Today´s NBC Article: Jackson changed the music industry the way Elvis, Beatles did before him

The point trying to be made is simply that Michael is the most famous person on the planet and there's a reason for that. Where most people wouldn't be known, including remote villages and areas where western culture is banned, many people know who Michael Jackson is. A larger percentage of the planet's population have heard of or seen Michael is some form or another then any other person on the planet, that's all that's being said.

I've always heard that Muhammad Ali was the most famous person
dont be so angry!!!..comme on!....I love most of MJ´s music and I have been a fan since 1992:) I have been to 4 conserts. Its just Mj fans that look at him as somthing more than he really is. I know he is wery big and all that. but again he is just a musician and dancer. noAnd he did not alone change the music. but did influens it alot

HE DID CHANGE THE MUSIC like it or not HE DID !!!!!!

Besides mj's fans are not the only ones to think that he is the biggest only the haters like you think that he is not so big , BUT HE IS BIG AND EVEN THE BIGGEST !!!! .

HE DID CHANGE THE MUSIC like it or not HE DID !!!!!!

Besides mj's fans are not the only ones to think that he is the biggest only the haters like you think that he is not so big , BUT HE IS BIG AND EVEN THE BIGGEST !!!! .


he was the biggest in some years...when he and quincy jones made thriller and dout he was big at that time.
But im not sure if people (exept for his fans) think he is the most important musician.

and i dont hate him. i love him and his music
serena, ignore him/her. s/He is scared to accept the facts because of some insecurities.
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Sorry...but you cant be that angry becase some people are not agree with you. here is a list mad by som europen im not alone.

The only common thread joining all lists evaluating any form of art is that they spark controversy at the very least and at worst accusations of ignorance, prejudice, and utter lack of taste. We love and respect art, and we thought long and hard about how to measure artistic importance. We settled on a multi-dimensional approach for this analysis—an analysis of rock and popular music—but the dimensions were designed to be useful for evaluating the importance of artists of any kind. First, we offer a detailed description of our method before presenting our results. Following the results, we consider a number of thoughts about various aspects of the list in anticipation of some debate that we might provoke.

100 most important artists in rock and popular music

1. The Beatles
2. Bob Dylan
3. James Brown
4. The Rolling Stones
5. The Velvet Underground
6. Led Zeppelin
7. Elvis Presley
8. Neil Young
9. Prince
10. Kraftwerk
11. David Bowie
12. Chuck Berry
13. Brian Eno
14. Hank Williams
15. Miles Davis
16. The Clash
17. Parliament/Funkadelic
18. The Beach Boys
19. Jimi Hendrix
20. Ray Charles
21. Stevie Wonder
22. Bob Marley
23. Little Richard
24. The Ramones
25. Robert Johnson
26. The Who
27. Elvis Costello
28. Michael Jackson
29. Aretha Franklin
30. Run D.M.C.
31. Bruce Springsteen
32. Woody Guthrie
33. Nirvana
34. The Beastie Boys
35. Frank Zappa
36. Radiohead
37. Muddy Waters
38. Talking Heads
39. Jimmie Rodgers
40. Pink Floyd
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Why are you on the fansite Nationtonation? Is it because you want to get noticed? I think MJ fans should put you on IGNORE and stop responding to you. They should give you the cold treatment.
I would like to suggest that we put Nationtonation on ignore. She is here ti agitate and she has been doing this for a long time and has never deviated from her strategy. We have been given her the attention she craves.
way so angry?...can´t we have a normal disussion without you guys beeing so sngry? not beein evil or just talking.
Many modern artists look at Michael Jackson as the biggest star ever. Usher, Ne-Yo,, Akon, Kanye, Fergie, Missy Elliot, JT, and the list goes on...these people refer to Michael as "The King"... thats because Michael is huge. Even look at the content of the NBC article. It refers to Michael Jackson as a LEGEND...and that he is. Sure some articles list Michael way down there but thats because they are biased. I've seen some lists of the best songs of the 1960's and The Beatles were nowhere to be found. I've seen a list of the most popular acts ever and Elvis didn't even make the top 10! Those lists sometimes are made solely on the opinion of one individual which is not fair.

Michael Jackson truly is the biggest musical act alive at this moment. Everybody knows that, especially on a global level. We have had so many people make reference to Michael's international star power its not even funny. If you even listen to news reports, they refer to Michael as "the king of pop", "the king", "a legend", etc. All you have to say is Michael Jackson and peoples heads that is star power. I can't believe theres a few people in this forum that are trying to downplay Michael's success and international superstardom. Just goes to show theres a few screws loose in their heads.
Put Nationtonation on ignore fans. She is here to agitate, She gets a kick out of watching MJ fans get angry with her. Look at the pattern of all her posts. She has never been positive towards MJ or his fans.
I would like to suggest that we put Nationtonation on ignore. She is here ti agitate and she has been doing this for a long time and has never deviated from her strategy. We have been given her the attention she craves.

