The Michael Jackson Chart Watch

Have we seriously never discussed that this is my FAVORITE Bad 25 song? Quite possibly my favorite Bad era song!
No that never happened. I never mentioned it either. It's weird, it is a feel good song, possibly the most positive break up song of all time lol. It has an harmonica solo of course we both love it lol
A couple of months ago MJ ranked between 90 and 110 in the spotify monthly listeners charts. Now it is top 70. It’s good but I’m not sure how much of this gain comes from the musical. If it is because of the musical then I am very curious to see how much he will rise after T40 hits.
Also popularity on TikTok... Chicago's numbers are continually high. The thing that I find important is that no matter what starts people off listening to him, if they connect enough to his music (i.e. if they have a pulse and any sense of human decency 😉 ) they will continue to explore his music.

There really should be a single release at this point, get him on the radio!
Yes, please!!
No that never happened. I never mentioned it either. It's weird, it is a feel good song, possibly the most positive break up song of all time lol. It has an harmonica solo of course we both love it lol
I totally don't agree that it's a feel good song or that it's a positive break up song lol, but it's so beautiful that I lose my mind every time I listen to it. And YES to the harmonica! I should have known you'd feel this way 😊
I call that minimal trending lol, maybe it was higher a few weeks ago?

Has anyone actually seen this song in a tiktok video? can it be posted? Where can I watch tiktok video anyway? lol
I call that minimal trending lol, maybe it was higher a few weeks ago?
I agree. I posted it - and the previous one - as being an interesting snapshot but am not giving it any more importance than that. It's encouraging but I don't have a context for really understanding how significant it is. At least he's trending. I'll take that.

I do think it's interesting that specific, unexpected songs will trend on Tik Tok. I find it extremely pleasing.
I call that minimal trending lol, maybe it was higher a few weeks ago?
Why would you call it minimal? This app is massive. To be trending at all in recognizable numbers when there is no promotions whatsoever for this song is insane. Also, it's been trending since like June/July and is still trending. It's brought Chicago up to one of his most popular songs and Xscape is now one of his most popular albums. Even my students have talked about Chicago lol. :)

Has anyone actually seen this song in a tiktok video? can it be posted? Where can I watch tiktok video anyway? lol

Not sure if you this will work, but here are a few examples!

EDIT: I wasn't sure how this would show up, so it's not showing numbers. But all of these three each have well over 100K likes, I think two of them are in the 200-300k range. These were just the first three I found when I searched.

Also, these are the ones that are specifically about the song. I think generally these songs trend when people love them and just put them on their videos, not specifically when it's fan content.
I agree with filmandmusic, it's a fake growth. Although it's impressive to see the numbers rise up TikTokers have the attention span of a goldfish and they'll forget about the song soon enough and move on to whatever else is trending next. Heaven Can Wait for one was trending months ago and now it's not on Spotify's top streams anymore.
Why would you call it minimal? This app is massive.
Thank you! Ngl, the online world is not my world. So I have a vague understanding that this actually IS significant but I don't have any context that I understand. Do you see what I mean? I know I'm not explaining myself very well.

I post this stuff bc I find it interesting but I did wonder if these particular figures quoted here were maybe not *that* impressive. But your explanation here is just what I needed.

To be trending at all in recognizable numbers when there is no promotions whatsoever for this song is insane.
That is kind of what I was trying - and failing, lol - to get across. It's those unexpected songs with no promotion making it on Tik Tok that intrigues me. I love it. HCW? Chicago? Gotta be happy about that!

Also, it's been trending since like June/July and is still trending. It's brought Chicago up to one of his most popular songs and Xscape is now one of his most popular albums. Even my students have talked about Chicago lol. :)
This is very pleasing.
I agree with filmandmusic, it's a fake growth. Although it's impressive to see the numbers rise up TikTokers have the attention span of a goldfish and they'll forget about the song soon enough and move on to whatever else is trending next. Heaven Can Wait for one was trending months ago and now it's not on Spotify's top streams anymore.
Oh, is *that* what it's like?

I have zero interest in social media so have no way of assessing it. I don't regard Tik Tok as the real world at all. But I thought for stuff like this maybe it had a fair amount of significance. Now I'm caught between your account and sw23, lol. I didn't realise HCW had already dropped off the radar.
Thank you! Ngl, the online world is not my world. So I have a vague understanding that this actually IS significant but I don't have any context that I understand. Do you see what I mean? I know I'm not explaining myself very well.
No, it makes sense. I am not a TikTok user at all, actually. I am sure in respect to all of the possible trends on TikTok this is not impressive. But when you consider the context here and how LONG it has been trending, I think it is impressive. More importantly, it is impacting his numbers.

That is kind of what I was trying - and failing, lol - to get across. It's those unexpected songs with no promotion making it on Tik Tok that intrigues me. I love it. HCW? Chicago? Gotta be happy about that!
Yeah, that's what I think is cool!

I have zero interest in social media so have no way of assessing it. I don't regard Tik Tok as the real world at all.
lol same.

