Time Magazine: The Return of the Nanny (Grace) 7-21-09

La Toya ?!? :sigh: Anything she says, I take with a grain of salt.

I'm glad Grace is in the children's lives.


So--all media out there....may I repeat--MICHAEL DID NOT USE DRUGS--EVER.


abp what do you mean he told you...he said in person he didn't? that is sadly no confirmation of anything...if his kids asked he would say he didn't take drugs..and maybe he was telling truth but twisting the reality of taking pills not drugs?
Probably he didn't consider all those strong medicines as "drugs". After all they are not cocaine, heroine or whatever. But unfortunately medicines can be just as dangerous when abused.
do we even know what he used? we still don't have the details it all comes from media speculation so stop calling him a drug addict before you have the facts
if diprivan is what killed him, that drug is not even addictive, and the responsibility falls on his doctors the ones who told him it's ok to use it and who assured him he was going to be just fine
sorry to get off-topic couldn't help it
moddie777, please tell us more about her.
I don't know why I have bad feeling about her :/
I just don't like her. she come across to me as a shady person
I'd like to take her at face value and believe she is a good person, although that's near enough impossible when it comes to Michael unfortunately.
Coming on here turns you into a paranoid wreck, I can't imagine how Michael must have felt. :(
^^^ Boteach said MJ would bring out the worst in human coz of his money and fame. Just like jordan chandler's mother, she was at MJ's side but later joined her ex-husband evan chandler to help sue him.
^^^ Boteach said MJ would bring out the worst in human coz of his money and fame. Just like jordan chandler's mother, she was at MJ's side but later joined her ex-husband evan chandler to help sue him.

It's just sad beyond belief. :(
It's just sad beyond belief. :(
Yes, it is. I just found out she was Jermaine's ex girlfriend.
I got this from other forum:
Michael Jackson told Me personally that He thought Grace and Jermaine were trying to kill Him. Mike was afraid to eat Grace's food that she cooked, because He thought it was poison in it, and Michael said Grace's food taste nasty and that She didn't know how to properly clean a house, She was filty.

Also, Michael Jackson Said that Grace was Jermaine's Girlfriend, not His. Grace also was Married to a man in Las Vegas, who suspiciouly died, some years ago.

Grace had been saving up/stashing money from Mike..to leave Him..and She did. Then She bought a condominum in Las Vegas for $1 Million Dollars, while Mike with His Children lived in Hotels.
I suspect that she's one of the enabler. Look she's been MJ's kids nanny, she's the one closest to MJ. By right, she should have intervened MJ's drug habits if he had it but she didn't! Anyway, I just think she is no good person.But everyone, above post is by some poster. Just some rumours and information for you to draw your own conclusion.I wish MJ was with Lisa Marie presley :(
MJ was so happy when he was with her and she's the only one that can truly be trusted.
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Yes, it is. I just found out she was Jermaine's ex girlfriend.
I got this from other forum:

I suspect that she's one of the enabler. Look she's been MJ's kids nanny, she's the one closest to MJ. By right, she should have intervened MJ's drug habits if he had it but she didn't! Anyway, I just think she is no good person. That's my gut feeling about her. But everyone, above post is by some poster. Take it or leave it. I'm just saying what I felt. I wish MJ was with Lisa Marie presley :(
MJ was so happy when he was with her and she's the one that can be truly trusted.

OMG...I had no idea about any of that. Is it from a reliable source or poster?
Yes, it is. I just found out she was Jermaine's ex girlfriend.
I got this from other forum:

I suspect that she's one of the enabler. Look she's been MJ's kids nanny, she's the one closest to MJ. By right, she should have intervened MJ's drug habits if he had it but she didn't! Anyway, I just think she is no good person. That's my gut feeling about her. But everyone, above post is by some poster. Take it or leave it. I'm just saying what I felt. I wish MJ was with Lisa Marie presley :(
MJ was so happy when he was with her and she's the one that can be truly trusted.

