TV Alert: Rebbie Jackson on the Today Show 4/22/10 (Threads Merged)

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Re: TV Alert: Rebbie Jackson on the Today Show 4/22/10

I would have to agree with you when it comes to Randy.

In MY opinion, he is truly upset that Michael did not appoint him an executor of the will. Homeboy wants to be in charge and if the estate continues to make those HUGE deals, I'm afraid Randy's head is going to explode, because he is not able to get his hands on any of that money.

The quest for money does UGLY things to "some" folks and I'm afraid, at times, that's what we are seeing in this case.

Last Tuesday, when the Cirque Du Soleil deal was announced, Randy was teh first person I thought of.


I know he is mad everytime a new venture is announced. I should feel bad for him for wanting something that he will never have so badly...but I don't.

He seems to have ran out of options...aside from stroking some fans' fury against the estate. He is trying a 2001 MJ vs Sony game plan...get the fans to support him in his war against the estate.

Let's see if some are smart enough to see through his game...because in this battle, the bad guys have clearly identified themselves.
I just realized that all the info Lester has about the kids currently is stuff we all know. He could have gotten it all off the internet about the kids taking karate, going to the movies. He's still just using them to get more airtime and resurrect his dead career. I'd like to think Rebbie just would not give him a minute of her time.
I just realized that all the info Lester has about the kids currently is stuff we all know. He could have gotten it all off the internet about the kids taking karate, going to the movies. He's still just using them to get more airtime and resurrect his dead career. I'd like to think Rebbie just would not give him a minute of her time.
Lester is in touch with Randy he said so himself months ago.

Posted on Sep 24, 2009 @ 02:54PM - 4 comments
Mark Lester, the British godfather of Michael Jackson kids, got caught in the middle of a media firestorm after he told a British newspaper that he had donated sperm to the superstar and that he believed that Paris Jackson was his daughter. The Jackson family lawyer Londell McMillan reacted angrily to the reports, claiming they had no legal standing.
Click here to view the legal documents
Lester spoke to exclusively to clear the air and confirms he is still close with the family.
His original shocking claims

“Look, I’m not pushing for any DNA tests. The family has been under enough pressure since Michael died and I just want things to settle down,” he said. “Contrary to reports I was invited to his funeral recently but I couldn’t go for business reasons and hopefully I will be able to fly over at Christmas time and pay my respects privately.”

In fact, he speaks regularly to at least one Jackson family member: I’m still in touch with Randy Jackson who I have known for a very long time and we both respect one another. To suggest that there is a rift between myself and the Jackson family is just not true.”

Godfather breaks Silence About Jackson's Kids

Lester claims that his comments to the newspaper were “spun a lot.” “It’s true that I donated sperm to Michael but he was those kids father and anything else biologically is immaterial really,” he added.

The birth mother of the two eldest children is former nurse Debbie Rowe, and the youngest, who is known as "Blanket", was conceived by a surrogate whose identity has not yet been revealed.

“The last time I spoke with the family I was told that Michael’s kids were doing really well and that is the most important thing to me,” Lester said. “They are really lovely children and I hope that I can play a part in their lives in the future and they can get to know my own kids too.”
Re: TV Alert: Rebbie Jackson on the Today Show 4/22/10

I believe Mark Lester is only doing Randy Jackson's dirty work.


I truly think Randall Stevens Jackson is the most vile & dangerous person in these kids' life.

He wants to discredit their relationship with their father. Even if he was to succeed, he would still not get to the money.

I believe in Karma.

ETA No, Justhefacts, I agree it does not say that he is in the kids' life. but from him talking about Paris' birthday...karate class, you get the idea that someone in the family is keeping him abreast.
I Think mark lester has is on agenda and it has nothing to do with randy or rebbie, like a have observed some fans on here are just ready to bash the jackson family even when they have nothing to do with what mark lester have to say or what he do, I just dont get some of you. in no way at all would it help randy and it cant bring him any money if mark lester say paris is his, it could only help mark lester if he wanted an dna test the only person that will benefit is mark lester.
More medialoid rubbish.

What in the world is that Lester rehashed story had to do with Rebbie promoting her concert?

Crappy media just can't help pushing their agenda of doubt when it comes to Michael.
Re: TV Alert: Rebbie Jackson on the Today Show 4/22/10

I want to say one thing about the whole drug thing..Read my whole post please before responding to me.

Ok, I'm not saying Michael was drug addict, but IF he was, why is that such a horrible thing? Some of you act like being a drug addict is as bad as being a murderer or something.. Plenty of great and legendary people have had problems with drugs in life. Again, IM NOT SAYING HE was.

