This Just In: MJ's burial postponed for 2nd time today!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Las Vegas, Nevada USA
I just received this on Twitter from Las Vegas entertainment reporter, Alicia Jacobs:

AliciaJacobsBREAKING NEWS! Michael Jackson's burial just posponed...AGAIN! It will b Sept. 3, 7pm. I have details 2night 11pm, KVBC, ch. 3! Wow!

ATTENTION: See post #52 for current update!
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!!! Nothing shocks me anymore.... but this is pretty weird if true.
The family may just be giving out this statement...if there was an official one to begin with, just to deter any press or crowds that may try to gain access to the ceremony.

So sad that they can't grieve in peace. Yet as long as his body is laid to rest, I don't mind when....just that it's done with dignity and love.
They are going to bury him on Sept. 3 at 7pm? AT NIGHT? That's what I'm reading b/c a new sentence begins. Ah...yeah. I'll wait till the Jacksons spokeperson confirms/denies it.
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SEPTEMBER??? :huh: the man died in june and they're buring him in september... interesting.. But again, I heard that Mike will be buried August 31..hmm
What the hell! Bury the man for god's sake. The family infighting or whatever's going on has got to stop. I won't be suprised if MJ is buried in December. This is getting ridiculous!
They are going to bury him on Sept. 3 at 7pm? AT NIGHT? That's what I'm reading b/c a new sentence begins. Ah...yeah. I'll wait till the Jacksons spokeperson confirms/denies it.

I guess they want a sunset burial if this information is true.
I know, it's crazy. It's like James Brown all over again.

James Brown's situation was different. There were fights about who had the authority to decide where to bury him and other issues.
In this case Michael's mother is in control and no one disputes it. They may be building a special tomb or working out logistics I have a feeling it's something else.
Am I the only one who thinks something strange is going on here?

No, you're not the only one. But hey, maybe it is just media? you know, maybe THEY are giving us this stupid reports because they dont have better things to do..? Or... whatever, this is OFFICIALLY madness :(
James Brown's situation was different. There were fights about who had the authority to decide where to bury him and other issues.
In this case Michael's mother is in control and no one disputes it. They may be building a special tomb or working out logistics I have a feeling it's something else.

It may have been different but both JB and MJ were held off from being buried. I think they just settled the situation with JB's estate but last I heard he was still buried under a crypt at one of his daughter's residences.
At first I thought WTF are they doing? But now I think they are just trying to confuse us so that it can happen in private.