to the members of mjjc

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Im actually starting to feel uneasy again because of all the fighting that I may have to go away again for a while. When this is going on I do not feel Michaels presence here :( It breaks my heart that this is going on. I just wish we could all get along. We are all one.
For the first time since I joined here I have now started to think about leaving for awhile, since the atmosphere has changed soo much, but I don't know can I do that because this is like my second home and I wouldn't be able to talk about MJ stuff if I didn't come here because I don't enjoy other forums as much. So, I don't know what I'm going to do yet.
And also, I miss the older posters, I think they are needed here in many ways. I hope that eventually they will start posting again.

In my opinion all this drama is caused by emotions. Michael's passing has caused so much pain to all of us it was inevitable that the board has changed. I'm happy to see so many new members joining but at the same time I hope they read carefully the rules, which are NOT so difficult to follow, and respect the older members. The same way we, older members, have to respect the newbies. It might be difficult sometimes to control our feelings but it's just something that has to be done to keep this forum being respectful.
Like someone posted, all it takes is a look on what you're going to post and think if it's too offensive. It's the same as in offline life, you don't walk into conversation and start yelling your own opinion without listening other's opinions.

It's all about respecting each other and L.O.V.E.
For the first time since I joined here I have now started to think about leaving for awhile, since the atmosphere has changed soo much, but I don't know can I do that because this is like my second home and I wouldn't be able to talk about MJ stuff if I didn't come here because I don't enjoy other forums as much. So, I don't know what I'm going to do yet.
And also, I miss the older posters, I think they are needed here in many ways. I hope that eventually they will start posting again.

In my opinion all this drama is caused by emotions. Michael's passing has caused so much pain to all of us it was inevitable that the board has changed. I'm happy to see so many new members joining but at the same time I hope they read carefully the rules, which are NOT so difficult to follow, and respect the older members. The same way we, older members, have to respect the newbies. It might be difficult sometimes to control our feelings but it's just something that has to be done to keep this forum being respectful.
Like someone posted, all it takes is a look on what you're going to post and think if it's too offensive. It's the same as in offline life, you don't walk into conversation and start yelling your own opinion without listening other's opinions.

It's all about respecting each other and L.O.V.E.

indeed the rules aren't exactly hard to follow i've never found it hard to follow the rules of any forum I've ever been a member of (i'm a long term member of the Mika fan club, there's a few of us here apparently) and I've always been fine over there yes i did get bullied once but that blew over I personally just leave a forum if there's any trouble & then come back to it eventually it's the best thing i certainly don't cause trouble! it's never been me!

i think if someone has spent a lot of time & effort to make a forum & others have helped to maintain it then you should respect those who made it & helped to develop it! it's not much to ask

i as an MJ fan of 23 years undertsnd the huge major upset about him dying & all the frustrations & anger felt but taking it out on people especially fellow fans is not called for imho!

i hope to stick around here for many years to come now I've discovered this place :) and I hope people can see just how much I love & respect Michael & how I also respect all MJ fans even those I don't agree with! (not there has been any i've not agreed with thus far)

When I do join a fan board, I always remain on my best behavior and follow the rules, as I know how much hard work goes into running one.

So I want to give my thanks to those who run this board, and put such hard work into creating a wonderful place were MJ fans reminisce about him and his music. :hug:

yes I do too it's always a polite thing to do! mind you I'm always on my best behaviour even when not online :)

I'm not one to cause trouble it's just not me!

yes I want to give thanks to those on this forum too for making it for maintaining it & for supporting the wonderful man himself MJ
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Actually, one more thing? Thank you Gaz, for the purple badge. I EARNED it, and others can earn it, too, in time. It's not divisive. . it's a matter of RESPECT.


