Time Magazine: The Return of the Nanny (Grace) 7-21-09


Proud Member
Jul 4, 2009
Los Angeles

An enigmatic woman in Michael Jackson's inner circle is re-emerging just as the battle over the guardianship and paternity of his kids continues. Grace Rwaramba, the Rwandan nanny of Prince Michael I, 12, Paris Michael Katherine, 11, and Prince Michael II (known as Blanket), 7, is the woman Jackson insiders describe as the most maternal personality the children have known. She left Jackson's employ, perhaps dismissed, last year but is now staging a comeback that may be key to the fate of the three young Jacksons. Indeed, her return to the side of the children — and the Jackson clan — may reinforce, at least in the public eye, their claims to being the best guarantors of the children's well-being.

Rwaramba worked for Jackson for 17 years, first as his secretary, and then after the children arrived, as their nanny. According to sources, Rwaramba is resuming the work she occupied through the children's entire lives. It ended abruptly in 2008 when she was allegedly fired by Jackson for yet unestablished reasons. Since his death, however, sources say Rwaramba has resumed child-caring duties at the Jackson clan's Encino compound and was seen taking the children to Jehovah's Witness classes. (Read "Rowe Undecided on Jackson Kids Custody Battle")

Introduced to Jackson by his friend Deepak Chopra, Rwaramba was such a constant in the singer's life that there were even rumors that they were secretly married. But according to documents filed in Nevada's Clark County, she was married to her first husband during the majority her employment with Jackson and married her second husband Joseph Kisembo in December 2008. There were other almost Svengali-like rumors. "I hear some odd things about her, this woman in the background with all of this power, flexing her muscles," says former Jackson spiritual advisor Firpo Carr. "That's not the Grace I know. Unless she has this other secret life I don't know about," says Carr. "She is one of the humblest people I have been around."

Others are sensitive to the pivotal position Rwaramba occupied in Jackson's life. "You have to be aware of the most powerful nanny in the universe," says one former Jackson confidante. "She was the gatekeeper for Michael and she wielded that power. She absolutely did."(Read "Paris Jackson's Heartfelt Goodbye")

Her influence on the children was undeniable. "Grace was like the mother, and Michael was the father," says Jackson friend and filmmaker Bryan Michael Stoller, who often visited Neverland. "The only person I saw get close to the kids besides Michael was Grace." Rwaramba returned at their time of crisis. The actor Mark Lester, star of the movie musical Oliver! and godfather to Jackson's children, spoke to her soon after the singer's sudden death and describes her as "shocked and grief stricken." Still, Lester tells TIME, "she's a very strong person and she's a tower of strength for the children. She is the closest thing to a mother that they have ever experienced." While not sure if her return is permanent, he adds, "Right now it's important they have some continuity."

Carr says that some of the talk about Grace came about as a result of her loyal silence on Jackson. In a world where former friends and employees often sold their version of life with Jackson to the highest tabloid bidder, Rwaramba maintained her secrets. (See photos: "A Post-Michael Guide to the Jackson Family")

There was therefore disbelief at a story that appeared shortly after Jackson's June 25 death. Britain's Sunday Times wrote a piece quoting Rwaramba allegedly giving explosive details about Jackson's drug use. The story cited her attempts to curb his addiction as the reason she was let go. "I had to pump his stomach many times. He always mixed so much of it," the paper quoted Rwaramba as saying. "There was one period that it was so bad that I didn't let the children see him... He always ate too little and mixed too much." Rwaramba quickly put out a statement disavowing the piece: "I don't even know how to pump a stomach" She said she had never spoken to the Sunday Times. "The statements attributed to me confirm the worst in human tendencies to sensationalize tragedy and smear reputations for profit."

The incident did little to damage her relationship with the family. The next day Joe Jackson, the star's father, publicly called Rwaramba "a good friend of the family and to the kids," going so far as to say a more permanent role in their lives was under consideration. Rwaramba was also given prime position in the official Michael Jackson souvenir book at the lavish public memorial. "Thank you for entrusting me with your precious children, my love for them will never waver," she wrote in the its final solo entry.

