Today´s NBC Article: Jackson changed the music industry the way Elvis, Beatles did before him

I hate this type of discussions. this is what makes Mj fans very unsexy. beatles and elvis will alway be the biggest inovator of music even if we like it or not. most people look at mj as a amazing perfomer. but he did not move the whole world as beatles, elvis and even stones did.
Get lost then. Michael Jackson has to be 100 times better than the beatles and elvis in order to be recognised. What does it say?
It just goes on to say that he is 100 times better than they were!!!
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guys you're only giving the poster the attention (s)he blatantly craves. i don't understand why such a misinformed remark deserves the several replies it got. this happens all the time and threads get wasted... all the time.
Sorry but I think ur seriously wrong about that.I dont like Beatles' or Elvis' music, but I respect them. I have no problem with them putting Michael in the same league of Elvis and Beatles (though IMO The Beatles made bigger contribution than Elvis). But believe me popularity-wise, Michael is more global than The Beatles, and much more than Elvis. I come from an Asian country, and all I could remember from my childhood is Michael Jackson and his music, and videos. My whole country was caught in a Michael craze at that time, and it's even more impressive that mine is SOCIALIST country, which means ppl had hard time to accept music from Western country, especually a country which was for a long time at war with mine. But Michael was so big to be ignored by anyone on earth. Elvis is virtually a nobody in my country.Thanks to Michael, ppl here started to have interest in other WEstern actsThe same can be said for Chinese ppl.
I know a Chinese MJ fan, and he told me that Chinsese ppl may not know who Elvis and The Beatles are, but they generally regard MJ as the greatest WEstern artist. And I believe the same is also true for Russia, as I read somewhere. His albums were banned atone time in Russia, but thanks God they had pirated stuffs, and of course Michael mania swept Russia too.
I also dont believe Elvis or The Beatles were bigger than Michael in African countries.
Sales-wise, he released far fewer albums, but he's the best-selling artist in France, Germany, and tons of other countries.
Elvis and The Beatles are great, but they were not global as Michael. He was so huge that he even broke political barrier, which I think Elvis or The Beatles couldnt achieve (someone can correct me if I'm wrong)
He deserves to be as great, if not greater than them.
you're absolutely right.
But Michael was so big to be ignored by anyone on earth.

There's over 6 billion people on earth, and I doubt that all of them have heard of MJ or anyone else. A lot of people still live in tribes with no sort of technology.
I think the poster just meant that a larger percentage of people on earth know who Michael Jackson is then any other person, which is true. He's been determined to be the most famous person on the planet. When he visited Africa in 1993 and took the same rout as Pope John Paul, he drew far larger crowds of people.
I think the poster just meant that a larger percentage of people on earth know who Michael Jackson is then any other person, which is true. He's been determined to be the most famous person on the planet. When he visited Africa in 1993 and took the same rout as Pope John Paul, he drew far larger crowds of people.

I don't think being a Catholic is that popular there, lol.
And I am going to say it, What makes Michael achievement even more better is because for a BLACK ARTIST to achieve such achievement in a racial society that often works against him, that is big. Michael was not given the "silver platter".
> Well, this prove you are very young or very bias. Michael moved the world far more than any of those men. Michael crossed ALL barriers (sorry most blacks could careless about Elvis, Beatles or the stone whereas Michael has EVERYONE). My mother lived through ALL of these men era and she said NO ONE CAN TOUCH MICHAEL. Even Frank Sinatra said MIchael was more talented than him. Enf said.
MJ’s ‘Thriller’ still a classic after 25 years
Jackson changed the music industry the way Elvis, Beatles did before him

updated 11:22 a.m. ET April 24, 2008

What Michael Jackson has become hasn’t changed what he was 25 years ago, when he was riding the greatest album ever made and making the music video that would change forever the way we thought about both.

It was one of those defining moments that come along once in a generation, and those who witnessed it when they were young and impressionable will never forget. Elvis Presley had done that when he gyrated his pelvis and belted out his blues-influenced rock a half century ago. A generation later, it was the Beatles ushering in another deathless sound.

And then it was 1983, and the man who burned his image and his music into young and febrile minds was Michael Jackson. If you were young then, the “Thriller” video and Jackson’s music became part of your DNA.:punk:

But even if you were older, you knew when you turned on MTV and saw Jackson’s breathtaking performance that you were seeing something that had never been seen before.

