Today´s NBC Article: Jackson changed the music industry the way Elvis, Beatles did before him

MJ is the greatest. He will live forever, without the media helping him because he lives in the hearts and minds of everyone. here is proof.

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Oh man..Michael is popping up in the Google News section with the film festival Thriller thing and the comment of Michael locking his kids out of the recording studio. It makes me SOOO mad with some of these people who hate on Michael. Theres this one site especially and its on Google News when you type in Michael Jackson in the first page..I had to comment even though I really hate to. It was ovetaken by haters who talk as if Michael is a piece of sh*t who has done nothing in his career.
I don't think being a Catholic is that popular there, lol.

The point is, he was able to draw larger crowds then the Pope, a world renouned figure who represents one of the largest religions on earth. Michael, individually, as a person, is more well known, and that says something. He's estimated to be the most famous person on the planet, the most photographed, etc... I doubt a lot of them have access to record stores either down there. Every time someone tries to praise Michael, you come along and down it in someway it seems.
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Get lost then. Michael Jackson has to be 100 times better than the beatles and elvis in order to be recognised. What does it say?
It just goes on to say that he is 100 times better than they were!!!

The problem is that many MJ fans cares mor how much he sales and that he is the king of pop and all that ****, than thay actually cares of the music. It seems that the music of mj has been forgotten since thriller, and we all know that. MJ did not change the music. He and Quincy did.
And if invincble was his first album nobody wold buy it.....i sorry. Im at other music fan boards as well. but nobody actually cares how much their favoritte muscians sells. they care about the music and what it mens to them. who cares if Mj is the king or not accsept for for his fans?...nobody!
The only reason people talk about Michael's sales is because they are so impressive. If other artists had sold what he has, their fans would use it as bragging rights, believe it. And for you to say Michael hasn't changed the landscape of the music industry shows your total ignorance, sorry to say. You obviously don't know what you're talking about. All of Michael's albums have had some sort of large impact, whether you know it or not. You are typical in your bashing of "Invincible", which is a great album, and 10 million people bought that, so I don't know where you come off saying no one would buy it. Oh well, they say ignorance is bliss, and apparently, you're living in your own private heaven.
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There's over 6 billion people on earth, and I doubt that all of them have heard of MJ or anyone else. A lot of people still live in tribes with no sort of technology.

Of course I doubt it 2 but dun ya know 'bout FIGURATIVE MEANINGGGGGGGGGG LOL?

The problem is that many MJ fans cares mor how much he sales and that he is the king of pop and all that ****, than thay actually cares of the music. It seems that the music of mj has been forgotten since thriller, and we all know that. MJ did not change the music. He and Quincy did.
And if invincble was his first album nobody wold buy it.....i sorry. Im at other music fan boards as well. but nobody actually cares how much their favoritte muscians sells. they care about the music and what it mens to them. who cares if Mj is the king or not accsept for for his fans?...nobody!

I could care less about sales, I just cant stand it when even fans are trying to downplay his influence. He's had enough of that sh*t from the media already!!!
I could care less about sales, I just cant stand it when even fans are trying to downplay his influence. He's had enough of that sh*t from the media already!!!
s/he's simply a troll.

I do not think it is "hatred", it is frustation at the hypocrisy in the way Michael get treated when there are other entertainers who do worst. that is what angers Jackson fans. Look at this article, they talked about Elvis and the Beatles regardless to all of their drug use, problems with the law, etc YET they talk about old mess (even things that were tabloid rumors) to talk about Michael. Michael gets called "w***o J***o when whites and other artist do mess even more than Michael and get called nothing (look at all the mess the OSbornes, Britney SPears, etc have been involved it, no one disrespects them by calling them out of their). Look at the Jackson clan. Many folks want to call them the most dysfunctional family in world (which is a @#$% lie. There are plenty of folks who can wear this title who are far worst than what the media want to make the Jacksons out to be) YET the KENNEDYS get called "Camolet" regardless to all their tragedies and wrong doings. I can go on. This makes Jackson fans mad (and for some, it makes blacks upset). And they wonder why we stay mad. The media needs to grow up.

ONce again, it is not about hating these men, it is about point out the hypocrisy and the unfairness of the media bothering Michael but not these men.

[/quote]When Elvis first got with Prisilla he was 26yrs old and she was 14yrs old! So what do you call that? In prisilla's book about her and elvis she admits to her and Elvis having oral sex when she was a teenager still! HELLO! That is child molestation! Just becuase he married her ass later doesn't make it changed even prisilla's parents had a problem with the aged difference but, some how let it happen...Ill. By, 16yrs old she was living at graceland, she let him drugged her almost to death and his mother covered it up by nursing her back to health and he also raped her once when they were married, that is also against thw law yet to the media he is the greatest but MJ is hateful. WHATEVER!

And Paul Mccartney all he is good for is bitching about that catalog he lost fair and square because dude never bidded LOL! He always said that he wrote the songs so he shouldn't have to pay for them. LOL! Yet, this man own other people catalogs and has yet gave them back to them. I say practice what you preach Sir.


