TMZ : One New Video That Has Never Been Seen Will Be Released

I think sayin' that "I'm not gonna buy the DVD Set" is right…but sayin' there's no reason for anyone to buy it…hmmm not really. There are many ppl. who dont have Michael's Music videos… As for myself, I dont have some of his songs on DVD, so I watch it on YT. So I would wanna have it.

And TMZ got their "news" from MJ Sites… and that article is downplaying it! I mean whats the reason to add that its JFK's anniversary??? I guess they're tryin' to say dont buy it cuz a BELOVED President died on NOV. 22, 47 years ago, its not right to release it on that day!!!PALEEZZZ!!! I like JFK and all, but TMZ Used it for all the wrong reasons…

Am I going wayy of topic when I say this?

if theirs a blu ray i'll get it if not moneys tight and i'll wait to get the used copies sure to pop up
It's sad to some comments in this thread. Some of you are quite demanding and judgemental. As a matter of fact, none of us has seen the video set. None of us know the exact content of the video set. All we know is that the video One More Chance will highly likely be included. People took this piece of info and started making assumptions. I hate to say this, but this is exactly the kind of attitude people exhibited to Michael in 2003. Some people took incomplete info leaked out and assumed the worst. Some of you started judging and complaining without understanding.

Is it fair to label a product you haven't even seen a scam from Sony, a professional failure from the Estate? Why so presumptuous?

If it's true that all short films Michael created are to be included in the video set, the boxset is indeed a celebration of Michael's legacy. Michael was a pioneer in music video. He's known for his ground breaking short films. Most of his music videos remain the best ever created. I'd love to see a complete collection be released one day. Yes, I understand the Dangerous Short Films, HIStory Vol. I and Vol. II and Number One's are still available for sales. But, come on, we are talking a collection of all Michael Jackson videos presented in a better packaging be shown in stores. As a fan, I'd love Michael's legacy be carried on. I'd love to see new fans buying the boxset instead of a DVD of studio footages and private filmings.

IMHO, the video boxset is going to make a greater impact than a disk of video outtakes or recording session video clips. Who knows? May be the Estate is going to add more value to the boxset by including some "making of" videos, such as the Making of Thriller and the Making of Ghost after each short film.

And, please please don't taek TMZ seriously. If you follow the new album thread, you can see TMZ regurgitates words from fan posts. TMZ always wants to create controversies and negativities. And based on some of the posts here, TMZ succeded its evil goals.
great, at least the video has was produced by MJ himself and not a made up fan video!
i think it worths...and there are millions of new MJ fans who want to get something newly released and in HD.
i have a hard time believing that Michael didn't want to do new stuff. it's sony that never wanted to do new stuff. after all, they're operating the same way they always did, before MJ's death, and this time, MJ is not here to take the hit.
First of all, just like you said it's 'on one set', not 'one disc'.. I am not buying it because of OMC. I prefer more OMG stuff..
Yeah, like I said, it's the first time all of his videos will be released in one complete set. What point were you trying to make there? I don't think it's possible to put 55 short films of various lengths on one DVD:mello:
TMZ gets all their info from MJJC - we should be paid really. :lol:
Well. I hope the Video is OMC. I thought the same thing that it wasn't finished but if he did finished it in private,Well there you go.It's suppose to be his last Video if there was a Video from the upcoming Album that was kept under raps, I want to see that too. It would be great if the Collection of Videos included Ghost And Maybe in a future album, Xscape.
I would like to hear an album that is all MJ. His Thoughts and his Wants and someone from the Jackson family that MJ would have trusted to oversee what songs should be on the Album because I don't trust what These people plan to put on the album to make it bad on sales for MJ"s family and The Date to release the DVD Boxset is the wrong choice.They should reconsider and change the date that doesn't put a bad shadow over a joyous occassion that would be a good time for the Digital/CD release.
I know we are all anxious to See and hear Something new from MJ but I can't go with repeats forever.Same songs and Videos .Now it's the same Videos and They slipped in a new one. Well if that so.Will someone put the new unseen Video on YouTube. I'll be glad if you would.
i'm not going to pretend i'm not going to buy this. i realize how powerful Michael's name is. i'm already on my way to downloading Invincible for a fourteenth time.
Those who don't like the album or box set coming out then don't buy it! But, for Christ sake stop telling others to not buy it either! Let us decide for ourselves, u know like when we actually get confirmation on what will be in them before jumping the gun! lol DAMN!
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I'll only buy the boxset if it comes with behind the scenes features on all the music videos. I already have all the videos and One More Chance will pop up on youtube eventually..... If Sony wants my money, they have to put more effort when releasing stuff on Michael. Not the same recycled stuff over and over again. Michael would never have done that to his fans. Never.
Is it confirmed that the album will be named "Vision" ?

it's great name but it sounds like "Visionary"...
Is it confirmed that the album will be named "Vision" ?

it's great name but it sounds like "Visionary"...

Yeah ,I have to agree.. Maybe they should change the name. They have time. They didn't release it yet. Besides I already have The Visionary set.
:punk:. Call it The Greatest because he was the Greatest and he still is..
Is it confirmed that the album will be named "Vision" ?

it's great name but it sounds like "Visionary"...

