To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset (Merged)

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Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

Im not sure I trust a lot of this article. Its an interesting read, but I cant help but think theres a lot of judgement and possible inconsistencies. The most interesting thing to read was what Michael apparently said to AEG about wanting his kids to see what he can still do. Quite touching. But a lot of sounds more like opinion than actual fact.
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

I like the idea of a finance minded person sorting things out once and for all.
Hope everything goes as per plan

I agree to Barack these shows are vital to take place and to be is a win all or loose all situation
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

damn 2.3billion? Mike cut me a check lol
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

Im not sure I trust a lot of this article. Its an interesting read, but I cant help but think theres a lot of judgement and possible inconsistencies. The most interesting thing to read was what Michael apparently said to AEG about wanting his kids to see what he can still do. Quite touching. But a lot of sounds more like opinion than actual fact.
Yeah this is the best part of the whole article.
This time, however, Jackson was receptive. He needed the money, and he has a second, more personal reason: His children -- sons Prince Michael, 7, and Michael Joseph Jackson Jr., 12, and daughter Paris Michael Katherine, 11 -- have never seen him perform live.

"They are old enough to appreciate and understand what I do and I am still young enough to do it," Phillips quoted Jackson as saying.
The 3 kids cheering for him will be a great inspiration:yes:
damn 2.3billion? Mike cut me a check lol

2.3 billion-I don't know exactly how much money it is, but just know it's a lot of money:D It's something way beyond what I can clearly imagine. Don't y'all feel the same?
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

this just puts it all out there...these people have put their money and their companies on teh line for mj and make it pretty clear that him not following through would be career suicide. i hope everything goes well during his residency and he's able to bounce back and finally be seen as a dependable performer.

and VNC LOL i wasn't comparing mj literally to brit. im saying she fell farther than u can w/o losing ur life and people championed to have her rise to the top. i hope we see that w/ mijac
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

this just puts it all out there...these people have put their money and their companies on teh line for mj and make it pretty clear that him not following through would be career suicide. i hope everything goes well during his residency and he's able to bounce back and finally be seen as a dependable performer.

and VNC LOL i wasn't comparing mj literally to brit. im saying she fell farther than u can w/o losing ur life and people championed to have her rise to the top. i hope we see that w/ mijac
I agree. And Michael, to me, has always been a performer that people expect more out of than the average performer.
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

exactly and a lot of money is invested into this

so get rid of damn dileo...get ur affairs in order and put on a fanstatic residency that will remind those who either have forgotten or doubt that you're the kop
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

this just puts it all out there...these people have put their money and their companies on teh line for mj and make it pretty clear that him not following through would be career suicide. i hope everything goes well during his residency and he's able to bounce back and finally be seen as a dependable performer.

and VNC LOL i wasn't comparing mj literally to brit. im saying she fell farther than u can w/o losing ur life and people championed to have her rise to the top. i hope we see that w/ mijac

i don't see MJ as falling. where was the fall? the trial? heh..that was slander, and hate. and these guys are spending his money. and he borrows against assets. that's not like borrowing against credit, like a lot of people do. i guess i'm alone in seeing that MJ is not in need of money or in a place to have career suicide. those melodratic lines have been following MJ for years. and it's never happened. it's boy cried wolf to me. so i feel alright believing what i believe. i've never believed in the media. i ain't startin now. if we were blind, and the media said MJ didn't exist. i'm afraid too many would believe it. well...i stand corrected. there are others out there that believe MJ didn't fall. i'm one of em.

and what is this about Britney falling? having a breakdown isn't a fall to me. Mariah broke down too. that's not considered a fall, either.

anyway, there's just this view. that MJ is a lamb, and people around him are lions. well, the lamb is the victor. and he's also a lion. one way i'll agree with the media: that's our story, and i'm stickin to it. lol.

hey...we're all on the outside, looking in, anyway. :lol:
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Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

im not sa ying mj fell due to anything he did (allegations and whatnot) brit was an example.

