to let me know.


Chris thank you for this wonderful interview. It was very real and passionate, as you allowed them to just "go there" with it all. It was a long interview, but I wanted to hear more...

So, where did you find these guys? I read about Rooney and the rumors of a reality show with Michael back in 2005, as well as his album work with them. They were quite a team.
Thanks Chris for a great interview. If you have any more let us know. I hope that other musicians/producers in the industry speak out more about Michael in this way. We have heard some tibbits over the years but they are nice to hear about in more detail. Escpecially now as Corey and Chris said with all the nonsense going on in the media which isn't surprising, that his legacy and who the man is not lost. And like Corey and Chris I do also worry about how Michael's music, concerts, footage etc will be handled in the future. I hope it will be done properly and professionally like Michael would do. That they honour the man. I am confident there are those who feel the same way but also sure there are others who care more about how much they are making. That everything is not just thrown out, that it is mixed and worked on carefully. Classy. He deserves that respect.
why Michael? I thought you were up to the concerts and have changed your mind but I don't think so anymore...:(
These concert shouldn't had been announced. I wouldn't mind if he never performed again and just kept releasing music. But I really thought he wanted to do this.
I was getting so worried that he wasn't releasing anything since trial. So I was incredibly relieved when he announced TII. I thought he was back.

So many people think the bit about touring from PHM is funny but when I heard that he goes through hell touring, I was shocked. I always thought he LOVED it and hearing that out of his wiped the smile off my face for a few seconds.

Well, he wasn't quoting Michael from 2008 or 2009. Keep that in mind.
Thanks Chris for a great interview. If you have any more let us know. I hope that other musicians/producers in the industry speak out more about Michael in this way. We have heard some tibbits over the years but they are nice to hear about in more detail. Escpecially now as Corey and Chris said with all the nonsense going on in the media which isn't surprising, that his legacy and who the man is not lost. And like Corey and Chris I do also worry about how Michael's music, concerts, footage etc will be handled in the future. I hope it will be done properly and professionally like Michael would do. That they honour the man. I am confident there are those who feel the same way but also sure there are others who care more about how much they are making. That everything is not just thrown out, that it is mixed and worked on carefully. Classy. He deserves that respect.

This was a great interview. I loved the way they put the industry on blast about how much support they really gave to Michael; they were right on about how some stars had no problem standing behind a convicted murderer but some of those same would not do so for Michael.


But, this really showed the power of his skill as a musician. Despite all the accolades, this is still so undervalued in Michael. Hopefully, history will correct that.
I want this:

CORY SAYS: “The one thing that I’m looking forward to coming out is Michael had been sitting on all of the footage of the Victory tour because he owns all of the footage of the Victory tour. I used to beg him all the time please. As a matter of fact, I do have a DVD unedited. It’s the straight footage for you.” CR: “It’s amazing. The guy did not lip synch. His voice sounded so amazing. It’s ridiculous. He did all the dancing. He did all the stuff like that. It’s just that he conditioned himself to be able to do that.”

He never leaves the stage. When Michael was leaving the stage it was for one minute to change his clothes and it was a real one minute. It wasn’t the ten minutes. It was the 12 beauty police in there. He was back on.

Wow, that would be great stuff! There are a couple of videos from the "Victory Tour" on YouTube, but unfortunately all very poor quality. I also wish they'd release a "Bad Tour" DVD.
What a great article!!!Thank you for sharing it.
What a great interview thanks for posting.
I wish they could put this on every dam newspaper front page in the world!
It made me cry too.The part mentioned about the tour made me feel a little guilty as it was us who bought the tickets and it was his fans he didn't want to let down.Now I feel maybe we all contributed to his death.
I don't know what to think right now.Part of me wishes he never mentioned about touring but then maybe he felt there was no other way to get his debts paid.
Oh Michael why did it all have to go so horribly wrong for you.
I too see Michael as a Christ figure I totally agree with that statement in the interview I have often said it in these last few weeks.Not that he was Christ don't get me wrong,but the tragic stories of the two they were both so misunderstood.All they wanted to do was heal and help people.

I totally understand what they meant when they said Michael was like a Christ figure. I've been saying this for the longest. Not saying that he was Jesus or the Christ but their stories on earth are so very similar.
This inteview was pure gold. Amazing. This has shed so much insight to what went on with michael. They were so right with the whole murderer getting more support then michael. Michae, and I will always believe this, that he was better then 99% of the ppl on earth. There aren't many whose heart was SUCH as giving and caring and kind as michael's. I would have loved to have hung out with him and let him chat away.

I had no clue to the severity of what touring did to michael (I had a vip ticket:doh:). I remember him saying it on PHM but I didn't know who deep it went and didn't take it all that serious to be honest:ph34r:. I thought he just hated it and preferred not to do it but could...but know I see why:cry:. And dancers feet, lord jesus, the man had complications on top of complications. Michael probably thought if he could just pace himself he could make it though the 10 shows. Here 50 the next morning probably devastated him.

