TMZ : One New Video That Has Never Been Seen Will Be Released

I've heard there was an unreleased version

Me too. Lyrics and all would fit really well if that could be released. The whole song and where it comes from represent so much Michael even thou it's not written by him. Probably that's why it was chosen to be the last track on HIStory..
And who HATES The Jackson 5?:mello: That means you're missing out on at least 20 years of Michael's discography

Yeah that is the most inportant part of his discography wither that poster likes it or not. I have never heard someone said they hated the J5, heck the J5 era is the footprint of the MJ we know today.
I don't want anyone to get the impression that I'm starting rumors or whatnot. But while I was working on the re-launching of my MJ site, one of the things I was...and am planning to do is archive old news stories of MJ going back as far as how long my page has been online. (1997)

One of the things I stumbled upon was an old news article from Planet

In September/October of 2001, they had a news article which said Michael was not only planning a video for "Unbreakable", but they stated, at the time, was being worked on at Lucas Arts studio (the Star Wars people). I don't know if it was ever finished, or how far along the project got...that was around the same time Sony started messing everything up.

Like I said, not trying to start rumors, but it makes me wonder if there actually is something for Unbreakable that's been locked away all these years.

Yes you're right .... Also I remember the rumor that Michael would have done 'Unbreakable' with 20 min short film feat. Mel Gibson.
The single and short film was canceled because of problems that we already know.

"One More Chance" or "Unbreakable" ... both will be welcome. Anxious for a confirmation.
I've heard there was an unreleased version

They definitely had the full costume shoot for the single covers. I read something about Michael receiving a cease and desist order from the Chaplin Estate. I thought Michael was friends with them, but maybe I'm wrong.

Ten years ago I remember there being a rumour that there is a full Human Nature video, and that the short clip from Moonwalker is just a sample of it.

Unbreakable would be such an impressive gem to reveal. People would lose sleep waiting for the release date to see it for the first time.
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Ten years ago I remember there being a rumour that there is a full Human Nature video, and that the short clip from Moonwalker is just a sample of it.

I don't know about it being a rumor, but there is a full length Human Nature video, it just wasn't as big as the others because it doesn't actually feature Michael performing the song. The video has been on his official channel and VEVO for quite some time now.
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this is cool and knowing MJ there has to be other videos in the vault. it is so sad how how these record companys store videos for so many years.