Unfortunately, most here clearly can't see that this person is an attention seeking deviant so they continue to respond to it, for every person who gets it, there are plenty who don't and this nationthing is probably sitting back laughing at everybody here.
Unfortunately, most here clearly can't see that this person is an attention seeking deviant so they continue to respond to it, for every person who gets it, there are plenty who don't and this nationthing is probably sitting back laughing at everybody here.
Yes, she is laughing at us. The more we respond to her is the more she agitates. I believe she is the one that got away. Sometimes it is best to ignore them so that they will go away. She used to be quiet, now we have made her famous by the response we give her.
:huh:This seems kind of useless to discuss. Comparing one legend to another, is like trying to say that there is "one" that is the winner of the competition- when there is actually no objective criteria for making one more important then others. But Michael Jackson is one of those legendary musicians and persons that will live forever in history. There many great artists, but only a select few leaves the kind of imprint on public history as Michael has.
He is a household name in every country in the world. That is just how it is.

People may like him or not. But very few deny his staus. And that is not something that change. He is not a part of the kind of artists that has a few good years, and then fades away. He is a legend, an icon and he is that for a very good reason; his talents and the kind of person he is.

However, peoples personal preference in music differs, and some likes "apples" and some like "oranges", or whatever.............and thats fine.
People listen to all kinds of music. I am primarily interested in jazz, and I know a lot of people who isn`t that interested in pop music- but when it comes to Michaels music, they all get on the dancefloor..........his music is kind of the common ground to most people- a real life saver for a boring party........:lol:

But seriously- a list of the 100 most influential musicians? Its all about personal opinion who gets on top- and thats fine. But don`t try to pass it one as some kind of "truth".
I am getting to old to abide by others personal opinions of whats best or not.
Michael is on top of the list if I judge by who toutch my heart the most, but I have enough room in my heart to include others^_^

I swear, sometimes people should stop talking, and just put on music and get in a happy mood.......................

As Michael said; "People are crazy".........................:lol:
:huh:This seems kind of useless to discuss. Comparing one legend to another, is like trying to say that there is "one" that is the winner of the competition- when there is actually no objective criteria for making one more important then others. But Michael Jackson is one of those legendary musicians and persons that will live forever in history. There many great artists, but only a select few leaves the kind of imprint on public history as Michael has.
He is a household name in every country in the world. That is just how it is.

People may like him or not. But very few deny his staus. And that is not something that change. He is not a part of the kind of artists that has a few good years, and then fades away. He is a legend, an icon and he is that for a very good reason; his talents and the kind of person he is.

However, peoples personal preference in music differs, and some likes "apples" and some like "oranges", or whatever.............and thats fine.
People listen to all kinds of music. I am primarily interested in jazz, and I know a lot of people who isn`t that interested in pop music- but when it comes to Michaels music, they all get on the dancefloor..........his music is kind of the common ground to most people- a real life saver for a boring party........:lol:

But seriously- a list of the 100 most influential musicians? Its all about personal opinion who gets on top- and thats fine. But don`t try to pass it one as some kind of "truth".
I am getting to old to abide by others personal opinions of whats best or not.
Michael is on top of the list if I judge by who toutch my heart the most, but I have enough room in my heart to include others^_^

I swear, sometimes people should stop talking, and just put on music and get in a happy mood.......................

As Michael said; "People are crazy".........................:lol:

:clap: :flowers:
:huh:This seems kind of useless to discuss. Comparing one legend to another, is like trying to say that there is "one" that is the winner of the competition- when there is actually no objective criteria for making one more important then others. But Michael Jackson is one of those legendary musicians and persons that will live forever in history. There many great artists, but only a select few leaves the kind of imprint on public history as Michael has.
He is a household name in every country in the world. That is just how it is.

People may like him or not. But very few deny his staus. And that is not something that change. He is not a part of the kind of artists that has a few good years, and then fades away. He is a legend, an icon and he is that for a very good reason; his talents and the kind of person he is.

However, peoples personal preference in music differs, and some likes "apples" and some like "oranges", or whatever.............and thats fine.
People listen to all kinds of music. I am primarily interested in jazz, and I know a lot of people who isn`t that interested in pop music- but when it comes to Michaels music, they all get on the dancefloor..........his music is kind of the common ground to most people- a real life saver for a boring party........:lol:

But seriously- a list of the 100 most influential musicians? Its all about personal opinion who gets on top- and thats fine. But don`t try to pass it one as some kind of "truth".
I am getting to old to abide by others personal opinions of whats best or not.
Michael is on top of the list if I judge by who toutch my heart the most, but I have enough room in my heart to include others^_^

I swear, sometimes people should stop talking, and just put on music and get in a happy mood.......................

