TV Alert: Rebbie Jackson on the Today Show 4/22/10 (Threads Merged)

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Also if he is after the money, why was he the only brother who didn't participate in that Jackson Family Reality Show not so long ago?

I'll let somebody else fill you in on some of Randy's misdeeds.

For now I just wanted to say, the payment that the brothers received from their appearance on their reality show is "chump" change, compared to the money that is being generated by Michael's estate. Whatever money they earned from that show is "probably" already gone, but the estate has just begun to show it's earning power.
All of this talk about Michaels family knowing him so well has got me thinking about my own 2 brothers. They both live out of state with their wives and children. I see them at Thanksgiving and Christmas and maybe a couple of times during the summer. I rarely talk to them but maybe once or twice a month they text me. I know they love me and would be on the next plane if I needed them but I realize I really don't know them. If you asked me what makes them really happy or sad I couldn't tell you for sure. We have gotten so busy just trying to survive our own individual lives that we have really lost touch with each other. :(
The point I am trying to make is maybe the same thing happened with Michael and his family. Maybe they didn't know him as wll as we think. And maybe I am wrong!
I am going to call both of my brothers tonight!!
I love you more Michael:wub:
All of this talk about Michaels family knowing him so well has got me thinking about my own 2 brothers. They both live out of state with their wives and children. I see them at Thanksgiving and Christmas and maybe a couple of times during the summer. I rarely talk to them but maybe once or twice a month they text me. I know they love me and would be on the next plane if I needed them but I realize I really don't know them. If you asked me what makes them really happy or sad I couldn't tell you for sure. We have gotten so busy just trying to survive our own individual lives that we have really lost touch with each other. :(
The point I am trying to make is maybe the same thing happened with Michael and his family. Maybe they didn't know him as wll as we think. And maybe I am wrong!
I am going to call both of my brothers tonight!!
I love you more Michael:wub:

MJ spent Xmas, Thanksgiving & Easter with Elizabeth Taylor and other friends.

MJ saw his siblings when he attended a family celebration (which he often skipped altogether) or when they tried breaking into the gates at his house
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Michael was alone when he died. You all think that this isolation that he put himself in was so good. It was no good. But in a twist of fate, Michael's KIDS are being raised in the warmth of family. I know all of you in here think that by being nasty to the Jacksons you are helping Michael. That is a sad notion, when Michael needed help, there was no one around. Isolation is NEVER a good thing.
I'll let somebody else fill you in on some of Randy's misdeeds.

For now I just wanted to say, the payment that the brothers received from their appearance on their reality show is "chump" change, compared to the money that is being generated by Michael's estate. Whatever money they earned from that show is "probably" already gone, but the estate has just begun to show it's earning power.

I really don't see the use of repeating Randall's backroom dealings. I think that question has been asked and answered plenty of times before.
Reports about that deposition MJ made back in 2007 accusing Randy & his phycical of trying to cause him harm (both physically & financially) because he wouldn't sell the ATV/ Sony catalogue during the 2005 trial is only the tip of the iceberg.

To the person who asked the question, no need to take others' words for it. Start digging....
Michael was alone when he died. You all think that this isolation that he put himself in was so good. It was no good. But in a twist of fate, Michael's KIDS are being raised in the warmth of family. I know all of you in here think that by being nasty to the Jacksons you are helping Michael. That is a sad notion, when Michael needed help, there was no one around. Isolation is NEVER a good thing.

Michael was NOT alone when he died. He had his THREE CHILDREN with him. He was rehearsing for his shows and meeting with all sorts of folks, you making him sound like Howard Huges, locked up in a small room with no windows. LOL!

You call it isolation. I call it not wanting to be bothered with "certain" folks.
Michael was NOT alone when he died. He had his THREE CHILDREN with him. He was rehearsing for his shows and meeting with all sorts of folks, you making him sound like Howard Huges, locked up in a small room with no windows. LOL!

You call it isolation. I call it not wanting to be bothered with "certain" folks.

Exactly, I mean come on!
Michael was NOT alone when he died. He had his THREE CHILDREN with him. He was rehearsing for his shows and meeting with all sorts of folks, you making him sound like Howard Huges, locked up in a small room with no windows. LOL!

You call it isolation. I call it not wanting to be bothered with "certain" folks.
Exactly, Michael was back on tracks setting a new world record were where they ans what exactly where they doing? Michael didn't die as this tragic figure all alone by himself. He had the people he lived for with him, he did what he loved doing. He showed ignorant ur fellow ignorant folks that he was here capable and able to sell out in no time. He died proving he was THE KING and everyone else was beneath him.
This is getting ugly. Cut it out now! You can debate something without resorting to insults surely. It ends here, please.
As I said, stop it. Some of those comments were just plain low. Get a grip on it please.
Alright, reopened.

Please remember, no personal attacks. There is absolutely no need, discuss things by all means but there's no need to give attitude to each other about it.

Back on topic, the Rebbie interview. There will be no more warnings after this, the thread will just be closed which is a shame.
Why did they have mark lester there? to me that was unnecessary. It's not like he revealed anything new anyways. Rebbie looks in good spirits, good for her and I'm glad to hear the family especially the kids are doing well.
Why did they have mark lester there? to me that was unnecessary. It's not like he revealed anything new anyways. Rebbie looks in good spirits, good for her and I'm glad to hear the family especially the kids are doing well.

For the same reason that they showed more than once images of the body being removed from the helicopter. Because these people are a bunch of bastards.
Why did they have mark lester there? to me that was unnecessary. It's not like he revealed anything new anyways.
Those media fools just had to "spice" that segment up. They probably figured that what Rebbie was about to say wouldn't be "juicy" enough. They ALL get on my last nerve!