she fell....they're blaming her problems on being bipolar but how was she able to maintain composure for ten plus yrs during her career? there was something more to it.

im saying people love comebacks and it seems as if they've remembered too much of the crap surrounding him an dnot the man himself

so what better way to show people why u deserve the kop title? blow everyone else's ass out the water

credit is one thing. constantly borrowing and not having the means to pay it and exceeding what u make per yr is a problem. not saying that this is true and it applies to mj, but it's not good for anyone.

he needs to work to fund his lifestyle. there's a lot of money going on in this. a lot of planning a lot of peoplebeing paid so if this doesn't work out, if he doesn't do it, if it stops halfway, then yes, it's career suicide cuz he'll owe money, he'll break contracts, and upset his fanbase...

how wouldn't it be bad if this didn't go off?
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

im not sa ying mj fell due to anything he did (allegations and whatnot) brit was an example.

she fell....they're blaming her problems on being bipolar but how was she able to maintain composure for ten plus yrs during her career? there was something more to it.

im saying people love comebacks and it seems as if they've remembered too much of the crap surrounding him an dnot the man himself

so what better way to show people why u deserve the kop title? blow everyone else's ass out the water

credit is one thing. constantly borrowing and not having the means to pay it and exceeding what u make per yr is a problem. not saying that this is true and it applies to mj, but it's not good for anyone.

he needs to work to fund his lifestyle. there's a lot of money going on in this. a lot of planning a lot of peoplebeing paid so if this doesn't work out, if he doesn't do it, if it stops halfway, then yes, it's career suicide cuz he'll owe money, he'll break contracts, and upset his fanbase...

how wouldn't it be bad if this didn't go off?

i'll just say this. if i was editor of time magazine, i'd call MJ the dude of the century, and Britney, the girl of the century. to me, they are two art and business titans that don't get any respect. lol. and they are phoenix. some people keep predicting they're gunna fuck up. but they never do. i admire them both.

while there are those who think that everybody around these two are smart but these two are dumb, i just believe otherwise.

i'd bet my mortgage on the careers of these two people.

i dunno...maybe they are such friends, cus...they know. lol
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

Why would Randy Phillips who's usually positive about the concerts say "If it doesn't happen, it would be a major problem for him career-wise in a way that it hasn't been in the past" ??
Because he is totally spot on... I'm gobsmacked you can't see this! I mean, right now, if you read comments on all kinds of internet sites there are countless people out there thinking that these shows are all a big scam, that MJ doesn't have any intention on following through, that he's not capable of doing these shows and that it won't happen! If those concerts would get cancelled people would have even more reason to believe that he's finished for good!

this just puts it all out there...these people have put their money and their companies on teh line for mj and make it pretty clear that him not following through would be career suicide. i hope everything goes well during his residency and he's able to bounce back and finally be seen as a dependable performer.

phillips is right when he says this is a do or die...u have ur die hard fans waiting and paying for this, let them down by not following through and chaos will ensue within ur own audience.

it's one thing to say ur gonna do an album or a single, but this is something he'llneed to follow through with or else he'll end up in massive debt.
...and Amen!
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

vnc they won't say any th ing good about mj until he shines...just like w/ brit, they bashed her until she came out of the funk and rose again.

they wanna bash until they can bash no longer. and that's what they will do until mj silences them

so let's hope this is a good run and shuts everyone up...
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

vnc they won't say any th ing good about mj until he shines...just like w/ brit, they bashed her until she came out of the funk and rose again.

they wanna bash until they can bash no longer. and that's what they will do until mj silences them

so let's hope this is a good run and shuts everyone up...

I agree that he needs to shut these people up, but Britney for the most part did have the media on her side before she actually made a full blown comeback. Before her last album came out, the People magazine, E! and Us Weekly, etc. folks were all over the media kissing her ass. MJ could fly through the air, and he still wouldn't get that type of support she had.

