This Just In: MJ's burial postponed for 2nd time today!!

sorry to disapoint you ladys i think i know too much its for to know
i know where michael buried its agood for michael to be buried ?
if michael is already buried or lied to rest then why media making up new story
that michael be buried sep 3rd
i also have strange that someone finds out where michael is buried they mite going grave diging?
im stack for ideas what to do on michael 51st birthday?
i feel like sending michael's family flowers to put on michael's a marked grave
but first i have respect michael's family and let them graive in peace

Ummmmmmm......what?????? LOL?? :scratch:
I hope they will postpone it to 6th Sep.
It was the day of Princess Diana's burial. It was also the day when Pavarotti died.
It is also my birthday and I wish I could share it with MJ. =(
First of all, he should have been buried ages ago - i.e. after the memorial. It doesn't take this long - to bury someone. They have had plenty of time - even if it is Michael - they have had time to work it out. And what other events are going on the Jackson family for them to postpone ther brother's burial??? Surely this should take priority.
what the fuck. Seriously, that's my response to like, 90% of threads these days.
Okay.......just watched the local news here in Las Vegas. According to Entertainment reporter Alicia Jacobs, Latoya told her today that it was first changed to August 31 because Katherine didnt want MJ to be burried on his birthday, plus, not all family members were able to attend on that day, ect. NOW......Latoya told her it has been changed to Sept 3rd because the family wants to make sure there are no other events taking place that day as well as no other services being held then at the same time as Michaels service.

Jeepers, when any of my family have died, it seems the norm that whatever is in the diary just goes out of the window..........!!!!!!!!!! What has more priority than burying a loved one?
sorry to disapoint you ladys i think i know too much its for to know
i know where michael buried its agood for michael to be buried ?
if michael is already buried or lied to rest then why media making up new story
that michael be buried sep 3rd
i also have strange that someone finds out where michael is buried they mite going grave diging?
im stack for ideas what to do on michael 51st birthday?
i feel like sending michael's family flowers to put on michael's a marked grave
but first i have respect michael's family and let them graive in peace
Err...okay. Michael is not already buried. He is not going to be buried anyway, he is going to be put in a Mausoleum. A crypt. A private building that only family are allowed to enter. No one will do anything to him, they won't be able to get to him.
I just received this on Twitter from Las Vegas entertainment reporter, Alicia Jacobs:

AliciaJacobsBREAKING NEWS! Michael Jackson's burial just posponed...AGAIN! It will b Sept. 3, 7pm. I have details 2night 11pm, KVBC, ch. 3! Wow!

ATTENTION: See post #52 for current update!

Like I asked before - how do we know MJ really is dead? This is just too bizarre for words...(humming the tune from the "Twilight Zone")
rediculous. embarrassing. tha jackson family seems to have big troubles. EVERYBODY of my friends tells me "hey, they STILL didnt bury him????"... and they tell me that for WEEKS now...

I feel sorry for Michael. It`s so sad and unnecassary.
i really really hope that michael is buried soon. its been so long already.
With a family like this who needs enemies?
Jesus Christ, we don't know what issues are going on behind the scenes. The family are the ones who have been dealing with everything that has been happening in there since Michael died.

It's easy for us, sitting here behind our computers, to point fingers and demand for this or that to hurry up.

Maybe things aren't as simple and easy as they appear to us. It's absolutely out of line to start putting his family in the same category as his enemies.
i wouldnt believe it. the family made a statement that he.ll be buried on his birthday.
why later now? media has no proof as always or did i miss sth.?
Unbelievable if true. The way to honor the dead is to bury them with dignity as soon as possible. Dignified burial is far more honoring and respectful than memorials. Bury the man for God's sake.
I hope they will postpone it to 6th Sep.
It was the day of Princess Diana's burial. It was also the day when Pavarotti died.
It is also my birthday and I wish I could share it with MJ. =(

^^ Yes, that would be good.
But whatever, I wish the family would get their act together and bury Michael's body. Not only for his sake but if they keep posponing it they are paving the way for some very cruel jokes.
is this even confirmed by... ANYone?
isn't this just someone trying to make people go like..we do now? being confused..angry..++

I don't know.. I just think someone is just trying to make everyone confused.. maybe all these dates are being "planted" out to the media,fans.. so they can burry him in peace and quiet or maybe they allready did
I think they should let the children decide, they seem very mature and worldly wise (thats cause they had a great dad) so I am certain they could come up with something. After all they will be here a long time and I guess the ones visiting him the most - I am sure if they put forth what they want then the adults can then work around it and make it into something workable.
I don't think it has been posted and i'm not sure if it's even true...but my dad just showed me article about why the burial has been delayed....because his brothers
are currently in a reality
I really think the jackson are trying to get the best doctors in the world, and practice new science and try to get Michael Jackson back to life. This sounds weird but I think thats why, we must pray.
What the hell.....

Can't they just get it over with already? This is getting ridiculous.
Like I said before, why cant the Jackson family announce their plans 24 hours before intended date? They keep changing their minds back and forth it makes no sence to announce something that isnt well planned out.
I really think the jackson are trying to get the best doctors in the world, and practice new science and try to get Michael Jackson back to life. This sounds weird but I think thats why, we must pray.
LOL was thinking the same, though I believe it's not possible yet with today's technology :( Even if it would be possible, the damage would be too big and he would have no real life anymore.....