But I thought for stuff like this maybe it had a fair amount of significance.
I mean.. to me the question is how are we measuring significance? If we are comparing it with where it's trending on a chart, maybe it's not that significant. But if we are considering that it's made Chicago one of his most popular songs and has extended his reach to audiences that probably didn't even know his music at all and now do, that IS significant. Not many of his contemporaries have any kind of meaningful presence on TikTok, let alone have songs trending.

Now I'm caught between your account and sw23, lol. I didn't realise HCW had already dropped off the radar.
I think it all comes down to how you look at it. To me, I see any and all success Michael has as extremely exciting and positive. I'm not sure why it's preferable to downplay proof that his legacy is so strong. Is it comparable to current artists? Not completely (though he has never dropped out of the BB Top 100 artists since I've become a fan and plenty of current artists have). But even so, he's not a current artist. So that probably shouldn't be the measuring stick.

To put this in perspective a bit more, HCW trended for maybe 1-2 months. Chicago has been trending since June or July. HCW I think maybe cracked his top 10 streamed songs on Spotify, but quickly fell out. Chicago is now his #3 most popular song (last I looked it was #4 about a month ago). This happened because of TikTok. There's literally no other reason. The album came out in 2014 and wasn't even a single, if I"m correct. But because of TikTok people start streaming it more, so it started showing up in more playlists on Spotify and YouTube recommendations, so it's generating more listeners, creating new fans, exciting longtime fans who maybe didn't follow MJ's posthumous work.

In my view, there is literally nothing to downplay here. No, it's not a world-altering, record-breaking number. But is it a nice win for an artist with a legacy that has been so attacked and an estate that seems to have no idea how to market him? I certainly think so.
I agree with filmandmusic, it's a fake growth. Although it's impressive to see the numbers rise up TikTokers have the attention span of a goldfish and they'll forget about the song soon enough and move on to whatever else is trending next. Heaven Can Wait for one was trending months ago and now it's not on Spotify's top streams anymore.
As part of the generation that uses Tiktok heavily and me being the only one who does not use it and doesn't care, I can confirm that they do have a attention span which is shorter than a goldfish and every minute there is a new hype for a song.
Tiktok has no value in the real charts
I just find it funny how it's the most random songs that starts trending lol. You'd think songs like Billie Jean, Smooth Criminal or Beat It would be the ones trending because they're the most known by the mainstream audience but instead it's the songs that you hadn't seen be talked about outside of the fandom.

It's not a bad thing though, there's a lot of MJ's songs that should be getting more recognized.
To put this in perspective a bit more, HCW trended for maybe 1-2 months. Chicago has been trending since June or July. HCW I think maybe cracked his top 10 streamed songs on Spotify, but quickly fell out. Chicago is now his #3 most popular song (last I looked it was #4 about a month ago). This happened because of TikTok. There's literally no other reason.
Oh, this is helpful. This gives me something tangible to get hold of. Otherwise my brain loses interest. You've given me a context that was missing.

Cheers! :D

I unfortunately can’t see the tiktoks you posted 🥹
what can I do I wanna watch them lol
Lol well you could make a TIkTok account! I have one but have never posted and follow no one, so it's not like you have to participate if you create an account. But honestly, I'm not sure why you have to! 🤨 I logged out of mine to check if these links would work and they work for me!

So.... I'm not sure! Create an account! Lol
Not sure if you this will work, but here are a few examples!

EDIT: I wasn't sure how this would show up, so it's not showing numbers. But all of these three each have well over 100K likes, I think two of them are in the 200-300k range. These were just the first three I found when I searched.

Also, these are the ones that are specifically about the song. I think generally these songs trend when people love them and just put them on their videos, not specifically when it's fan content.
Don't love Tik Tok videos but it was interesting to see these together. 3 very different takes on the same song. :D

The editing on the second one was good. Nice and tight. The first one was kinda cute, a real 'love letter' video. The third one trying to be a bit more 'arty' I guess. It was all very sweet. Instead of prancing around the bedroom singing into a hairbrush they're posting little videos - way more creative. This was really nice.

Update - er, what have you started, sw23? I've been watching Tik Tok videos. And bookmarking them. And just generally going on the rampage, lol. Where will it all end?
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Don't love Tik Tok videos but it was interesting to see these together. 3 very different takes on the same song. :D
Yeah, it's cute to see!!

The editing on the second one was good. Nice and tight.
I love the second one. If you read the comments on it, it is pure love and lust and that is totally my jam when it comes to Michael (as the entire world by now knows lol).

The first one was kinda cute, a real 'love letter' video.
I hadn't thought about it that way! How cute :)

The third one trying to be a bit more 'arty' I guess. It was all very sweet. Instead of prancing around the bedroom singing into a hairbrush they're posting little videos - way more creative.
again, I hadn't thought about it that way, but you are totally right! I do think we should credit these TikTokers for being creative and charming. I find it adorable.

Update - er, what have you started, sw23? I've been watching Tik Tok videos. And bookmarking them. And just generally going on the rampage, lol. Where will it all end?
LMAO!!! Welcome to my life... that is how I am on Twitter. My bookmark list is massive. You should feel free to share the great ones. Maybe that virtal tweet thread would be a good place to share the positive MJ TikToks you find? I would love it, personally :)

I think the forum at large should familiarize themselves too with how much Michael is adored across platforms! It's very uplifting to see, in my opinion.