You can already predict what is going to be said in the opening night reviews.
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

I don't like the LATimes. I don't like they way they handle Michael at all. They are always condescending towards him. So I wouldn't be surprised if some of these quotes weren't even made. The the basic premise, I believe, are true. I just hate that they give everyone else credit for anything good that comes out of Michael's life. Truth is, if this tour is a major success, and it will be, no one will be able to take credit for that but Michael.
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

yeah. lolol. who says he ain't a great businessperson. he's his own best advisor. one tweak of his hairstyle and people are more geeked to see him than ever! :lol:

plus he's got people not knowing if it's 1992 or 2009! :lol:

so he's a magician, too. lol.

plus he's proving that vision is part illusion and part...reality?:lol:
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Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

Phillips had his eye on Jackson for some time. In 2007, Phillips approached the singer with a deal for a comeback, but Jackson, who was working with different advisors, turned him down. "He wasn't ready," Phillips recalled.

This time, however, Jackson was receptive. He needed the money, and he has a second, more personal reason

But Randy Phillips said before that Michael doesn't do the concerts for the money.
This time, however, Jackson was receptive. He needed the money

This is probably made up by the writer.
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

Anyone around Michael who goes to the media to discuss his business affairs is no good.

The article starts off saying MJ was in a wheelchair in Las Vegas and greeted people that way.

When we all know MJ was walking in Japan, in the UK at the awards, in Ireland and at James Brown funeral, as well as shopping and meetings in Las Vegas.

The article says MJ was living in a rundown home in Las Vegas, when photos are circulating of the pricey mansion he lived in while in Las Vegas, with a vast swimming pool in the compound.

MJ was also shopping with his daughter, buying birthday gifts, watches in pricey shops. Before that, he was staying in hotel suites. He also spent some time living in a pricey area of Washington.

That O2 is an audition. 1 year commitment cannot be an audition, it's a business venture. I have never heard of an audition that takes one year and earns millions. Let alone, it's MJ who has refused to commit himself beyond this. I have never heard an interviewee dictate terms at an audition.

John Branca says he quit, when the truth is that MJ cut him off. MJ does not trust Branca, and this was made known in a deposition. Branca was among those using their position to extract money from Michael. He was the one who manipulated MJ into having his son's photo with OK! magazine while being paid $2million behind Michael's back for that. And other stuff that have made MJ wary of him. So much for him criticizing others.

Concerning the default on Neverland, MJ at that point may not have cared so much about the ranch. What was humiliating about losing it? When he had faced worse by having his privacy invaded to the extreme. He had even made plans to take his stuff out so he was ready for it to go.
Only that someone presented a different idea and MJ decided to keep it.

And they did not present this because, oh, they care so much about MJ. They had their plans as Barrack mentions Graceland, but if MJ sold it, Barrack or anyone else could not profit off it by using MJ's name. That was the intention of Barrack buying the note while MJ retaining an interest.

It seems that Barrack and Tohme have now been sidelined and now they are turning to the media to channel their story.
Anyone who can stoop so low as to insinuate "boys" and "drugs", wrapped around as a generality with the word "girls", is not a good person to be around MJ.

Either you believe in the guy or you don't. And if you don't, that's as good as having Bashir in MJ circles, bad news!!

Track record of missed appointments and cancelled concerts?
Amy Winehouse
Hip-hop stars
Other celebrities

All these people have a track record of missed concerts and cancelled appointments. Infact MJ fairs best of all of the artists because he completed the Victory tour, Bad tour, Dangerous tour first leg, History tour, 1999 charity concerts, 30th anniversary.

So what missed concerts are these fool talking about?
The only concerts that got cancelled is when the media and Chandler connived to try and run him down.
In his corner office high above Century City, Barrack is sanguine about reports of disharmony. "You have the same thousand parasites that start to float back in and take advantage of the situation and that has happened a little at the edges." But, he added, he had confidence in AEG's ability to keep Jackson focused.

This here shows you that Barrack has been sidelined to a certain level because of people who have moved in and now Tahome, his main contact in MJ circles has been displaced.

