TV Alert: Rebbie Jackson on the Today Show 4/22/10 (Threads Merged)

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The medicine in his system was put into an IV and shot into his veins by Conrad Murray. Janet Jackson herself said she had no idea Michael was using Propofol you know the drug that killed him? Michael took drugs prescribed to him by a doctor so do I so does my Mother so does my sister so does my brother so does my aunts so does billions of people are we all addicts? If want to go there a member of Michael's family was getting pills for themselves written under an assume name and the doctor got into trouble is that Jackson addict? Michael had a problem he took care of it give the man some credit
the condition of his system does not denote addiction. those medications being in his body at that time, without wear on his system indicate a one time dosage...not an addiction. plus the family never specified any medication..until we all saw the autopsy report. i can do that. anyone can do that. that doesn't prove addiction. you are supporting his family saying he was ADDICTED. that's not love. it really tires me that people can say anything they want about Michael, including unproven negative stuff, and then say that they love him.
No matter how many times you write this,they won't listen,they don't care...this is not misinformation this is clearly a dangerous path.There are 100 pages of coroner reports and analysis,and I find it kinda strange to still have ppl not informed on this.It has been explained hundreds of times.
Mark Lester... One with his hand out and if there is a DNA test it will only prove That Michael is the father. I do not believe in the Sperm donation thing. Michael wanted Kids i think he would use his own juice. Lester just wants what everyone wants from Michael, "Money" and hes going to do everything he can to get it.

The whole Drug Addict thing... I do not see either and i don't have to look at an autopsy report to see it. I personally think Michael was forced or drugged. I don't believe everything i read or see when it comes to Michael some fans need to do the same.

As for Randy, Michael's so-called Brother. I think he has been jealous of Michael for a long ass time. I think he is just trying to get whats not his. Michael did right by not letting his kids go anywhere near that family while he was alive. now i worry about them because they are surrounded by liars and cheats. Doing anything they can to get their greedy little paws on whats rightfully Michael's and his kids.

I think all the Jackson's need to watch their P's and Q's but they wont. What they say only makes them look like the ass and makes me feel worse for Michael for having a family that honestly and truthfully didn't care about their own. Joe trying to push a record company during a press conference about his sons death was the cherry on the egotistical sundae.

No doubt Rebbie talked about Michael as if he were some worthless drug addicted person on this mornings show. It wouldn't surprise me in the least. The Jackson's will do anything for attention and money. Janet is the one who surprised me the most. Telling everyone how much she loved and cared for her brother then spoke trash. The last time she saw him was the day before her birthday. So before then she didn't visit with him. Michael had reason not to go around his family, Now we know why.

I'm sorry for my little rant and if you don't agree with it that's perfectly fine but i had to get it off my chest.

I totally agree with you. I wonder where does Tmz get their info???mmmm I really dislike what some of the siblings are doing, but KARMA will rise aginst those who do wrong.
And that taser incident...:no: uncalled for.
This is everyone's last warning. This thread has been cleaned enough times and I have just had to clean it again. Everyone has been warned enough times. Do not criticise each other and resort to name calling. There is far too much happening in this thread. And do not discuss the DNA of the children. They are Michael's children. End of. No more is to be said on the matter.
I dunno I guess it depends what they mean by drug addicition different people define it differently.(I know I do) Anyways I have no real opinion on this I'm more or less neutral since personally I feel that they would know him better then me, a fan.
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This is everyone's last warning. This thread has been cleaned enough times and I have just had to clean it again. Everyone has been warned enough times. Do not criticise each other and resort to name calling. There is far too much happening in this thread. And do not discuss the DNA of the children. They are Michael's children. End of. No more is to be said on the matter.

may i ask a question, because i think i asked it before, and i don't think it has been addressed, when i asked it in the proper feedback forums and private messaging..