As Michael said; "People are crazy".........................:lol:

Thank you! :lol: :yes:
he was the biggest in some years...when he and quincy jones made thriller and dout he was big at that time.
But im not sure if people (exept for his fans) think he is the most important musician.

and i dont hate him. i love him and his music

Only the haters think he is not , but he is !
Sorry...but you cant be that angry becase some people are not agree with you. here is a list mad by som europen im not alone.

The only common thread joining all lists evaluating any form of art is that they spark controversy at the very least and at worst accusations of ignorance, prejudice, and utter lack of taste. We love and respect art, and we thought long and hard about how to measure artistic importance. We settled on a multi-dimensional approach for this analysis—an analysis of rock and popular music—but the dimensions were designed to be useful for evaluating the importance of artists of any kind. First, we offer a detailed description of our method before presenting our results. Following the results, we consider a number of thoughts about various aspects of the list in anticipation of some debate that we might provoke.

100 most important artists in rock and popular music

1. The Beatles
2. Bob Dylan
3. James Brown
4. The Rolling Stones
5. The Velvet Underground
6. Led Zeppelin
7. Elvis Presley
8. Neil Young
9. Prince
10. Kraftwerk
11. David Bowie
12. Chuck Berry
13. Brian Eno
14. Hank Williams
15. Miles Davis
16. The Clash
17. Parliament/Funkadelic
18. The Beach Boys
19. Jimi Hendrix
20. Ray Charles
21. Stevie Wonder
22. Bob Marley
23. Little Richard
24. The Ramones
25. Robert Johnson
26. The Who
27. Elvis Costello
28. Michael Jackson
29. Aretha Franklin
30. Run D.M.C.
31. Bruce Springsteen
32. Woody Guthrie
33. Nirvana
34. The Beastie Boys
35. Frank Zappa
36. Radiohead
37. Muddy Waters
38. Talking Heads
39. Jimmie Rodgers
40. Pink Floyd

What credit can we put on it ,are you realy serious lol ???

Go to Africa and Asia and make a global (not only a european and american but all continents ) analysis or a global poll you will see that michael is far front of all these groups pffffffff..
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Let me state this: I know that what I said about the Beatles was uncalled for. I know that there are fans that like the Beatles that did not like what I stated. However, I am stating my opinions and no matter how harsh they can be, the opinions are my opinions. I do believe that the Bealtes are talented, I never stated that they weren't. However, I was referring to IMPACT and clearly, imo, they have no impact in my life or anyone I know personally. I, like a lot of people in the USA, have seen the media parade the Beatles as the best thing ever and they clearly were not to me. That is why I said the things that I said. I apologized for the Beatles comments, but I stand by what I stated.

Elvis was a pedophile. The media is not going to say that because Elvis is "King" to them. Most of the people in the media are Elvis Presley fans and like MJ fans, they are fanatic about him. Anything negative about him will not be mentioned in the media. I am a fan of Michael Jackson (like duh) and have been since I was born. I have seen the total bias the media has towards Michael and it is disgusting. MJ was falsely accused of child abuse. MJ might never recover from it because it really hurt him a lot and it tarnished his image forever. That is some effed up ish when you really think about it. There is no proof that MJ did anything improper to children or minors. However, regarding Elvis, like it was stated so well by Dats on this thread, Priscilla stated in her book that she had done something sexual with Elvis when she was 14, which makes her a MINOR. Elvis had to be well over 21 when this act occured. That makes it a CRIME. Instead of filing a police report, because Elvis was "king", no one did anything. Unlike MJ, Elvis was never trashed for what he did. MJ was trashed for what he would never do. I pointed out the obvious bias. If some of you hated what I said about Elvis, I cannot change that. You all know how I be, I am in your face. So, I tell it like it is. If you do not like that, then that is too bad.

I do not think it is "hatred", it is frustation at the hypocrisy in the way Michael get treated when there are other entertainers who do worst. that is what angers Jackson fans. Look at this article, they talked about Elvis and the Beatles regardless to all of their drug use, problems with the law, etc YET they talk about old mess (even things that were tabloid rumors) to talk about Michael. Michael gets called "w***o J***o when whites and other artist do mess even more than Michael and get called nothing (look at all the mess the OSbornes, Britney SPears, etc have been involved it, no one disrespects them by calling them out of their). Look at the Jackson clan. Many folks want to call them the most dysfunctional family in world (which is a @#$% lie. There are plenty of folks who can wear this title who are far worst than what the media want to make the Jacksons out to be) YET the KENNEDYS get called "Camolet" regardless to all their tragedies and wrong doings. I can go on. This makes Jackson fans mad (and for some, it makes blacks upset). And they wonder why we stay mad. The media needs to grow up.

