Today, Monday July 13th...

I know Whizzle, we both won the tickets. In a few hours, I'm still going to London. Going to the vigil here. Hope to see many members there...
A sad day..

I remember how Ive been counting down since march. I thought for myself, "dang, 4 months left, its too long".. and then June came and it was only a month left.. and then.. oh gosh... its just surreal.
A sad day..

I remember how Ive been counting down since march. I thought for myself, "dang, 4 months left, its too long".. and then June came and it was only a month left.. and then.. oh gosh... its just surreal.

I can't stop crying.. It's as if I realize now that he is really gone.. I still don't believe it though..

In a fingersnap everything changed... Many of us adored him since our early years... I don't know what to say anymore.. I am speechless this time around..
Try not to get teary eyed guys, I know it's hard for all of us!

I just ask you to celebrate the man he was and the legacy that always will be!
Today is gonna be one of those days where what happened really does hit home
I am sooooooooooooooooooo fucking angrey right now at the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stay strong people! Michael is alive in our hearts and souls! Remember that!

He is looking down on us from heaven and smiling! :)
Dont worry my mum is waking me up tomorrow and gonna tell me this was all a dream :(

i keep hoping that too but it's seeming less and less likely.
i wish i could get to the o2 to meet with other fans. train is too expensive though
This is so unreal ! even now i cannot belive this is happening
its really just too sad..... even though my date was the 10th of August this was going to be the first day of his amazing comeback..

my wishes were that the media would've been stunned by his performance. 5/5 ratings everywhere..

but then............. still hard to believe.. it came as a shock to everyone..
I had pretty much avoided Michael's music and the forums because I wanted to wait until the concerts started. Because I did that, I think avoided getting my hopes up, I didn't have a ticket anyway.

It's hard but I think because of all that it's been easier to block out. Does that make sense? The idea of what could have been is still there though at the back of my mind...
I'm sorry to say this, but above all else that bothers me in all that happened -his kids being left alone, the new music and videos he won't make, etc etc-, this, that we're not gonna see him in this HUGE comeback set for today, hurts me the most..

But I know deep down that Michael had already given us his talent and set his legacy.. A single tour -even if it was THE most successful one- wouldn't change or add to that..
We Are The World! We Are The Children!

Let's do the 13th Vigil and Celebration for our Michael!!!!

We Are The Ones Who Make A Brighter Day, So Let's Start Giving!!
thinking about tomorrow is killing me , so I was trying to soothe my pain and find good things to read and here what i found:

It is beyond human understanding to completely comprehend the Divine Wisdom behind every affliction because our knowledge is limited to the apparent event. Allah alone knows how things will turn out in the end, and how it will benefit the human being. So, the calamity that appears to be evil may lead to many favorable benefits.
I was due to get a flight down at 9am, I should be buzzing out my tits here!!!!!

I was gonna still go to the O2, but MJ aint gonna be there.....and for me, it would be too hard getting on that plane.

Much love to everyone who is making the journey, I'm sure there will be a great turn out for Michael :)
I could really cry. Michael really wanted to show the world that he was back & better than ever.
I feel sorry for the 'This Is It' crew & dancers aswell. they would have shared the stage with Michael :(

Hopefully we'll see some footage soon to ease this HUGE pain that we all feel
Why? Why? .... da da da duh duh duh duh duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
Why? Why? .... :cry: