THIS IS IT Movie Dinner with Joe Jackson, $3000

At the dinner:

Waitress: So Mr. Jackson, are you ready to order?

Joe: No I'm waiting for someone young cutie lady...

...30 mins later

Waitress: Still want to wait Mr. Jackson?

Joe: Yes, thank you

...1 hour later

Waitress: Need anything now Mr. Jackson?

Joe: Well, no but what if you put yo azz on that chair here

Waitress: Uhg!! Sorry Mr. Jackson, I'm working right now.

...1 other hour later

Waitress: I'm sorry Mr. jackson, we're closing in 30 minutes, would you like something to take out?

Joe: No thanks, but yo can join me in my limo *laughing*


Next day.. Tabloids article about the dinner:

''Joe Jackson was so popular last night that he didn,t even had time to eat. There was so many people that when the waitress tried to help him get out of the restaurant, he refused, scared she would get hurt in the mob.....''
JJ is even less popular than Michael Vick, and he's still popping up left and right? somebody in the jackson clan should tell him to beat it...
At the dinner:

Waitress: So Mr. Jackson, are you ready to order?

Joe: No I'm waiting for someone young cutie lady...

...30 mins later

Waitress: Still want to wait Mr. Jackson?

Joe: Yes, thank you

...1 hour later

Waitress: Need anything now Mr. Jackson?

Joe: Well, no but what if you put yo azz on that chair here

Waitress: Uhg!! Sorry Mr. Jackson, I'm working right now.

...1 other hour later

Waitress: I'm sorry Mr. jackson, we're closing in 30 minutes, would you like something to take out?

Joe: No thanks, but yo can join me in my limo *laughing*


Next day.. Tabloids article about the dinner:

''Joe Jackson was so popular last night that he didn,t even had time to eat. There was so many people that when the waitress tried to help him get out of the restaurant, he refused, scared she would get hurt in the mob.....''

Most likely.
Despicable. Nothing surprises me from the Jackson Family.

I pray the kids are ok and looking forward to Michael Jr reaching 18 and get the hell out of there with his siblings.

Joe is trying to destroy the estate ability to earn money ...probably because he won't be getting any of it.

TMZ just said someone WITHIN the Jackson family planted the story that the kids will be in the reality show. The guy did not name the person, but he laughed and said: Guess who started the rumor. I am willing to bet Joe is the one who sold that story to US Weekly.

TMZ said they spoke directly to Katherine Jackson and she said NO WAY will the kids participate in that reality show.

It saddens me that the kids' are being used to raise their show's profile. They should respect MJ's wish and KEEP THE KIDS OUT OF THEIR MESSY LIVES.
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Really, what more can you say about Joe Jackson?

And people are surprised Michael kept his distance from him and others in the family. This is ridiculous!
Personally i don't believe all. At least not yet. Not even Joe Jackson is gonna do he? If this is true...i'm not gonna say anything more, there are no words for it.

If it is true, i wouldn't be surprised if someone is crazy enough to actually do it. According to that guy on MTV during the VMAS, alot of people tried to get to Joe Jackson, that he was reaaaaaaaal popular there.

Now that i watched the video, it certainly seems true and confirmed. Although in the video it doesn't say anything about a VIP ticket though......
Unfortunately, no.

Joe is selling tickets just so someone can sit next to him during the movie & smell his Drakkar cologne.

lol, I felt disgusted when I first read this, but you keep making me laugh. The first pic of the fish... well, the resemblance is uncanny. Seriously.

Joe is just pathetic for doing this. And writing his book? With Man in the mirror in the title??? Ridiculous. Like we want to read his perspective about how he was with Michael. Sorry, but I believe Michael.
People always say not to say bad things about Michael's family because they are his family, but it's things like this that make it difficult not to. It makes it even worse for someone to try to use your name to make money when they are family.
lol, I felt disgusted when I first read this, but you keep making me laugh. The first pic of the fish... well, the resemblance is uncanny. Seriously.

Just like the fish, after a few seconds/minutes, it's gonna start smelling bad.

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lol, I felt disgusted when I first read this, but you keep making me laugh. The first pic of the fish... well, the resemblance is uncanny. Seriously.

