"This Is It" vs "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus (News Merged)

Re: "This Is It" will not top "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds"

the weekend just started ... and we're only saturday, so, we will have to wait till tuesday to have an idea.. of how much it has generated...

Here we go again... trying to say.. : see, someone else did better, do we really care what people say??? I don't...

I got to see michael again, that's all that matters.
Re: "This Is It" will not top "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds"

Guys, chill out!! The movie is doing ok and i think it will in its scheduled running time make 60 mil and meet its cost -US only-, and if sony extends it another two weeks it will beat hannah montana surely.. Add worldwide bo to that and you have a pure success story..
For God's sake, from how many non-blockbuster stuff movies do people expect that they ought to make 70 million in two weeks..? Just give it time, like we do with all movies..
Re: "This Is It" will not top "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds"

the problem i have are the liars who claim they have no interest in the movie and i just saw some numbers of at least 5000 ppl downloading pirated versions of the film . and saying they loved it. ppl are just cheap and lazy and not loyal anyone downloading this without going to the theater is a leech. and it doesnt mean miley cyrus is better it means most kids dont know how great Michael really was so they'd rather watch something scary or from disney. sony messed up opening this film on Halloween. i love ortega but they have made some really bad decisions so far and should have someone monitoring the main download sites. hell if oprah can remove her interview with him , sony can have the movie removed from free downloading. im disgusted
Re: "This Is It" will not top "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds"

the problem i have are the liars who claim they have no interest in the movie and i just saw some numbers of at least 5000 ppl downloading pirated versions of the film . and saying they loved it. ppl are just cheap and lazy and not loyal anyone downloading this without going to the theater is a leech. and it doesnt mean miley cyrus is better it means most kids dont know how great Michael really was so they'd rather watch something scary or from disney. sony messed up opening this film on Halloween. i love ortega but they have made some really bad decisions so far and should have someone monitoring the main download sites. hell if oprah can remove her interview with him , sony can have the movie removed from free downloading. im disgusted

I say make this post a separate thread to pass the message..
Re: "This Is It" will not top "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds"

its not a movie its a magical experience


I keep running into people that are older ... they seem to come out of the theater happy, smiling, and just keep say " what a loss".

One lady about in her 50s today was telling me how amazed she was that "Michael was such a positive spirit". You should have seen her face and her expression.

Its sad that people are re-discovering the Michael they knew in their teenage years in the 80s... and realizing.... the media has fooled them for far too long about this wonderful man.

I just wish they saw this side of Michael earlier.
Re: "This Is It" will not top "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds"

Little kids these days love Hannah Montanna. Millions of them will go to see it, with their parents as well. Its mostly kids......

Im sure most adults when given the choice would go to see Michael Jackson. Unfortunately you cant expect all little kids to be more into MJ. Although I am very pleased to say that I have seen a lot of little kids into MJ recently who know their stuff!
Re: "This Is It" will not top "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds"

MJ has nothing to prove.

I agree.
The movie is meant for fans and being a fan myself, I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS MOVIE.

I wish it would break all the records out there, but remember: MJ is much, much more than just what happens in the USA. Michael has GLOBAL reach.
Re: "This Is It" will not top "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds"

other artist don't get their sales compared to others out there to be declared a success...why do we keep doing this Michael...??

this movie is much more than a sales figure of Miley Cyrus movie
Re: "This Is It" will not top "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds"

The tittle of this thread should be CHANGED

mods is not fair, this thread was planed to talk about hanna montana:bugeyed

This Is It was meant to reminds us of the real Michael,

not for a competence, or anything, how can this hana even be in the same category, i mean is the first time i talk about that movie...

close this thread someone, its more than stupid... do we need more stupidity???
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Re: "This Is It" will not top "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds"

How do they know what TII grossed for the first weekend when the weekend isn't over yet?

its called a prediction and boxoffice.com is always pretty clear with its predictions.

and hannah montana did 65 millions in the US alone, its not a worldwide number.

you can predict the weekend gross of "this is it" by looking at wednesday to friday. usually saturday will be double the gross of friday and sunday will be a bit lower.

so at this point, boxoffice.com could indeed be wrong this time and michael COULD scratch the 30 million barrier and maybe even top hannah montana.

but only if all people go and see the movie.

what i've been trying with this thread: michael's success at the box office doesn't come on its own. so if you have friends or family who haven't seen the movie yet, tell them to look at the great reviews and go watch the movie. thats all i wanted to say, coz i think we really want this movie to be a success.

that it's a great movie, a piece of art, etc etc (see the reviews) is out of question here.
Re: "This Is It" will not top "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds"

its called a prediction and boxoffice.com is always pretty clear with its predictions.

and hannah montana did 65 millions in the US alone, its not a worldwide number.

you can predict the weekend gross of "this is it" by looking at wednesday to friday. usually saturday will be double the gross of friday and sunday will be a bit lower.

so at this point, boxoffice.com could indeed be wrong this time and michael COULD scratch the 30 million barrier and maybe even top hannah montana.

but only if all people go and see the movie.

what i've been trying with this thread: michael's success at the box office doesn't come on its own. so if you have friends or family who haven't seen the movie yet, tell them to look at the great reviews and go watch the movie. thats all i wanted to say, coz i think we really want this movie to be a success.

that it's a great movie, a piece of art, etc etc (see the reviews) is out of question here.
i dont care about the success of this is it, less when its compared to hanna montana... If succes means that damn! i rather it to be a flop ahahah, and i mean it. Im more than happy with teh great reviews
Re: "This Is It" will not top "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds"

well this thread shall just serve as a reminder to get all your friends and family to see the movie.
Re: "This Is It" will not top "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds"

i dont care about the success of this is it, less when its compared to hanna montana... If succes means that damn! i rather it to be a flop ahahah, and i mean it. Im more than happy with teh great reviews

You do have a point. HM should not even be hinted in the same breath as MJ for comparison in ANY regard. OMG...it's ridiculous.