Just a little more clarification on this (as that thread, too, had to be locked due to unruly disrespect. :no:) - are the purple badges for longevity + exemplary behavior or just one or the other? It's a little confusing to me. :scratch:

I'm totally all for rewarding/recognizing people who have stood by Michael for years, throughout his darkest hour and deepest despair. However...just as it's presumptuous to think members with a post-6/25 join date are raucous, MJ-ignorant, fair-weather fans, (Not at all implying that's what Gaz or you do, but some, yes) I think it may also be a mistake to presume that all members with a pre-6/25 join date have truly earned that honor by being loyal, respectful, caring, welcoming fans and members. ['Cause I have to say, I have, for sure, been hurt and belittled, without provoking anyone, by a few older members :(]

I guess I'm just trying to understand this some more. (...As I am very sensitive (embarrassed?) about my join date...:() Some people say the badges are divisive, and I agree, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing. There is a natural divide here. It would be foolish to ignore it. It's not so much drawing a line between us as fans but as MJJC members - and that is totally legit and totally fair, so long as it's truly earned and not just handed out?

I hope this doesn't come across as challenging or disrespectful - I'm all for the idea - I just want to make sure it's explained enough so that it doesn't become more fodder to fuel the new vs old battle. :doh:

I have SUCH a crazy amount of love and respect for all of you who loved and helped Michael for the past four decades while I wasn't there to do it myself. I cannot EVER thank you enough...but I'm gonna keep trying. ;) In my book, you guys are golden.

I would give *anything* to be able to go back 5 or 10 years and somehow shake myself awake to Michael and the fan community, but since the age of six, I was buried deep deep deep into the Conservatory life of eating, sleeping, and breathing Theatre. I knew nothing else. I wouldn't trade it, but..if I could have just had him be a part... :(

Edit: [...I also shouldn't feel the need to keep justifying and explaining myself ^, but again, I guess that's indicative of the hostility floating around here lately.:( Sorry for my insecurities. :(]

(and sorry for such a long post with so many friggin' sad faces! LoL.)
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I'm 19 years old, and living in Ireland. My demographic has little or no interest in Michael and his work. On June 25th, I saw almost all my friends becomes "the biggest fans in the world" and all of a sudden love everything Michael ever did, even though they slagged me for being obsessed with him before. Because of the time difference it was night over here, I stayed up, online looking for every scrap of news, for 72 hours straight. I was praying for someone to correct TMZ, or at least tell me what has really happened.

I joined MJJC after I dealt with Michael's death in September of this year for two reasons:
1.) Shockingly [/sarcasm] all my friends couldn't care less about Michael now, like a passing fad to them, they've moved onto something else. In the time they liked him, the release I got talking to them about Michael in almost any topic was the best thing for me following his death.

2.) I recently got broadband (Stone age and all...) and decided that I should find ONE site, one place where real Michael fans were online, communicating and most importantly for me, genuine. For me, the build up to This Is It would have been nothing with my friends here at MJJC.

So please, please don't push every new member into the disruptive category; I've seen the fights that go on here, and yes a lot of new members seem to be treading on toes, often for no apparent reason, but my God, I don't want to lose my connection with the only Michael community I have.

Peace, Happy Holidays, and L.O.V.E.
Martin (mc8755)
Just a little more clarification on this (as that thread, too, had to be locked due to unruly disrespect. :no:) - are the purple badges for longevity + exemplary behavior or just one or the other? It's a little confusing to me. :scratch:

I'm totally all for rewarding/recognizing people who have stood by Michael for years, throughout his darkest hour and deepest despair. However...just as it's presumptuous to think members with a post-6/25 join date are raucous, MJ-ignorant, fair-weather fans, (Not at all implying that's what Gaz or you do, but some, yes) I think it may also be a mistake to presume that all members with a pre-6/25 join date have truly earned that honor by being loyal, respectful, caring, welcoming fans and members. ['Cause I have to say, I have, for sure, been hurt and belittled, without provoking anyone, by a few older members :(]

I guess I'm just trying to understand this some more. (...As I am very sensitive (embarrassed?) about my join date...:() Some people say the badges are divisive, and I agree, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing. There is a natural divide here. It would be foolish to ignore it. It's not so much drawing a line between us as fans but as MJJC members - and that is totally legit and totally fair, so long as it's truly earned and not just handed out?

