To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset (Merged)

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it amazes me how many people consistently fail to realize what's true and what's not...there's one constant truth u keep avoiding and that is that the man is in debt.

no one said they're re-inventing the wheel...they're taking a chance on him cuz no one else would. he's a financial liability. it's obvious....just look at how many projects he's started then stopped...they can't afford to have him do this halfway and this is their way of letting him know that if he chooses to do that, it'll be his own ruin

you're so deadset on the conspiracy that you're missing it in this article. this is a threat.....don't do it and we'll ruin's in there, in black and white.

michael doesn't need to scream from the mountaintops that he's in debt...

if he wasn't, y did barack come and get neverland? if he wasn't, y did they say it in court?

i was there, i heard it, i saw what they said...were u there? they simply said, well he can' tbe too hard up if he has enough assets to cover his debt. all that means is if he wanted to be free of it, he'd sell everythin goff. he'd be whole again....not rich but not in debt. but he hasn't for whatever reason...maybe to do something like this

mj's may be wealthy 'beyond belief' but he also has montrous debt...and if you're to go on to assume about that, then y must u get on others who assume he's not?

it's like, if someone is disagreeing w/ u, it must be negative. sorry but the truth isn't always a happy shiny rainbow.

it's one thing to believe what people SAY. it's another thing when they have documents to PROVE what they SAY is true...

and a phrase cannot be an oxymoron, it's a word that's an oxymoron...just wanted to point that out.

and i agree w/ EM...there's lots of things that came out about mj that we know is true that he hasn't announced....does that make it false until he says it?

that's like people who say wind doesn't exist cuz we can't see it. such an arguement is baseless.....
it amazes me how many people consistently fail to realize what's true and what's not...there's one constant truth u keep avoiding and that is that the man is in debt.

no one said they're re-inventing the wheel...they're taking a chance on him cuz no one else would. he's a financial liability. it's obvious....just look at how many projects he's started then stopped...they can't afford to have him do this halfway and this is their way of letting him know that if he chooses to do that, it'll be his own ruin

you're so deadset on the conspiracy that you're missing it in this article. this is a threat.....don't do it and we'll ruin's in there, in black and white.

michael doesn't need to scream from the mountaintops that he's in debt...

if he wasn't, y did barack come and get neverland? if he wasn't, y did they say it in court?

i was there, i heard it, i saw what they said...were u there? they simply said, well he can' tbe too hard up if he has enough assets to cover his debt. all that means is if he wanted to be free of it, he'd sell everythin goff. he'd be whole again....not rich but not in debt. but he hasn't for whatever reason...maybe to do something like this

mj's may be wealthy 'beyond belief' but he also has montrous debt...and if you're to go on to assume about that, then y must u get on others who assume he's not?

it's like, if someone is disagreeing w/ u, it must be negative. sorry but the truth isn't always a happy shiny rainbow.

it's one thing to believe what people SAY. it's another thing when they have documents to PROVE what they SAY is true...

and a phrase cannot be an oxymoron, it's a word that's an oxymoron...just wanted to point that out.

and i agree w/ EM...there's lots of things that came out about mj that we know is true that he hasn't announced....does that make it false until he says it?

that's like people who say wind doesn't exist cuz we can't see it. such an arguement is baseless.....

