To mods: Will the authenticity deniers continue to be allowed to disrupt all threads?

Gaz, i would welcome it!

But i think the problem will be:
The spoilers/haters want to spoil & hate. They even seem to enjoy it!
So they will come in the wrong forum & post their ish just to annoy the enjoyers!
Oh, okay then, I guess everyone who doubts the authenticity (the majority of the community) of the tracks is a hater and trying to spoil things for everyone. That's logical.
Peace will reign once again in the community after the album is out I am hoping for. If not then hopefully Gaz opens a Sub forum for the members that needs to express there hatred for the album. Like I said before, The album is coming rather if we support it or not so the best things to do is to grin and bare it and support the 7 wonderful tracks that undeniably Michael or just don't buy it. It's that simple people.

Everyone has there opinions on the "3" tracks and you have that right, I just don't support those that brings other members down for supporting the CD.
Oh dear, this is so unfortunate. Fan forum divided! I'm not in favor but if this is the only way that the forum can calm down then do it. Whatever Gaz decides I will support!
it is unfortunate but we come here to discuss michael and his music, legacy etc. and all you find lately is stupid arguing between fans who wont let up. a line has to be drawn somewhere. this place isnt enjoyable to browse threads anymore.
Great idea.

Otherwise, the deniers will continue to spoil every thread. For the next two weeks, we should be free to anticipate the new album without this constant badgering from those who think they know better than all of us.
In an ideal world I would say We don't need separate sub-forums BUT this is a real world so I'm for a sub-forums. :yes:
Every person has the right to believe whatever he wants to believe but some users posts with primary intent of provoking other users. What's the point to post the same thing over and over again in EVERY single thread!? "Fake", "fake", "fake", "fake" ... :spam:

You can cal them;

"The Hate Forum"


"The L.O.V.E. Forum"
:rofl: :thumbs_up:
Woah.. Giving Tree.. long time no see since the old MJNO
Yeah, long time no see :p

All MJ fans should be united again without calling names to each other just because some people have diffrent opinions, it's their right to express their different opinion either some people like it or not.
Michael said this in 2009

"It is time I see and feel that calling once again, to be part of a music that not only CONNECTS, but makes all feel ONE...."

If Michael's music is dividing us fans instead of connecting....something is wrong about his music....I know it is not Michael's fault....If Michael's music is dividing, instead of connecting then it is not his music. Plain and simple. We have been Michael's fans for years and we know.
I personally think a sub forum is not a good idea. This is a very sensitive time we are dealing with right now. Everyone is feeling it. But I think to give in to one side or another is not going to solve anything. We are all adults and have to realize that some will feel differently. Very strongly. Just because you do not see different opinions does not mean that they do not exist. Both sides have valid arguments. In all instances it is not a destruction of threads but rather a difference of opinion.

Why should people who feel it is fake have to be relegated to another place as if we are putting them in a corner for simply believing what they believe?

I think it is time for both sides to be the bigger people. Stop being insensitive to what other people feel. And stop being overly sensitive to what people say.

Fans may be divided, but I don't think that pandering to the idea that it is ok for fans to alienate themselves from fans who feel differently is the right way to go. This is just my opinion here.
Also, it takes two people to argue. Read some of the mean spirited posts above me and it will become clearer why there are arguments.:closedeyes:
People who believe the tracks are fake SPOIL every single thread. We can't enjoy the album because of the constant hate! It's not fair.
People who believe the tracks are fake SPOIL every single thread. We can't enjoy the album because of the constant hate! It's not fair.

hate? why are u accusing us of hate? i am not hating. i am just trying to get sense from this.

michael said his music is supposed to CONNECT and make all feel ONE, and that his goal in life was to bring "UNION" through his music and dance

so why is michael music not doing this now??? to me it is strange that michaels music is breaking fans apart instead. something is clearly wrong about his music now, at least the casio tracks. that is all im saying. there is not hate

and what about the hate showed from fans who support the album to those who dont?