Anyone who does not respect the person they talk about is no good. Barrack and Tahome refer to MJ as an entity or institution. This is what put a wedge between MJ and his father Joe. He managed them as an entity and forgot that they were human beings with lives.

He was more concerned about controlling them and the money they could churn out.

Barrack and Tahome are no different. They want to manage MJ as an object, forgetting that he has a life, a family and interests in life. They want him as an object churning money for them but not spending his.
MJ knows better and spends his money.
As he spoke about other artists in Ebony, he mentioned how they work hard but never enjoy their success.
MJ is not leaving his money for others to enjoy when he's gone after working all his life since he was a kid.

His children's lives are secured by trusts and they will have rights to his name when he's gone. His job now is to enjoy himself.
A sensible manager would recognize the two aspects, MJ the institution and MJ the private person. And would not speak about "running" him, rather as "managing his affairs".

MJ's "new" advisors must have been wary of having Tahome, closely linked with his financier, being in control of MJ's daily affairs, which was brought to light by the entire auction saga.

And that's all sensible after seeing what Ramone Bain has done, whereby it's deadly to have that level of control over MJ. These people would have manipulated MJ into tricky moves to sign off his wealth to them, the way they have so far managed with the ranch.

Some of these advisors happen to have MJ's best interests at heart, such as Lionel Richie, Ron Burkle to name but a few.

Why else would MJ's new management tell the auctioneers to deal with Tahome at their own risk? Something's going down and now Tahome and Barrack have turned to LAtimes to get their side of the story publicised as a way of trying to get MJ's attention.
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

well said RSW. the fact thome was invovled via barrack was always a bad sign imo. total conflict of intrest. u aint got mjs best intrests at heart u have capitals.
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

just a copy past of rumors.
That's it.

I agree with rsw22 100%.
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

If I were MJ and I read an insulting article like this one which contains veiled threats by my current team of so called investors/advisors, I would immediately fire all of them and cancel the show -- just for the principle of the matter. Just so that these idiots understood that I was NOT their slave or an "institution".

Michael is NOT an asset. He's not someone's jackpot. He is a father, humanitarian and the greatest performer that ever lived.

I hate this article with a passion.
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

I hate this article too...PURE RUBBISH! :angry:
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

If I were MJ and I read an insulting article like this one which contains veiled threats by my current team of so called investors/advisors, I would immediately fire all of them and cancel the show -- just for the principle of the matter. Just so that these idiots understood that I was NOT their slave or an "institution".

Michael is NOT an asset. He's not someone's jackpot. He is a father, humanitarian and the greatest performer that ever lived.

I hate this article with a passion.
and end up being sued for tens of millions of dollars. he signed an iron clad contract w/ aeg....he can't just walk away from all of this.

if anything, this can show him NOT to go ahead w/ the potential plans to do the us and asia, at least not w/ colony capital or w/ aeg.

this is his warning, do these shows, don't balk, and we're all good.

u can't compare the anniv. concerts to actual shows. they performed two nights...this is a 50 night run over 8 months. it's a lot, for even the youngest and viril of performers.

as for the wheelchair comment...remember him being pushed out of a barnes &noble in vegas while in a wheelchair? wearing a red marine corps cap?

granted he never lived in a shotty part of town unless they wanna say the palomino house was too 'normal' for mj to be living in it. the monte cristo house was awesome.
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

and end up being sued for tens of millions of dollars. he signed an iron clad contract w/ aeg....he can't just walk away from all of this.

if anything, this can show him NOT to go ahead w/ the potential plans to do the us and asia, at least not w/ colony capital or w/ aeg.

this is his warning, do these shows, don't balk, and we're all good.

u can't compare the anniv. concerts to actual shows. they performed two nights...this is a 50 night run over 8 months. it's a lot, for even the youngest and viril of performers.

as for the wheelchair comment...remember him being pushed out of a barnes &noble in vegas while in a wheelchair? wearing a red marine corps cap?