I hope this doesn't come across as challenging or disrespectful - I'm all for the idea - I just want to make sure it's explained enough so that it doesn't become more fodder to fuel the new vs old battle. :doh:

I have SUCH a crazy amount of love and respect for all of you who loved and helped Michael for the past four decades while I wasn't there to do it myself. I cannot EVER thank you enough...but I'm gonna keep trying. ;) In my book, you guys are golden.

I would give *anything* to be able to go back 5 or 10 years and somehow shake myself awake to Michael and the fan community, but since the age of six, I was buried deep deep deep into the conservatory life of eating, sleeping, and breathing Theatre. I knew nothing else. I wouldn't trade it, but..if I could have just had him be a part... :(

Edit: [...I also shouldn't feel the need to keep justifying and explaining myself ^, but again, I guess that's indicative of the hostility floating around here lately.:( Sorry for my insecurities. :(]

Great post, PrincessMichaela. :)
Just a little more clarification on this (as that thread, too, had to be locked due to unruly disrespect. :no:) - are the purple badges for longevity + exemplary behavior or just one or the other? It's a little confusing to me. :scratch:
The purple badges are for longevity.
I'm 19 years old, and living in Ireland. My demographic has little or no interest in Michael and his work. On June 25th, I saw almost all my friends becomes "the biggest fans in the world" and all of a sudden love everything Michael ever did, even though they slagged me for being obsessed with him before. Because of the time difference it was night over here, I stayed up, online looking for every scrap of news, for 72 hours straight. I was praying for someone to correct TMZ, or at least tell me what has really happened.

I joined MJJC after I dealt with Michael's death in September of this year for two reasons:
1.) Shockingly [/sarcasm] all my friends couldn't care less about Michael now, like a passing fad to them, they've moved onto something else. In the time they liked him, the release I got talking to them about Michael in almost any topic was the best thing for me following his death.

2.) I recently got broadband (Stone age and all...) and decided that I should find ONE site, one place where real Michael fans were online, communicating and most importantly for me, genuine. For me, the build up to This Is It would have been nothing with my friends here at MJJC.

So please, please don't push every new member into the disruptive category; I've seen the fights that go on here, and yes a lot of new members seem to be treading on toes, often for no apparent reason, but my God, I don't want to lose my connection with the only Michael community I have.

Peace, Happy Holidays, and L.O.V.E.
Martin (mc8755)

yes i understand that too the whole thing where some people's attitude to Michael changed after he died i hated it when people who slated him were suddenly talking of how he was so wonderful & marvellous & how much of a tragedy his death was

also some tribute magazine "specials" saying the same sort of thing oh he was a marvellous entertainer he was a great guy etc etc & focusing in some part on the good he did in life i found it hypocritical given they were the very one's always bringing him down & slating him!

I thought if you really did think he was amazing why didn't you defend him say nice things about him & stick by him through the tough times like us loyal loving fans then!

that kinda thing angers me a lot the hypocrisy of it all!

I also stayed glued to the news channel on my freeview for some 11 hours or so hoping it was all a load of nonsense praying that it wasn't true it took days for it to truly hit me & when it did by god did it hit me hard!!!

I have barely stopped crying since believe me!

