This Just In: MJ's burial postponed for 2nd time today!!

......can you imagine the Jackson family diaries........

There'll be a lot of tippex going on ...
LOL was thinking the same, though I believe it's not possible yet with today's technology :( Even if it would be possible, the damage would be too big and he would have no real life anymore.....

If it was possible. IMAGINE the comeback. Oh my god! He would be threated like he should be threated when he was alive.
Michael is already in the spiritworld now...

I hope his body will be at peace soon.
I sure loved it and it pains me to see all of the fuzz surrounding the burial.
I really think the jackson are trying to get the best doctors in the world, and practice new science and try to get Michael Jackson back to life. This sounds weird but I think thats why, we must pray.

hehe, are you on that hoax website?? i wish there was a way :s ,but i doubt it especially now.. i heard that there is a way of revival after like 3 hours of death but not after 3 months!!!
......can you imagine the Jackson family diaries........

There'll be a lot of tippex going on ...

i still wont believe ANYTHING that hasnt been confirmed by the family or a responsible person!
media is making me sick as always!
This is a matter of fact, everything from June 25th has been unreal!

think it is very safe to say it was a stupid move in the first place to announce any dates in which Michael will be laid to rest,

honestly i think people are putting too much empasis on the body. some of you are saying stuff like "why can't they let michael rest" or "They need to bury him". Everybody needs to understand they are not burying "Michael" they are burying his body, to some they are one in the same but they really are not.

Our body is just the shell we are in when we are on this earth, its essentially just make up but its not your spirit. Your spirit never dies. i'm not trying to be cheesy or anything its just what i believe to be fact.
so it doesn't mater when they bury his body or if they decide not to bury it...michael is no longer there, his spirit is around so people (fans) shuldn't feel sad they will not be able to visit his grave because as we all know within minutes of the body being put in the ground it will begin to decompose (sorry if its a little graphic for some of you but its a reality that will happen to all of us) and all your doing is going to visit some soil. This goes for everyone that dies not just michael but if want to speak to your loved one you don't need to be crying next to a graveside, just talk to them because they can hear you , honestly.

People shouldn't mourn death it should actually be a celebration. A celebration of the ife you had on earth and a celebration of the hope your loved one is going home to meet our creator.
Jesus Christ, we don't know what issues are going on behind the scenes. The family are the ones who have been dealing with everything that has been happening in there since Michael died.

It's easy for us, sitting here behind our computers, to point fingers and demand for this or that to hurry up.

Maybe things aren't as simple and easy as they appear to us. It's absolutely out of line to start putting his family in the same category as his enemies.

While I agree tats what the fans have been doing since he died. It is a shame.
I just feel sorry for the family as they haven't been able to bury him for so long because of all the horrible circumstances of an unnatural death.

Maybe they realised they shouldn't announce the date of burial and that's why they are doing this, which is fair enough.

On the burial itself, I can't say anything as can't imagine what the family are going through in trying to decide the most fitting resting place and time for someone like Michael, not to mention the tragedy of him being one of the younger members of the family.
I think it is very safe to say it was a stupid move in the first place to announce any dates in which Michael will be laid to rest,

Michael should had been laid to rest..
Same week as the Memorial was :(:angel:
I think they are just trying to throw everyone off and will stick to the original date. Joe and Latoya were the two that said this, yet the family spokesperson hasn't said anything since it was announced it would be the 29th. Katherine decided last minute that she didn't want to bury him on his birthday? They have had almost 3 months to decide this date but a week before the day it just suddenly dawns on her that this day isn't right? I think they are trying to throw off the media to finally have some privacy and I don't blame them one bit.
They should just lay MJ to rest and don't say anything. When someone asks..just say "yes, he has been laid to rest" they don't have to give any details. That way..all this stops.
I think it is very safe to say it was a stupid move in the first place to announce any dates in which Michael will be laid to rest,
yeah if it is private for family and close friends anyway, then why announcing it? they want the helicopters following them from home etc..:doh:
Let's face it. The Jacksons are incapable of organising anything. It's now wonder Mike didn't want any of them running his estate after he died.
I think they are just trying to throw everyone off and will stick to the original date. Joe and Latoya were the two that said this, yet the family spokesperson hasn't said anything since it was announced it would be the 29th. Katherine decided last minute that she didn't want to bury him on his birthday? They have had almost 3 months to decide this date but a week before the day it just suddenly dawns on her that this day isn't right? I think they are trying to throw off the media to finally have some privacy and I don't blame them one bit.

Halleluja! We should't make to much out of this. The stories are planted to confuse people so maybe they have some peace and quietness when they say their final goodbyes to their son, brother and father! Wait for the official announcement he has been brought to his final resting place! It will happen!
I really think the jackson are trying to get the best doctors in the world, and practice new science and try to get Michael Jackson back to life. This sounds weird but I think thats why, we must pray.

oh my... :D
The family may just be giving out this statement...if there was an official one to begin with, just to deter any press or crowds that may try to gain access to the ceremony.

So sad that they can't grieve in peace. Yet as long as his body is laid to rest, I don't mind when....just that it's done with dignity and love.

I agree. I think that because the media ran with it, it may be concerns for the family and the possiblity of grave robbers. It's a pity this is going on though.
MJ would like fans to get a chance to lay flowers and lit candles.
yeah if it is private for family and close friends anyway, then why announcing it? they want the helicopters following them from home etc..:doh:

exactly, they shouldn't say anything, because it's going to be PRIVATE, but maybe they want attention I dont know.. But we shouldn't blame the family for not buring Mike, because it is difficult time to them now, they have to deal with a lot of things. I'm sure they have good reasons
It's on the big news stations now, however they don't know the actual date the burial was postponed to.

Hmm... if it's not an issue with needing the body for other tests, then perhaps it's an issue with getting his crypt ready. What if there's something they want to have done that won't be ready or constructed by next weekend? It could also be a problem logistics issue between the City and Forest Lawn. Could be one of those 3 issues...investigation issue, burial issue or logistics issue. Otherwise...????? :(

It can't be a media issue if they purposely released a statement...unless they've decided to go low-key? Either way, they have to know they will be watched like hawks now so any switcheroo with dates really won't matter and keep the media away. Best thing is that in the mausoleum they WILL have privacy and security...whenever the interment takes place.
About the only thing that really makes sense to me from the latest "update" is saying it would be at 7pm in the evening. I believe on Forest Lawn website it states gates/cemetary close at 6pm. If that part of it is true (who knows at this point), then there would be no disruption to people visiting the cemetary and their buried loves ones. Plus no one else would be able to enter the grounds, leaving alot more privacy for the Jackson family.

Just surmising, but it's a possible explanation. As for the date? Who knows if it's really true since a family spokesperson or member has not announced it to the public.

All things considered, might make more sense to simply do it at a time when they we will be assured of privacy (when cemetary is not open to the public) and announce it afterwards. Don't think anyone can stop the helicopters from making a gazillion fly overs looking for something, but if that's the worst thing to happen, perhaps the family and friends can have at least a smidgeon of privacy and security.