Hey, well I think it is hard to persuade anyone to stop taking as much meds(if that was the case) she might have tried you never know. Also Lisa Marie - I don't hate her but don't think she is 100% trustworthy either as she did say some nasty things in interviews after they split.
you got that from a forum?
why don't you use tabloids as a source they're even more inventive and imaginative than some of these fans it's even more fun
you got that from a forum?
why don't you use tabloids as a source they're even more inventive and imaginative than some of these fans it's even more fun

LOL, it does seem pretty far fetched to say the least...
ugh latoya is something grace will never be and that's FAMILY. i love how fans can bag on her and whine they don't 'forgive' her when honestly, what she did wasn't to U, it was to MIKE and he FORGAVE her.

grace was fired AGAIN for the SECOND TIME in ONE YR and she was mad. this was her doing what so many others have done to mj. she was selling him out. and im glad he never knew or got to see orhear what she had to say.

the family brought her in prolly not knowing what she said. now it's too late. do they take her away after they justlost their father? or do they slowly reduce theamount of time she acn spend w/ them?

she was a sellout just like thelot of them. even karen fake's ass went off aboutmj once he let her go and didn't take her to bahrain. it's pathetic.

the only people who truly loved him were his kids and his mama.
^^^ Boteach said MJ would bring out the worst in human coz of his money and fame. Just like jordan chandler's mother, she was at MJ's side but later joined her ex-husband evan chandler to help sue him.

When money is involved, people show their true colours. You never know who is going to turn on you.
agreed. i would choose grace to care for the kids. even if youre motives are sketchy, (which i believe hers are NOT), she is emotionally attached to those kids. you would have to be after spending all the years she did with them.

i think a lot of fans are pointing fingers at anyone they can right now. i believe grace doesnt deserve that until more info is available. i dont trust latoya. shes mad she cant raise them.

However just because Grace was close to the children does not mean she is the right person to be near them.
ugh latoya is something grace will never be and that's FAMILY. i love how fans can bag on her and whine they don't 'forgive' her when honestly, what she did wasn't to U, it was to MIKE and he FORGAVE her.

grace was fired AGAIN for the SECOND TIME in ONE YR and she was mad. this was her doing what so many others have done to mj. she was selling him out. and im glad he never knew or got to see orhear what she had to say.

the family brought her in prolly not knowing what she said. now it's too late. do they take her away after they justlost their father? or do they slowly reduce theamount of time she acn spend w/ them?

she was a sellout just like thelot of them. even karen fake's ass went off aboutmj once he let her go and didn't take her to bahrain. it's pathetic.

the only people who truly loved him were his kids and his mama.

What exactly did Grace do to get fired...twice?

and why didnt he take Karen? and what did she say about it to 'sell out'? i dont know about any of this!
sorry love! didn't see ur post.

grace has been fired a bunch of tiems. her and mj got into it. he let her go and she was fired for a yr. he was gonna bringher back for thelondon shows, they got into it again and he let her go before she could even start.

as far as karen, mj didn't need her on his staff. he was going to bahrain to recover and rest. y have her leech ass near him when he wants to decompress?

then she got mad aboutmjjsource or something saying he didn't pay,just straight up disrespectful. that's how everyone is once mj lets them go. and i remember laughing at her b/c she said in take II that peoplewere so mean to mj etc...and tehy would lie and she ended up doing the same thing.

it's all aboutmoney at the end of the day. grace was mad and lashed out and got caught. her own friend tried to say she was lied to and manipulated. sorry but can't say 'mike is a bad dad' w/o using those words. were they playing a phucked up game of repeat? please, she said it she needs to own it
However just because Grace was close to the children does not mean she is the right person to be near them.

Agreed with you and soso Deaf 100%!!!!!!!!!!

Let me say this first: As a sista, when I learned Michael had a black nanny then followed later by a black publicist, I was so proud. Many of my black girlfriends and I were happy and we supported and loved Grace for this reason alone. WE WERE WRONG! DEAD WRONG!

I read in here a post about Jermaine and Grace and Poisoning. That is along the lines of the information that was shared with me by those fans who keep in contact with a few family members and have been invited at some of their events over the years.

