Time Magazine: The Return of the Nanny (Grace) 7-21-09

Guys before you start fully condemning Grace for the inteview has anyone of you seen a video or heard an audio of her saying one bad thing about MJ? Anybody? Please share the audio and the video. Let us also remember that the reason Grace gave that interview was for her charity work or whatever. Moodie, that post of your re Grace being a bad influence on MJ is so full of holes but I don't have the time to show them up right now. Regardless to say 90% is not true and makes no sense whatsoever.

I stand by every word I posted, as it came from people who have been around the Jackson family and in their presence on many of occasions. Like, Talithia these are fans that can be trusted.
So they had rifts but what does that have to do with the validity of an interview and it's circumstances with Barak? She said she has audio video etc. where are they?
she does and she's trying to sell it to a network

and i co-sign w/ moddie 777
Originally Posted by LisaB
Guys before you start fully condemning Grace for the inteview has anyone of you seen a video or heard an audio of her saying one bad thing about MJ? Anybody? Please share the audio and the video. Let us also remember that the reason Grace gave that interview was for her charity work or whatever. Moodie, that post of your re Grace being a bad influence on MJ is so full of holes but I don't have the time to show them up right now. Regardless to say 90% is not true and makes no sense whatsoever.

I stand by every word I posted, as it came from people who have been around the Jackson family and in their presence on many of occasions. Like, Talithia these are fans that can be trusted.
I stand by every word I posted, as it came from people who have been around the Jackson family and in their presence on many of occasions. Like, Talithia these are fans that can be trusted.

The trusted name in MJ news?
Sorry for the sarcasm. I'm getting lost here. Sorry.
But since they were somewhat close to the fam. could they have warned them, to keep him from starving himself? and why mould MJ need help throwing a woman out of his house that he didn't want there.It wasn't like he was disabled to a point that he couldn't do it himself was he? How could she control him like that? Why didn't the family do more than go to the house, be refused and them go away? If he were my family and I thought something was terribly wrong or somebody was doing something bad to him I would bust that shit down.
Agreed with you and soso Deaf 100%!!!!!!!!!!

Let me say this first: As a sista, when I learned Michael had a black nanny then followed later by a black publicist, I was so proud. Many of my black girlfriends and I were happy and we supported and loved Grace for this reason alone. WE WERE WRONG! DEAD WRONG!

I read in here a post about Jermaine and Grace and Poisoning. That is along the lines of the information that was shared with me by those fans who keep in contact with a few family members and have been invited at some of their events over the years.

On separate occasions these fans have said, Michael wasn't anerexic by design, he REFUSED to eat because he felt someone in the house, including Grace would try and poison him. Michael refused to marry her while in Bahrain after the trial. During that time, the family believed she was purposely overdosing him to control him and steal from him. They have found, she has more than 1 condo from Michael's money. While she was there with him and the kids, Money came up missing. She made sure Michael was in no shape to handle his business and financial affairs. They said she was pissed and out to get him since her tricks of trying to make him marry her didn't work. They said she has been in love with him this entire time. The rumors about the kids calling her "mommy" are true too. She made them call her mommy in an effort to use that to help gain her more sympathy from Michael. It didn't work.
The other fans told me, the rumor about Grace and Jermaine are TRUE. They had a brief fling a few years ago. I have no knowledge at all about Jermaine being involved in trying to hurt his brother as that post in here from someone suggest.
Grace was the main one in the house refusing to allow the family to see Michael when he lived in Vegas and the new home. The family constantly feared for Michael's health while she was in his employment, they could not get her away permanantly but they tried. I have even been told at some point, Michael himself wanted her to leave his home and she wouldn't go, so he got Randy and his father to "help him" to fire her. This happened more than once.
Because of this and more: I am not buying her story that she was fired and STAYED AWAY since December. That to me seems like a nice DEFENSE to use when you know the possibilty of all this info could come out in a matter of time.
For those fans who may find it hard to read this, please do not attack me for posting what other fans have told me about this nanny. I want to get to the bottom of what happened to him and if that mean hearing things that won't be pleasant, then so be it.
Remember this too: Much of what I just posted has already been discussed in recent years on many MJ forums.