I still some days find it hard to comprehend & keep thinking why? why did he have to go so soon & wishing it was a bad dream i'd just had a terrible nightmare i could wake up from but sadly it's not :(
I am happy to see new members joining - every website needs new blood. It's also wonderful for me to realise that even after June 25th Michael is still attracting fans young and old.
There's nothing difficult about posting on any site without causing friction and disharmony. The key is always being respectful and treating others as you yourself wish to be treated. No reason for anyone to be disrespectful to another member. Yes of course we have differences of opinion and that is fine, it's what makes a discussion board even more interesting. The key is just never to comment in any way which could be taken as belittling anyone or being disrespectful. Tact goes a long way. Often it's not the subject matter that causes offense, it's simply the way the post has been written. Sometimes people 'see red' when something is written they disagree strongly with. Maybe we should all just learn to take a deep breath and think before we reply.
The love and support on this website after Michael passed away was absolutely heartwarming, we were all there for each other and helping in any way we could. Just because some time has passed doesn't mean we can't be those same people who cared and wanted mutual support.
We truly are a little family here who have one person who unites us. All families bicker and have the odd falling out but it doesn't mean we can't be there for each other again.
It really is all about the love. We can all help by being just a little more understanding and patient before we reply to a post without giving it enough thought. This website deserves to carry on into infinity and it's up to members to make sure we do nothing to jeopardise that.
Unite and make the effort to treat everyone the same.
Sometimes I find it hard to know what to say and this is one of those times. I'd like to start by saying that I wish there wasn't a divide between fans. I know that's a vain hope (for now, I believe things will get better). I've seen a similar division between INXS fans when the remaining band decided to look for a new (now former) lead singer via a reality TV show. I was a rather new fan back then and emotions were running high, though the cause wasn't nearly as traumatic as the loss of Michael has been to the fans here.

Mostly I've felt welcome here, though I'm one of those who joined after Michael's passing. I consider this place a home. I'm glad I found a place where people share my feelings. I've also felt uneasy sometimes because of the old fans/new fans divide but when that comes up, I try to look the other way. I realize that the old fans, who feel uncomfortable, don't mean all newbies. I try not to participate in arguments either. I know my own history, strengths and shortcomings as an MJ fan. What I know most of all is that I still have a lot to learn and what better way to learn than taking hints and information from fellow fans who are more knowledgable than me? There are so many things I would have missed out on had I not read about them here. I have a lot of respect for the old fans, especially those who were there for Michael during his trials! I was amazed to learn how much time and efforts many fans dedicated to investigating and collecting facts about the trials. I wouldn't dream of questioning someone who did that. My hat's off to you, and all older fans! I wish you'll feel comfortable posting again. I have confidence that this place will be great again (and in my opinion it's great already, the best MJ community I've come across). The fake fans (I don't get them, honestly) will fade back into the shadows. But there will always be new real fans joining too, even years later.

I'm afraid this became a rambling post but I just wanted to say I appreciate the old members (as well as anyone who behaves well) and Gaz plus moderators' hard work for MJJC. I was actually surprised to see the current member count is close to 22,000! Wow! That means over 6,000 members have joined after I did. That's a formidable task keeping a forum this big going. RESPECT!
Hi all,

I'm a new poster here, but this doesn't mean that I only became a fan on Michael after his death, I assure you.
I was a lurker here for a while and I was not sure whether or not I should join because I didn't want to tread on anyones toes.
I have great respect for the older members of course, who, along with the moderators and Gaz, have helped build the foundations of MJJC. I just hope that the newer members such as myself don't upset the balance.

I just wanted to say I am here for the L.O.V.E. and wanted to be a part of the MJJCommunity :)
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I agree with Trish's post. I am sad to know that the atmosphere on the board has changed. And I pray that things come back together and we can all be one. I respect the older members very much, and I hope as a new member I can be accepted into the home because I certainly don't want to and don't intend to abuse it. I believe loving Michael and having each other is and should be a blessing. But of course understand that since that fateful day emotions are everywhere and people are struggling in different ways. There's often tension in a family but at the end of the day it's supposed to full of support, and love conquers all, if we want to use it.

I hope people here just to cause trouble will soon be gone. I hope that old and new members can respect each other as equals for Michael loved us all the same. I would very much like to see the older members return or post more, etc, because I want to read, listen, learn what you all have over the years. I want to be apart of carrying on Michael's legacy for the generation to come. The love has to be passed on.