granted he never lived in a shotty part of town unless they wanna say the palomino house was too 'normal' for mj to be living in it. the monte cristo house was awesome.

we'll see how MJ handles the situation. we never see what he signs, and i know he's not going to do anything that runs him into the ground. he's been threatened before with a lot of golaiths, but his David always won. he's not going to make the mistakes of artists of the past. everybody's gunna have to understand, cus people who try to hurt him don't know what they messin with. they don't know nothin bout what's hidden behind the scenes. none of us do. they see paydirt and they go in like vultures. but they end up castaway if they pull shit. if we as fans were responsible for runnin him into the ground we would all regret it. especially if we are fans with hearts.

too many artists of the past let people tell them what to do till they were wore out, strung out, played out, or in the case of Janis Joplin, just plain dropped dead.

so, while the media paints a horrible irresponsible picture of MJ, and people fall for it, the reality is, we don't know what's going on. and advisors are just that. advisors. they don't make the final decisions, and they're not supposed to. we want a little preventative medicine. we want patience. we want to remember that Michael is a human being, and a father, and we want him preserved, because that's what love is. we don't want twenty twenty hindsight, which is always filled with regret.
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Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

I think the story is brilliant. It's written in a respectful, subjective manner, it's non-gossipy and deals with Michael strictly as a 'business', which - considering his current financial situation - is what he should be seen as... For his own good, of course.
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

lol..these 'business people' should go help the true poor. they all want hand outs, in the usa as they're in a recession. they leave the beggars on the streets. but they see Michael, and they all think they can 'help' him, cus they all have to common a disease...improve upon success disease. they need to fix their own situations. it certainly brings to mind that brilliant saying. 'success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan.'

heh..they wanna fix Michael? they are less successful than he is. i don't see how that's gunna help him.

people think they can make decisions for someone else, but if it doesn't work, where are they?

it seems easy to forget, everybody's got to make their own decisions. and that ain't a bad thing. especially since we all gotta live with our own decisions and no one else can live with them for us. so, let each and every person make their own decision. including Michael. he's still successful enough to prove, he's done alright making his decisions. the only reason why the media paints a shitty portrait of him, is because he's not their lap dog.

if the media is always gushing over you, something's wrong. it's like a person gushing over you cus u do what THEY want, instead of what YOU want and what's best for YOU, that only YOU know.

YOU let everybody else decide for you when they don't know you, it's a sure fire recipe for your own disaster. MJ don't go like that, so, he's still around.
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Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

vnc i beg to differ on this wouldn't set up all this if they didn'thave a contract. they ahve a lot to lose if he were to call it off and deep down u have to knwo that. they're not doing this as a favour...this is business
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

I think the article is ok as in it's impartial and does have that stupid ***** ***** etc tone. But as with most articles about Michael it's badly researched and full of unproven and sweeping statement for me to to take it seriously.

The Times have an article almost exactly the same the the LA Times article,

I'm fed up of these stupid journalists writing about Michael's finances like they know everything when they don't. I'm fed up of them writing like the only income Michael ever had was through The Beatles music via Sony/ATV. They eaither don't know through lack of knowledge and research, or choose to leave out the fact that Michael Jackson also owns the publishing rights to the many hit songs he's written through MiJac Music and owns music by artists such as Sly & The Family Stone and many more on MiJac Music which he owns 100% of. They also miss out the fact Michael Jackson is one of the very few artists to own the masters to all of his solo albums with Sony/Epic from 1979-present, and owns the rights to the majority of his music videos.

I find reports of Michael being broke greatly exaggerated. Sure Michael has been sued on a regular basis this decade, but those who have successful sued Michael have not been awarded the amount they wanted, and have were Michael had to by the likes of Averam Grant around $4 million which isn't a lot of money for Michael. Other such as the guy once directed gay porn movies who sued Michael over non payment for the What More Can I Give video, got $2 or $3 million a lot less then he was suing for, and he had to pay Michael around $2 million when Michael counter sued him. Other cases such as Sheikh Abdullah Bin Hamad Al Khalifa, who sued Michael over the 2Seas music deal, settled with Michael out of court. Of course the media look at this and other cases were Michael has settled out of court as a loss for Michael, but Michael has walked away from this out of court business settlements pleased with the outcome. So I don't see any problem their, and I'd even go as far to say Michael has won the majority of court cases he's been sued for.