this subject matter is a minefield. it invites trolls, haters disguised as lovers of Michael. it pits people who support the Jackson family against those who support Michael. and it's just asking for you moderators to come in and have a back and forth with the fans. i feel we are being faulted for what is obviously an explosive situation that we didn't create. the media has decided to interview the Jackson family, and they have decided to answer the media in an explosive way, with the backdrop of an autopsy report, that doesn't support drug addiction. it's a subject matter that we, the fans, didn't create. and it's so easy for us to end up being the bad guys in the situation, when all we are trying to do, is defend Michael Jackson. and the idea of 'just ignore it' isn't fair, because the headlines blare out at us, when we are on the forum. so, why are we faced with such an explosively tempting subject matter? this subject matter has made Michael and those who defend him, an easy target, though there is no proof to convict Michael of drug addiction. we are pitted against the fact that those who say he's an addict, have the same last name as he does. and that makes it an unfair fight, not in our favor, though being a family member has nothing to do with proof of one's drug addiction or lack thereof. history has screamed again and again, that having the same blood as someone doesn't guarantee that they know each other. but people don't seem to get that.
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I understand your concerns and yes you are right this is a very difficult subject matter. This is a Michael Jackson fan community and that is who each and every one of us is hear to love, support, and defend. The staff are going to have to get together to discuss what course of action needs to be taken when it comes to family members referencing incorrect drug addict claims like as you said which the autopsy does not support. This is why we have been deleting posts with claims that Michael is a drug addict as it is simply not true. We are here to defend Michael and we are not here to silence anyone but all we ask is that everyone is respected. Its not what you say but how you say it. Disagreeing with someone is fine but also calling them stupid at the same time for example is not fine.

I understand that everyone feels they are being pitted against members of the Jackson family and how exhausting it is to have to defend Michael against his own family about incorrect claims. Again it is something that is going to have to be discussed.

Each and everyone here is entitled to their opinion and its the name calling that is causing so much trouble. Also the DNA of the kids is being discussed which is a no no. No one is the bad guy here but all we ask is for everyone to respect each other. The trouble is we can't say any threads where family members are claiming Michael is a drug addict cannot be allowed as it's silencing. Again its something we need to discuss but in the meantime we all need to respect each other.
Michael wasn't always isolated. Katherine visited all the time for birthdays and other celebrations he had for the kids. That's why the kids were so attached to her at the memorial and buriel memorial. Michael always stayed in touch with Katherine. I don't know about the other family member's though.
LaToya lived like 5 or 10 minutes away from Michael's home in Homlby Hills.
Like I was saying previously, Michael saw who he wanted to see, when he wanted to see them. Just like all of us do. LOL!

I think that "Ed Hardy" guy was a frequent visitor, as was that Vogue stylist, I can't remember her name, something-Bergman. The OPUS folks were also in and out of Michael's home in the last couple months.

I think just like everybody else, whether it be family, friends, or business associates, sometimes you feel like being bothered, and some times you DON'T feel like being bothered. LOL! I know that's how I am at times.
When a person truly loves you, they see your faults and your mistakes, they recognize them and they give you words of encouragement to work through them. They don't ignore them and pretend the problem is not there in order to maintain a fictitious and unrealistic view of you as some sort of diety. MJ was a human - he was not a saint, a god or anything more than just a sensitive human. He had a dark side like all of us do, but even in death people who claim to love him blind themselves to who he really was to justify their inStanity.
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Yet still the FAMILY stands together & happy despite what the STANS say

I thought this was about Rebbie appearance on the Today Show?? Nice interview really nothing said . I just see the family wanting to combine them PP&B into the family now. When Rebbie and Janet says They are all fine. Before Michael death they knew nothing about them they did not even believe they were their neice and nephews.
I thought this was about Rebbie appearance on the Today Show?? Nice interview really nothing said . I just see the family wanting to combine them PP&B into the family now. When Rebbie and Janet says They are all fine. Before Michael death they knew nothing about them they did not even believe they were their neice and nephews.