And probably the only other thing in my head at this point is: "Before you judge me, try hard to love me...." I do feel the divide and just want to be accepted here :blush:

:better: Beautiful. Lots of love to you. Welcome, welcome. (Can I say that?...have I been here long enough?:unsure:*) Anyway, you've got a friend in me. :yes:
I would have never thought that the tension that is felt here and there on this board has anything to do with new members, to be fairly honest. I don't know the reasons, but don't look for easy scapegoats.

BTW, I have been a fan since 1988, and active in the online community since about 2006. Not that this is of any particular interest to anyone :)
Moonstreet, thank you for starting this thread. I read every page and this was something that definitely needed to be said. Very informative.

I'm pretty new around here myself. And what drove me to come here was the tragedy of June 25th. Prior to that, I was oblivious that such amazing forum existed.

After the tragic event, I, as a 31 year old man, could not find ANYONE I could talk to besides my younger brother about Michael and his wonderful legacy. It hit me soooo hard, I couldn't believe it, just like all of you. I was in a state of shock. I was getting so anxious to discuss about him with someone who was on the same page or similar as I.

I didn't want to talk about anything negative. And you can see that if you look back at my first few posts.
I was really trying to connect with people to talk with me about the magical and excellent energy this one man had which was so damn powerful, you can't even look at it in past tense. It's still here with all of us. Within all of us.
But I was a bit way in over my head.
Because the tragedy had taken it's toll on so many in such a harsh way, all people wanted to do was talk about
other things that I thought wasn't healthy for the mind. But
everyone kept saying, "this is how we find peace. This is how we're dealing with the loss." etc.
"Alright", I felt.
Since then, I stopped bothering making posts about wonderful Michael. They'd only sink behind pages under painful topics anyways. That was about the time I thought I'd quit coming back here again and just forget about everything, go back to work, etc.

A lot of this is all new to me. Though I loved Michael since I could remember as a kid. I never really knew his personal side. Things about his brothers, the flux relationship with his dad, etc.
It was his music, his dance, the fire in his heart and his humanitarian side that i adored.

I never in my life have experienced a forum where i saw people talking about committing suicide.
It was hard not to feel like I had to do something to help these people... or at least try to. Regardless of my psychological qualifications.
It's really unfortunate that such negative changes have come to an online community one could call a second home. I wish I was around way before to know what it was like.

Well, please accept my sincerest apologies if I have ever stepped on anyone's emotions, annoyed anyone, etc. Like I said, a lot of these things are new to me. But if it will make the established happier, I would understand and resign my membership at any given time without any trouble at all.
I'm talking to all of you reading this.
This is one community, I've utmost respect for. You guys do what you must do to keep it together. This is your home.

rock on
Well, please accept my sincerest apologies if I have ever stepped on anyone's emotions, annoyed anyone, etc. Like I said, a lot of these things are new to me. But if it will make the established happier, I would understand and resign my membership at any given time without any trouble at all.
I'm talking to all of you reading this.
This is one community, I've utmost respect for. You guys do what you must do to keep it together. This is your home.

No one wants anyone to resign their membership! It's not about that. Things were one way before, now they're like this and nothing won't bring that same situation back because, well things have changed a lot in just a half year.
New members are always welcome, they just have to understand that this forum hasn't always been like this and it might cause frustration in older members and even cause them leaving the board. I am sure that eventually things will get better, but I don't know how long that takes. You'd think it would be as simple as ABC but this is a huge community and it takes time.
I don't know what's my point, lol, but I just wanted to say that no one needs to resign their membership. And especially you, Nar, I can't imagine you stepping on anyone's toes :huggy:

Remember the rules, R.E.S.P.E.C.T. and Michael's message, L.O.V.E. and we'll be fine!
This makes me sad. :( I guess you can consider me a "new member" since I joined back in July. But even since JULY, I have noticed a change here. As other people have mentioned, I am also kind of afraid to post in certain topics. In the beginning, I kept my space and didn't post much. I wanted to get a feel for the board and members before I posted anything. Then I started to feel more welcome and comfortable. Now, I'm kind of back to searching around the boards. Some people are very sensitive and I think most are just angry or upset. It is totally understandable. But for some to come here and post and be absolutely rude and disrespectful is wrong. I have seen it a few times when I was lurking these past couple months.

