The Michael Jackson Chart Watch

I just realized these tiktoks also show up on youtube, I did not know those were tiktoks, all of them are short.
I just realized these tiktoks also show up on youtube, I did not know those were tiktoks, all of them are short.
IIRC, TT vids used to be limited to 30s or something. Now they can go up to 10 mins although I don't know if many people do. The ones I saw back in the day were all 15 - 20s which is part of what I hated. That and the vacuous (sp?) content. The MJ ones I've viewed just now have been so enjoyable. Just like YT, really, just a portrait - shaped screen instead of landscape. They really are just mini YT vids. But more nimble and with more energy. The ones I watched before were so samey. These MJ ones seemed way more individual.
again, I hadn't thought about it that way, but you are totally right! I do think we should credit these TikTokers for being creative and charming. I find it adorable.
We really should. This is being ignored in all the noisy moaning about TT. Sure there are hugely negative aspects to it as there are to all computer / IT / digital / online stuff that we all do. But there's also a good side to it. The creativity is there, for sure.

It's punk, Jim, but not as we know it!

You should feel free to share the great ones.
I've posted one BJ one in 'signature dance moves' and an Oprah one in 'fave MJ vids'. Also one in Manhood. Those are all more like YT vids I would say. Not so Tik Tokky, lol.

Maybe that virtal tweet thread would be a good place to share the positive MJ TikToks you find? I would love it, personally :)
Good thinking. You're much better than me at working out which threads to use. I always flounder hopelessly. I always forget about that viral tweet thread.

I think the forum at large should familiarize themselves too with how much Michael is adored across platforms! It's very uplifting to see, in my opinion.
I found it uplifting. Very jolly. Also interesting.
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I agree with filmandmusic, it's a fake growth. Although it's impressive to see the numbers rise up TikTokers have the attention span of a goldfish and they'll forget about the song soon enough and move on to whatever else is trending next. Heaven Can Wait for one was trending months ago and now it's not on Spotify's top streams anymore.
Heaven Can Wait didn’t trend for as long as Chicago did. HCW’s peak was also lower than that of Chicago. At its peak, Heaven Can Wait only amassed 150k daily streams. Chicago has amassed over 400k streams daily on Spotify. It has been getting daily streams of over 300k for months now.
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Heaven Can Wait didn’t trend for as long as Chicago did. HCW’s peak was also lower than that of Chicago. At its peak, Heaven Can Wait only amassed 150k daily streams. Chicago has smashed over 400k streams daily on Spotify. It has been getting daily streams of over 300k for months now.
That is cooler than cool. 🙂
the city? 🤭
You missed your vocation, mate!

Is it that surprising though? @zinniabooklover is solely responsible for that since yesterday…
I personally streamed “i’m so blue” 40 million times
Well, you started it, lol. I'm just trying to keep up. :D

Anyway, my second post re Chicago has gone MIA. Or AWOL. Or something. Anyway, it's gone. But that's OK. Nite Line came to the rescue. It's all good.
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On a side note have some of you noticed how many youtubers have made a “first time reaction” video to Queen’s new (old) song?
I hope the same happen with T40!

Sometimes when I see stuff like this I go check the charts like this to verify because I want to make sure I'm sharing correct info. Sure enough, I am. Michael is currently #76 on the global YouTube chart and, yes, he is surpassing Beyoncé (who just released an album this summer btw). He's also surpassed Doja Cat and Adele who are two of the biggest artists today. The global YouTube chart is interesting too because I've barely heard of most people on the list. So to see Michael in there passing some major current artists with recent releases, and also as the only legacy artist... that's pretty incredible!
thanks for the info @zinniabooklover @staywild23 keep us updated, you are our new resident chart experts ;-)
Well, tbh, I'd love it if @katara came back and didn't @travis3000 used to do stuff on this thread, as well? I think I got that right. Those cats are much better at this - as is @staywild23, tbf - than me. Sometimes I find stuff but I can't verify it so I don't post it. I kind of enjoy this stats malarkey but it also messes with my mind.

Otoh, @Nite Line is still here posting stuff so it's all good. 🙂
I know just 24 artists by name in that list. Eminem though wow, still that big!
Anyway I'm so out of touch with modern music...
Maybe Bruno Mars can get caught but that’s it. Maybe I am underestimating the legendary status of that album. I’m going to listen to it.

The album he did with Anderson Paak was fantastic.