Terrell, as usual, on point. What Terrell pointed out is the INJUSTICE that MJ and his family gets. I was watching Access Hollywood this past Friday and they did an interview with Dolly Parton, the legendary country singer. This woman has a museum and it looked amazing. I wondered, "where is a museum for Michael or the Jackson family?" I want to to ask everyone on here, where is a museum in the country that this family was born in? How come there was a Graceland before a memorial for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.? Ask yourselves these interesting questions. This is why I fight and say the things I say. I listed those things because this racist media are so quick to trash Michael but not their own people. Why is that? Because MJ is a threat to them. They hate this man so much that when they want to remember Thriller 25, they trash him instead of accepting the fact that MJ played them and it is still doing the damn thing. So, I am gonna keep getting angry until the media swallow their hate and deal with it. MJ is going NOWHERE!!! The media need to also keep it real about the Kennedys in general.

As for some people wanting this thread to be closed: if you do not like what is being stated on here, you do not have to make your annoying posts. It is obvious that MJ is just not that important to you to remind people of his legacy. I say leave the thread open. It was made for a reason. This is a healthy, at times, distrubing, at times informative discussion. If someone is learning about the ways of the bias, racist, questionable media, then that is always a good thing.
:huh:This seems kind of useless to discuss. Comparing one legend to another, is like trying to say that there is "one" that is the winner of the competition- when there is actually no objective criteria for making one more important then others.


However, peoples personal preference in music differs, and some likes "apples" and some like "oranges", or whatever.............and thats fine.
People listen to all kinds of music.
yep, all this competitiveness is just nonsense.
I angry because morrissey is not on the list!, he is a king to me!
but again..I don´t care because im right and the world is wrong:p
he was the biggest in some years...when he and quincy jones made thriller and dout he was big at that time.
But im not sure if people (exept for his fans) think he is the most important musician.

and i dont hate him. i love him and his music

"Dangerous" sold more then "Bad", so, what's your point? And "History" was the biggest selling two disc set ever, "Blood On The Dance Floor" was the biggest selling remix CD ever, and "Invincible" sold at a faster clip then any of Michael's previous albums. So again, to say he's still not the biggist star is absurd. He's more well known then anybody and if he really wanted to, he could continue to break one record after another, like he did in 2001, giving CBS it's highest rated musical programme in history with his 30th Anniversary concert.

I'm only responding because the moderators should be made aware of nationtonation.
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all i know is that no other Black Artist been where MJ has been before or since. also as Bias as racist as the Media is and only acknowledges White Acts when it comes to this kind of acclaim,but MJ broke down so many doors and barriers and you can't compare him to anybody else. I mean the Man was a Legend before he was 21 and after 21 had a whole even larger career and you can't compare Michael Jackson to anybody else no matter where you stand on him as a Artist.
. MJ was falsely accused of child abuse. MJ might never recover from it because it really hurt him a lot and it tarnished his image forever. That is some effed up ish when you really think about it. There is no proof that MJ did anything improper to children or minors. However, regarding Elvis, like it was stated so well by Dats on this thread, Priscilla stated in her book that she had done something sexual with Elvis when she was 14, which makes her a MINOR. Elvis had to be well over 21 when this act occured. That makes it a CRIME. Instead of filing a police report, because Elvis was "king", no one did anything. Unlike MJ, Elvis was never trashed for what he did. MJ was trashed for what he would never do. I pointed out the obvious bias. If some of you hated what I said about Elvis, I cannot change that. You all know how I be, I am in your face. So, I tell it like it is. If you do not like that, then that is too bad.


as you said, girl....
:lol: I think it's common knowledge for everyone and by that I mean the general public too, not just fans, that Michael Jackson is the most important musical figure in history. The Beatles and Elvis are up there on the same level as Michael but Michael Jackson has that uniqueness and sparkle neither carry. He goes that bit further in talent, fame, sales, as a humanitarian, the whole package but most of all reaching the most remote countries in the world. There is no one more universal than Michael Jackson! The Beatles would be second place to Michael in the universal level.

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lol datsy i love your videos .

Every body know the truth images remain , the tabloids and the haters wont never succeed to eradiacte what mj accomplished ;

nationnation tries to eradicate and deny his accomplishement and the way he is treated like a God or head of state everywhere he goes despite the crap and the trial, but as long as there will remain supporters in this earth she and the other haters will never succeed lol .