I have her in my prime suspect's list. There is another one but I'll keep that to myself. :ph34r: Seriously, she came to mind because of how close she was to MJ. Her motive might not be money but jealously could be.
Lemme break down your post Moddie.

The house is not the only place where MJ eats. Furthermore, Grace was NOT around MJ for a long while, she was not there when he lost some weight.

Grace and the family were and obviouslyy ARE still friends. They used to have bible study together!

If she was keeping the family away and they disliked her so much do you really think she would have been front and center at the memorial and in the memorial booklet??

Look how easily she was fired from MJ's service. Yet when he needed her to testify for him in Bahrain, she was there. That doesn't sound like a man under her control, who fears her. That sounds like a man who's got her at least in his good graces (no pun intended).
Lemme break down your post Moddie.

The house is not the only place where MJ eats. Furthermore, Grace was NOT around MJ for a long while, she was not there when he lost some weight.

Grace and the family were and obviouslyy ARE still friends. They used to have bible study together!

If she was keeping the family away and they disliked her so much do you really think she would have been front and center at the memorial and in the memorial booklet??

Look how easily she was fired from MJ's service. Yet when he needed her to testify for him in Bahrain, she was there. That doesn't sound like a man under her control, who fears her. That sounds like a man who's got her at least in his good graces (no pun intended).

a year is not a long while.

once grace was put out, new people came in so out w/ the bad, in w/ the bad. that could explain mj's weight and health.

being friends and making sure the children are mentally ok or at least mentally healing is another thing. she was the only other person they knew so it was right in bringing her in for their comfort. now they have to find a way to reduce her time w/ them and send her on her way.

again, her place atthe memorial was due to the kids.

she was to be hired again after her testimony and lay in wait for mj to return to london to do the shows. that's y tohme was brought on. to get mj to start working again. to get the o2 dream to fruition.

she was fired before she could ever start w/ the kids. and had mj gone to london, she would not have worked for him. thus, her comments to barak are that of a woman scorned.

possibly romantically but realisticly, she was fired again. she was mad, she went off an dchose such a time that it correlated w/ mj's death
SoSo, you are just supporting my post that is refuting Moddie's.

Let us be realistic here. If there was someone who is harming your family member, and the rest of your family dislikes them, come hell or powderhouse would you let them get close again to the most precious items of the family???

The children didn't NEED her that much for the family to overlook the harm she indirectly did to them (if the family really disliked her.) And likewise as I mentioned, she wouldn't need to be front and center in the memorial booklet. They wouldn't be embracing her. There are just so many things wrong with what Moddie posted. And that is the point of my post.

C'mon we have lost our sense of well..common sense.
no. it's highly p lausible that the family wasn't online or listening to tv much after mj died...right?

so they would NOT have known about this interview or her alleged betrayal, correct? and once they found out, cuz im sure they know by now, it would've been too late to take her away from the kids

they just lost their father and were reunited w/ gracie...now take her away? too much for them to bear, correct?
I would like that she stay away from the kids. Bad feeling about her. I heard from close fans she was keeping them away from him. Few years back stories about her enabling him and controlling him. Her interview after his death. Karen's assertion that she kept her away. Things don't seem right.
a year is not a long while.

once grace was put out, new people came in so out w/ the bad, in w/ the bad. that could explain mj's weight and health.

being friends and making sure the children are mentally ok or at least mentally healing is another thing. she was the only other person they knew so it was right in bringing her in for their comfort. now they have to find a way to reduce her time w/ them and send her on her way.

again, her place atthe memorial was due to the kids.

she was to be hired again after her testimony and lay in wait for mj to return to london to do the shows. that's y tohme was brought on. to get mj to start working again. to get the o2 dream to fruition.

she was fired before she could ever start w/ the kids. and had mj gone to london, she would not have worked for him. thus, her comments to barak are that of a woman scorned.

possibly romantically but realisticly, she was fired again. she was mad, she went off an dchose such a time that it correlated w/ mj's death

Thank you for your full support to my post, soso deaf!!!!!!!

You are on point, when you said; Grace comments were that of a woman's scorned.

The truth about her intentions and what all went down while she was in the house will eventually come out.
And for anyone who wants to go on the attack, when the ugly truth comes to light, please don't say, we didn't try to tell you.

soso deaf, I must be doing some good in trying to enlighten fans on the awful truth, I've started recieveing "thank you" pm's in regard to the information I posted in this thread.