it hurts that you are being condescending to me, trying to get your point across. it shows that you know you don't have hard evidence. bringing the wind and stuff in is going kind of low. your post has holes in it. you are asking me to suspend my belief. and repetition of 'the man is in debt, the man is in debt, the man is in debt' isn't going to cover the holes and lack of evidence, or make your post any more believable to me. and yes..a phrase can be an oxymoron. (really cool fireworks..for example) and i already said, twice before, that MJ did make an announcement from the rooftops, in PHM to put out Martin Bashir's desperation curiosity fire. the announcement clearly flies in the face of everything you are saying. why is it so hard for people to take that i am going to accept what Michael says about Michael, and only what Michael says about Michael? all the lawyer phrases you quoted are lawyer speak. designed for the lawyer to help Michael without revealing his private matters. it's nothing new. and it allows for people to go on any interpretation spree they like. and that, you did. i could drop a planet into everything i have bolded from your post, there's such a big hole in it. it's uncomfortable to me when people claim they know Michael Jackson's stuff. some fans do that. and it's a discomfort. it's even more of a discomfort when they call it 'truth'. you don't even sound sure of yourself there, in any of those bolded interpretations of yours. and all your phrases are polar opposites of themselves..the oxymoron phrase type that i was talking about. you're not even trying to sound convincing at this point. so obviously, the lawyer did a good job with his lawyerspeak. he's not in debt. he said so in PHM, so he's not in debt. i'm not gunna claim to know MJ's stuff. i'll just go by what he says. and what he does. he fired his dad. that doesn't make him a liability. it makes him a strong willed businessperson. he makes strong decisions. he said he's not in debt in PHM. that's good enough for me. he said it, i believe it. rather than claiming to know his stuff. and the threat stuff is bull ish. MJ doesn't go into deals with people who threaten him. again, he was willing to fire his dad. he ain't gunna let strangers bully him. they're better off looking for someone else if they're gunna start that shit. the last people that sounded like that were spoken of in Aphrodite's book. and, of course, there are spiritual reasons why people shouldn't threaten him. there's a long list of ish that happened to people who took the bully route with him. Someone's Angels def watching over Michael Jackson.

i'm not going to continue with this. i quit. and i'll leave with saying MJ is not a financial liability. he's just wise enough not to let people lead him by the nose. if he decides to say 'no', he means no. he did it to his own dad. he's not gunna let a stranger disrespect him.
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Don't see why people keep on worry about this.
The debt was done years ago by MJ and Sony atv. While MJ was on the trial he had to closed down everything and so he failed to keep up with his business.
When the New horizon trust was found there were a deal that the income from his assest (the 50% of sony atv) would be gone directly into paying his debt, and that the debt will exiperd in 2011 if I remeber well. Not only that, based on his neverland rach he got 25 million dollar to buy out Branca (that used to have the 5% of sony atv) and have so also his 5% of the share. So since then MJ had to live on his other assests, wich provides him a lot of money anyway, but he spend all his money we know it, and did not pay for the credit he asked on his ranch and almost lost neverlad if he didn't find someone like those people.
All the rest is speculation, and most of the newspaper are trying to get some drama that does not exist on a person who's assests are valued over 1.5 billion. He is rich as hell. Wait a pair of years untill everything will be fixed.
Unfortunatley it was obviuos that they were people trying to destroing him also financially, it takes time to recover, but things are going pretty well.
well...i once again agree to disagree. u can't even agree wit those financiers ur on board with. they say MJ's a billion dollar business. and u say he don't have giraffe money anymore. and they can't agree wit themselves. they say he's a billion dollar business, while sayin he's in trouble at the same time. so u can't agree wit someone u agree wit, who can't agree wit themselves.

sorry. i can't ride wit ya.

there is something suspect to focusing on MJ and saying that he is the only one who seems to be lacking somewhere, as compared to celine dion and other artists, financially.(especially since MJ was able to take 12 years off and those other artists had to perform during that time, and u just went on about MJ 'having to perform'. let's take those two things into consideration. 12 years, 12 lonnggggg frigging years. that's more than a decade, and more than five times the regeneration of the fanbase, to be waiting to perform again, the way and length of time, celine and all the other artists had to perform. how do u reconcile those two things?) and it cannot be dismissed, that this is the pattern of the media, too.(as i think of the lyrics to 'tabloid junkie') this notation just cannot be dismissed.

no...i don't know he's in debt. cus he's not.

i have confidence in MJ. he's not frivolous.