I agree with that it doesn't sound original! I know hardcore fans would probably notice it really! But, others can look it up and see for themselves too! But, either way I will buy it! :) in "of a tHeOrY or Vision"?
It's sad to some comments in this thread. Some of you are quite demanding and judgemental. As a matter of fact, none of us has seen the video set. None of us know the exact content of the video set. All we know is that the video One More Chance will highly likely be included. People took this piece of info and started making assumptions. I hate to say this, but this is exactly the kind of attitude people exhibited to Michael in 2003. Some people took incomplete info leaked out and assumed the worst. Some of you started judging and complaining without understanding.

Is it fair to label a product you haven't even seen a scam from Sony, a professional failure from the Estate? Why so presumptuous?

If it's true that all short films Michael created are to be included in the video set, the boxset is indeed a celebration of Michael's legacy. Michael was a pioneer in music video. He's known for his ground breaking short films. Most of his music videos remain the best ever created. I'd love to see a complete collection be released one day. Yes, I understand the Dangerous Short Films, HIStory Vol. I and Vol. II and Number One's are still available for sales. But, come on, we are talking a collection of all Michael Jackson videos presented in a better packaging be shown in stores. As a fan, I'd love Michael's legacy be carried on. I'd love to see new fans buying the boxset instead of a DVD of studio footages and private filmings.

IMHO, the video boxset is going to make a greater impact than a disk of video outtakes or recording session video clips. Who knows? May be the Estate is going to add more value to the boxset by including some "making of" videos, such as the Making of Thriller and the Making of Ghost after each short film.

And, please please don't taek TMZ seriously. If you follow the new album thread, you can see TMZ regurgitates words from fan posts. TMZ always wants to create controversies and negativities. And based on some of the posts here, TMZ succeded its evil goals.

I couldn't agree more, great post:)
It is kinda dumb that there will be Visionary and Vision... but still can't wait for it.



Michael was at his plumpest just before the trial. He never gained back any of the weight he lost during that awfull trial. :(
Kind of confusing, I thought he never got to finish filming the "One more chance" video?
How can they release it then?
yeah it was never finished. but it was pretty near the end of filming when everything happeend from what i remember. so i guess they'll just use what they have and edit it abit. cant really get excited about seeing the omc video. all it will do is remind me have the horrendous things that were to come in the coming days.terrible memories and nothing more

never been one to buy g.hits collections etc so i wont be buying this. not really worth it when i cant watch any of his stuff anyway. might get it if its been sold really cheap for historys sake. but never seen the point of buying things that i already have ie the videos
If they are going to release a video it definatly should be One More Chance or a video to a new song with the one more chance video.. a video compilation would suck...........
Maybe the connection (if any) with JFK is that JFK was asassinated and Michael Jackson was asassinated. That is the way I will interpret it.
Maybe the connection (if any) with JFK is that JFK was asassinated and Michael Jackson was asassinated. That is the way I will interpret it.

"Michael Jackson was assassinated"? Sure, the evidence really supports that doesn't it :no:

The reason they're connecting it with the 47th anniversary of John F. Kennedy's assassination is because that's what they were told. If it was coming out Christmas then they would of said "TMZ has learned a new box set called "Vision" will be released around Christmas".

There is no need to keep reading into EVERYTHING to draw a crazy conclusion.
I hope the boxset includes the better quality version of Thriller, Ghosts, Can you feel it and videos pre off the wall and they can throw in a concert performance too. If it doesn't have more new things it'll be jsut like a rerelease, I'll probably end up buying it regradless.

:agree: Yes..I hope they put ALL the Videos-Short Films on these once and for all - as for the already released videos...and add new and more preformances etc.
I think it's just a coincidence that Michael's 3 Disc video boxset is released in the day JFK was asassinated on 22 November. Michael has released a couple of things around that date, ie the Dangerous album was released on 21 November 1991, and Michael's Number Ones album was released around a simular date. The whole JFK connection is just TMZ hyping a connection up out of nothing.

I will most likely buy the new DVD boxset. I hope a Blu-ray edition is released as Michael's music videos should be seen the best HD resolution. I hope some edition behind the scenes documentaries are added to the DVD box set. No actual details have been released by Sony yet, so I also don't get way some fans are being so critical of Sony.

I don't see Sony cashing in on Michael. His legacy has to keep on being marketed to keep Michael's memory alive around the world, not just among us fans. Sony only own about two or 3 of Michael's music videos, the whole other majority was owned by Michael through MJJ Productions.Inc. So Sony can't do anything with Michael's music videos without the permission of Michael's estate.

If some fans feel, that Michael's legacy is be being marketed in a lazy manner with just rehashing already existing music videos in a 3 disc boxset then they may have a point. But it's best to save any criticism of this release until we get official details from Sony. It's also a fact, that when Michael was alive, fans were already critical of some releases like The Ultimate Collection boxset and Thriller25 and even the Off The Wall 30th Anniversary Edition when it was first announced, saying Sony were cashing in and that they won't buy them even though Michael was behind those releases. Nothing has changed there, and even when an album with unreleased songs is eventually released, some fans will still say Sony are cashing in and they won't by the album etc. But I don't want Michael's music and videos being left to rot, like Prince has left his albums and videos from the 1980's and early 90's.