Many would say that the likes of “Thriller” hasn’t been seen since, either.

Not just another Jackson. Jackson was no musical ingénue. He’d practically been born with a microphone in his mouth :punk:, a cute, button-nosed boy with a voice so high and clear and penetrating it seemed on loan from heaven. He was just 11 when he debuted, and he was surrounded by his singing siblings, the Jackson 5. But as good as that group was, he was the star of the show.

He had emerged from the family shadow in 1979 with the release of his first album, “Off the Wall,” the first ever to contribute four singles to the Top 10 charts. The album would sell 20 million copies over the years, but Jackson and his co-producer Quincy Jones felt they could do better.

The vehicle that Jackson would use hadn’t even been born yet, but when MTV debuted on the burgeoning cable menu in 1981, he saw the potential of a new medium in ways that no one else did.

The album “Thriller” was released late in 1982 to breathless reviews for the pioneering work of the 24-year-old superstar.

“Rather than reheating ‘Off the Wall’s’ agreeably mindless funk, Jackson has cooked up a zesty LP whose up-tempo workouts don't obscure its harrowing, dark messages,” wrote Rolling Stone. “Jackson's new attitude gives ‘Thriller’ a deeper, if less visceral, emotional urgency than any of his previous work, and marks another watershed in the creative development of this prodigiously talented performer.”

Even NPR checked in with a review that included this declaration: “Where lesser artists need a string section or a lusty blast from a synthesizer, Jackson need only sing to convey deep, heartfelt emotion.”

“Thriller” would become the best-selling album of original music ever recorded, a title it holds to this day. It remained atop the charts for an incredible 37 weeks. There were nine tracks on the record and seven of them went Top 10, including “Thriller,” “Beat It” and “Billie Jean.”

A watershed moment for the industry
But the best was yet to come. MTV played mostly music videos in those early days, but no one had yet considered the possibility of merging filmmaking and music in the way that Jackson envisioned. With co-producer Jones, Jackson enlisted John Landis, the brilliant writer/director whose credits at the time included “Kentucky Fried Movie,” “Animal House,” “The Blues Brothers” and “American Werewolf in London” to direct what many believe remains the greatest music video ever.

The video would run 14 minutes, essentially a miniature feature film that cost $800,000 to make — an astonishing figure at the time. Vincent Price, the master of the horror movie, was brought in to do a sinister rap under the music.

“Thriller” is a horror movie that turns out to be a dream that turns out to be maybe not a dream after all. It begins with a young couple — apparently of high school age — walking late at night. Jackson, whose skin was not yet bleached and whose features still resembled a normal human being’s, wears a wide-shouldered, red leather jacket, red leather pants and his trademark white socks. His date, Ola Ray, wears tight, calf-length jeans and a sweater straight out of “Grease.”

The fun starts with the full moon rising and Jackson telling Ray, “I’m not like other guys.”

The line has been repeated often over the years, the irony growing with each new episode in his life. “It’s close to midnight. Something evil’s lurking in the dark,” he warns her.

The something is him. Landis did a takeoff of “American Werewolf in London” to transform Jackson into something resembling more a werecat than a werewolf. Ray spends a lot of the video running and shrieking, pursued first by the yellow-eyed feline and then by an army of zombies. Like all self-respecting undead, the zombies can barely put one foot in front of the other when walking, but man, can they dance.

Along the way, we learn that Jackson and Ray are watching the action in a movie, and then they’re not. Finally, she awakes from a dream, but it ends with Jackson’s eyes flashing yellow feline slits.

You watched it for the brilliant music. Kids danced in front of their televisions when Mom and Dad weren’t looking, trying to capture even a fraction of Jackson’s grace and power. And through it all was that heart-stopping plot.

The video sold more than a million copies, and every year Lexington, Ky., turns its downtown over to a reenactment of the video performed by its fans-for-life.

As Mike Joseph wrote for “Twenty-five years after ‘Thriller’s’ original release, amidst everything that’s gone on in Michael Jackson’s crazy, insane, screwed-up life, this album still makes people smile, the grooves still make people dance, and the videos still make people stop and stare in awe. This, folks, is where the mere pop stars get separated from the legends. Times may change, music may change, but ‘Thriller’ is one of those few iconic records whose influence seems to be prevalent no matter the climate.”

