The Sun - Watch Michaels Final SHOW??

to people saying its crap, its probably not the best song of the night, TDCAU has never been his best performance (didnt think it was anything special on HIStory tour) i wanna see him doing smooth criminal or billie jean or one where he was singing live

Yeah, or Dirty Diana - that would be a treat!
Oh come on, that's a little harsh. By MJ standards it wasn't great because it was a rehearsal. It was built up a bit too much dont ya think?
We all know he's the greatest, but this clip judt doesn't refelect that.

Exactly! So he shouldnt be saying 'Oh its rubbish' when he hasn't seen the whole show!
Michael........ :'( He was holding back for sure, just like he has always done on rehearsals. But you could still see there was nothing wrong with him, he was beautiful, dancing and singing... I can't believe this!!!! Unreal.
guys look at the dancers, its not what there wearing in tht pic, to me they prob where working on each song routine every night, this is prob from early on in the night,and near the end of the night,they all costume up and do it full blown. and kenny gets the footage to see how it look. this is why they where reording. so kenny would take home the footage etc to make changes in the chorography etc if he needed 2.
Look now artist will give their all during rehearsals! Look at the Dangerous rehearsals, Michael didn't give 100 % whatsoever!!! And we have to remember this Michael is 50! He's not in his 30's!

Michael looks brilliant in this!!!!!!
elpresrocket=MJ hater, kick her / him off

Calm down everyone. They don't mean MJ is rubbish, just that this clip is not up to normal standards, and I agree. I doubt MJ would want to be judged by it either.
We all know how amazing he can be.
i think there is a full costumed version off each song. there was no "this is it" in the background in this version.
i love you michael. well done :( i wanna give him a big hug at the end when the lights go down. :(
hm dont know why i have no sound. its with every youtube video :( i dont understand that..

do u guys think there will be more clips released???
How can you say that this is rubbish, the man was not on his death bed the man was singing and dancing, for goodness sake, this was released purely to show that there is more to his death that is being reported. I honestly believe that someone will be held for manslaughter, after watching this.
Why wouldnt they show the best clip though?

ALSO HE MAY NOT BE MIMING: I know it looks like he is and his vocals are perfect but if you compare what he adlibs after 'if Martin Luther was living' its different to the record (3:00 mins into the song) so the playback was either different to the record or HE WAS SINGING LIVE!
You cant judge anything from this clip. Just that he didnt make any move 100%. We need more footage too see how fit he was, here he looks like he have rehearsed a while before this.
i think most of it was lipped but im sure i heard his voice behind the track at some points