I think (I hope) for the most part, I have been respectful to everybody here. The mods, old members, new members, etc. I have a great respect for the mods because I don't know what I would do without MJJC. This is a place that I come to when I feel I need guidance or comfort. All of the fans here are so amazing and so supportive and that's one of the reasons I love being here. I feel terrible that the old members aren't feeling welcome in their home anymore. :( I truly hope that I haven't caused any trouble to anybody.

moonstreet & Trish, I agree completely. Great posts.

I think we all need to calm ourselves down a bit and know that we're all hurting. We are all in this together and we need each other right now. New fans or old fans, Michael's legacy will not go on without us. It's our job to keep Michael's memory and legacy alive. We shouldn't be fighting with each other. We should be fighting off the haters and fight for justice. Let's keep it together for Michael. He wouldn't want to see his fans fighting and disrespecting each other like this. :angel:

I love you all here at MJJC. Know that I love and respect each and every one of you. :heart:

I have a smidgen of advice? This is for everyone/anyone, and not specifically directed at "newbies." OK? Suppose you are conversing in a thread, and someone says, "agree-to-disagree?" That's your CUE to have a handshake and move on to another topic? If that, one, thing were done more often this would be a more peaceful place.

There are some posters, old and new, who seem to think if they just throw enough words at something, they will MAKE people see things the way they do. So they say, "It's this way, and here is why," and someone else says, "actually, I see it THAT way, and here is why." Were you clear in your post? If so, then it's not that people don't UNDERSTAND you. . . they just don't agree with you. Posting over-and-over basically the same thing, with slightly different language, or adding many paragraphs of data that's already been said, makes people slink out of threads. It really does. It's exhausting, and not a very good way to have a conversation.

So, just that little thing? When positions have been stated, please don't keep HAMMERING at it, and above-all, the "agree-to-disagree" statement is an expression of PEACE. I'd suggest everyone take it when it's offered? If that one thing would be done, this would be a much more congenial board where people felt more free to express themselves.
I think we all need to calm ourselves down a bit and know that we're all hurting. We are all in this together and we need each other right now. New fans or old fans, Michael's legacy will not go on without us. It's our job to keep Michael's memory and legacy alive. We shouldn't be fighting with each other. We should be fighting off the haters and fight for justice. Let's keep it together for Michael. He wouldn't want to see his fans fighting and disrespecting each other like this. :angel:

I completely agree. All the bickering and fighting in the world will not bring Michael back. It's perfectly natural, normal and acceptable when people on the forum have differing opinions. However, at the end of the day, we are a family of Michael's fans and should conduct ourselves as such. Let's pull together and make Michael proud of the fan community he has left behind.
I'm obviously what is regarded as a new member although I have been part of MJ forums in the past and have been a long time guest here but I do agree with what you are saying. So many threads here are closing because of members arguing and disrespecting each other and its sad. We're all different and yes we have different opinions on things but in the end of the day every person's opinion needs to be respected-not shot down, disrespected, and then ensues the three page long argument. Its awful for everyone. I do not believe the OP is singleing out the new members as there are obviously a lot of new members that are active, post great comments and are respectful to one another. But there are also a lot of new members that are not. This place has become very different and it is sad to see but hopefully the message will becomes even clearer. We have a fantastic staff here and Gaz does an amazing job.
Well as a new member, I am going to say for myself what happens sometimes. When I see that sometimes this seems that this board is divided between old members(anyone who joined before MJ's passing) and new members, those who joined after, I think "here we go again", and I also FEEL(notice my emphasis on "feel" for emotions aren't always right and I know that from my life and from knowing that what I FEEL is wrong, but I feel it anyway) like new members are having it shoved in our faces that we joined after Michael's passing and maybe sometimes being belittled. I KNOW that is not what is going on for the 99% part of the time, but this is why I FEEL it, and I've been very open about my guilt ever since I joined in July. I FEEL this because of my guilt still being here, not because it's happening on the forum.
So what I am talking about is my guilt of when Michael was accused the second time, I doubted his innocence. :( My only source of following Michael's trial was the news(not smart, I know now). I kept going back and forth on whether I thought he was guilty or not. I must say that I've been trying to remember the best I could about my thoughts and I for the most part leaned towards that he was innocent. But my point was I did doubt, which I feel lousy about. I also feel guilty of not knowing Michael's personality until the early 2000s. Before that I was just a casual fan who liked his music, and his looks and I was aware that he was charitable, I knew that. In the 80s I followed someone else as many of you followed Michael. This other artist was my favorite, but I still feel bad I didn't get to know Michael better. In the 90s, I was a casual fan to everyone, even my favorite artist I loved so much in the 80s. I was concentrating on my own spiritual life and journey, to put it the best I could, so I basically had my head in the sand in the 90s and didn't pay attention to anyone except for politicians, lol, not that they're always honest. Then in the early 2000s, I got to know Michael better as a person. That's the reason I feel so very bad that I doubted his innocence, because I got to know him better as a person BEFORE he was charged. I was always told that I was too trusting, in general. So when Michael was accused, I just thought when I came to know him better, then maybe I trusted him too much. Anyway, I knew within that he was innocent, but unfortunately what lead me to realize it without doubting again was his acquittal. So yes, I feel like a bad fan. That with fans like me, Michael didn't need haters. I am so very sorry to those who have stood by Michael and who were on here and other MJ forums, and those who went to stand by him in CA that I doubted his innocence. I am very sorry to Michael. Just in case you all or some of you are wondering, of course I believe in his innocence 100%. I would not be a fan of someone I thought was a pedophile. However again, I feel like I was a lousy fan for doubting. So it feels like this guilt is being thrown in my face but I know that 99% of the time, nobody means to do that. None of the older members or Gaz or the moderators mean to do that. I think what matters to Gaz, moderators, older members is that I completely believe now and of course before Michael passed I did as well. I love Michael very much. Anyway, I know some new members who feel guilty about not joining before Michael's passing. I know for me I have thought of joining a Michael forum, but because of the bickering and arguing on the forum of my other artist I love so much, I decided not to join, but now I wish I had. I wish I was in the group who joined before Michael's passing.
Anwyay, so my reason for telling this again is well one is to get it off my chest again. The other reason is maybe so older members on here, Gaz, moderators might understand why the outspoken newer members who seem defensive are defensive. Maybe they are facing guilt, even if it's only not being a member of here before Michael passed. Maybe they are sick of feeling guilty. I'm not saying that if they are disrespectful, that is alright because it's not. But I have seen some being defensive and not disrespectful and people seem to wonder why some get defensive. That may be the reason. I was defensive on one thread which I apologize for, but for the most part, this is the reason.
I'm sorry this was so long and I hope that Gaz, the other moderators, and that the older members will forgive me. :(
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Aww Michelle *hugs*

I understand the newer members are feeling guilty for not joining earlier, I think if I had joined after June I'd feel guilty too! But what the problem is, they shouldn't need to feel so! At least not for the reason that older members make them feel belittled or something!
I try my best to treat everyone the same no matter what the join date is because I know there is many fans, probably even most of the fans who joined after June, who have been fan for many years and just didn't join any forum earlier. In total honestly the join date doesn't matter. It shows those who stood up for Michael during the trial and kept this forum going, but after that it doesn't mean anything.

I feel so bad that some new members feel alienated, it shouldn't be so :( I'm doing my best to make everyone feel welcome and TOGETHER we CAN do it. We can make MJJC a better place!

May I steal this idea from another thread we had here a while ago, don't remember who posted this there...