See the video:

I bow respectfully. Peace. :punk:
I'm not sure how acts like Lizz Wright, Chrisette Michele, Eric Benet, or Tori Amos are imitating Mike, but if you say so...
Michael's influence far outweighs the people who imitate him. People who sing classical music,jazz, country music, dancing, ballet dancers, producers. People in every field of entertainment are influenced by mj, and lets not forget the impact he has haqd on the fashion industry, even to this day.
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guys you're only giving the poster the attention (s)he blatantly craves. i don't understand why such a misinformed remark deserves the several replies it got. this happens all the time and threads get wasted... all the time.
She has been doing that for a long time and plays innicent. We should all put her on ignore and see how she reacts.
I hate this type of discussions. this is what makes Mj fans very unsexy. beatles and elvis will alway be the biggest inovator of music even if we like it or not. most people look at mj as a amazing perfomer. but he did not move the whole world as beatles, elvis and even stones did.
You have shown with all your posts that you are here to provoke fans into a reaction, I would be very happy to see fans put you on ignore, seeing that you are here for attention. I say we stop reacting to you and put you on ignore.
There's over 6 billion people on earth, and I doubt that all of them have heard of MJ or anyone else. A lot of people still live in tribes with no sort of technology.

Even the tribesmen know Michael.

Ask them, he's been there. :D
I think most know here that nationtonation isn't a fan but someone who slipped through the cracks while registering here to be a annoying and purposely take the piss out of the fans here. This person and i use that term very loosely probably get a laugh out of people that responds to IT!
This article bothers me. Why? Because since when did the Beatles or Elvis did anything for anyone? When did they change music? Did they get black youth to listen to their music? No. Did they change the way we listen to music on the radio? No. Did they do anything groundbreaking in music? No. Michael Jackson is one of the few musical acts that did the things that I listed and many more. To compare MJ to these two music acts shows to me that no matter what, this media will continue to undermine Michael's true abilities and capabilities. Thriller CHANGED THE WAY MUSIC IS DONE FOREVER!! That is ONE CD!! It took all of Elvis' and the Beatles' catalogue of albums to do what MJ did in one effing cd! These clowns over at NBC knew that ish but refuse to say it. My father told me something last year that I will never forget. He told me that once a black man broke the records that the white man created, that man will get what is coming to him. If that is not true regarding Michael Jackson, then I do not need to be a member of this board. This man is celebrating a MILESTONE in his life and career and still the haters keep on hating. I am telling you guys right now - I will continue to ***** and moan about this unjustice that Michael is getting until the media gets it through their heads that -

* Elvis is a theif.

* Elvis is a racist.

* Elvis did not do a damn thing for anyone but himself.

* Elvis means nothing to black people and anyone born after 1977.

* Elvis was indeed a pedophile.

* The Beatles were not important in many lives, including mines.

* Almost all of the Beatles songs are dated and boring.

* Paul and John were not as talented as Smokey Robinson regarding songwriting and singing.

* The Beatles mean nothing to black people in the 1960's and today.

* MJ bought the catalogue because he knew he was gonna get paid and it was a great business decision. Not because the songs were good. How can they be when there is no rhythm in the songs?

* Like someone stated on here: who today is doing Elvis' or Bealtles moves? NO ONE!!!! Everyone from Janet to Usher to Justin to Chris Tucker to Chris to Ne-Yo to Beyonce to Kanye to whoever are doing MJ moves, samples, even mimicing HIS CAREER!! Why? BECAUSE MJ IS GREAT!!! OK?! He IS GREAT!!!

Yeah, it might seemed that I am a hater regarding these two acts, but I am a realist and I am stating my opinions. I am not going to change my mind about what I stated.

Now, this other part, I posted it on the news thread because I was just so mad about the damn article and yeah, I am angry that people posted this crap article as if it was important. Please. So, just read it and think about it.