Thanks again for your support.
I would like that she stay away from the kids. Bad feeling about her. I heard from close fans she was keeping them away from him. Few years back stories about her enabling him and controlling him. Her interview after his death. Karen's assertion that she kept her away. Things don't seem right.

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,That's because things aren't right-with her.
I was reading some magazine at the airport, sorry I don't 'member which it was, but they quoted some things from the interview with Daphne that I didn't read before.

In it Grace told Daphne that she would purposely hide the kids masks, because she didn't like them wearing them. Grace said that Mike could never figure out why it was that the masks always went missing.

has anyone else come across this part of the interview?
yes. she would pretend she forgot them and he'd always say or ask, wow, always when they're with you, themasks were 'forgotton or lost'

ugh blah
I was reading some magazine at the airport, sorry I don't 'member which it was, but they quoted some things from the interview with Daphne that I didn't read before.

In it Grace told Daphne that she would purposely hide the kids masks, because she didn't like them wearing them. Grace said that Mike could never figure out why it was that the masks always went missing.

has anyone else come across this part of the interview?

Prime example of manipulation and a power tripper (if this really happened). Don't raise the issue and discuss it openly if you disagree wth it. Get what you want by deception and lies.
Interesting stuff about Grace, I never had her down as anything insincere.
The following statement is by Grace Rwaramba:

June 30th, 2009

“Michael Jackson was an exceptional Human Being. He was gifted, deeply compassionate and brought joy to the lives of so many. He loved his family dearly, and above all, his beautiful children.

In addition to being my employer over the past 17 years and entrusting the care of his beloved children to me, he was my dear friend. While our friendship had challenges, as do all friendships, he was loyal to the end. I cherish and honor his memory.

I am shocked, hurt and deeply saddened by recent statements the press has attributed to me, in particular, the outrageous and patently false claim that I “routinely pumped his stomach after he had ingested a dangerous combination of drugs". I don’t even know how to pump a stomach!! In addition, I have never spoken to the Times Online, the original source of the story that has now been picked up worldwide. The statements attributed to me confirm the worst in human tendencies to sensationalize tragedy and smear reputations for profit.

I convey my heartfelt and deepest condolences to Prince, Paris, Blanket and the entire Jackson family. The pain and sorrow I feel over the loss of Michael pales in comparison to what has been taken from them forever.”

- Grace Rwaramba


Bloodsuckers and the World of Michael JacksonBloodsuckers and the World of Michael Jackson

who or what gives you the right to talk in such a way or judge? Shame on you.

it's a messageboard...it's what u doand i love the statement by grace...anyone have MALIKA CHOPRA'S statement where she CONFIRMS grace said these things but SHE WAS MANIPULATED?hmmmmmmmmand moddie, keep on...
Didn't he fire her one time because she took all three out without him with on masks?There were pictures of it on the board. She took them to some amusement place or something. Then you didn't see her anymore for a few months and then she was back. The paps took pictures of her and the kids.
yep. circus circus. sorry but she was recognizable. just like kerry and bashiir. it became too difficult for them to go out w/ them cuz themedia and fans knew it was them.she was still around then, thou. but he started to catch on. them going to the airport to see deb in la and didn't have masks on....hmmmm mj in bahrain w/ the baby and kerry and grace took the two oldest to see deb in palmdale. what happened to the masks?hell, in her barak interview she mentioned mj questioning her. she's a mess
Agreed with you and soso Deaf 100%!!!!!!!!!!

Let me say this first: As a sista, when I learned Michael had a black nanny then followed later by a black publicist, I was so proud. Many of my black girlfriends and I were happy and we supported and loved Grace for this reason alone. WE WERE WRONG! DEAD WRONG!

I read in here a post about Jermaine and Grace and Poisoning. That is along the lines of the information that was shared with me by those fans who keep in contact with a few family members and have been invited at some of their events over the years.