Heal the MJJC
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire fan community
There are people hurting
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.
I just wanted to's too bad that some consider themselves "old" fans, while others are "new". If there is one very significant thing that Mr. Jackson did in his lifetime, it was his ability to bring several generations together in love and friendship. It is all about the L.O.V.E. here. I for one am very happy to see both old and "new" fans showing just how spectacular Mr. Jackson truly was!
I feel so bad that some new members feel alienated, it shouldn't be so :( I'm doing my best to make everyone feel welcome and TOGETHER we CAN do it. We can make MJJC a better place!

Even i dont post that much , ever since i´m here,
i´ve always felt welcome !!!!!!:yes::yes::yes:
I just wanted to's too bad that some consider themselves "old" fans, while others are "new". If there is one very significant thing that Mr. Jackson did in his lifetime, it was his ability to bring several generations together in love and friendship. It is all about the L.O.V.E. here. I for one am very happy to see both old and "new" fans showing just how spectacular Mr. Jackson truly was! are so correct....Michael always had that ability.....I miss him so much...he was just so perfect....I think he would be hurt if he saw the way fans are fighting....For me personally I want to continue to make Michael proud and not make MJ fans look like total and complete nuts....if you think about it some of us hear do lurk from time to time.......remember if we lurk.......we never know who else may be lurking....I dont want some stupid media reporter to look in this forum and read that MJ fans are fighting about stupid stuff..I want them to say that MJ fans are stable people and continue to spread Michaels message in a healthy positive way........Thats all..
I guess from my join date I'll appear as a new member,but I've actually been here since the first MJ/Akon song leaked and I found a link to this site,I just didn't register at the time.

I'm also an MJ fan since the Thriller era,so anyone wanting to enter a 'new age' fan debate with me would be wasting their time tbh,but I don't see this divide people are on about.

Admittedly I'm not around as much as some,but if I don't like the look of a thread title,or the direction it's heading in, I don't read it.

A lot of fans may still be a bit hyper sensitive,understandable really,but if people think there is a divide here they should try joining a football site to see what real infighting is like!

This place is the most mellow board I've ever had the pleasure to read,and the vibe is always positive,so no need to create something that isn't really there.
Aww Michelle *hugs*

I understand the newer members are feeling guilty for not joining earlier, I think if I had joined after June I'd feel guilty too! But what the problem is, they shouldn't need to feel so! At least not for the reason that older members make them feel belittled or something!
I try my best to treat everyone the same no matter what the join date is because I know there is many fans, probably even most of the fans who joined after June, who have been fan for many years and just didn't join any forum earlier. In total honestly the join date doesn't matter. It shows those who stood up for Michael during the trial and kept this forum going, but after that it doesn't mean anything.

I feel so bad that some new members feel alienated, it shouldn't be so :( I'm doing my best to make everyone feel welcome and TOGETHER we CAN do it. We can make MJJC a better place!

May I steal this idea from another thread we had here a while ago, don't remember who posted this there...

Heal the MJJC
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire fan community
There are people hurting
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.

I just wanted to come in here and say thank you :)

We are all here for a common purpose, to share and spread the legacy that Michael left with the L.O.V.E.
I think we have to move forward ALL of us TOGETHER into the future with hope.
I think oldies need to acknowledge newbies need to ask questions and ask for info, and newbies need to use the search button and feel welcome but realise these are emotional times. We can't see each others faces, so misinterpretations can happen, so I think we
should think before we type.
oh and thanks Gaz for my purple banner-I hope I continue to earn it.
I joined ths forum back in June. Ive been a MJ fan for many years. And i have came here a few tmes in the past checking out the latest news with MJ and stuff. As a new member
since June. I havent really wanting to start and discuss anything negative.

I do feel people who came here are frustrated and upset with what happend and the events after MJ''s passing. I hope some day things will calm down in this community. It's one of the best MJ forums on the net. And I respect the folk running MJJC by supporting MJ over the last few years and keeping his legacy alive.
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