To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset (Merged)

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Jul 25, 2011

To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

Others have tried to revive the onetime pop star's performing career. Tom Barrack is convinced he's the 'caretaker' to do it.
By Chris Lee and Harriet Ryan
May 31, 2009

Tom Barrack, a Westside financier who made billions buying and selling distressed properties, flew to Las Vegas in March 2008 to check out a troubled asset. But his target was not a struggling hotel chain or failed bank.

It was Michael Jackson. The world's bestselling male pop artist was hunkered down with his three children in a dumpy housing compound in an older section of town. At 49, he was awash in nearly $400 million of debt and so frail that he greeted visitors in a wheelchair. The rich international friends who offered him refuge after his 2005 acquittal on molestation charges had fallen away. His Santa Barbara ranch, Neverland, was about to be sold at public auction.

In Jackson, Barrack saw the sort of undervalued asset his private equity firm, Colony Capital, had succeeded with in the past. He wrote a check to save the ranch and placed a call to a friend, the conservative business magnate Philip Anschutz, whose holdings include the concert production firm AEG Live.

Fifteen months later, Jackson is living in a Bel-Air mansion and rehearsing for a series of 50 sold-out shows in London's O2 Arena. The intervention of two billionaires with more experience in the board room than the recording studio seems on course to accomplish what a parade of others over the last dozen years could not: getting Jackson back on stage.

His backers envision the London shows as an audition for a career rebirth that could ultimately encompass a three-year world tour, a new album, movies, a Graceland-like museum, musical revues in Las Vegas and Macau, even a "Thriller" casino.

"You are talking about a guy who could make $500 million a year if he puts his mind to it," Barrack said recently. "There are very few individual artists who are multibillion-dollar businesses. And he is one."

Others have tried to resurrect Jackson's career, but previous attempts have failed, associates say, because of managerial chaos, backbiting within his inner circle and the singer's legendary flakiness.

Even as Jackson's benefactors assemble an all-star team -- "High School Musical's" Kenny Ortega is directing the London concerts -- there are hints of discord. Last week, two different men identified themselves as the singer's manager and a month before, a respected accountant who had been handling Jackson's books was abruptly fired in a phone call from an assistant.

But his backers downplay the problems. "He is very focused. He is not going to let anybody down. Not himself. Not his fans. Not his family," said Frank DiLeo, his current manager and a friend of three decades.

Jackson needs a comeback to reverse the damage done by years of excessive spending and little work. He has not toured since 1997 or released a new album since 2001, but has continued to live like a megastar.

To finance his opulent lifestyle, he borrowed heavily against his three main assets -- his ranch, his music catalog and a second catalog that includes the music of the Beatles that he co-owns with Sony Corp. By the time of his 2005 criminal trial, he was nearly $300 million in debt and, according to testimony, spending $30 million more annually than he was taking in.

Compounding his money difficulties are a revolving door of litigious advisors and hangers on. Jackson has run through 11 managers since 1990, according to DiLeo.

At least 19 people -- financial advisors, managers, lawyers, a pornography producer and even a Bahraini sheik -- have taken Jackson to court for allegedly failing to pay bills or backing out of deals. He settled many of the suits. Currently, he is facing civil claims by a former publicist, a concert promoter and the writer-director of his "Thriller" video, John Landis.

John Branca, an entertainment lawyer who represented Jackson for more than 20 years, blamed the singer's financial straits partly on his past habit of surrounding himself with "yes men." Branca advised Jackson to buy half of the Beatles catalog in 1985 for $47.5 million. The catalog is now estimated to be worth billions and the purchase is considered his smartest business decision.

"The paradox is that Michael is one of the brightest and most talented people I've ever known. At the same time, he has made some of the worst choices in advisors in the history of music," said Branca, who represents Santana, Nickelback and Aerosmith, among others. He said he split with the singer because Jackson invited into his inner circle "people who really didn't have his best interests at heart."

The singer's financial predicament reached a crisis point in March 2008 when he defaulted on a $24.5-million loan and Neverland went into foreclosure. Jackson's brother Jermaine enlisted the help of Dr. Tohme Tohme, an orthopedic surgeon-turned-businessman who had previously worked with Colony Capital.

Tohme reached out to Barrack, who said he was initially reluctant to get involved because Jackson had already sought advice from fellow billionaire and Barrack's friend Ron Burkle.

"I said, 'My God, if Ron can't figure it out, I can't figure it out,' " Barrack said.

But he was drawn to the deal. He owns a ranch five miles from Neverland, and his sons were among local children Jackson invited over for field days at the ranch. With the auction of Jackson's home and possessions just days away, Barrack made the singer a proposition.

"I sat down with him and said, 'Look . . . we can buy the note and restructure your financial empire,' " Barrack said. But, he told him, "what you need is a new caretaker. A new podium. A new engine."

Tohme, who acted as Jackson's manager until recently, recalled the urgency of the situation. "If he didn't move fast, he would have lost the ranch," Tohme said. "That would have been humiliating for Michael."

Jackson and Barrack reached an agreement within seven days. Colony paid $22.5 million and Neverland averted foreclosure.

Jackson has not spoken publicly since a March news conference and his representatives declined to make him available for an interview.

Barrack said his position outside the music industry seemed to endear him to Jackson. "He looks at me like 'the suit.' I have credibility because I don't live in that world. I'm not interested in hanging around him. I'm not interested in girls. I'm not interested in boys. I'm not interested in drugs," Barrack said.

After buying Neverland, Barrack called his friend Anschutz. Barrack said the prospect of helping Jackson, given his recent criminal case, gave Anschutz, a devout Christian, pause. (Anschutz declined to be interviewed.)

Barrack had spent significant time with Jackson and praised him as "a genius" and devoted father. Ultimately, Anschutz agreed to put Jackson in touch with Randy Phillips, the CEO of his concert subsidiary.

As the head of AEG Live, Phillips oversees a division that grossed more than $1 billion last year and has negotiated such lucrative bookings as Celine Dion's four-year, $400-million run in Las Vegas and Prince's 21 sold-out dates at the O2 Arena in 2007.

Phillips had his eye on Jackson for some time. In 2007, Phillips approached the singer with a deal for a comeback, but Jackson, who was working with different advisors, turned him down. "He wasn't ready," Phillips recalled.

This time, however, Jackson was receptive. He needed the money, and he has a second, more personal reason: His children -- sons Prince Michael, 7, and Michael Joseph Jackson Jr., 12, and daughter Paris Michael Katherine, 11 -- have never seen him perform live.

"They are old enough to appreciate and understand what I do and I am still young enough to do it," Phillips quoted Jackson as saying.

Jackson stands to earn $50 million for the O2 shows, "This Is It" -- $1 million per performance not including revenue from merchandise sales and broadcast rights. Jackson is considering options including pay-per-view and a feature film. But the real money would kick in after his final curtain call in London.

AEG has proposed a three-year tour starting in Europe, then traveling to Asia and finally returning to the United States. Although Jackson has committed only to the O2 engagement thus far, Phillips estimates ticket sales for the global concerts would exceed $450 million. Such a rebound could wipe out Jackson's massive debt.

"One would hope he would end up netting around 50% of that," Phillips said.

Barrack, the man who set Jackson's comeback in motion, has seen his net worth drop with the financial crisis. Forbes estimated his wealth at $2.3 billion around the time he met Jackson, but he is now merely a multimillionaire. He said that the economic downturn makes Jackson more attractive as an investment because his value has been overlooked: In times like this, he said, "finding little pieces of information that others don't have" is more important than ever.

His company isn't exposed to any risk by working with Jackson. All the money Colony has put up is backed by the value of Neverland and related assets, he said. If Jackson regains firm financial footing, Barrack's company could be a partner in future deals. "When he looks back and says, 'Who took the risk? Who was there?' I mean, he gets it. So that's my hope," Barrack said.

It all depends on what happens July 13 when the lights go down in the O2 Arena. Doubts about Jackson's reliability are widespread because of his long concert hiatus. Those concerns were heightened earlier this month when the show's opening night was pushed back five days. Phillips and Ortega, the director, blamed production problems and said Jackson was ready to perform.

Fans demonstrated their faith in Jackson months ago when they snapped up 750,000 tickets for shows through March 2010 in less than four hours. "We could have done 200 shows if he were willing to live in London for two years," Phillips said.

In addition to the more than $20 million AEG is paying to produce the shows, the company is putting its reputation on the line for a performer with a track record of missed performances and canceled dates. "In this business, if you don't take risks, you don't achieve greatness," Phillips said.

But the problems that have bedeviled Jackson in the past -- infighting, disorganization and questionable advisors -- persist.

In an interview last week, Tohme identified himself as the singer's "manager, spokesman, everything" and spoke about the benefits of dealing with business titans Barrack and Anschutz rather than their "sleazy" predecessors. "Michael Jackson is an institution. He needs to be run like an institution," Tohme said.

The next day, however, longtime Jackson associate DiLeo claimed he was Jackson's manager and said Tohme had been fired a month and a half earlier. Tohme denied being fired but declined further comment.

In April, Jackson fired the accounting firm, Cannon & Co., that had worked for him for a year, according to an accountant who worked on his finances. In his corner office high above Century City, Barrack is sanguine about reports of disharmony. "You have the same thousand parasites that start to float back in and take advantage of the situation and that has happened a little at the edges." But, he added, he had confidence in AEG's ability to keep Jackson focused.

The concerts, Phillips acknowledged, are a do-or-die moment for Jackson. "If it doesn't happen, it would be a major problem for him career-wise in a way that it hasn't been in the past," he said.
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Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

Decided to make this a hot topic of the day. Please discuss!
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

I am still trying to get a read on this article. It's not that it's bad or anything like that but I'm a bit wary that Michael's financiers and various managers came out with details of Michael's financial predicament and how they have invested in him. And the final statement from Randy Phillips caught my eye too.

The concerts, Phillips acknowledged, are a do-or-die moment for Jackson. "If it doesn't happen, it would be a major problem for him career-wise in a way that it hasn't been in the past," he said.


One thing for sure that it dispels Raymone's claim that she was the mastermind behind the concerts.
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

i'm sorry. i'm tired, and this is tired. sue me. i'm tired of people thinking MJ is a mess. and can't handle his business. and that he needs human saviours. and that, somehow, he looks like someone who can't possibly lord over his own empire. what? he looks like a kid, so he acts like one? i don't think so. is he too ghetto to be smart? i don't think so. this is just tired. if nothing else, him being around fifty years without touching the welfare line should mean something. i see this same jargon being repeated about Michael, over and over. and i, for one, am not going to let repetition mean truth. this shit is tired, to me. why is it easier for someone to believe Bill Gates is north of a billion, but Michael is not? just because we don't 'hear the stories?' sometimes, smear campaigns are afforded the wrong people. the majority of these 'saviours' have come and gone, and Michael is still here.
and what is that crack about 'i don't like drugs. i don't like girls. i don't like boys'.??? dude is nothing more than the billionth walking talking copy and paste repeat tabloid, that needs new material.
Michael can do good all by himself. and has done. thank you.
i'm out.
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Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

Thats great we can discuss this topic, its not only news...

This is the best part:

His backers envision the London shows as an audition for a career rebirth that could ultimately encompass a three-year world tour, a new album, movies, a Graceland-like museum, musical revues in Las Vegas and Macau, even a "Thriller" casino.

"You are talking about a guy who could make $500 million a year if he puts his mind to it," Barrack said recently. "There are very few individual artists who are multibillion-dollar businesses. And he is one."

Others have tried to resurrect Jackson's career, but previous attempts have failed, associates say, because of managerial chaos, backbiting within his inner circle and the singer's legendary flakiness.

and this...
John Branca, an entertainment lawyer who represented Jackson for more than 20 years, blamed the singer's financial straits partly on his past habit of surrounding himself with "yes men." Branca advised Jackson to buy half of the Beatles catalog in 1985 for $47.5 million. The catalog is now estimated to be worth billions and the purchase is considered his smartest business decision.

"The paradox is that Michael is one of the brightest and most talented people I've ever known. At the same time, he has made some of the worst choices in advisors in the history of music," said Branca, who represents Santana, Nickelback and Aerosmith, among others. He said he split with the singer because Jackson invited into his inner circle "people who really didn't have his best interests at heart."
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Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

i'm sorry. i'm tired, and this is tired. sue me. i'm tired of people thinking MJ is a mess. and can't handle his business. and that he needs human saviours. and that, somehow, he looks like someone who can't possibly lord over his own empire. what? he looks like a kid, so he acts like one? i don't think so. is he too ghetto to be smart? i don't think so. this is just tired. if nothing else, him being around fifty years without touching the welfare line should mean something. i see this same jargon being repeated about Michael, over and over. and i, for one, am not going to let repetition mean truth. this shit is tired, to me. why is it easier for someone to believe Bill Gates is north of a billion, but Michael is not? just because we don't 'hear the stories?' sometimes, smear campaigns are afforded the wrong people. the majority of these 'saviours' have come and gone, and Michael is still here.

i'm out.