one last thing, I don't if sony's purpose to make this album was to make money or fulfull Michael's true desire to connect everyone across the world in peace and love.....but i think that may be where the root of all this is
Not sure if dividing the forum will help Gaz
but if you do Make it specific for them call it the We dont support the New album and or Casico tracks forum
so ALL unsupporters will be covered and have a place to discuss thier opinion. without spoiling it for the fans who
want to celebrate:dancin: the NEW MICHAEL album like we have ALWAYS done for Michael :wub:
This has been going on for a good while now.I'm a believer in the album & post my comments in the appropriate threads.I don't go into the non believers thread, cause chaos, be rude & in a matter of speaking told to F off when I politely point them in the right direction.Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but it is each of our responsibility to post in the correct thread, in a pleasant manner.There are a select few who don't support the album who are hellbent on making those who support the album a misery & don't want believers to enjoy the album.It is those who need to be dealt with.
Michael said this in 2009

"It is time I see and feel that calling once again, to be part of a music that not only CONNECTS, but makes all feel ONE...."

If Michael's music is dividing us fans instead of connecting....something is wrong about his music....I know it is not Michael's fault....If Michael's music is dividing, instead of connecting then it is not his music. Plain and simple. We have been Michael's fans for years and we know.

excellent point.
Sony i hope when you planned to make this album, your first and most important thought in mind was to connect everyone and bring love and peace, because that was the main reason michael was even here to make music.

God put Michael on this earth not to make money through his music, but connect. I hope sony knows that and are doing their best fulfill that most essential part of michael's legacy. i hope they are putting michael's wishes to gather the world in peace and love before anything else.
yaay, lets demolish bridges and build walls. or was it vice-versa?
one last thing, I don't if sony's purpose to make this album was to make money or fulfull Michael's true desire to connect everyone across the world in peace and love.....but i think that may be where the root of all this is

I believe the root of all this is fans who dont see the BIG picture
Sony is in the business to make money. All record companies are.
They are a business. That is thier main purpose. They promote distibute
and sell the artist work. They dont make the Magic

Its Michaels music that will connect the world and it will
regarless of 3 questionable tracks that fans argue over
We should Just Allow Michael's music do what it is suppose to do. :wub:
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If there will be a sub forum, then i will log out forever. What's even the point of being on a forum if it's not sharing the opinions?
This is really fucking stupid. I believe the album is fake, but i am not bothered by those saying it's real. I can accept different opinions, unlike some people, like the opener of this thread. I'm sorry, but this is just pointless to me.
I personally think a sub forum is not a good idea. This is a very sensitive time we are dealing with right now. Everyone is feeling it. But I think to give in to one side or another is not going to solve anything. We are all adults and have to realize that some will feel differently. Very strongly. Just because you do not see different opinions does not mean that they do not exist. Both sides have valid arguments. In all instances it is not a destruction of threads but rather a difference of opinion.

Why should people who feel it is fake have to be relegated to another place as if we are putting them in a corner for simply believing what they believe?

I think it is time for both sides to be the bigger people. Stop being insensitive to what other people feel. And stop being overly sensitive to what people say.

Fans may be divided, but I don't think that pandering to the idea that it is ok for fans to alienate themselves from fans who feel differently is the right way to go. This is just my opinion here.
Also, it takes two people to argue. Read some of the mean spirited posts above me and it will become clearer why there are arguments.:closedeyes:

I'd be happy if I'd be delegated to another place and I'll stay in my happy corner and won't go out, because I can't see the word "fake" anymore. It makes me literally sick. So the sub-forum doesn't have to be for anti-Cascio songs people. I'd be totally okay with a sub-forum for pro-Cascio songs people. I just really need a calm quiet place to wait for the album and to discuss it. Because now it's all over the forum. Even in the threads that are not about these songs. You go to the Blue Gangsta thread and read "wow, this is real MJ, and those songs are fake", then you go to the TV promo thread and you read "wow, what a nice promo, but sadly the songs are fake" etc Some people are enjoying it so much that they repeat the fake talk over and over just to say the word "fake" one more time. One poster even re-wrote the chorus of Bad to the tune of "fake". At some point it just becomes too much.