"She is totally dedicated to the children and will do whatever it takes to make the children happy," Deepak Chopra tells TIME. "She will play a large part in those children's lives," says Carr. Her work may be key asd details of Jackson's alleged drug use emerge. Addiction-specialist Dr. Drew Pinksy tells TIME that frequently children of addicted parents suffer from a sense of abandonment, but the caring "emotionally available" support Jackson set up by could provide a "life-saving link that might help these children stay healthy." "I'm praying for the status quo for these kids," In the eyes of many Jackson-watchers, Rwaramba is that status quo.
Wasn't there a video interview (with the British press or ??) of Grace talking about being fired, it was also rumored that she accepted money? Was that a fake or??
not fake and this is a move i'll forever question.

granted, they didn't know about this till after she was w/ the kids again so for them to lose their father and then for her to be snatched would've proved, prolly, too difficult for them.

i don't thik she'll stay around too long, especially not after barack releases that video
not fake and this is a move i'll forever question.

granted, they didn't know about this till after she was w/ the kids again so for them to lose their father and then for her to be snatched would've proved, prolly, too difficult for them.

i don't thik she'll stay around too long, especially not after barack releases that video

Seems like Time would have picked that up when they were writing the story?? Duh...
La Toya has some harsh word for nanny Grace. This is what she said about Grace in tha interview where she claimed Michael had been murdered.

La Toya says the children are coping well. They are with Katherine and nanny Grace Rwaramba who turned up for a day ‘and has been there ever since.’ La Toya says, however, she is ‘highly suspicious’ of the nanny’s motives.

‘The family has mixed feelings about her,’ she says. ‘Mother says she wants to be with the kids but I warned her to be careful. It’s not like the children like or dislike her. They like everyone. Mother is gullible and feels sorry for her.’

She says reports that Grace was Michael’s girlfriend are false. ‘I heard Grace liked Michael but he didn’t like her. He let her go last Christmas. I have a lot of questions about Grace. She was instrumental in keeping the family away. All of a sudden she is back, listening and watching the family. I think her behaviour is odd.’
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whatevers best for the kids is whats best. the family will know whats best for them.
This is just speculation, but the Time magazine report says that Grace got married in December (the same month she was fired). Maybe Michael felt that she would not be able to make the kids a priority anymore, maybe Michael did not like the husband? Who knows?

Did Grace live on staff? Was she still the nanny full-time or his secretary?
Was she a plant? i know it a bad thought but if there were people in michael's life who started to use him , who knows where it started and what people were working together...this whole thing could, only could...be potentially very deep..im not suggesting to this level, but you can believe so many things in michael's life...what if you chose to believe say latoya in this example over grace...then the plant theory could be possible or she was in it individually...or you can believe grace and that latoya is wrong...but any proof of who is right? not yet there isn't..i hope she was wholly good which is what i believe in my heart
When the Las Vegas intervention supposedly happened. It was alleged that she was the one that would not let the family members in to see Michael. Not sure if LaToya was involved in that, but maybe there are some valid reasons to be wary about Grace.

But we know that LaToya has done and said some crazy stuff too. So.... we are back to square one and Katherine doing what she feels is best for the family and the kids are or were close to Grace, so for now, I agree that she is "in" but she should not be calling any shots.
I pray that Michael's children will feel secure and loved, above all else.
When the Las Vegas intervention supposedly happened. It was alleged that she was the one that would not let the family members in to see Michael. Not sure if LaToya was involved in that, but maybe there are some valid reasons to be wary about Grace.

But we know that LaToya has done and said some crazy stuff too. So.... we are back to square one and Katherine doing what she feels is best for the family and the kids are or were close to Grace, so for now, I agree that she is "in" but she should not be calling any shots.

I highlighted above the most valid point about this entire debate. When you look at the big picture, even his own family have betrayed him throughout his history. Who is to be trusted? I don't think we know, because it seems maybe Michael never even knew himself. Again, this is all speculation, so really all we can do is wait in time and see how this plays. I am sure the kids are old enough to be interviewed about what their best interests are. I'm sure Michael trusted Katherine to run the ship in the direction she feels safest for the children's futures.
I highlighted above the most valid point about this entire debate. When you look at the big picture, even his own family have betrayed him throughout his history. Who is to be trusted? I don't think we know, because it seems maybe Michael never even knew himself. Again, this is all speculation, so really all we can do is wait in time and see how this plays. I am sure the kids are old enough to be interviewed about what their best interests are. I'm sure Michael trusted Katherine to run the ship in the direction she feels safest for the children's futures.

Yes. Thank you!
When the Las Vegas intervention supposedly happened. It was alleged that she was the one that would not let the family members in to see Michael. Not sure if LaToya was involved in that, but maybe there are some valid reasons to be wary about Grace.

But we know that LaToya has done and said some crazy stuff too. So.... we are back to square one and Katherine doing what she feels is best for the family and the kids are or were close to Grace, so for now, I agree that she is "in" but she should not be calling any shots.

Your first paragraph is exactly what I've been hearing since Michael's death from a few fans who became friendly with a few of the jackson's through the years. One fan in particular who once had her own forum and was invited to a few Jackson's events has told me some very powerful and deeply disturbing things about this nanny and what all was going on behind the scenes. I know this, if it's true and it ever officially surfaced , many fans on this forum are going to feel sick to their stomach for all the years of supporting this woman.

