Time Magazine: The Return of the Nanny (Grace) 7-21-09

2 points he claims in that article are things, the other fans knew about and told me. And that is the information about the "cot" and her being the one picking up his different meds and using diff names, which is against the law in the state of california.

I guess the fans in this thread can decide rather or not to post it here. They should know where to look if they want to read it then.
the cot thing and the med thing is true. but the rest...i don' tthink she even looked twice at jermaine. her focus was anything and everything michael
look poop, everything i told u in the car. that's what this is about. and some are defending her tryingto be objective and not judge blah blah.

stranger in muscow! lol

oh lord, smh. shes a kuff. and lmaoooo ugh lemelone lol
look poop, everything i told u in the car. that's what this is about. and some are defending her tryingto be objective and not judge blah blah.

stranger in muscow! lol

gosh darn it, where is this car, how do i hop into it and get the SCOOP :lol: jk!!
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whcih other bits are true please? do you think?

Go read the article if you want. Then come back here and reread if need be the things you have learned from post in here. Maybe that will help.

All of the truth is gonna come out eventually and any supporters are gonna feel sick, like I did.
well when ur jb jb shaun stranger in muscow then u get a seat! lol we had a long ass drive to el lay (la) so we had a lot to talk about. zac and allen were toobusy getting beauty sleep to even bother w/ us.

she did keep mj controlled. she did, at some times, keep his family away. b/c she was saying and doing things taht from the outside, didn't make sense. she was playing w/ him yet trying to raise the kids teh way she wanted. she didn't respect the fact that he wanted them covered.

it no longer became a game, it was for their safety and who knows what she told them to get them to not like the masks. cuz hell, last i heard, they loved them. cept jr cuz his hair was long and tangles! lol

but she seemed to be playing w/ the kids and pitting them against mj. it was sick. y do what the kids say and not the father? they ain't paying u, he is. just ugh

and when she was outsted this last time she had enough and spilled her guts, poured a bunch of lies on top, and then tried to claim she was manipulated.

or had her friend do it for her. funny how malika chopra deleted her 'defense' of grace from her site
well when ur jb jb shaun stranger in muscow then u get a seat! lol we had a long ass drive to el lay (la) so we had a lot to talk about. zac and allen were toobusy getting beauty sleep to even bother w/ us.

she did keep mj controlled. she did, at some times, keep his family away. b/c she was saying and doing things taht from the outside, didn't make sense. she was playing w/ him yet trying to raise the kids teh way she wanted. she didn't respect the fact that he wanted them covered.

it no longer became a game, it was for their safety and who knows what she told them to get them to not like the masks. cuz hell, last i heard, they loved them. cept jr cuz his hair was long and tangles! lol

but she seemed to be playing w/ the kids and pitting them against mj. it was sick. y do what the kids say and not the father? they ain't paying u, he is. just ugh

and when she was outsted this last time she had enough and spilled her guts, poured a bunch of lies on top, and then tried to claim she was manipulated.

or had her friend do it for her. funny how malika chopra deleted her 'defense' of grace from her site

thank you. saw the defense it exists. says daphne barak drew it out of her lol.

maybe she was trying to make the kids love her so much it would secure her position as their carer forever?
the cot thing and the med thing is true. but the rest...i don' tthink she even looked twice at jermaine. her focus was anything and everything michael

Are we allowed to post the comments made by Karen Faye that she wrote on her facebook?
Delete this if we are not.

Soso, I know you'r not a big fan of Karen ;).. but she wrote this about Grace hehe.

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NO SHE WHINED about people posting her 'stuff' online...um stupid imo since she did it but whatever. i'll have to edit ur post

karen fake does what karen fake wants to do. and i believe the family brought grace in not knowing what was said or done and then had to slowly wean the kids from her after they found out.
oh and someone said that et said one of the kids didn't want to speak to grace so she went back to london. looks like they were wrong but wtf is karen doing at hayven?
oh and someone said that et said one of the kids didn't want to speak to grace so she went back to london. looks like they were wrong but wtf is karen doing at hayven?

i dont tihnk she is there but is in contact somehow. Although someone is calling her out on it saying shes misinformed and grace is still at the house. whats interesting is someone has said a fan posted on a board that michael personally told them that he though grace and jermaine were trying to kill him, that g&j were in a relationship not with him and that grace had been married to a guy who died mysteriously and may be stealing money from michael.

soso deaf get on K fayes facebook now!!! need ur opinion on this lady who is arguing with her!!
also who said she went back to lond9on??? where are ppl gettting this info from!!!!!!!!!!1
i dont tihnk she is there but is in contact somehow. Although someone is calling her out on it saying shes misinformed and grace is still at the house. whats interesting is someone has said a fan posted on a board that michael personally told them that he though grace and jermaine were trying to kill him, that g&j were in a relationship not with him and that grace had been married to a guy who died mysteriously and may be stealing money from michael.

soso deaf get on K fayes facebook now!!! need ur opinion on this lady who is arguing with her!!

I saw that too and she linked to mjsite.com before she took down her link. But if you look at this thread, page 3, you can see the quote about Grace and Jermaine wanna kill him :S
i dont tihnk she is there but is in contact somehow. Although someone is calling her out on it saying shes misinformed and grace is still at the house. whats interesting is someone has said a fan posted on a board that michael personally told them that he though grace and jermaine were trying to kill him, that g&j were in a relationship not with him and that grace had been married to a guy who died mysteriously and may be stealing money from michael.

soso deaf get on K fayes facebook now!!! need ur opinion on this lady who is arguing with her!!

Now i dont know how much truth there is to this, this is only a theory, but my husband has been says since Michael passed away that he thinks that Jermaine also had something to do with Michaels death. He thinks that is Jermains voice on that 911 call....I know that they said that it was the security or something but now reading this......I have my own doubts as well. I dont know it is just food for thought. Besides they can say that Jermain was at a certain place and that he was contacted by a certain person but......who knows for sure. Also Jermain is the only voice that I have heard from the Jacksons that wants Michael placed at Neverland. He agenda could be jealousy or money driven I dont know but now I have to pay a little more attention to hubbies theory.
Now i dont know how much truth there is to this, this is only a theory, but my husband has been says since Michael passed away that he thinks that Jermaine also had something to do with Michaels death. He thinks that is Jermains voice on that 911 call....I know that they said that it was the security or something but now reading this......I have my own doubts as well. I dont know it is just food for thought. Besides they can say that Jermain was at a certain place and that he was contacted by a certain person but......who knows for sure. Also Jermain is the only voice that I have heard from the Jacksons that wants Michael placed at Neverland. He agenda could be jealousy or money driven I dont know but now I have to pay a little more attention to hubbies theory.

add to the theory that jermaine performed at the memorial, trying to take some spotlight.
I saw that too and she linked to mjsite.com before she took down her link. But if you look at this thread, page 3, you can see the quote about Grace and Jermaine wanna kill him :S

its here http://boards.mjsite.com/UltraBoard/Public/HTML/B4/159874-2.topic.html
from a girl called nickki

whats odd is theres someone called Passe who says she knows for a FACT that Grace wasnt the secret lover, that she was let go cos she demanded michael to marry him wen he didnt want to- he wanted to ask someone else :S:S how do ppl know thiS???
There have been quite a few discussions and observations about Grace over the years from long time fans and observers, ie, what role she played in so many things, both positive and negative, in Michael's life.

Because I was not part of Michael's personal world, I was not privy to anything first hand, BUT, too many things over too many years do NOT lead me to believe Grace was the selfsacrificing and always supportive of what was best for Michael first and foremost in all things type of person.

There are many things over the years, whether behind the scenes, or played out that people have observed, that have made me have many questions and doubts about intentions. Some things many have already been stated in this thread, and other things that perhaps were not readily reported.

This is just my opinion, but not based solely on random "feelings".
add to the theory that jermaine performed at the memorial, trying to take some spotlight.

This is true...and what song did he perform??? Smile. we all know about that song...poor Michael. Also in his interview with Matt Louer (spelling)at Neverland he tried to appear at times at though he was crying, but to be honest...I didnt see any real tears that he should of been wiping. I only saw what looked to me like a fake whine. Just my observation.
the cot thing and the med thing is true. but the rest...i don' tthink she even looked twice at jermaine. her focus was anything and everything michael

Don't like to speculate, but she did seem to be jealous of pretty fans around Michael...did anything so that Michael wouldn't see them and talk to them....again, bad feeling about her..
Aww thanks Cris...you've just fuelled my fantasy for this evening. No more tears...at least for a few hours. Bless him, it still doesn't seem real.