The whole thing about michael not eating, IV in his arms, to pain killers I have a much clearer view on things. Man michael wasn't at all what he's being made out to be :doh:. TII killed him, dear lord! HE KNEW his limits but was hoping to beat the odds because he was pushed and felt like he had to do it. This is so sad. Just so heart breaking that a man so great and kind had to go through so much. As many times that michael was done wrong he always was still eagered to trust yet again. wow! Amazing man. It don't get NOOO better then michael jackson. Even if michael had no talent his good heart was enough for me.
Great interview.
OMG! I personally know Chris Yandek,the guy who interviewed them.He lives in Florida here a few hours away from me started out interviewing people in the wrestling industry.I haven't talked to him in a little while I'm gonna ask him about the interview now.
This interview was awesome. Loved it. And the part about Michael being so consumed by the creative process when he's setting up to tour that he can't be bothered to eat or drink was also interesting. It reminded me of some of the things said by others during the TII preparations...that Michael was bursting with creativity like they'd never seen before. It also reminded me of something from Katherine Jackson's book about how MJ hated to tour becuz they made him eat more than he was used to. Might explain a lot as to how his weight became a concern for some as the show dates drew closer. Not sure how this issue was resolved in the past but whatever was done back then may have been useful for TII to keep his weight up.

Overall, I'd give that interview a 10. Heartfelt and respectful.

Thanks for posting. :flowers:
This is a fantastic interview and a very, very important interview that should be shared with everyone. Thank you for posting it.

I uploaded the audio interview on youtube and will post the links tomorrow since it's very late right now. I've still to write the descriptions for the videos. Any suggestions for a title that would make someone click on the video?
This is a fantastic interview and a very, very important interview that should be shared with everyone. Thank you for posting it.

I uploaded the audio interview on youtube and will post the links tomorrow since it's very late right now. I've still to write the descriptions for the videos. Any suggestions for a title that would make someone click on the video?

Please post links when you are done. Thank you!
Beautiful interview!! Beautiful! And you know what is the most beautiful about it? It is that MJ himself has been heard, on several occassions, saying these very things. Fans here should stop with their speculation and reflect on MJ's past and words.

Yes, MJ was very private, but there are certain things that were consistently revealed by him through actions and words.

No, he wasn't anorexic, but it is obvious that when he tours he drops weight like crazy. I've seen it throughout his history of touring. He himself said he loses like 10 pds/performance. Yes he said that!! So add that to the fact that he wasn't eating 3 course meals 3 times per day and it makes sense he was skinny.

It supports his IVF status etc. and the reason he collapsed for dehydration. It is the reason why for years he was on hiatus from performing because we know (unfortunately) that he wasn't going to be content to just stand on a stage and sing. No way! He wanted to dance, and dance and jump and dance and

I know some people eat when they are stressed, but when I get stressed, driven and have to do many things, food is an afterthought (to be had when I find the time.) If I never lived my mom who cooked, I would be .....I can't even think about that right now. My mom has cried over me. And I love Go figure.

Sorry to go on this rant.

These guys giving the interviews, are they not afraid of getting in trouble with SONY??

I so agree.. if people paid attention to what Michael was saying... it revealed alot about who he is...

there are sooooooooo many times that we truly did not listen...
Chris and Corey, thank you for this wonderful insight!
Like it has already been said, Michael gave us clues when he was alive, but we did not pay attention.
I think it is time to put the speculations to rest and wait for the toxicology reports. If Michael was on painkillers, it was legitimate because it was often in pain. He was NOT A DRUG ADDICT.
Here are the links to the Youtube videos I made using this incredible interview. Please feel free to post it anywhere and pass it along because the more people that read/hear this interview, the more the truth will get out there. Thanks for being patient!

Exclusive interview with Sony/Epic Executives reveals the TRUTH about Michael Jackson

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6
Here are the links to the Youtube videos I made using this incredible interview. Please feel free to post it anywhere and pass it along because the more people that read/hear this interview, the more the truth will get out there. Thanks for being patient!

Exclusive interview with Sony/Epic Executives reveals the TRUTH about Michael Jackson

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Nice work on these. Thank you so much!

A suggestion: Please put the part numbers first if possible. YouTube cuts them off so don't know the order.
Here are the links to the Youtube videos I made using this incredible interview. Please feel free to post it anywhere and pass it along because the more people that read/hear this interview, the more the truth will get out there. Thanks for being patient!

Exclusive interview with Sony/Epic Executives reveals the TRUTH about Michael Jackson

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Thank you I just listened to the first part :eek:

This is essential