I've been reading of Michael's so called demise since the mid 1980's. The media never changes, and considering how famous Michael Jackson is they appear to know very little about his business deals, such as The Times saying Michael's deal with LA Gear was in 1993, when it was in fact in 1989 and ended before 1993. I find it both irritatating and funny they he media are doubting Michael can pull his 50 concerts at the O2 off, because they said Michael would most likely commit suicide than go on trial in 2003. And Michael went on trial and was proven 100%, and proved the charges were a made up lie. And the media didn't like the out, and now they are trying to ruin his O2 concerts. And as usual Michael will prove the media wrong.
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

the key point is always this...u never sue a broke person cuz it wouldbe moot
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

vnc i beg to differ on this wouldn't set up all this if they didn'thave a contract. they ahve a lot to lose if he were to call it off and deep down u have to knwo that. they're not doing this as a favour...this is business

sorry. i can't. people in his past say they 'set up a lot of stuff' according to the press. then the press say he 'let them down'. and they sue. it's the same story over and over and over. and over. and i, for one, feel burnt by it. i'm not saying he's not going to perform. MJ said, himself he's gunna do that. and i know it's in his blood. he made that perfectly clear. and i believe what he said about his kids. needing for them to see it. and fans will see that. but what i'm begging is this. we don't wanna see another James Brown tragedy. we need to continue to show our love to him the way he shows his love to us. that's all i'm sayin. i'm saying, there's no need for this 'do or die' extreme commentary when it comes to Michael. why do we have to adapt the jargon of the press? MJ doesn't need favors. why is it, that when Michael demonstrates that he has a mind of his own, that we're so quick to nail him for it?

what would you do, if someone wanted to think for you, and told you u cannot think for yourself, and forced it down your throat?

i just think we're all better fans than that. and we shouldn't join the press in building a lynching cloud against MJ, if things don't go to the point where MJ is overperforming. we shouldn't join the press in their rhetoric.

and unless we're all looking at the contracts, i steadfastly believe that MJ is not gunna sign something that's gunna burn him out. iron clad is something i refuse to believe.

how many times have people set him up?
why wouldn't he learn from all those times not to let people suck him into 'iron clad'? there's got to be compromise. MJ is too smart for 'iron clad'. he's been around too long. i truly truly believe his lawyers made sure there was compromise. leeway. and we'll have to live with that.

if we're seeing MJ in concert, we are extremely LUCKY. he doesn't owe us.

and i know this isn't about favors. and it's not exactly a big risk to work with someone whose thriller album keeps getting rereleased in the UK and keeps selling over and over and over and over and over and over.'s business. but i'm not gunna pretend MJ isn't a sure bet in vegas. lol.

sorry, but i'm not about to believe there is such a thing as a person who takes an actual risk, when too many people feel there is a recession. there are too many examples of people who didn't take risks because of the recession. they still lost money, but that's another subject, altogether. lol
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Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

I agree with most of posts. LA Times have always been dubious, veiled haters. You will have bits of truth but with assumptions and tabloid nonsense. Truth is, there will always be vultures around Michael and those trying to demean him and make him sound flaky. The constant stories about his health etc has been going on for months now. People knew he was coming back on the music scene and when he announced his concerts it gained more momentum. Insidious propaganda. You will always have those who been pushed off the gravy train saying that Michael is flaky, spends all his money, not healthy enough, blah, blah. Everyone makes mistakes, you can trust supposedly professional people to do a job for you, but a lot of the time I think greed and opportunities get the better of them and there starts the problem. Egos and personality clashes. You will never not have that when dealing with large amounts of money in this business and Michael Jackson makes people a lot of money.
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