I wonder if Rebbie even knew in ADVANCE that Mark Lester would also be taking part in the segment.
AGREE these fans think they knew mj better than his own family knew him. When the family speak of things they do not want to hear they bash them.

i agree with this post, we may have known alot thru idol gossip and inuendo but these ppl knew him a little more than us who are only watching this play out from the sidelines, although we may not like what they say or that they are pluging in something or another we cannot say we know him better than they. what i do believe is they didnt spend alot of time with him in the sunset years of his life but that doesnt mean they may not know something we dont know. family sometime know your habits , you dislike and your likes behind the curtain more than wellwishers and ppl who are not in the inner circle.

i would love to hear what the bodyguards put in their book, i bet they know the most about him. more than us or family. any way i'll go back to minding my own business. (hehe)
Re: TV Alert: Rebbie Jackson on the Today Show 4/22/10

another uninformed meshing of blood and knowledge. Julius Ceasar was killed by his brother. you think blood automatically equals support, and knowledge? Cane killed his brother Abel. there are plenty of families who don't know each other, so this is a wild assumption on your part. and uhm..this is a Michael board. what? it's weird that you would find fans on here that would support the subject of this forum?

and, you know what? we have something you don't, to support us...we have the autopsy report. you keep forgetting that. so, apparently, the family doesn't know him like you think they do. and..the autopsy doesn't magically erase years of abuse, even if he was suddenly clean, for a time. so..obviously, he wasn't abusive of drugs. the only one who KNOWS Michael, is the autopsy report.
while your so angry are you forgetting there were drugs that killed him? maybe not narcotics but whatever propofol is , it is a drug and it killed him, and are you denying the fact that they did do intervention's, if so prove that they didnt. otherwise dont be so angry at folks who dont want to bash michaels entire family.
This obsession with Paris is worrisome. Lester is way to interested in her. To come up with this bs story anda to ahavchildren on facebook trashing Mrs Jackson. Lester and his kids are a bunch of turds
For the same reason that they showed more than once images of the body being removed from the helicopter. Because these people are a bunch of bastards.
I hate that image, as if it isn't ingrained in our memory as it is.
Those media fools just had to "spice" that segment up. They probably figured that what Rebbie was about to say wouldn't be "juicy" enough. They ALL get on my last nerve!

I wonder if Rebbie even knew in ADVANCE that Mark Lester would also be taking part in the segment.
I think it's disrespectful to have lester and them michael's sister in the same segment, to show images of michael to his famiy members when they're still grieving and to use the word died(it's a bit touchy) passed sounds more suitable.
Not sure if the youtube links were posted so here they are.


I too wondered why Matt Lauer didn't ask Rebbie about the Mark Lester piece when it had just played right before the interview started. Or why she didn't acknowledge it or react to it. Odd.

I always wondered how that works, not just Rebbie, I'm talking about any guest.

While you're waiting to be interviewed, and they promo a piece in advance of your interview, do you watch the promo piece on a screen in front of you or are you just sitting off to the side and know nothing about the promo piece?

I'm just trying to believe that "maybe" Rebbie didn't even hear what Lester said, because I just don't think I would have been able to sit there with a straight face after hearing him talk about my niece (and nephews).

Yeah, maybe she couldn't see or hear the piece.
Re: TV Alert: Rebbie Jackson on the Today Show 4/22/10

Don't call what someone else said "stupid". It's not necessary.

Also, don't you think MJ showed everyone only what he wanted them to see, family included. They were not around him very often and rarely saw him. Don't you think when they did see him, it was whomever he chose to portray?

Also, we can choose science over an opinion in this case. Stacey has already warned the thread about making claims MJ was drug addicted when he died. Let's adhere to this here. Thanks!

If anyone has disagreements they would like to discuss further, please PM one another.

i just wanted to post a blog i saw on another website where they prove that mj was not exactly addicted to anything cuz the toxocology report showed no damage to any vital organs , no live damage which would be apparent in an individual with longterm drug abuse. here is the link . i hope it helps:bugeyed
Re: TV Alert: Rebbie Jackson on the Today Show 4/22/10

well ok I read your whole post...and all I can say to it is...If you have read the autopsy report...which I have..several times....NOWHERE in there does it back up the "DRUG ADDICT" with that being said....that theory is NULL AND VOID.
That's All!!

Excellent response. As Michael would say, "God bless you." Thank god many of us read that report and was able to analyze it with others. It certainly prevents us from believing erroneous information about Michael.
Well I tell you what you take two ibuprofen everyday for two weeks and go get your liver tested and see how it is doing. Get over it he was not a drug addict. I don't know why you feel the need to keep going on and on about it when it is clear you are wrong. I swear Michael had to be the only drug addict to have pills left over from 08 pills left over he got months ago. Stop being so naive about addiction. Because for someone like me who has delt with addiction it is an insult
Michael was alone when he died. You all think that this isolation that he put himself in was so good. It was no good. But in a twist of fate, Michael's KIDS are being raised in the warmth of family. I know all of you in here think that by being nasty to the Jacksons you are helping Michael. That is a sad notion, when Michael needed help, there was no one around. Isolation is NEVER a good thing.

Michael wasn't always isolated. Katherine visited all the time for birthdays and other celebrations he had for the kids. That's why the kids were so attached to her at the memorial and buriel memorial. Michael always stayed in touch with Katherine. I don't know about the other family member's though.

Rebbie looks so much like Katherine. She seems very warm and kind in her interviews.
All this talking just make me miss Michael even more.
All this is so pointless. Why going to TV to talk about how 3 little children are coping with their father passing? Of course they suffered, of course it is difficult, of course you don't know what to do, of course we all face this in different ways. Why do people want to know how these kids deal with this?

I really give up trying to understand this family.
I will just try to watch and keep my mouth close.
Whatever happens, it's all pointless.

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