Time Magazine: The Return of the Nanny (Grace) 7-21-09

she's a fraud b/c she's said nasty th ings about mj but now she's his bf...it's like uri going on tv and being sad. the man hated mj and lashed out the last four yrs of his life cuz mj blamed him for LWMJ.

karen may not be lying about what she knows, but just like leo rowe, she's lied in the past and she's sketchy so how can u trust someone who's lied beofre?

she betrayed mj and she knows it. she's blaming grace for being kept out when it was her who got fired
Wasn't there a video interview (with the British press or ??) of Grace talking about being fired, it was also rumored that she accepted money? Was that a fake or??
its here
she was very bitter bout being fired and said lots of stuff and is trying to get the interview deleted now. it was made 2 days before jackson died. go to the interviewers homepage too.
she's shopping it around b ut it won't be worth much if she's no longer w/ the family. if she is, then it's mega salacious and would 'stun and shock' the jackson family

if they already knew and she's dunzo, it's nothing
This is a shame. With friends like this who need enemies and no I didn't see the video, I did read the transcript of it a few wks back when it was first posted online.

To think, Michael kept letting her come back after she would be fired becuase he felt sorry for her and she would give him a sobby teary eyed story about her not having anyone elese and no other place to go. He was just too kind for his own good, some people really got over with manipulating him in order to have their way.
She claimed to care about him and then stuck the knife in like many others.

You don't get fired without a reason.
I have not seen a video or herd an audio of grace saying the things that has be spread by that interview. have you? if she said those type of things that audio or video would be every were by now, dont you think so? so everyone should be fair in judging her.
um i think extra has more of the vid and daphne DID sell it so expect to see it soon

she said they were her babies and was mad that mj didn't let her say goodbye or explain y she was leaving or that she was leaving. she just had to get.
when she defended Mj in the case with the Bahraini prince wasn't she fiered and living in UK?
no...wasn't she flown in?

she was following mj and the kids and staying near them so , like a stalker, she could see them. how odd. and i think she was about to be hired back after that case. cuz the london thing had been in the works for a lil while. so......