Wow, I didn't know that MJ's life was screwed up? So, instead on putting focus on the music, they talk about his life as if they know his life? Thriller was that CD that changed the industry. Yeah, no one predicted what happened to MJ after that but what does that have to do with the music? And who can predict what happens in anyone's life? One minute you are here, the next minute you can be anywhere. I wish that some people who post the news read what it actually says before posting it. Just saying. I mean how many times should these clowns mentioned things that have nothing to do with the music? It was very good until they talk about his life. As far as I am concerned, if the media did not make up so many lies about this man, hated on this man because he did not want to talk to them, I do not think people would say these things. That is the issue here. As usual, these people like to trash the man and talk about the music instead of just talking about the music. BTW, MJ's life is not screwed up, it is just not what we all expected his life to be. Which is a GOOD THING. It is not like he is a tragedy or this trainwreck. It is LIFE. In life, we go through things and there is nothing screwed up about it. He is not crazy because if he was, he would be in a home like a residental facitity or mental insitution. He is not. The crazy ones are the ones assuming someone they do not know is screwed up. If they like a time when MJ was the black man that sang and danced and acted like a 12 year old boy with no mind of his own, that is "fine". However, I like the man that told these fools off, broke the records that the Bealtes and Elvis' created and owned their music publishing rights in the process. I like that kind of person because he did that for everyone that truly inspired him before him. He played these clowns and the clowns are angry that after everything, he is still commanding their atention. Ungrateful bitches. Yeah, I am huffing and puffing about it because it was uncalled for. MJ did it his way and who cares? The MJ of 25 years ago is the MJ of today but much wiser. It is not like he had a British accent like a certain singer or hating on his fans, waiting to sue them and ish because his fans want to see his stuff on like a certain singer. MJ is true to himself unlike his phony sister and many other so called "celebrities". So, if MJ is "screwed up" then I like it because that is real and unpreditable like life itself. So, eff them.
Well, this prove you are very young or very bias. Michael moved the world far more than any of those men. Michael crossed ALL barriers (sorry most blacks could careless about Elvis, Beatles or the stone whereas Michael has EVERYONE). My mother lived through ALL of these men era and she said NO ONE CAN TOUCH MICHAEL. Even Frank Sinatra said MIchael was more talented than him. Enf said.
i've heard this from other member too.
It is not like he had a British accent like a certain singer or hating on his fans, waiting to sue them and ish because his fans want to see his stuff on like a certain singer. MJ is true to himself unlike his phony sister and many other so called "celebrities". So, if MJ is "screwed up" then I like it because that is real and unpreditable like life itself. So, eff them.
Besides, he never turned down fans' requests for autographs in his whole career!!!!!
unlike many other celebs which i've read about.
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elvis was not a racist and he certainly wasnt a pedophile. this is quite disturbing to say the least. why ppl have so much hatred inside them towards ppl that have done only good to this world and have offered joy and happiness to millions like elvis and beatles did i will never understand.
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I really dont believe we have to cut other artists down in
order to lift Michael up in fact he said if one has talent there
is no need to do that as your talent will stand on its own .

Also Remember Michael is a FAN of the Beatles music and in fact
so much he owns their catalogue _ to say they have not made
a major impact is wrong and is also calling Michaels taste into
question. Remeber he did infact even record a Beatles song.

I was a great fan of the Beatles :D and in fact they did
move the world_ but Michael shook the world off its axis - :wub:

We all know Michael was a major influence and moved the world
and their No need to atatck other musicians to prove that is true .

Michael is still the undisputed King of Popular Music
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so now, do you see, ChiChi?

we have been forced to accept these aritlcles as 'good' articles. everytime they come up. it's redundant to tell us what we already know about 'Thriller'...let alone, 'Off The Wall', which by the way, the 'writer' said was..'mindless funk'..which flies in the face of the supposed positive reviews of 'off the wall', which spawned all the wannabe 'off the wall' albums of the future, which, of course, were brilliant, according to the 'writers' of the future.

there is a hypnotic practice to write 'positive' hopes that the 'idiot' fans of MJ would accept them..and move on. a little sublinal practice/seduction/programming, if you will.

exactly, it's like a patting on your back and saying 'it's not
that bad, isn't it?'.....

I am saying it here out and loud... that's not fair , that's wrong
and I disagree with this

something cannot be partly positive/partly negative

it is either positive or negative
that's how I see it
full stop
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elvis was not a racist and he certainly wasnt a pedophile. this is quite disturbing to say the least. why ppl have so much hatred inside them towards ppl that have done only good to this world and have offered joy and happiness to millions like elvis and beatles did i will never understand.
OK... ,well as far as I know Priscilla was in her teens when they were seeing, or I am wrong?