On separate occasions these fans have said, Michael wasn't anerexic by design, he REFUSED to eat because he felt someone in the house, including Grace would try and poison him. Michael refused to marry her while in Bahrain after the trial. During that time, the family believed she was purposely overdosing him to control him and steal from him. They have found, she has more than 1 condo from Michael's money. While she was there with him and the kids, Money came up missing. She made sure Michael was in no shape to handle his business and financial affairs. They said she was pissed and out to get him since her tricks of trying to make him marry her didn't work. They said she has been in love with him this entire time. The rumors about the kids calling her "mommy" are true too. She made them call her mommy in an effort to use that to help gain her more sympathy from Michael. It didn't work.
The other fans told me, the rumor about Grace and Jermaine are TRUE. They had a brief fling a few years ago. I have no knowledge at all about Jermaine being involved in trying to hurt his brother as that post in here from someone suggest.
Grace was the main one in the house refusing to allow the family to see Michael when he lived in Vegas and the new home. The family constantly feared for Michael's health while she was in his employment, they could not get her away permanantly but they tried. I have even been told at some point, Michael himself wanted her to leave his home and she wouldn't go, so he got Randy and his father to "help him" to fire her. This happened more than once.
Because of this and more: I am not buying her story that she was fired and STAYED AWAY since December. That to me seems like a nice DEFENSE to use when you know the possibilty of all this info could come out in a matter of time.
For those fans who may find it hard to read this, please do not attack me for posting what other fans have told me about this nanny. I want to get to the bottom of what happened to him and if that mean hearing things that won't be pleasant, then so be it.
Remember this too: Much of what I just posted has already been discussed in recent years on many MJ forums.

A couple of questions:

Were Mike's concerns about poisoning legit, or was he just being paranoid? If he thought Grace was being iffy, why not just fire her on the spot?

So with the whole marriage thing, did she tell peeps that she wanted to marry him, cause I 'member reports from that time talking about him gettin' married?

Thanks in advance.:D

Sh*t no wonder the guy preferred to be around kids.
I wouldn't trust this woman. If Michael fired her, he obviously had his reasons. He did not want her around his children any longer so I certainly would not bring her back into the family. Those kids are around real family now, they don't need her. I wonder how Michael would feel about Katherine's decision to bring her back, I doubt he'd be happy.
For those who still may want to discount the accuracy of what I have posted you may wanna check out an article I saw today while browsing on another forum.

I think its from showbiz.com or something like that. I didn't write it down since I had to get back to work.

Warning: if you think, what I said was too hard for you to swallow, you may not want to read that article.

If someone has it please post it here. I'll be back in about 30 min.
ugh latoya is something grace will never be and that's FAMILY. i love how fans can bag on her and whine they don't 'forgive' her when honestly, what she did wasn't to U, it was to MIKE and he FORGAVE her.

grace was fired AGAIN for the SECOND TIME in ONE YR and she was mad. this was her doing what so many others have done to mj. she was selling him out. and im glad he never knew or got to see orhear what she had to say.

the family brought her in prolly not knowing what she said. now it's too late. do they take her away after they justlost their father? or do they slowly reduce theamount of time she acn spend w/ them?

she was a sellout just like thelot of them. even karen fake's ass went off aboutmj once he let her go and didn't take her to bahrain. it's pathetic.

the only people who truly loved him were his kids and his mama.

Mike forgave LaToya for what??? Sorry if I've missed something.
Et said that Grace left to England because one of Michael's kids refused to talk to her ! Is this true?
haha who knows. et is a mess.

but i will say that grace said in her high school yrbook that she wanted to b mrs. michael jackson. it was gross...like she was a super stalker and then became his most trusted employee
For those who still may want to discount the accuracy of what I have posted you may wanna check out an article I saw today while browsing on another forum.

I think its from showbiz.com or something like that. I didn't write it down since I had to get back to work.

Warning: if you think, what I said was too hard for you to swallow, you may not want to read that article.

If someone has it please post it here. I'll be back in about 30 min.
eh ya that's roger friedman so don't post it. he'snot right about that one....lol sometimes he can be but as far as a drip....eh not during court or the trial.
ch,whats going on in this thread i dont feel like reading 6pages lol
eh ya that's roger friedman so don't post it. he'snot right about that one....lol sometimes he can be but as far as a drip....eh not during court or the trial.

2 points he claims in that article are things, the other fans knew about and told me. And that is the information about the "cot" and her being the one picking up his different meds and using diff names, which is against the law in the state of california.

I guess the fans in this thread can decide rather or not to post it here. They should know where to look if they want to read it then.