Ya know, it's sad, I really thought Grace was real, toward's Michael and his needs that is....damnit. It hurts...really hurts...so unfair
Have we as yet heard or seen any audio or video of Grace badmouthing MJ as per Barak??
its here http://boards.mjsite.com/UltraBoard/Public/HTML/B4/159874-2.topic.html
from a girl called nickki

whats odd is theres someone called Passe who says she knows for a FACT that Grace wasnt the secret lover, that she was let go cos she demanded michael to marry him wen he didnt want to- he wanted to ask someone else :S:S how do ppl know thiS???

I have heard this too! But I don't know nickki or passe and I've never been to the mjsite? Never even heard of it.
ok lemme lay it down. grace is very pro-black. a lot of the fans who got access to mj were not. they were either from europe or stationed near him so they coul dfollow him. she didn't like that.

she didn't like the fans fawning over him. she didn't understand y they did that. she could be very down to earth to those that spoke to her. people who would talk to her and then ask her to give a gift to mj weren't really peopleshe wanted to be around. so eh

it's not jermaine's voice on the 911 call.

karen seems to delete anything and everything that calls her out. she know she a mess and she know she a fraud. not w/ this info maybe, but other shit.

a friend very close to the family told me and my cousin in 07 that grace had hella money stashed away. she wasn't living at the monte cristo house w/ mj but a new high rise a short distance from the strip. they said the family didn't like her, she was very manipulative and lied to mike all the time.

this was the same friend who told me about how randy was kept out of the house and tried tojump the gate and the cops were called. he wanted to file a charge against one of the bodygards but changed hismind saying it would hurt his brother more than it would benefit him.

take it w/ a grain of salt. grace said what she said, she won't go out guns blazing trying to deny this. her time w/ the family and the kids is limited
ok lemme lay it down. grace is very pro-black. a lot of the fans who got access to mj were not. they were either from europe or stationed near him so they coul dfollow him. she didn't like that.

she didn't like the fans fawning over him. she didn't understand y they did that. she could be very down to earth to those that spoke to her. people who would talk to her and then ask her to give a gift to mj weren't really peopleshe wanted to be around. so eh

it's not jermaine's voice on the 911 call.

karen seems to delete anything and everything that calls her out. she know she a mess and she know she a fraud. not w/ this info maybe, but other shit.

a friend very close to the family told me and my cousin in 07 that grace had hella money stashed away. she wasn't living at the monte cristo house w/ mj but a new high rise a short distance from the strip. they said the family didn't like her, she was very manipulative and lied to mike all the time.

this was the same friend who told me about how randy was kept out of the house and tried tojump the gate and the cops were called. he wanted to file a charge against one of the bodygards but changed hismind saying it would hurt his brother more than it would benefit him.

take it w/ a grain of salt. grace said what she said, she won't go out guns blazing trying to deny this. her time w/ the family and the kids is limited

thanks for clearing up some stuff..:).... Ohh poor Randy. Grace had far to much control...witch.
ok lemme lay it down. grace is very pro-black. a lot of the fans who got access to mj were not. they were either from europe or stationed near him so they coul dfollow him. she didn't like that.

she didn't like the fans fawning over him. she didn't understand y they did that. she could be very down to earth to those that spoke to her. people who would talk to her and then ask her to give a gift to mj weren't really peopleshe wanted to be around. so eh

it's not jermaine's voice on the 911 call.

karen seems to delete anything and everything that calls her out. she know she a mess and she know she a fraud. not w/ this info maybe, but other shit.

a friend very close to the family told me and my cousin in 07 that grace had hella money stashed away. she wasn't living at the monte cristo house w/ mj but a new high rise a short distance from the strip. they said the family didn't like her, she was very manipulative and lied to mike all the time.

this was the same friend who told me about how randy was kept out of the house and tried tojump the gate and the cops were called. he wanted to file a charge against one of the bodygards but changed hismind saying it would hurt his brother more than it would benefit him.

take it w/ a grain of salt. grace said what she said, she won't go out guns blazing trying to deny this. her time w/ the family and the kids is limited

gods sake deleting the posts. When u say she's a fraud are u saying that in terms of she wasnt his real friend or that this person isnt actually Karen Faye?

She deleted trhe post when someone called her out big time