Exactly exactly. it's the injustice one feels when you see someone you love is outrageously unfairly treated.
He's donated over 300millions to charities, has supported more chartities than any other artists, took time out to visit hospitals while on tour, opened up his neverland ranch for underpriviledged children, but it seems like all these have never ever happened.

If some of this white acts were to achieved half of his accomplishment and gave half of what he'd given to the world, i bet the media would jump at any chance to mention them but if it's Michael Jackson, forget it.
all his good deeds were swept under the rug while for the others, it's the other way round.
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^^ All I'm saying is that Pedophilia is a very serious thing, and I don't think it's ok to throw it out there just like that...

exactly. just because he started seeing her when she was 14 doesnt make him a pedo for crying out loud. 14 year olds are not children to begin with. pedophile is someone who has sex with ppl under the age of 13-14. after all priscilla had said that they didnt have sex until they were married in 1968.

Exactly exactly. it's the injustice one feels when you see someone you love is outrageously unfairly treated.
He's donated over 300millions to charities, has supported more chartities than any other artists, took time out to visit hospitals while on tour, opened up his neverland ranch for underpriviledged children, but it seems like all these have never ever happened.

If some of this white acts were to achieved half of his accomplishment and gave half of what he'd given to the world, i bet the media would jump at any chance to mention them but if it's Michael Jackson, forget it.
all his good deeds were swept under the rug while for the others, it's the other way round.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, this is so fustrating. All the injustice. They constantly ignore the positive things and make up negative story´s instead. When it comes to other stars they talk only about how great they are (even they ain´t nothing). And all they know to say when it comes to Michael is the same dirty gossip as ever. His work seems to be unimportant.
just because the media treat michael totally unfairly and call him things that hes not doesnt mean that we should call other ppl those very same things just to show our frustration to the injustice and unfairness of the media. we shouldnt go call elvis a pedo even though he wasnt because other ppl call michael a pedo even though he isnt. how about calling no one a pedo since they arent one ? trashing artists that media worship just to get back at them for not worshiping the one that they should of doesnt solve anything. be mad at the media and support michael by making them seeing the truth and not by attacking innocent ppl by calling them pedos etc

also elvis was very protective of priscilla and treated her with nothing but respect when she was an adolescent. they fell in love with each other and the age difference didnt matter at all. whats wrong with being in love and being in a romantic relationship when no one takes advantage of no one and there are no victims ? and i repeat that 14 year olds are not children.
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just because the media treat michael totally unfairly and call him things that hes not doesnt mean that we should call other ppl those very same things just to show our frustration to the injustice and unfairness of the media. we shouldnt go call elvis a pedo even though he wasnt because other ppl call michael a pedo even though he isnt. how about calling no one a pedo since they arent one ? trashing artists that media worship just to get back at them for not worshiping the one that they should of doesnt solve anything. be mad at the media and support michael by making them seeing the truth and not by attacking innocent ppl by calling them pedos etc

also elvis was very protective of priscilla and treated her with nothing but respect when she was an adolescent. they fell in love with each other and the age difference didnt matter at all. whats wrong with being in love and being in a romantic relationship when no one takes advantage of no one and there are no victims ? and i repeat that 14 year olds are not children.

14 was against the legal age limit in america. a 17 year old american went to prison for 10 years for having sex with a 15 year old. So yes, elvis was breaking the law.
14 was against the legal age limit in america. a 17 year old american went to prison for 10 years for having sex with a 15 year old. So yes, elvis was breaking the law.

still not a pedo. he broke the law only if he had sex with her when she was under 18 which i doubt it
the bottom line is that Michael Jackson is a Musical Mount Rushmore and he set the standards for future and a Album like Thriller will never be forgotten.

they can take all the cheap shots they want,but nobody has come along and duplicated what he made into a Normal way of creating Music and video.
There's over 6 billion people on earth, and I doubt that all of them have heard of MJ or anyone else. A lot of people still live in tribes with no sort of technology.

A lot of people from tribes know mj , i am from Africa and michael was crown KING of a village in my country .

Besides , if you say this for michael you should say this for the Beatles . But , no doubt that michael is more global than the Beatles even if in some tribes they dont him but if in some tribes they dont know MJ , belive me they dont know AT ALL the Beatles too .
then the law is fucked up and i have nothing more to add. pedophiles are sick people and i hate it when "some" individuals call anyone that like its nothing. its like calling someone who hasnt killed or even attempted to kill anyone a murderer. its disgusting. call pedos the real pedos not the innocent ppl. ok ?
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and the example u gave with the 17 year old going to prison for having sex with a 15 year old just shows the evil side of the law. put away innocent ppl and let the true criminals get away. the so called law seem to treat a 17 year old who had sex with a 15 or 16 year old the same with an adult who molested a 5 year old kid. both are pedos right ?
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A lot of people from tribes know mj , i am from Africa and michael was crown KING of a village in my country .

Besides , if you say this for michael you should say this for the Beatles . But , no doubt that michael is more global than the Beatles even if in some tribes they dont him but if in some tribes they dont know MJ , belive me they dont know AT ALL the Beatles too .