Some still don't.:no:
The amount of nonsense in this thread is impressive.

No offense.
It is sad that the Jackson family and the Michael Jackson Estate Can't Work
together as One.
The root of all evil: "The Love of Money" keeps them apart.

I understand your concerns and yes you are right this is a very difficult subject matter. This is a Michael Jackson fan community and that is who each and every one of us is hear to love, support, and defend. The staff are going to have to get together to discuss what course of action needs to be taken when it comes to family members referencing incorrect drug addict claims like as you said which the autopsy does not support. This is why we have been deleting posts with claims that Michael is a drug addict as it is simply not true. We are here to defend Michael and we are not here to silence anyone but all we ask is that everyone is respected. Its not what you say but how you say it. Disagreeing with someone is fine but also calling them stupid at the same time for example is not fine.

I understand that everyone feels they are being pitted against members of the Jackson family and how exhausting it is to have to defend Michael against his own family about incorrect claims. Again it is something that is going to have to be discussed.

Each and everyone here is entitled to their opinion and its the name calling that is causing so much trouble. Also the DNA of the kids is being discussed which is a no no. No one is the bad guy here but all we ask is for everyone to respect each other. The trouble is we can't say any threads where family members are claiming Michael is a drug addict cannot be allowed as it's silencing. Again its something we need to discuss but in the meantime we all need to respect each other.

again, with all respect to are confusing me. from what i read there, you are establishing that people cannot say that Michael was a drug addict, and, then, you are saying that people are allowed to say that he was a drug addict, at the same time.

there have been moderators that have come on here, who said they had to hold their tongue, because of the arguments against the autopsy report, which, you are saying, should be the final word, and not be the final word at the same time..

i couldn't sleep some of the night, because i was tempted to think i'm crazy, because of all this.

but i don't understand your logic.

it's as if we are being set up to get in trouble over more and more controversial topics. this is not a difficult topic. this is an impossible topic. and now, i see moderators arguing that he MIGHT be a drug addict. or..those that are former moderators.


i'm sorry, but i feel like Michael Jackson's personality is being taken advantage of. he's the silent one, so, let's push the envelope as far as we can push it, whereas, if he was more like the rest of the family, he'd get more respect...

nobody can argue this topic without getting in trouble. nobody. we are being asked to be supermen and superwomen in a time of great grief.

we are being asked to be respectful on a topic that is borne of disrespect, itself.

it's like trying to solve an impossible math equation.

you said that there cannot be silencing, yet you said there can be silencing on the DNA issue. i don't want to discuss the DNA issue either..but, i get the impression that there can be silencing, and not be silencing at the same time, depending on the subject.

yet these are both volatile subjects.

i was under the impression that Gaz wanted a positive atmosphere and peace on the board. i just wish he would address this issue, but i have been unable to reach him.

there is no way to have peace, on this issue. members are being pitted against each other, and emotions are bound to explode. and there are only 2 opinions that can be expressed. accept the autopsy report, or don't accept it.

again, according to your last post, arguing against the report is both allowed and not allowed at the same time..

please address this, because while we're waiting for this to be resolved, people are going at each other, and it's not their fault. there is no way for this to go, accept for the non peaceful way it's going now. that's why you keep coming back here and deleting posts..

i'm really at a loss for how this all is going...
Re: TV Alert: Rebbie Jackson on the Today Show 4/22/10

while your so angry are you forgetting there were drugs that killed him? maybe not narcotics but whatever propofol is , it is a drug and it killed him, and are you denying the fact that they did do intervention's, if so prove that they didnt. otherwise dont be so angry at folks who dont want to bash michaels entire family.

are you paying attention to the autopsy report about his body? there is no sign of addiction. millions of people take prescribed medication. but only a worn body is an indication of addiction. why do you not respect the report? why are you disrespectful of the one family member, Michael?
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