I feel what you're saying. I am gobsmacked that his current team would do an article like this. If they were all fired and decided to do a disgruntled team article then sure fine whatever because that is expected. But why this and why now? And why from his current team of investors and managers? Why would Randy Phillips who's usually positive about the concerts say "If it doesn't happen, it would be a major problem for him career-wise in a way that it hasn't been in the past" ??
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

I feel what you're saying. I am gobsmacked that his current team would do an article like this. If they were all fired and decided to do a disgruntled team article then sure fine whatever because that is expected. But why this and why now? And why from his current team of investors and managers? Why would Randy Phillips who's usually positive about the concerts say "If it doesn't happen, it would be a major problem for him career-wise in a way that it hasn't been in the past" ??

the greatest and most aggravating thing about all this is, Michael's quietness. and everybody else's big mouth. they all speak for him. and he remains quiet. but then, i'm reminded of a Bible verse that says, there's wisdom with silence. so, that shut me up and made me give thumbs up to MJ for his quietness. people are gunna believe it if it comes from the mouth of someone around him, but not if it comes from him. and that's too bad. but again, the wisdom is with the silence.
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

am still trying to get a read on this article. It's not that it's bad or anything like that but I'm a bit wary that Michael's financiers and various managers came out with details of Michael's financial predicament and how they have invested in him. And the final statement from Randy Phillips caught my eye too.

i always wonder if stories like this are even true and they arent just hashed together articles from supposed quotes from ppl that may or may not have ever been said. like in the past i saw aritcles that claimed to have an interview with mj. when infact all it was was a mixtures of quotes mj had given over 30 years all put together to create an exclusive put nothing past certain media outlets in their quest to cause trouble in mjs camp
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Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

Don't really know what to make of all this... if it came from anyone else, I would say :bs: but comming from this dude not only surprises me but makes me feel a little betrayed...
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

Elusive u are right it
Is typical LA Times..they always paint Mike as the idoit and if things are going must be because someone saved him...

But readind between the line on that article..I can see that Mike is doing just fine ..Colony/AEG did not give a direct interview to LA Times...look at how the article is written..
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

Yes Rasta Pasta you are right. LA Times are known to write BS articles but at times if you read "between" the lines than you would kind of get the picture.

Anyway I think Michael is doing fine financial wise. With the tour starting in a few days his financial status will be much better. I have a feeling all of his albums will sky rocket and he will be pocketing money from there as well. There is a bright future ahead for Michael. :)
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

if u read even closer, u can see that they all are letting MIchael pay for the concerts, himself. lol.

so much for a financial misfit, huh?

they are working his humility like a violin. no wonder they claim they are taking a risk, when in reality, they are not. no wonder no insurance is needed. at least they admit, if anything, Branca's worth diminished. they're riding on MJ. that's the reality. they are all borrowing against MJ's assets to put on this massive event.. nothing more than what he apparently does, when he goes shopping. which, in reality is what a person is supposed to do, when they are smart enough to amass a fortune. they're supposed to sit back and enjoy it.

i shoulda known that people who have Branca's mindset, and Phillips' mindset, don't like to spend money. and they actually accuse MJ of spending it, along with the LA times. as if spending money is a bad thing. which it is not. now, they are spending his, and calling themselves saviours. and the LA times is going right along with them, as expected. they are mad because MJ can spend more. and they say less is coming in. that's a nasty interpretation of what's actually happening. steady accumulation of royalties, that never stops. they're mad, because he's smarter than them, because he doesn't have to work. he can just spend. they still have to work. so they and the times make him out to be a criminal for spending his own money. if anything, MJ is smooth. they're hoping for a world tour. this isn't a tour. and they better sit tight, cus he may not go beyond london if they get stupid. things are tough enough as it is for preparation for this first, and possible only leg of this event.

let's hit everyone up with just a microcosm of the real truth here. this residency is being paid for by lady gaga's 7th week at number 1.

that's how 'stupid' Michael Jackson is.
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Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

I feel what you're saying. I am gobsmacked that his current team would do an article like this. If they were all fired and decided to do a disgruntled team article then sure fine whatever because that is expected. But why this and why now? And why from his current team of investors and managers? Why would Randy Phillips who's usually positive about the concerts say "If it doesn't happen, it would be a major problem for him career-wise in a way that it hasn't been in the past" ??

I am only down three posts and already see the outrage and anger boiling. Guys, settle down. This is just an article. It's not on the front page of any magazine or newspaper anywhere in the world.

What if the article it IS true? What if every single word is absolutely correct? If you found out it was, would it affect your love of him? I don't think so.

Look, I love Mike so much, but the entire article fits into what we saw with our own eyes as we look at the time line over the past few years. We have just finally gotten the full story. It's never pretty. It wasn't pretty at the trial, and it isn't pretty now. But, peoples lives are more than just good or bad, black or white. Michael is human and has troubles and has made mistakes. We all have. Who cares at how broke he was (supposedly)? All that matters is that he has been reaffirmed as a brilliant business man. Heck, he was called a genius in the article.

Should all of the facts be true, then you are not seeing the reality of what the article is saying. Try not to read into it what is not there. The truth is that Michael Jackson is able to resurrect his career and rebuild his empire. Didn't you notice that his money and history was referenced as "an empire"? You don't get any closer to being a king than having an empire.

Who cares if the article is true. Michael is coming back and has support from every angle. He WANTS to show his kids what he can do and that enough is proof to me that we are in store for a great couple of years, at the very least.

Oh, and remember, the English royal family was valued in the negative millions a few years back, after they were forced to pay taxes like the 'regular people'. Did they go down? No, they restructured, financed their life in new ways, and got rid of assets that were of little or no value.

What Michael is doing is making the very BEST CHOICE he can at this time and I applaud him for this. I think he may be growing up quite a bit. I love the fact that he puts his children above himself and wants to do this for them now that they will be able to love it. I am more impressed than ever.
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

To vncwilliam about what you said in the weekend news thread. Thanks and I would like to say what you said is the truth. The one who is quiet has wisdom (quote from the bible). Michael knows what he is doing. I will admit that I have been kind of down about him in these situations but I have faith in him and in the Lord in him getting back up on his feet. When this tour starts he will make everyone the laughing stock as to whom has believed all these outrageous stories that the tabloid world seems to keep rehashing. He will be stronger then ever and he will make the most of his future and his children's future.
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset,0,1441957.story?page=1

To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

Others have tried to revive the onetime pop star's performing career. Tom Barrack is convinced he's the 'caretaker' to do it.
By Chris Lee and Harriet Ryan
May 31, 2009

-- there are hints of discord. Last week, two different men identified themselves as the singer's manager and a month before, a respected accountant who had been handling Jackson's books was abruptly fired in a phone call from an assistant.

"He is very focused. He is not going to let anybody down. Not himself. Not his fans. Not his family," said Frank DiLeo, his current manager and a friend of three decades.

Compounding his money difficulties are a revolving door of litigious advisors and hangers on. Jackson has run through 11 managers since 1990, according to DiLeo.

"I sat down with him and said, 'Look . . . we can buy the note and restructure your financial empire,' " Barrack said. But, he told him, "what you need is a new caretaker. A new podium. A new engine."

Tohme, who acted as Jackson's manager until recently, recalled the urgency of the situation.

Phillips had his eye on Jackson for some time. In 2007, Phillips approached the singer with a deal for a comeback, but Jackson, who was working with different advisors, turned him down. "He wasn't ready," Phillips recalled.

: His children -- sons Prince Michael, 7, and Michael Joseph Jackson Jr., 12, and daughter Paris Michael Katherine, 11 -- have never seen him perform live.


AEG has proposed a three-year tour starting in Europe, then traveling to Asia and finally returning to the United States. Although Jackson has committed only to the O2 engagement thus far

But the problems that have bedeviled Jackson in the past -- infighting, disorganization and questionable advisors -- persist.

