This Just In: MJ's burial postponed for 2nd time today!!

The family needs to get it together! They've decided where they are going to be burying him. What are they waiting for? Does it always have to be all this drama and a circus around mike all the time even after his death? This type of news only eggs on the people who believe the hoax theories.
its all very confusing isnt it. i was up most of the night cause i was thinking about this and other things. i guess maybe because its a large family is the reason they keep changing the date maybe? i hope one day hopefully soon michael can be buried
This is kinda of sad Michael will never rest in peace. Looks like the family don't know what to do.

ok, i was glad the first time they had changed it because i wasn't comfortable with it being on his bday. But now september? this is way too much! they should have done it right after the memorial. that would have made more sense.
The family needs to get it together! They've decided where they are going to be burying him. What are they waiting for? Does it always have to be all this drama and a circus around mike all the time even after his death? This type of news only eggs on the people who believe the hoax theories.

I'm starting to think something is going on myself. None of this makes sense. I don't think anyone outside of Jermaine ever considered Neverland as a possible burial site. I don't understand the need to postpone burial and there is no fight over possession of his remains.
At first I thought WTF are they doing? But now I think they are just trying to confuse us so that it can happen in private.

*sigh* A simple statement saying Michael has been buried would suffice. :( As I said, we don't even know if this is official or just someone talking; running their mouth. 7pm AT NIGHT?
I just read at TMZ they said Joe Jackson said MJ will be bury August 31. Maybe the Jackson Family has other plan for August 29th that's why they push date back.
The family may just be giving out this statement...if there was an official one to begin with, just to deter any press or crowds that may try to gain access to the ceremony.

So sad that they can't grieve in peace. Yet as long as his body is laid to rest, I don't mind when....just that it's done with dignity and love.

agree with you on both counts...
I just read at TMZ they said Joe Jackson said MJ will be bury August 31. Maybe the Jackson Family has other plan for August 29th that's why they push date back.

Yes, earlier this morning it was announced on TMZ that the burial had been postponed to August 31. HOWEVER, just a little while ago it was reported that the date has been yet again postphoned until September 3rd!

I'm curious to see the news report about it tonight at 11PM by this entertainment reporter. We shall wait to see......
Jesus Christ! I won’t be surprised if body will disappear…. . Also, why everybody so sure that it is very safe to keep body in this crypt? If somebody wants his body they will find a way how to get it. Actually it is more easier to remove it from the crypt than to dig it. And it will be no indication what sow ever that something wrong happened because you simply open it and close it again. Cameras? Well… tapes from Michaels’ house disappeared somehow as we know.
R.I.P eventually MJ


Well on August 25 Joe Jackson will help celebrate his son's would be 51st Birthda in Vegas! I'm sure the family will be making many appearances on TV and in person so maybe they are too busy to do it then?

mayne theres something the family know about whats happening with the investigation and thats why they have postponed. just a thought
Okay.......just watched the local news here in Las Vegas. According to Entertainment reporter Alicia Jacobs, Latoya told her today that it was first changed to August 31 because Katherine didnt want MJ to be burried on his birthday, plus, not all family members were able to attend on that day, ect. NOW......Latoya told her it has been changed to Sept 3rd because the family wants to make sure there are no other events taking place that day as well as no other services being held then at the same time as Michaels service.
Thanks for the update on the news, VegasMJFan.

"...because the family wants to make sure there are no other events taking place that day as well as no other services being held then at the same time as Michaels service.

That they were invited (and accepted) to attend I guess. Or perhaps in general.
i think that whenever they do this Michael should be put in a place where fan can visit too!
I think Michael should be put in a place where he has peace where no one can visit. That's what I want. Everyone to be away from him.
shoot, why don't they just wait until next year to burry him?!?! and i'm glad Katherine came to her senses and decided to change the fate because of his birthday. That was bothering me for a while too.
I just received this on Twitter from Las Vegas entertainment reporter, Alicia Jacobs:

AliciaJacobsBREAKING NEWS! Michael Jackson's burial just posponed...AGAIN! It will b Sept. 3, 7pm. I have details 2night 11pm, KVBC, ch. 3! Wow!

ATTENTION: See post #52 for current update!

sorry to disapoint you ladys i think i know too much its for to know
i know where michael buried its agood for michael to be buried ?
if michael is already buried or lied to rest then why media making up new story
that michael be buried sep 3rd
i also have strange that someone finds out where michael is buried they mite going grave diging?
im stack for ideas what to do on michael 51st birthday?
i feel like sending michael's family flowers to put on michael's a marked grave
but first i have respect michael's family and let them graive in peace