This Is It to hit Cinemas October 30th 2009

Dont think the cinemas have thought about what they are letting themselves in for, hope they have enough tissue provisions! Gonna be emotional!!
I can picture it now actually. :lol: Fans coming out of the theatres weeping *cough*imightbeoneofthem*cough*. Oh gawd. D; Yeah, they better prepare if that's going to be the case! LULZ.

Oh yeah Rockstar, candy! Yummeh. I forgot about that... now only if they sold a tub of ice cream & a scooper, then that would be good. >: } I'll need all the comfort I can get. I know I will smile a lot though. : ] Michael
Hope it comes to Oz.
I'll be there!
Crying, laughing, dancing, singing, crying some more... Utterly a mess afterwards, but hell, I'm going and nothing's gonna stop me!

I'll probably go more than once, too.
Oh yeah Rockstar, candy! Yummeh. I forgot about that... now only if they sold a tub of ice cream & a scooper, then that would be good. >: } I'll need all the comfort I can get. I know I will smile a lot though. : ] Michael
would they be selling merchandise? hmmmmm.. how else can we make money off of this.. hmmm.. special hologram tickets, programs, plates & wine glasses, the works
would they be selling merchandise? hmmmmm.. how else can we make money off of this.. hmmm.. special hologram tickets, programs, plates & wine glasses, the works
...And Special Limited Edition TII 3-D glasses that comes in two colors, Red & Black, to also include a cinema snack set with a large popcorn, medium soft drink in TII cups sponsored by "insertcompanyhere", and a candy of your choice?

Yeah, I see it too. LOL.

Okok, I'm done. :lol:
I just hope it is mostly rehearsal footage and not too much documentary.
...And Special Limited Edition TII 3-D glasses that comes in two colors, Red & Black, to also include a cinema snack set with a large popcorn, medium soft drink in TII cups sponsored by "insertcompanyhere", and a candy of your choice?

Yeah, I see it too. LOL.

Okok, I'm done. :lol:

lady, before you sign with anyone else, i want you on my marketing team.

also, i'm going to stop here before i get yelled at for being almost off topic. :( carry on.
yes I just hope he is shown in a positive light..
It feels weird its in a theater though..
I just hope I get the theater to myself because I know I'll be crying :cry:
lady, before you sign with anyone else, i want you on my marketing team.

also, i'm going to stop here before i get yelled at for being almost off topic. :( carry on.
Sir, I will gladly take upon your offer. *smirk* I'll let my people call your people. Nice doing business with you.


... ANYWHOS, back on topic. :lol: I wondering if there's gonna be commercials for this.. well duh I'm sure. And all that promotion stuff... eek, I hope I don't have to wait in a long line for tickets. :mello: Just imagining this I'm anxious and nervous seeing it, it's going to be emotional for sure.
Ohh - sorry, then the mods better delete ALL post that includes the link.

Sorry for posting.
I worry about the other people in the theaters you know..
like its something I kind of want to watch alone.
I know this is his last concert and all, but why all the tears??
We should be freakin thrilled as hell this will be playing on the big screen.
I'll have my friend go with me so I have someone to sing and dance with. This is the closest I've ever come to seeing him live. I'm gonna make damn sure I have a great time.
I just hope it is mostly rehearsal footage and not too much documentary.

umm-hmm. I wanna see Michael at his game not some creep tellin me what to think. Now, I wouldn't mind it if they make it like they did the TII dancers thing.

Can't wait for the DVD.
y'all are a trip

I'll be there, albeit I might be a lil tipsy *hiccup* cuz I don't think I can take it in my right mind, i'm sure no one will wanna hear me blowing my nose and weeping all loud

hopefully they will do an extended dvd also, with tons of extra footage, I want to get a chance to experience what Mike worked so hard on

oh and I also hope it's more footage than documentary like someone said earlier, sorry I don't know your name

ETA: I'll definitely be dancing & singing through the tears (probably getting yelled at by "regular" moviegoers to sit down :lol: ) but I'm a big ol' waterhead so I know I'll probably cry