In an interview last week, Tohme identified himself as the singer's "manager, spokesman, everything" and spoke about the benefits of dealing with business titans Barrack and Anschutz rather than their "sleazy" predecessors. "Michael Jackson is an institution. He needs to be run like an institution," Tohme said.

The next day, however, longtime Jackson associate DiLeo claimed he was Jackson's manager and said Tohme had been fired a month and a half earlier. Tohme denied being fired but declined further comment.

"You have the same thousand parasites that start to float back in and take advantage of the situation and that has happened a little at the edges." But, he added, he had confidence in AEG's ability to keep Jackson focused.

The concerts, Phillips acknowledged, are a do-or-die moment for Jackson. "If it doesn't happen, it would be a major problem for him career-wise in a way that it hasn't been in the past," he said.
phillips is right when he says this is a do or die...u have ur die hard fans waiting and paying for this, let them down by not following through and chaos will ensue within ur own audience.

it's one thing to say ur gonna do an album or a single, but this is something he'llneed to follow through with or else he'll end up in massive debt.

note the discrepancies between managers....even phillips was quoted earlier as saying tohme was the person who was the go between between himself and mj. raymone who?

and the la times always intejects things into wouldn't be a piece by them w/o that.
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

I've always classed this newspaper as a tabloid. It states that John Branca advised Michael to buy HALF of the Beatles catalogue - if they can't even get that part right how many more inaccuracies are there. Taking this with a pinch of salt, just can't see the people working with Michael would shoot themselves in the foot by talking this way about the man's private financial business.
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

phillips is right when he says this is a do or die...u have ur die hard fans waiting and paying for this, let them down by not following through and chaos will ensue within ur own audience.

it's one thing to say ur gonna do an album or a single, but this is something he'llneed to follow through with or else he'll end up in massive debt.

note the discrepancies between managers....even phillips was quoted earlier as saying tohme was the person who was the go between between himself and mj. raymone who?

and the la times always intejects things into wouldn't be a piece by them w/o that.

Michael has never been known to let down his fans in the way this thing is being hyped. he's in a good place, and there really is no do or die. you can mark my response, and refer to it, in the year 2012 when this thing is over, and put me on blast if i am wrong.

his 'die hard' fans know that it has to be done right, for both sides, or not at all. or else, what's the use of calling them die hard fans? there's been enough in MJ's life for people making outrageous 'do or die' statements, to not be enough to convince me, that that is the case for Michael. again, you can quote me on that. i'm a die hard fan. and i'm sure there are a lot of other die hard fans who have unshakeable faith in Michael and know he's not into hurting his fans. he doesn't have that rep, tho there are those who would like to give it to him.

i can think of a lot of people who would love for MJ to stop signing autographs, for instance, like Ringo Starr. the media would say, MJ killed his fans' hearts, if he did that. nobody's complaining about Ringo. and Ringo's fans are fine with him.

so i think the sensationalism hurled against MJ is unfair, and unwarrnated. he's earned his peace.
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

where's the negativity? when ur an empire and everyone is taking advantage of u, ur bound to do stupid things....

let us all be aware of britney spears who was carreid off on a gurney twice, twice admitted under a 5150 hold and shaved her head and now she's on top ofthe w orld.

sometimes u need a fall a bit before u can climb back up

he made mistakes...we all do. he made mistakes w/ money, has people STILL hovering over him like vultures ready to take a bite.

as for his debt, note that the money that he makes from the profits off of things goes into a trust....some goes to him, some goes into a trust and that trust is specifically formulated to pay his debts so he's steady paying...just like all of us, chipping away at his credit.
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

where's the negativity? when ur an empire and everyone is taking advantage of u, ur bound to do stupid things....

let us all be aware of britney spears who was carreid off on a gurney twice, twice admitted under a 5150 hold and shaved her head and now she's on top ofthe w orld.

sometimes u need a fall a bit before u can climb back up

he made mistakes...we all do. he made mistakes w/ money, has people STILL hovering over him like vultures ready to take a bite.

as for his debt, note that the money that he makes from the profits off of things goes into a trust....some goes to him, some goes into a trust and that trust is specifically formulated to pay his debts so he's steady paying...just like all of us, chipping away at his credit.

