THIS IS IT Movie Dinner with Joe Jackson, $3000


this is how i always feel about this man just a damn devil
Wait! I've searched but couldn't find anything about it but only gossip sites and blogs, anyone has a reliable link to that?

Exactly!!!! I'm quite suprised by how many here are so quick to judge when it's a RUMORMILL, it says in the link. Nowhere else does it talk about a VIP Dinner.
Well I hope this isn't true...
I've been dreading seeing this movie so so much, I'm actually pretty nervous about it, because I love Michael with all my heart and 1. It's gonna be painful to see what could have been. 2. I'm scared because of all the crap about his health etc and it could make things clearer and yes, that scares the living crap out of me. 3. It's the last time we're gonna see him. 4. The finality and the reasons go on and on....

I'm a fan, Joe is his father. How can he be so heartless about it all as to sell himself to watch it with a complete stranger? :no:

Michael, if there's anything I could tell you right now it would be I love you. :cry:
Joe has gone way too far.
If this is true, it really does disgusts me, This is the man michael wanted nothing but love from all his life and this is what he gets in return, I just cant believe joe sometimes......
I just really hope this isnt true, cuz its just NOT right at all:no:

SAY IT AIN’T SO, JOE: Fashion Designer Bian Variani, in collaboration with LVH magazine, Brenden Theatres and Seven&Company, is offering a $3,000 “Platinum VIP” package culminating in a screening of This Is It in Vegas on Oct. 27. It’s highlighted (if you will) by a “private dinner with Mr. Joseph Jackson,” who will pose for photos and autograph copies of his book, Joseph Jackson: Man in the Mirror, Father of the First Family of Music, which will be handed out as part of the package. The hotel’s comped as well. After the film, Joe will “thank the viewers and the fans for watching his son’s movie with him,” and host an opening night party at Palms Casino Resort’s Moon nightclub, featuring, of course, the music of Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians. (10/14a

here is a another link:

P,S. i think, this might put off some of the general public who might otherwise have gone to see it. I'm really disappointed of joe's antics.

I can care less about Joe, the VIP thing or whatever. However, if it makes a buck, it makes a buck. Free market and all.

Oy......that's outta line. You're comparing Michael's FATHER to a man who locked his child in the basement, sexually abused her and fathered her children. That's seriously messed up.........

I would slap the light out of ANYONE who agrees to pay that 3K. Joe is and always will be an obnoxious man

Michael was right all alone.

I am so very happy MJ left him nothing...I don't have to hold my nose when I buy something. I know Joe is not pocketing the money directly from the estate...Katherine is a spineless woman, she will continue supporting Joe and all his evil ideas.

I can only imagine how embarrassing this must be for the sane family members, janet & Rebbie. And MJ3 are oblivious to joe's shenanigans.
I can only imagine how embarrassing this must be for the sane family members, janet & Rebbie. And MJ3 are oblivious to joe's shenanigans.

They are probably afraid of him. Even if they are grown ups, the feelings of fear grows with them. Or, they can’t object or take action because he is an elder and they already know him just like everyone else dose, so whatever he is doing is just nothing to be taken seriously, I saw the way Jermaine laughed when they talked about his father in an interview, it was the kind of laugh that gives you an idea on what is on his mind, I suggest he was thinking that he is an old man who is becoming senseless.
They are probably afraid of him. Even if they are grown ups, the feelings of fear grows with them. Or, they can’t object or take action because he is an elder and they already know him just like everyone else dose, so whatever he is doing is just nothing to be taken seriously, I saw the way Jermaine laughed when they talked about his father in an interview, it was the kind of laugh that gives you an idea on what is on his mind, I suggest he was thinking that he is an old man who is becoming senseless.
I think that's exactly what Joe is. He's a stubborn man, what he wants, he gets. So I don't think there's any stopping him from doing the things he does, even if it's things that have a negative outcome for both him, Michael, and the rest of the family.
Gee, I hope this isn't true. I thought that $3,000 about £1,800 wouldn't mean a lot to him anyway.

I'm watching this film right now that came on TV a earlier and I Sky Plussed it, its called the Jacksons an American dream. Its about the Jackson Five story. Its horrible how he used to beat the kids, I can just imagine how scary it must be. I have to say though that he did work hard at that steel mill to put food on the table for them regardless and was a very good business man, perhaps Michael wouldn't be where he was if it wasn't for this man so I think its very unfair to make fun out of him to the scale that we post pictures comparing him to fish, although I'll admit I was mildly amused. But what would Michael say? Remember he did forgive his dad.

and his book is 'man in the mirror... summin or other about music bollox'
if it's true, it's disgusting. and I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be true.

I read Joseph's book, he doesn't seem to understand what he had done to his children and Michael in particular. Remember Michael said how Joseph used to scare children when they were little? Michael said he was so frightened that he couldn't sleep. Well Joseph wrote that it was all just fun, and everybody had a good laugh afterwards, because obviously his children really loved his and weren't scared at all. So he either pretends or is delusional.
Right now somebody would have to pay ME to have dinner with Joe.

I'd pay more than $3000 if it were a dinner with Kate and the kids.
I'm so disgusted with this man. Ever since Michael's passing, he's done nothing but commercialize and belittle the event. He is a jackass
u know what u guys...say what u want but people can only be exploited IF they buy the damn ticket. so he can't be successful if no one buys. sleazy is a two way street
Oy......that's outta line. You're comparing Michael's FATHER to a man who locked his child in the basement, sexually abused her and fathered her children. That's seriously messed up.........


I agree. I don't support what Joe is doing but that was lower than low whether it's supposed to be a joke or not. Actually I find a lot of posts in this thread kinda disturbing tbh.
WOW what a hate fest :(
Even Blanket is joining in that seems sooooo wrong

I cant stand Joe
but some things in this thread are very disturbing

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WOW what a hate fest :(
Even Blanket is joining in that seems sooooo wrong

I cant stand Joe
but some things in this thread are very disturbing


NO, I want it would be, but it isn't. You didn't check the thread. I was also asking if it perhaps isn't true. But it is, follow this link and you will see...

So it seems it is true, but I've found nothing on this site that says one have to pay $3000 for a after dinner with Joe. That's right.
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NO, I want it would be, but it isn't. You didn't check the thread. I was also asking if it perhaps isn't true. But it is, follow this link and you will see...

he is hogging the spotlight
and its NOT about HIm _
but the $3000 was fabricated

but it doesnt seem to justify all the hate to this extent
it just concerns me _ and hurts to see fans display it is all.
I know they are just venting _ but this is a public forum
I just feel very protective of Mjs Legacy and sometimes
I can be over sensitive (sorry)
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