just asking

ps. and I love 'The Beatles' music, I really do...
it's timeless imo
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^ I think they met and started dating when she was 14 or something like that, but it's not the same thing as a pedophile.
We can't just go around throwing that title at people, of all people WE should know better.
elvis was not a racist and he certainly wasnt a pedophile. this is quite disturbing to say the least. why ppl have so much hatred inside them towards ppl that have done only good to this world and have offered joy and happiness to millions like elvis and beatles did i will never understand.
I do not think it is "hatred", it is frustation at the hypocrisy in the way Michael get treated when there are other entertainers who do worst. that is what angers Jackson fans. Look at this article, they talked about Elvis and the Beatles regardless to all of their drug use, problems with the law, etc YET they talk about old mess (even things that were tabloid rumors) to talk about Michael. Michael gets called "w***o J***o when whites and other artist do mess even more than Michael and get called nothing (look at all the mess the OSbornes, Britney SPears, etc have been involved it, no one disrespects them by calling them out of their). Look at the Jackson clan. Many folks want to call them the most dysfunctional family in world (which is a @#$% lie. There are plenty of folks who can wear this title who are far worst than what the media want to make the Jacksons out to be) YET the KENNEDYS get called "Camolet" regardless to all their tragedies and wrong doings. I can go on. This makes Jackson fans mad (and for some, it makes blacks upset). And they wonder why we stay mad. The media needs to grow up.
^ I think they met and started dating when she was 14 or something like that, but it's not the same thing as a pedophile.
We can't just go around throwing that title at people, of all people WE should know better.
Uhmm, there is a school teacher who dated a 14 year old boy, had 2 children with him, went to jail, later got out and now married to the guy and she is called a pedophile.
And a 17 year old boy was given 10 years because he let the 15 year old girl do him. So yes, what Elvis did was against the law.
when will a truly positive article come along? so that the fans can say that it was positive, without feeling guilty. this is not a positive article. it's a mundane article stating the obvious about thriller. nobody can say that thriller is a horrible album, with a straight face, unless they are on something, or need help of some sort. and i'm sure that thriller never received rave reviews before the audience reacted to it. the press can't be trusted, in full. i have yet to see a rave review that equalled audience approval.

I agree, especially about Thriller not receiving rave reviews at first. I remember a long time ago someone posted a thread full of the first reviews that Thriller got and they kept calling it a mediocre album and saying MJ was too young and QJ gave him too much freedom on the album blah blah. Only later did it become gospel that Thriller is the work of a genius.

As for Elvis and The Beatles - I don't know why some fans are so hard on them. MJ not getting the credit that he deserves is not the fault of Elvis or The Beatles, both of whom are musical icons. We don't have to like them, but we lose nothing by respecting them and their roles in music history. I would agree that Elvis is mostly an old time act these days, but he's still remembered as a much-loved icon and that doesn't take anything away from Michael (who also admires these people!).
ONce again, it is not about hating these men, it is about point out the hypocrisy and the unfairness of the media bothering Michael but not these men.
ONce again, it is not about hating these men, it is about point out the hypocrisy and the unfairness of the media bothering Michael but not these men.

I understand and I didn't say that it was hatred, but it comes awfully close to sounding like hatred sometimes especially when it gets so personal and people start denying that other acts have had impact. Elvis or whoever doesn't need to have impacted on your specific life to have had an impact in general. Also, these people are dead and that might have something to do with people forgetting some of the controversies they got involved in? Michael is treated unfairly and I'm just as furious about that as the next person, but I am not offended when people give other acts credit.

The other thing (on a slightly different note) I would like to add is: the folks who think people in the rural areas of Africa, Asia etc haven't heard of MJ are wrong. Those guys are not as disconnected as you might think - they've heard of Michael and even other artists like the Stones. It's hard to completely escape Western influences.
When Elvis first got with Prisilla he was 26yrs old and she was 14yrs old! So what do you call that? In prisilla's book about her and elvis she admits to her and Elvis having oral sex when she was a teenager still! HELLO! That is child molestation! Just becuase he married her ass later doesn't make it changed even prisilla's parents had a problem with the aged difference but, some how let it happen...Ill. By, 16yrs old she was living at graceland, she let him drugged her almost to death and his mother covered it up by nursing her back to health and he also raped her once when they were married, that is also against thw law yet to the media he is the greatest but MJ is hateful. WHATEVER!

And Paul Mccartney all he is good for is bitching about that catalog he lost fair and square because dude never bidded LOL! He always said that he wrote the songs so he shouldn't have to pay for them. LOL! Yet, this man own other people catalogs and has yet gave them back to them. I say practice what you preach Sir.

^^ All I'm saying is that Pedophilia is a very serious thing, and I don't think it's ok to throw it out there just like that...