..i don't consider what Britney did as stupid. i consider it, showing her emotional vulnerability due to sharks.

what i'm saying is, you can put me on blast if in the future, there is irrefutable evidence that MJ did himself in, and there is no turning back. not just hearsay.
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

i didn't say what brit did was stupid but im saying if she acn be as troubled as she was, fall as hard as she did, and rise again, y can't mike? and damn....did bs have hella neg publicity?!

i don't think he'll cancel on us or disappoint us, im saying that if rescheduling four dates is enough to have fans go off on him, imagine cancelling the tour!!!!!!

i see an article that shows a man willing to take a chance on mj. who cares if he made stupid choices financially or w/ who he employed? who cares if it's true or not? he has to be the only perosn paying on a $400M loan for ten yrs...shouldn't it go down, at least by a penny?

i see a company willing to take a chance on him b/c barack is backing him. i see a man who is his neighbor, who bailed him out and is helpinghim back on his feet and is making money while doing it.

this is a win win situation w/ aeg and's the losers in between that make me nervous. dileo can make comments but cannot clarify the allgood drama?

something stink's and it's not zz's diaper
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

I hope Mike agrees for a 3 year contract.

That way he will tour Europe, Asien and The U.S.

And make more than 250 million dollars. :)
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

i didn't say what brit did was stupid but im saying if she acn be as troubled as she was, fall as hard as she did, and rise again, y can't mike? and damn....did bs have hella neg publicity?!

i don't think he'll cancel on us or disappoint us, im saying that if rescheduling four dates is enough to have fans go off on him, imagine cancelling the tour!!!!!!

i see an article that shows a man willing to take a chance on mj. who cares if he made stupid choices financially or w/ who he employed? who cares if it's true or not? he has to be the only perosn paying on a $400M loan for ten yrs...shouldn't it go down, at least by a penny?

i see a company willing to take a chance on him b/c barack is backing him. i see a man who is his neighbor, who bailed him out and is helpinghim back on his feet and is making money while doing it.

this is a win win situation w/ aeg and's the losers in between that make me nervous. dileo can make comments but cannot clarify the allgood drama?

something stink's and it's not zz's diaper

i see we all have our views. lol. though they may differ. i just don't see him as being on his back and needing to be put back on his feet, jus cus he's out for while. lol....we're cool..loll..we're :lol:
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

So I'm getting the vibe that these new dudes that are currently surrounding Michael seem to be much better for him. That's what the article is trying to promote, I feel. But I also have this old backlash that these "men" aren't any different than the others who have surrounded him in the past. At least, this is how I feel for the moment. Once they've been around him for longer than a few months or 1 year, then I may change my mind.

But I do get what they were talking about with the whole "yes" men thing. Michael did surround himself with "yes" men, and it did get him into a lot of trouble in one form or another. I just hope now that Michael and this new crew of advisors and managers will be able to take all the blows and punches that will surely be coming their way in the coming years.

I'm hoping and praying for the best.
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

i don't feel it will be any different, cus they still carry the same credo. they think it's a sin to spend money. and they think Michael is committing that sin. his moves are maverick and they yield big results. just like the few mavericks out there, such as Richard Branson. they think more like general motors. don't spend. don't invest. choke creativity. and now gm is dead. but Michael's music lives forever.
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

Oh baloney...I'm tired of hearing this heresay about his one knows what's what...people are always second guessing. LA where did you get your facts?:doh:
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

I think that was wery informative and sums things up pretty well.

I would just keep my eye on these names: Tohme, Barrack, Phillips, Anschutz, DiLeo... :smilerolleyes: Sorry but I don't trust anyone until I see that this time things will work out for MICHAEL's best intrests.
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

It was not negative I think, but not 110 % accurate neither.
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

Hmmmmmmmmm......interesting...and odd. Am I the only one hearing The Godfather theme after reading this? :ermm:
Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

Hmmmmmmmmm......interesting...and odd. Am I the only one hearing The Godfather theme after reading this? :ermm:

no. lol. but it's atv. so cool. lol. anyway. that's what makes Mike so special. takes advice and absorbs disrespect from people who have less and are less successful than he is. and, quite frankly, less intelligent than he is. nobody else would do that. their ego would get in the way. he's been at it longer, but looks younger than they.
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Re: To this financier, Michael Jackson is an undervalued asset

Hmmmmmmmmm......interesting...and odd. Am I the only one hearing The Godfather theme after reading this? :ermm:



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