Joe is just pathetic for doing this. And writing his book? With Man in the mirror in the title??? Ridiculous. Like we want to read his perspective about how he was with Michael. Sorry, but I believe Michael.
People always say not to say bad things about Michael's family because they are his family, but it's things like this that make it difficult not to. It makes it even worse for someone to try to use your name to make money when they are family.

I think his book already existed. He wrote one in 2004-2005 and it was published in another language, in German or Dutch I think, unless he has a new English laughter book coming out soon.
I'm gonna buy this actually. Got some money right now and I want some Michael questions answered, so why not =)
What if the person were to just like badger him about his lies and bad mouth him all night? (I wouldn't do that, but I knoooow there are people who'd jump at the chance, just to get some answers out of him!) What would he do? He couldn't leave, they paid their money! LoL. Interesting.
Are you serious?

Tabloids at it again. Joe Jackson is not selling this package. This is one of 4 hotel stay packages that the Palms Casino and Brenden Theater are selling as special “This Is It” Platinum VIP packages. It's interesting that the article didn't mention what the other 3 packages contained but wanted to sensationalize the Jackson connection. The Brenden Theater gave Michael a star in August and plan to honor Joe at the Las Vegas screening of the movie.

I am not defending Joe Jackson because I'm sure the Palms will comp his meal and room as is customary in marketing promotions. What bothers me is when tabloids put out the wrong info. Joe Jackson is not selling anything. He and some celebrity chef are part of this promotional package that the Palms and Brenden created. Other sponsors have packages surrounding the movies as well. This is the second tabloid wildfire today. Good grief!
I think his book already existed. He wrote one in 2004-2005 and it was published in another language, in German or Dutch I think, unless he has a new English laughter book coming out soon.

Mabye its being re-released in English? Love your siggy by the way.
Michael isn't "mouthy" per se...

but MJ will cut an azz down with the sweetest and most diplomatic of words.

oh but he was. when he was little, Mike was more mouthy to his dad than any of his brothers and sisters. plus, he was stubborn and strong to begin with. he was a fast-on-his-feet and backtalking kid. remember the "if you do that one more time, I am not going to perform." if that's not a mouthy kid... lol.

things happened later to make him decide to use silence to make his point (he was never really "silent" in his business dealings; he always made sure his wishes were heard and carried out). I don't think the later, public "quietness" came naturally. though he was indeed classy about the media. he was the quintessential example of how to handle tabloid and gossip -- with almost complete silence. but it ate him up inside, I am sure of it. his infrequent outbursts indicated that.
Why does he do these things? I really don't like disrespecting Michael's family, but this is just low :no:
I would like to read what Joe have to say about a young Mike. I am quite sure he was a fire He was savvy business man, that is one thing we all know.

Aww!! Michael..

SAY IT AIN’T SO, JOE: Fashion Designer Bian Variani, in collaboration with LVH magazine, Brenden Theatres and Seven&Company, is offering a $3,000 “Platinum VIP” package culminating in a screening of This Is It in Vegas on Oct. 27. It’s highlighted (if you will) by a “private dinner with Mr. Joseph Jackson,” who will pose for photos and autograph copies of his book, Joseph Jackson: Man in the Mirror, Father of the First Family of Music, which will be handed out as part of the package. The hotel’s comped as well. After the film, Joe will “thank the viewers and the fans for watching his son’s movie with him,” and host an opening night party at Palms Casino Resort’s Moon nightclub, featuring, of course, the music of Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians. (10/14a

here is a another link:

P,S. i think, this might put off some of the general public who might otherwise have gone to see it. I'm really disappointed of joe's antics.

This is a Tabloid joke? right?

not total tabloid not sure about the selling the dinner part.. but the 9pm early showing on the 27th was sold out before the vegas fans could even buy tickets... Donna tried to get us into the 9pm showing only to be told it was already sold out and it was for Joe Jackson and some special event... they are also dedicating another star that night , Brendan theaters is doing that. link to that

we get to go to the 930 showing on the 27th.

i just noticed you had the link already in the main post.. sorry :blush:
I would like to read what Joe have to say about a young Mike. I am quite sure he was a fire He was savvy business man, that is one thing we all know.

Aww!! Michael..

he will tell you what he used to tell him : you are a very ugly boy , where did you get that ugly big nose ? certainly not me .:smilerolleyes: