Today, Monday July 13th...

Urgh...I just feel sick.So gutted that he is gone. Its still so unbelievable...the world is rotten.
wish I could get to the O2 today

I hope they keep all the memorial boards up as I cant get to London before the 16th

i miss MJ
I cant beleive its not a dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Agggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh
Try not to get teary eyed guys, I know it's hard for all of us!

I just ask you to celebrate the man he was and the legacy that always will be!
its not that easy ... I wish this day wouldn't have come.... but it has and god....... *big sighs* Its so heartbroken....... I was suppose to be heading for London next monday!
so sad ;( yeah, the opening show ;( cannot believe he's gone ;(
It doesn't make sense that he is gone.
I think it will never sink in...

the world has lost its greatest citizen!!
Oh right, today would be his very first how huh, damn. After today many fans would have shared their stories about the show with us, MJ would be back on top of his game and happy. I bet he was counting down the days as well. :(
Yeah, its pretty crazy. Fans in London would be up and about getting ready for the big opening night.. within the next 24 hours, I expected to be reading rave reviews, seeing Youtube clips, news/internet articles and television clips on the concert.
YES! Today is the day we all have been waiing for!! I have waited my whole life and now i will finally see him OMG im sooooo EXCITED :) I swear if he sing Dirty Diana i will faint, LOL
This is going to be my best day in my life, see you at the concerts ;)

Thats how if was supposed to be on this forum now :(
Yeah, its pretty crazy. Fans in London would be up and about getting ready for the big opening night.. within the next 24 hours, I expected to be reading rave reviews, seeing Youtube clips, news/internet articles and television clips on the concert. would have seen him shine onstage again, after many years of no performances. So sad.....goddamn.
I really can't believe this happened... he looked better than he had in years, he was looking good, he looked healthy..and now gone, just like that.'s kind of comforting to know that others feel just as bad. That sounds kind of mean but It's nice to know that you are not the only one who's really sad.
I would have been flying out to London today to see Michael on the 16th.

I used the all the money in my bank account to pay for my flight, hotel and my ticket from viagogo ($900AUD, I really didnt care abut how much I had spent, I'm short so I tried to get tickets as close as possible) to go and see Michael.
I had originally been keeping the money to save up for a car but I didn't care about that once I knew Michael was going to do concerts.

I had to beg my boss for leave so I could go and see him, but now it looks like I will spend my leave quietly at home remembering him.

It would have been so so good seeing him shine again, doing what he loves and being happy becuse we would have been so very happy to see him again.

It would have been so awesome...:(
I wish CNN would interupt their programming and say:

"Breaking News: Jackson spotted entering London's O2 Arena. The 'This is It' tour kicks off 7:30pm Sharp BST."

What I'd give to hear that.
I've always thought this day would be one of the most amazing and exciting on my entire life, him going on tour like the old times, god.....:cry::cry::cry:
I wish CNN would interupt their programming and say:

"Breaking News: Jackson spotted entering London's O2 Arena. The 'This is It' tour kicks off 7:30pm Sharp BST."

What I'd give to hear that.

oh god don't say it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
at the press conference in March, Michael said: "See you in July" ... and in July I saw his funeral ... why ... why is it so cruel destiny ...
All my life I dreamed of this moment ... 20 years of my 30 I dreamed to see Michael live on stage ... in 1992 I was too young ... In 1996, I had tickets but the parents don`t leave me at the concert ...
Are very sad ... initially, I wanted to give up on airfares and accommodation for London (July 21 -23) but I changed my mind ... I go to London and will go a flower and a candle at the O2 on July 22, the day when I had tickets to the concert!

Maybe there'll meet other fans ... and friends and we'll talk about Michael ...
i'm so sad..i can't believe he isn't on stage today...that he isn't here any more...
NICU_MJJ, and of course in 1992 your country hosted what I consider to be his greatest spectacle! That concert captivated the world!
To everybody who's going to London (and maybe O2)

I hope you will all enjoy your stay in London, it's a nice city and you can do a lot of things. When you go to the O2 to remember our hero.... Think about him and please remember the good memories you all have with his music / videos / concerts in the past. We have to be happy Michael Jackson was a musician (and a good one) now we have got some good music etc to listen or watch. We all know he had a lot of songs recorded which were not released (YET). His wish to us is we can listen and watch all the things he recorded for us. Maybe some people can take pictures at the O2 today and share it with all other members. We have to enjoy his music and we have to keep him alive forever (in our hearts)

GOOD LUCK ALL (I go at 30th of july....)
NICU_MJJ, and of course in 1992 your country hosted what I consider to be his greatest spectacle! That concert captivated the world!

yes, great show, great energy ... I remember those times ... although I was pretty small then, 13 years and not had a good financial situation ...
Romania just out of communism ... Michael came to Romania and was received like a god ... was a national holiday ... was an incendiary atmosphere ... Bucharest was in those days a city under siege ...
I live at a distance of 5 hours (370 km) from Bucharest ... and although I cried and I begged parents to go there, but could not this happen ...
I remember the evening of 1 October 1992, was cold and raining down ...
I will NEVER forget that night ... I think it was God's will, to never fail to see Michael live ...

I`m sad... verry sad... :( ... I miss Michael...
I still can't believe it...
I remember counting down each day, crossing it out on the calendar.. Everyday I'd call my best friend at 7 am and scream however many days was left, until she was forced to unplug her phone... oh gosh. :cry:
I can see the calendar from here. Red X's are crossed over the days, and then they just stop. :(
The only way I feel better is if I pretend it's still going on and think about how excited I would be, but then when I come to realise it isn't it just hurts more. I want to die.
I wish CNN would interupt their programming and say:

"Breaking News: Jackson spotted entering London's O2 Arena. The 'This is It' tour kicks off 7:30pm Sharp BST."

What I'd give to hear that.

Me too, as much as it would have been dragged out, hearing that and it being true, I think I may never stop running around the house screaming with joy.

But in reality it not gonna happen. And I just can't beleive what today was suppose to mean

Today Michaels returns, 13th July 2009 - 0 days to go till This Is It..... It just wrong this whole thing is just not fair. :(:cry:
My show got bumped to March 3rd and I remember being up in arms about it. I've attempted to show my support to Kenny, Karen, and his dancers on Twitter. I think they need to know that not only do we love Michael, but we love them as well. They put their heart and souls into this show.