Yet there is constant reports of family members/friends
/news outlets saying that he did have a problem. How would you all explain that? Is it really some big conspiracy against him?

Again, I'm not saying he was one, but if you constantly have people saying that he was, why would you expect them to believe the opposite?

As far as the Rebbie interview, the one thing that angered me was the "Where did these Children come from?" idea....give me a break, these people who don't believe that they are his children are probably the same people who thought he bleached his skin.

well ok I read your whole post...and all I can say to it is...If you have read the autopsy report...which I have..several times....NOWHERE in there does it back up the "DRUG ADDICT" with that being said....that theory is NULL AND VOID.
That's All!!
Re: TV Alert: Rebbie Jackson on the Today Show 4/22/10

I Think mark lester has is on agenda and it has nothing to do with randy or rebbie, like a have observed some fans on here are just ready to bash the jackson family even when they have nothing to do with what mark lester have to say or what he do, I just dont get some of you. in no way at all would it help randy and it cant bring him any money if mark lester say paris is his, it could only help mark lester if he wanted an dna test the only person that will benefit is mark lester.
The fact that Randy was in touch with Lester AFTER Lester went to anybody who would listen to him say the things he said was cause enough for Randy to kick his behind to the curb, in my opinion.

Actually, first Randy should have punched Lester in the face, THEN he should have kicked him to the curb. After disrespecting my brother and his children on a worldwide basis, that's the least Randy should have done, in my opinion.

"And if you EVER speak about my brother and his childen again, I'm coming after you - HARD!" Well that's what I would have said. LOL!
I believe Mark Lester is only doing Randy Jackson's dirty work.


I truly think Randall Stevens Jackson is the most vile & dangerous person in these kids' life.

He wants to discredit their relationship with their father. Even if he was to succeed, he would still not get to the money.

I believe in Karma.

ETA No, Justhefacts, I agree it does not say that he is in the kids' life. but from him talking about Paris' birthday...karate class, you get the idea that someone in the family is keeping him abreast.
Yes, that's what I believe as well, another poster said it many times months ago, I truly believe Lester was acting on someone's behalf. It's pretty clear.
The truth is going to come out whether it takes 10 days, weeks, months, years, whatever. It's going to come out once Michael's children are 18 and above 18. Nothing can be kept as a secret for ever. Truth meaning the games being orchestrated and played by some of them, behind closed doors.
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Yes, that's what I believe as well, another poster said it many times months ago, I truly believe Lester was acting on someone's behalf. It's pretty clear.
The truth is going to come out whether it takes 10 days, weeks, months, years, whatever. It's going to come out once Michael's children are 18 and above 18. Nothing can be kept as a secret for long.
In my opinion, all Randy wants is the money and he he does not care who he hurts in his quest to get his hand's on Michael money. I kinda of think that thought of all of that money is making Randy Jackson go crazy.
More medialoid rubbish.

What in the world is that Lester rehashed story had to do with Rebbie promoting her concert?

Crappy media just can't help pushing their agenda of doubt when it comes to Michael.
To prove that he was still in touch with Lester.
Come on guys, there's a lot of interesting information in this thread, lets not ruin it by resorting to name calling and the like. Thanks. :flowers:
Mark Lester... One with his hand out and if there is a DNA test it will only prove That Michael is the father. I do not believe in the Sperm donation thing. Michael wanted Kids i think he would use his own juice. Lester just wants what everyone wants from Michael, "Money" and hes going to do everything he can to get it.

The whole Drug Addict thing... I do not see either and i don't have to look at an autopsy report to see it. I personally think Michael was forced or drugged. I don't believe everything i read or see when it comes to Michael some fans need to do the same.

As for Randy, Michael's so-called Brother. I think he has been jealous of Michael for a long ass time. I think he is just trying to get whats not his. Michael did right by not letting his kids go anywhere near that family while he was alive. now i worry about them because they are surrounded by liars and cheats. Doing anything they can to get their greedy little paws on whats rightfully Michael's and his kids.

I think all the Jackson's need to watch their P's and Q's but they wont. What they say only makes them look like the ass and makes me feel worse for Michael for having a family that honestly and truthfully didn't care about their own. Joe trying to push a record company during a press conference about his sons death was the cherry on the egotistical sundae.

No doubt Rebbie talked about Michael as if he were some worthless drug addicted person on this mornings show. It wouldn't surprise me in the least. The Jackson's will do anything for attention and money. Janet is the one who surprised me the most. Telling everyone how much she loved and cared for her brother then spoke trash. The last time she saw him was the day before her birthday. So before then she didn't visit with him. Michael had reason not to go around his family, Now we know why.