Everything, aint what it seem.
Was she a plant? i know it a bad thought but if there were people in michael's life who started to use him , who knows where it started and what people were working together...this whole thing could, only could...be potentially very deep..im not suggesting to this level, but you can believe so many things in michael's life...what if you chose to believe say latoya in this example over grace...then the plant theory could be possible or she was in it individually...or you can believe grace and that latoya is wrong...but any proof of who is right? not yet there isn't..i hope she was wholly good which is what i believe in my heart

a 17 year plant? hmmmmm
Was she a plant? i know it a bad thought but if there were people in michael's life who started to use him , who knows where it started and what people were working together...this whole thing could, only could...be potentially very deep..im not suggesting to this level, but you can believe so many things in michael's life...what if you chose to believe say latoya in this example over grace...then the plant theory could be possible or she was in it individually...or you can believe grace and that latoya is wrong...but any proof of who is right? not yet there isn't..i hope she was wholly good which is what i believe in my heart

please dont reach that far. thats how the media picks up their ridiculous theories.
When the Las Vegas intervention supposedly happened. It was alleged that she was the one that would not let the family members in to see Michael. Not sure if LaToya was involved in that, but maybe there are some valid reasons to be wary about Grace.

But we know that LaToya has done and said some crazy stuff too. So.... we are back to square one and Katherine doing what she feels is best for the family and the kids are or were close to Grace, so for now, I agree that she is "in" but she should not be calling any shots.

Mj could have sternly told grace to NOT let them in.
Yup. If Michael didn't want to see you you didn't get seen. It might have looked like it was Grace keeping them away but she could have been acting on his behalf.

I don't know how I feel about her honestly. I saw bits and pieces of the interview she did after she got fired. I guess she was angry that she was fired suddenly and w/o warning, although after 17 years with him I'm pretty sure SHE and MJ knew why she was fired. That's something I don't think we'll ever know.

In the end though, I do feel that her being around the kids is a good thing for consistency's sake, Lord knows their world has been turned upside down since their father's passing. I do agree though that eventually she needs to be phased out as they get older and/or it is revealed that she cannot be trusted because at the end of the day MJ fired her... there musta been a reason why...
Was she a plant? i know it a bad thought but if there were people in michael's life who started to use him , who knows where it started and what people were working together...this whole thing could, only could...be potentially very deep..im not suggesting to this level, but you can believe so many things in michael's life...what if you chose to believe say latoya in this example over grace...then the plant theory could be possible or she was in it individually...or you can believe grace and that latoya is wrong...but any proof of who is right? not yet there isn't..i hope she was wholly good which is what i believe in my heart

You are not wrong at all for asking this questions and having this as a thought. Don't let any fan on this forum, try and make you feel as though you just committed the ultimate sin, because you have not!
If what is being told to me is true about Grace the nanny, many fans are gonna really regret the day they ever supported her.
I hope if its true it all comes out soon.
You are not wrong at all for asking this questions and having this as a thought. Don't let any fan on this forum, try and make you feel as though you just committed the ultimate sin, because you have not!
If what is being told to me is true about Grace the nanny, many fans are gonna really regret the day they ever supported her.
I hope if its true it all comes out soon.

Please don't post stuff like this if you can't tell us what those things are.
Please don't post stuff like this if you can't tell us what those things are.

I agree
Either tell it or don't say anything at all.

I don't enough about her to have any opinion about her.
but if her intentions are not right concerning those children, I hope she's found out quick and in a hurry
Yup. If Michael didn't want to see you you didn't get seen. It might have looked like it was Grace keeping them away but she could have been acting on his behalf.

I don't know how I feel about her honestly. I saw bits and pieces of the interview she did after she got fired. I guess she was angry that she was fired suddenly and w/o warning, although after 17 years with him I'm pretty sure SHE and MJ knew why she was fired. That's something I don't think we'll ever know.

In the end though, I do feel that her being around the kids is a good thing for consistency's sake, Lord knows their world has been turned upside down since their father's passing. I do agree though that eventually she needs to be phased out as they get older and/or it is revealed that she cannot be trusted because at the end of the day MJ fired her... there musta been a reason why...

agreed. i would choose grace to care for the kids. even if youre motives are sketchy, (which i believe hers are NOT), she is emotionally attached to those kids. you would have to be after spending all the years she did with them.

i think a lot of fans are pointing fingers at anyone they can right now. i believe grace doesnt deserve that until more info is available. i dont trust latoya. shes mad she cant raise them.
Please don't post stuff like this if you can't tell us what those things are.

Vanx, majority of the fans do not want the truth when it comes to Grace, they want things sugar coated.