On separate occasions these fans have said, Michael wasn't anerexic by design, he REFUSED to eat because he felt someone in the house, including Grace would try and poison him. Michael refused to marry her while in Bahrain after the trial. During that time, the family believed she was purposely overdosing him to control him and steal from him. They have found, she has more than 1 condo from Michael's money. While she was there with him and the kids, Money came up missing. She made sure Michael was in no shape to handle his business and financial affairs. They said she was pissed and out to get him since her tricks of trying to make him marry her didn't work. They said she has been in love with him this entire time. The rumors about the kids calling her "mommy" are true too. She made them call her mommy in an effort to use that to help gain her more sympathy from Michael. It didn't work.
The other fans told me, the rumor about Grace and Jermaine are TRUE. They had a brief fling a few years ago. I have no knowledge at all about Jermaine being involved in trying to hurt his brother as that post in here from someone suggest.
Grace was the main one in the house refusing to allow the family to see Michael when he lived in Vegas and the new home. The family constantly feared for Michael's health while she was in his employment, they could not get her away permanantly but they tried. I have even been told at some point, Michael himself wanted her to leave his home and she wouldn't go, so he got Randy and his father to "help him" to fire her. This happened more than once.
Because of this and more: I am not buying her story that she was fired and STAYED AWAY since December. That to me seems like a nice DEFENSE to use when you know the possibilty of all this info could come out in a matter of time.
For those fans who may find it hard to read this, please do not attack me for posting what other fans have told me about this nanny. I want to get to the bottom of what happened to him and if that mean hearing things that won't be pleasant, then so be it.
Remember this too: Much of what I just posted has already been discussed in recent years on many MJ forums.
sorry love! didn't see ur post.

grace has been fired a bunch of tiems. her and mj got into it. he let her go and she was fired for a yr. he was gonna bringher back for thelondon shows, they got into it again and he let her go before she could even start.

as far as karen, mj didn't need her on his staff. he was going to bahrain to recover and rest. y have her leech ass near him when he wants to decompress?

then she got mad aboutmjjsource or something saying he didn't pay,just straight up disrespectful. that's how everyone is once mj lets them go. and i remember laughing at her b/c she said in take II that peoplewere so mean to mj etc...and tehy would lie and she ended up doing the same thing.

it's all aboutmoney at the end of the day. grace was mad and lashed out and got caught. her own friend tried to say she was lied to and manipulated. sorry but can't say 'mike is a bad dad' w/o using those words. were they playing a phucked up game of repeat? please, she said it she needs to own it

hehe thank you lovely!! How do u know all this? are there any interviews/news articles/books that i can read the specifics of the arguments and the lashings outs?
nope and no comment! lol

but it'll all playout. they can't take her away from the kids now they just lost their father but something has to be done. so i reckon once the initial shock is gone, they'll start rationnig the time
nope and no comment! lol

but it'll all playout. they can't take her away from the kids now they just lost their father but something has to be done. so i reckon once the initial shock is gone, they'll start rationnig the time
But Grace was gone from Michael and the kids for at least a year, wasn't she? Remember some people on here were wondering where was Grace? The last time I remember seeing her and Michael together (without the kids) was when they went shopping in LA at the store called 'Moist'. After that I didn't see her anymore.

Anyway, I was one of the Grace 'fans'. Like Moddie777 said, I was so glad to see Michael and Grace 'together'. She was a pretty, East African woman. She helped Michael with the kids since they were infants---and I thought Michael and Grace made a cute couple. Reminded me of the TV show 'The Nanny' with the characters Nanny Fine and Mr. Sheffield (lol). But that recent 'interview' with Daphne Barak changed my view of Grace completely. While I'm sure that there were some embellishments made in the interview by Daphne Barak, there is no doubt that Grace was talking crap about Michael days before he died, and after his death she's been trying to 'clean it up' with denials about saying she pumped his stomach. I noticed, however, she didn't deny GIVING THE INTERVIEW.

I never thought I'd say this about Grace but to me she's foul and the Jacksons need to keep their eyes and ears on her--and get her out of there.
Guys before you start fully condemning Grace for the inteview has anyone of you seen a video or heard an audio of her saying one bad thing about MJ? Anybody? Please share the audio and the video. Let us also remember that the reason Grace gave that interview was for her charity work or whatever. Moodie, that post of your re Grace being a bad influence on MJ is so full of holes but I don't have the time to show them up right now. Regardless to say 90% is not true and makes no sense whatsoever.
grace was gone for a yr. i believe i said it, if not, i apologize. she was terminated. then she was called back to work for him again whil ehe did the shows. but was terminated again b efore she could start. yet another rift.
So they had rifts but what does that have to do with the validity of an interview and it's circumstances with Barak? She said she has audio video etc. where are they?
I never liked Grace. I always got the feeling she always wanted to be more than a nanny, and not for the right reasons.