And yet, I do want TII to out distance her boxoffice by 10. However, I've accepted where Michael Joseph Jackson is concerned, the universe just isn't fair at times.
Re: "This Is It" will not top "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds"

again: the boxoffice.com number is just predictions!!!

WE can change that, by telling friends and family about the great reviews and getting them to see the movie. or by simply watching it more, at IMAX or whatever.

my thread is not about "the world's over, we can't do anything about it" but actually a wake-up call that the CURRENT situation looks sh*t if we don't act quickly!!!

today's sunday and there's still time for the people to see the movie in the evening. GO GO GO!!!
Re: "This Is It" will not top "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds"

you can predict the weekend gross of "this is it" by looking at wednesday to friday. usually saturday will be double the gross of friday and sunday will be a bit lower.

Not on halloween. there you can expect that saturday will in fact be lower than friday, cause people who go out on saturday mostly don't go to the cinema.
But this was not the case here. As many people showed up on saturday as the night before. so the movie stood well.
My impression is that people want to see it, and in fact go to see it, without buying the 'rush' which sony tried to sell. they go in the time of their own choosing.
I hope sony extends the time it's in the theaters and allows the flow to continue steady for the weeks that follow. A movie out for just two weeks, it's ridiculous..
Re: "This Is It" will not top "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds"

Not on halloween. there you can expect that saturday will in fact be lower than friday, cause people who go out on saturday mostly don't go to the cinema.
But this was not the case here. As many people showed up on saturday as the night before. so the movie stood well.
My impression is that people want to see it, and in fact go to see it, without buying the 'rush' which sony tried to sell. they go in the time of their own choosing.
I hope sony extends the time it's in the theaters and allows the flow to continue steady for the weeks that follow. A movie out for just two weeks, it's ridiculous..

you are right. didnt think about the halloween thing first.

but i'm with you on the sony issue. sony's actions suck big time this time around

1) they dont let media see the movie before release because they fear it will get bad reviews. what happens? every media outlet writes positively about the movie, but only as the movie is getting released. so at first, people didnt know what to think about the movie.

2) bad choice of single: people started to question sony's intentions when they released a 1980s song, which turned out to be "stolen" from anka, a big pr desaster

3) bad choice of time frame for release: halloween weekend, with halloween being on a saturday (when saturday is normally the day where movie's gross the most)??? this is almost like a voluntary suicidal mission that sony undertakes here. i really mean, what does halloween have to do with "this is it", except for the 3-4 minutes of "thriller" performance in the movie?

4) bad choice of soundtrack album: no live tracks and disc 2 with only 4 tracks. i mean seriously? disc 2 has beautiful songs but when people go out and buy a double disc album, they usually expect disc 2 to have more than 4 tracks, no matter how beautiful they are.

this is it could have easily been the most successful concert movie of all times but thanks to $ony, things look dark once again. at this point all i can say is: go see the movie again and again guys and bring family and friends along, there's nothing more we can do.
Re: "This Is It" will not top "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds"

you are right. didnt think about the halloween thing first.

but i'm with you on the sony issue. sony's actions suck big time this time around

1) they dont let media see the movie before release because they fear it will get bad reviews. what happens? every media outlet writes positively about the movie, but only as the movie is getting released. so at first, people didnt know what to think about the movie.

2) bad choice of single: people started to question sony's intentions when they released a 1980s song, which turned out to be "stolen" from anka, a big pr desaster

Who the F are you? And most importantly, why are you on a Michael Jackson board?

Take a break dude...
Re: "This Is It" will not top "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds"

It just beat Hannah montana. This is it beat Hannah in only 5 days compared to 3 months Hannah was in theatres and Hannah was in 3D at $15 a ticket!!
Re: "This Is It" will not top "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds"

In worldwide terms. MJ will not only beat Hannah montana music film, but also her movie of last year. Take that Miley.
Re: "This Is It" will not top "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds"

Who the F are you? And most importantly, why are you on a Michael Jackson board?

Take a break dude...
What's with the attitude? Uncalled for.
Re: "This Is It" will not top "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds"

Who the F are you? And most importantly, why are you on a Michael Jackson board?

Take a break dude...

whoa dude calm down. He has a ridiculously strong point with that. We all know the truth but the general public only knows that Paul anka wrote this song with MJ but was not accredited for it. It really does seem as though they "stole" it from him. That said, if sony can't even pull off a noble single how the hell would they pull off a noble movie?

This is it (demo/single) truly was a PR disaster.
Re: "This Is It" will not top "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds"

it already has beaten it... took 101 mil so far.. biggest concert film ever... and its gonna be extended at the cinemas for another 3 weeks
Re: "This Is It" will not top "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds"

In worldwide terms. MJ will not only beat Hannah montana music film, but also her movie of last year. Take that Miley.

You do know she is a Michael jackson fan right?
Re: "This Is It" will not top "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds"

I wonder if This Is It still has a chance of beating Hannah Montana domestically though.

But good worldwide figures so far!
Re: "This Is It" will not top "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds"

^Of course no teenybobber "princess of tween pop" will beat the King of pop
Re: "This Is It" will not top "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds"

You do know she is a Michael jackson fan right?

Ehh...come on, she is that sort of fan who doesn0t even know that Invincible album exists, maybe she likes him as a performer but she is definitely not his fan...