Everything about the nanny Grace can be found on any given forum, whenever any fan touched on the truth about her, so many of these threads were closed or deleted and sadly, I am learning, that much of what was said in those threads were factual.

As pointed out in this thread, ( it is slowly coming out) she was the main reason why a successful intervention in Vegas did not happen.

Now watch how some fans may want to make excuses for that without going back and rereading everything we ever heard about Grace, including rumor.
La Toya has some harsh word for nanny Grace. This is what she said about Grace in tha interview where she claimed Michael had been murdered.

La Toya says the children are coping well. They are with Katherine and nanny Grace Rwaramba who turned up for a day ‘and has been there ever since.’ La Toya says, however, she is ‘highly suspicious’ of the nanny’s motives.

‘The family has mixed feelings about her,’ she says. ‘Mother says she wants to be with the kids but I warned her to be careful. It’s not like the children like or dislike her. They like everyone. Mother is gullible and feels sorry for her.’

She says reports that Grace was Michael’s girlfriend are false. ‘I heard Grace liked Michael but he didn’t like her. He let her go last Christmas. I have a lot of questions about Grace. She was instrumental in keeping the family away. All of a sudden she is back, listening and watching the family. I think her behaviour is odd.’

If only more fans would pay attention to what Latoya is saying here, not to metnion bare in mind that recent interview Grace did, you know the one with that daphne lady. Didn't Grace attempt to deny it or portions of it and R. F. posted the video footage of Grace actually in action doing the interview? Let us not forget all the reports about her intentions through the years. Those things along corraborate the information now coming out about her being the one that stood in the way of the vegas drug intervention the family tried to do.

The truth maybe right in our faces, all we gotta do is look.
Whatever she has said here and there, or not said. I mean, we can only guess. The only thing that really matters is the children's perspective.

They have known her all their life, from the first moment to now, and she is their rock. They know her like we know our mums or nannys. That is why I believe, Grace should stay with the children, no matter what.
Whatever she has said here and there, or not said. I mean, we can only guess. The only thing that really matters is the children's perspective.

They have known her all their life, from the first moment to now, and she is their rock. They know her like we know our mums or nannys. That is why I believe, Grace should stay with the children, no matter what.

I agree
o thanks for saying that...i always pose what ifs and hypothethical theroies and even if i don't believe them, if it worth bringing them to light because with these sort of questions, right now we have no answer...so many avenues are worth looking down..nothing is going to be black and white in this ( excuse the pun)

I was always interested to see the thread of grace and her scholl photos album..she obviously loved mj when she was young..was this love pure and carried on into when she worked there? or was she hatching a plan whilst attempting to work for michael orr was her love pure and unconditional but it got lost as she started working there and she became corupted and either a pawn in this piece or maybe a scapegoat..

on the outset she seems wonderful and that little clip of her suggest she knows why she was fired and who by...her body language says it has happened before and it certainly wasn't michael who fired her ..so leads me to believe she was taken out picture because maybe she could not be controlled by those who were pulling the strings to michael's life..or maybe she WAS one of them pulling the strings but didn't agree with a certain plan and was let off?? so many theories, i just hope none are true and she is how we see her
Vanx, majority of the fans do not want the truth when it comes to Grace, they want things sugar coated.

Everything about the nanny Grace can be found on any given forum, whenever any fan touched on the truth about her, so many of these threads were closed or deleted and sadly, I am learning, that much of what was said in those threads were factual.

As pointed out in this thread, ( it is slowly coming out) she was the main reason why a successful intervention in Vegas did not happen.

Now watch how some fans may want to make excuses for that without going back and rereading everything we ever heard about Grace, including rumor.

Can't be found on this forum. Please tell what you heard, TMZ does it, what more harm can be done. It's either true or not. I hate innuendo and speculation to kick up negative feelings about somebody.

"Sources say; insiders of the Jackson family tell us; someone close to Michael Jackson says."..etc,etc,etc. That's what this thread is about. I came to MJJF and then MJJCommunity.
for truth and positivity. Mostly truth, not hearsay.
Wasn't there a video interview (with the British press or ??) of Grace talking about being fired, it was also rumored that she accepted money? Was that a fake or??

It's not clear when that interview took place. It could have been something she was doing before he died. I only remember where she was talking about getting a pay cut.
I just thought of something. Why would Grace be spending time with Barak the journalist when she had her new husband? If she was feeling down like she said she was, why would she go spend time with a journalist when hubby is around? Needless to say, the interview with Barak doesn't sit well with me. BUT it could be that she went to talk about her charity venture and Barak pursued other topics. It is note worthy that there has been no incriminating clips of Grace. As for that LaToya interview I still don't buy portions of it especy when she speaks of her mom being gullible and this odd family intervention that was already denied by her and other family members.