I said MJ or ANYONE ELSE. Everyone in the world doesn't know any one person. That's impossible. Let's say you're blind and deaf, just born, autistic, don't live with technology, live in places where Western culture is banned, and so on.
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The point trying to be made is simply that Michael is the most famous person on the planet and there's a reason for that. Where most people wouldn't be known, including remote villages and areas where western culture is banned, many people know who Michael Jackson is. A larger percentage of the planet's population have heard of or seen Michael is some form or another then any other person on the planet, that's all that's being said.
I said MJ or ANYONE ELSE. Everyone in the world doesn't know any one person. That's impossible. Let's say you're blind and deaf, just born, autistic, don't live with technology, live in places where Western culture is banned, and so on.

Yeah but if you are not blind, autistic , dont live with technology (and even here it depends ) well you can be sure you know michael Jackson .

Besides there are places where western culture was banned ,like Russia in the 80's , China 80's or Afghanistan , meanwhile right after the fall of communism michael went to Russia to do a big concert there , it was even the 1st time an international came to Russia and michael was received like a head of state there , a lot afghan people love MJ , also in Iraquie , or China .

Anyway whatever the problem michael is without any doubt more famous than the Beatles .
The point trying to be made is simply that Michael is the most famous person on the planet and there's a reason for that. Where most people wouldn't be known, including remote villages and areas where western culture is banned, many people know who Michael Jackson is. A larger percentage of the planet's population have heard of or seen Michael is some form or another then any other person on the planet, that's all that's being said.

that's the point !
The problem is that many MJ fans cares mor how much he sales and that he is the king of pop and all that ****, than thay actually cares of the music. It seems that the music of mj has been forgotten since thriller, and we all know that. MJ did not change the music. He and Quincy did.
And if invincble was his first album nobody wold buy it.....i sorry. Im at other music fan boards as well. but nobody actually cares how much their favoritte muscians sells. they care about the music and what it mens to them. who cares if Mj is the king or not accsept for for his fans?...nobody!

The fact is that it is not our fault if michael is the biggest saler of all time ;
The fact is that MJ DID CHANGE THE MUSIC AND THE MUSIC INDUSTRY like it or or not but that's THE FACTS !!!!.

But if you think people outside the MJ's fans think the Beatles are huger , that is only because they are haters like you and dont want to face the truth , but inside them they know mj is far more bigger and far more talented .

If Thriller overshadows(and its totaly normal) the other mj's albums and that when people think about mj they think about Trhiller it is a not real problem because the other mj's albums sold more than any other albums which are realeased at the same time (Bad 32million, Dangerous 30million ,History 19million and INVINCIBLE 10million ) .

If people wouldnt care about michael after Thriller he would have been recatched by Madonna in the 80's and other big artists therefore he would have never been the biggest saler of the 80's (90 million of albums) .
He would have never been the biggest saler of the 90's (60 million albums sales ) .
He would have never been one of the biggest saler of the 2000's , what ? are surprised michael sold 20 million of albums with only 1 album and other re-re-released CDS lol even justin Timberlake , who is said to be the new king didnt sell more lol .

And are seriuous ??????? If INVINCIBLE was realeased in 1983 with this sound , be sure it would have sold far more than Trhiller.

Idiot , you can "argue" like you want against MJ's carreer there will always be an answer for you and your biased opinion of hater .

You can say what you want though, because after all it is just your opinion , no doubt that you are not welcomed here for most of people .
dont be so angry!!!..comme on!....I love most of MJ´s music and I have been a fan since 1992:) I have been to 4 conserts. Its just Mj fans that look at him as somthing more than he really is. I know he is wery big and all that. but again he is just a musician and dancer. noAnd he did not alone change the music. but did influens it alot
Michael is more then just a musician and dancer. He's the greatest performance artist that has ever lived, the greatest singer/dancer/songwriter and live performer to ever breath. And he changed the way the ENTIRE industry is run and the way its percieved. If you can't see that, then I'm afraid you can't see anything. You aren't looking.
yes its nice to read something positive about him and then they have to ruin it but kicking him in the guts. HE IS A PROUD BLACK MAN!!! I am proud of him and see him as a friend. I always refer to him to my friends and colegues who don't realise I am talking about Michael that he is a wonderful african american man!!

On the outside he may have lost the pigmentation but on the inside and in his heart I see a handsome proud black man who I love and respect very much!!

yes there is a racist remark in the article in comparing him to elvis but as Michael said in a speech in 2001 and the Fight against Racism speech that they attacked him because he has become bigger and more successful that elvis and the beatles ( who michael has the up most respect for) they started attacking him.

It is still seen today not just in the US but all over the world that black people are not to be successful and be as good or better than white people. Who gives a S***! about race that should not determine a success of a person period. They deny to acknowledge that Michael's success is out of hard work to get acceptance because he is black, and another fact he has been in the industry longer than elvis and the beatles combined.

I admire and respect Michael and they can throw what they like at him but my admiration and respect will never change. I love him and he has earned it fair and square!

Its his determination and willing to push the boundaries and go where no one has been or done before to take risks and for it to pay off is incredible. That is a true legend, that is power and strength and above all its all about loving what you do which is adiment.

God bless you Michael and I love you, you are always in my heart!

Love you