I'm sorry for my little rant and if you don't agree with it that's perfectly fine but i had to get it off my chest.
Remember, the kids biology is not up for discussion. They're Michael's, end of.
Well, All I gotta say is that I was disappointed in Rebbie for not saying anything about that Mark Lester clip! Like Hello, how can u just let that slide? And Matt could have ask her straight up, a family member a question about what was just aired but, No! Nothing! I was sitting there like O___o how can u just ignore that clip? I thought the interview was pointless really, and thank god she didn't say anything about drugs! BLAH!
All I am going to say is that NONE of us are there to dispute or praise what Rebbie is saying about the kids, Michael, etc(and Rebbie is not exactly a sibling with at history of betraying her brother for fame or attention unlike Latoya in the past). At the end of the day, it is all speculation on ALL of our part. I do not believe MJ was an blow out drug addict either however how can one explain for a man (MJ) who is heathy using a drug that are suppose to be use in a hospital only as a way to sleep when he was WARNEd not to use it many times (and the description of his room sounded like as Victoria even said "a hospic" patient room). SOmething was not right about that either for a man who was suppose to be going on stage. I love MJ more than anything but I won't be in denial that he had some kind of problem of some kind (and I am sorry there are all kinds of treatments that were safer that MJ could have used. MJ was NOT the only person in the world who ever had a sleep problem). All I know is that a man is dead who was alive last year about this time, viewed as heathy even in his autopsy, past an exam, happy he was back on top in selling out shows and to be doing something else when his shows were over while a doctor who seem neglance, a lier, and overpaid for work while the world is still in mouring and shock. I am still hurt and I am even finding myself angry at everyone including Michael.
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Of all the siblings, I am most surprised to be seeing Rebbie doing the interview rounds right now. This show she is putting together, was this planned before Michael's passing? If so, I guess more power to her, but if not, then something isn't sitting right for some reason.

Except for the relationship (non-romantic) she had with Stacy Brown in the past, she always appeared to lead a reasonably private life free of drama the last few years.

I'm just non-plussed with what I'm seeing and reading with so many of the siblings, this one especially. Randy has been a little iffy for awhile, but Rebbie? :no:
Of all the siblings, I am most surprised to be seeing Rebbie doing the interview rounds right now. This show she is putting together, was this planned before Michael's passing? If so, I guess more power to her, but if not, then something isn't sitting right for some reason.

If I recall correctly, I believe that Rebbie has performed at this Scranton venue before, but there was no fanfare and she definitely did not make any television appearances to announce those one-off concert performances.

I'm just thinking about when Tito said: "It's my time to shine," maybe Rebbie feels the same way.
I too wondered why Matt Lauer didn't ask Rebbie about the Mark Lester piece when it had just played right before the interview started. Or why she didn't acknowledge it or react to it. Odd.

Another question I would have asked if I was matt while I had Rebbie there - and I guess this would be a tender subject - if any plans were made for Michael's children in the event of their grandmother's passing (God forbid) while the kids are still minors. This question may be too invasive though. But I do wonder.
Can anyone explain to me why is Randy considered to be the bad guy here? Is there any evidence that he's after the money or is this just an assumption by fans based on subjective feelings and ramblings rather than facts?

As far as I see Randy has been pretty helpful for Michael during the trial (he got T Mez for him, among others) and he was always by his side at the time. Also if he is after the money, why was he the only brother who didn't participate in that Jackson Family Reality Show not so long ago? I know if my brother had died just a couple of months ago I couldn't be on such a show and if I was I'd feel I'm exploiting his fame. So I quite respect Randy for not being on that show, to be honest.

What did Randy do exactly that upset fans so much? I'm really curious.
I too wondered why Matt Lauer didn't ask Rebbie about the Mark Lester piece when it had just played right before the interview started. Or why she didn't acknowledge it or react to it. Odd.

I always wondered how that works, not just Rebbie, I'm talking about any guest.

While you're waiting to be interviewed, and they promo a piece in advance of your interview, do you watch the promo piece on a screen in front of you or are you just sitting off to the side and know nothing about the promo piece?

I'm just trying to believe that "maybe" Rebbie didn't even hear what Lester said, because I just don't think I would have been able to sit there with a straight face after hearing him talk about my niece (and nephews).
Well I'm glad to hear that Rebbie did not mention drugs this time around. I didn't see the interview so I don't know if she was asked about it. Its also interesting to hear that there will be suprises during the trial. I hope its a surprise that convicts Murray and anyone else responsible for Michael's death. As far as Mark Lester, did she even see the clip? I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt on that.
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