I am a peaceful person. And I don't want to argue with people. When I come to this board, I am not looking for an argument. I am looking for a civil and friendly discussion with people who are supposed to be one big global MJ fan family. I have enough arguments outside the fandom, I don't need it here, especially since for me as a fan the blissfully happy time was over when Michael passed and there are very few chances for joy now. This album for me is one of these few chances. I know I won't be able to enjoy it like I enjoyed HIStory, or BOTD, or Invincible, but whatever amount of joy I can get out of this, I want. And it's being ruined every day :(

but would Michael want those tracks on his album, with so many thinking it is someone else passed off as him??? Would Michael want his fans to question his music??? Would he want his work to bring doubt to the world? Did God put Michael on this earth to have his music questioned??

just like much too soon and blue gangster, fans should automatically FEEL that its michael and come together. if it is not something is wrong.

also, if michael true interests are not in mind even THE LEAST for sony, then that is not good. a companys has to give respect for their artists.

anyways, i hope i dont get banned for my unhateful debate against the album. because i notice that people who dont support the album are getting banned :(
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As usual, a great, reasoned post from JMie.

I would also be happy to go to a corner, with all the 'positive' MJ fans, and not have to listen to the same comments from the 'FAKE!' 'fans' over and over again.

I wouldn't mind but it's so bloody repetative;

Posi fan 1 - "I love the new advert for the upcoming album!"

Negi fan - "Yes. But the vocals are 'FAKE!"

Posi fan 2 - "I love the advert as well, the way the new album cover comes alive!"

Negi fan - "Yes, But the voclas are 'FAKE'!"

Posi fan 3 - "I hope we get to see the advert in our country!"

Negi fan - "But the vocals are FAKE!"

The problem is, this is a forum to discuss an artist and his latest album. Once you have said "It is fake and I'm not going to buy it", what else is there for you to contribute? Nothing! Just repeating the same thing, but in a slightly different way each time, adds absolutely nothing to a discussion.

Surely if you are not going to buy the album, you go to the threads regarding the album, you say "I'm not buying it because it's fake!", and then off you go? Why keep coming back to repeat the same thing?

Leave the rest of us to discuss the 'detail' of what you have decided not to buy.
But I think the point that needs to be understood is that the songs are on the album. LTD said it well when he said there is no point in arguing anymore. Each person has to make a personal decision as to how they feel about the album. Whether they will buy it or not.

People who are pro the album will go in some threads about a particular song and say,"I love this song. This is most definitely MJ". Well as soon as you leave the door open with comments like that, of course someone is going to say, "Well I don't think it is him". And now the first poster is going to think the thread is being derailed, when they are the ones who initiated the comments about authenticity. But of course this would not be noticed by this poster because he feels rightly justified in saying it is MJ. Well guess what? Others are justified in saying iy is not him as well. Unless you would like a forum where you are not allowed to mention the vocals at all Pro/Con.

I just think people have to be mature about this. And, they have to give of themselves more than they would have to normally bacause of the what is happening. We have to be realistic of the situation we are now in.

I stand behind what I said. Instead of promoting unity, I think a subforum will be a bad idea, but it is not my decision to make ultimately.

@michaelslady, yes, MJ's music is a unifying factor. And yes some did not feel that instant MJ connection with some songs. But this is the thing that is upsetting members. Why go into threads to try to browbeat a moot point even though you stated them truthfully and elegantly? The album is set now. Why fans can not come together on what they do love and leave what they do not aside in some threads for the sake of peace and for the sake of their fellows fans is beyond me.

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change what I can. And, the wisdom to know the difference". We cannot change the album now. So in some threads, isn't it better to just concede to the feeling excitement and nostalgia for fellow fans who want to enjoy this moment. Some new to MJ and having the closest thing as possible to a new MJ record ever in their lives?

@ deano The advert thread is not like that and it was cleaned. Please do not exxagerate things. Not one person reported the posts and I only knew about them from reading this thread. Mods are not all seeing. You understand when something is off topic as clearly that was. Yet, no one reported the post. Please, instead of flaming things on, please report.
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I'm thinking that maybe there should be 3 sub-forums for the album. One for the supporters to discuss in bliss, one for the non-supporters to discuss about authenticity, and one for debate between the two sides. That way, the community isn't exactly 100% divided. I mean, they can debate/discuss anytime the two sides want to.

Though, I get the feeling the debate section will be the most popular, and may quite possibly be the most heated. But at least, there shouldn't be anymore concerns over the hijacking of threads.