this is someone who didn't let his emotions get in the way, when he fired his father and left his good friend, Berry Gordy. am i supposed to believe he deteriorated over time, busineswise? he's Mr. business. and i don't care if i'm alone on that.(although i have a feeling i am not). like i said. he don't have to do the shows. he chose to do them. he ain't poor. u say u were in court. were u in court with him?(as in, behind the scenes, in the darkest places, seeing the things only Michael, himself would know?)

see ya on the other side. lol. and we'll see if i have to eat crow.
but i won't have to.

oh..and by the way, he's giving the money to his kids' trust. he doesn't need the money.

i don't agree with arxter on a lot of things. but one thing i do agree with him on is, too many people think they know MJ's business. but they don't. they just don't. but common sense says that if everything u said is true, MJ couldn't afford to go without performing for twelve years like he did. it just defies financial physics.

and u can't argue with longevity.

if everything u say is true, we wouldn't be here discussing this upcoming residency. MJ would already be on the street.

i've heard this negative assessment of MJ(like what ur saying) on repeat, ever since i've been on MJNO. he just shouldn't be in business, if people talkin like u, were right. but he is. and it doesn't help that u echo the media's words. i simply don't agree with one word of ur negative financial assessment of MJ. at all. he's got more than giraffe money.

so...i'm leavin this. i can't continue goin back and forth with a mod, anyway. but that doesn't mean my confidence in MJ is unwarranted.

i just believe that u r painting his longevity to be a big liar.

longevity don't lie.

I agree with this it just makes too much sense. They always come to him;yet hes "broke and has no career if..... But he could generate 1/2 a billion a year???

Mike must be worth billions; I also believe he is richer than Oprah and Trump.

My main questions are

How much is Sony/Atv worth 2009?

(A) $4,000,000,000

(B) $8,000,000,000

(C) $30,000,000,000(according to the book "Beatles For Sale" by: John Blaney)

How much does MJ's 50% earn from that catalog?(note this does not include his music which is seperate and generates millions every year)

(A) $0.00 a year? with a never ending debt of $300 plus million(as asserted by the media)

(B) $75,000,000 a year? (Forbes 2005)

(C) $100,000,000 or more a year?
I agree with this it just makes too much sense. They always come to him;yet hes "broke and has no career if..... But he could generate 1/2 a billion a year???

Mike must be worth billions; I also believe he is richer than Oprah and Trump.

My main questions are

How much is Sony/Atv worth 2009?

(A) $4,000,000,000

(B) $8,000,000,000

(C) $30,000,000,000(according to the book "Beatles For Sale" by: John Blaney)

How much does MJ's 50% earn from that catalog?(note this does not include his music which is seperate and generates millions every year)

(A) $0.00 a year? with a never ending debt of $300 plus million(as asserted by the media)

(B) $75,000,000 a year? (Forbes 2005)

(C) $100,000,000 or more a year?

thanks. u make a whole lot of sense. and the fact that u left them all as questions rather than answers, is right into the category that we don't need to know cus it's none of our business. and it's respectful of MJ.

but there's enough MJ noise in the industry right now, to let us know that he would be the magnet. not the financiers. what's goin on on the charts right now is enough to make many celebs wealthy many times over. but the atv thread on here has given us enough info that what's goin on on the charts right now, all by itself is mindblowing, and in MJ's favor.
im not being condescending, for one. you're chosing what u want to believe, two, and three....if something doesn't jive w/ what u wanna think or believe, it's automatically negative.

u wanna say he's not in debt. i heard it w/ my own hearing the man has if u wanna think he's doing these concerts for fun and good times, go right ahead.

but don't downtalk someone and label them as negative cuz they don't agree w/ u. especially when what u say doesn't make a whole lot of cohesive sense
vnc @ the end of the day everything soso said was correct. michael is indeed NOWHERE near broke as in bankrupt,as he has assets. Thats what pple mean when they say how much is mj worth. How much hes worth isnt in his bank account lol
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