The Launch of the MJJC Legacy Project


count me in any or all MJ projects of this sort. I am a bit busy this week but starting 19th of DEC and can participate in as many things as possible. Please include me in.

I do have one suggestion though. I think for english speaking members we need to have the email template but personalize each email slightly such that even though the message is the same but feels like it is from different people. Sending people EXACT copies of email will not do a whole lot of good. It will look like spam.

Plus I can actually send out physical mail letters to these a$$-holes whenever needed. A proper physical letter is MUCH more serious than an email.

anyways, count me in but organize these things properly so the message is clear and we are united.

as long as you provide the addresses I will do my part. Please send all US or UK based mailing addressess to me also
Club30s - to sign up to receive an email alert you need to email us at, providing your name, username at MJJC and your email address.

Check out this thread for further details:

The template that we will provide will be one that people can add to or amend to suit, so that we can avoid the situation you pointed out. But we felt it is important to have a guideline so that we can maintain a certain standard of communication.
Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

Thanks for your interest!

We have had to close off registrations to the Legacy Project for the time being. We are in the process of developing our projects and strategies and looking at how we can optimise our time and resources.

We will look to re-open registrations early in the new year.

We encourage you to support our work by donating to Plant A Tree in Michael's Honour. Details available here:

And you can also sign up to receive email alerts about stories in the media that we want to respond to in a united and structured way. Check out this thread:

Thank you.
Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

:wub: :rollingpeace: :heart: :flowers:
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Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

MJJCommunity will have its very own charitable foundation

The Childhood Fountation - In Honour Of Michael Jackson

Coming soon guys.

For a while I've been reading about all the foundations that fans have been setting up. I'd love to join one, but there are so many right now. All intended with the best things ofcourse, but I just couldn't choose.

After Michael died I rediscovered MJJC (was here a lot in 2004/2005 under a different name) and it gave me a lot of support.

So when setting up the foundation count me in!!! Don't know how you guys want to set things up, but send me a PM if you want to know which areas I can help out in.

The legacy project sounds great and I will support it, but I'm pretty sure there are lots of people here that are more capable at doing that then me. So I'll stick to the foundation :)
No need to apologize, windy09 :better:

Maybe it's my fault? *idk*

I wrote in Dec. to TheChosenOne .. you can ask her, if she had put me on the list or not *g*

To answer your question correctly: no, I've never received emails - and, I said before: no prob!
I can send you or TCO any time a new mail .. let me just know.
No need to apologize, windy09 :better:

Maybe it's my fault? *idk*

I wrote in Dec. to TheChosenOne .. you can ask her, if she had put me on the list or not *g*

To answer your question correctly: no, I've never received emails - and, I said before: no prob!
I can send you or TCO any time a new mail .. let me just know.

Yes please can you resend again to I am looking at the distribution list now, but I would need to know what you real name is in order to tell. If you can send the request as soon as you can I can look right now as I'm in the email inbox. Thanks very much.
Ok, you are now part of the email distribution list. :yes:I just sent you a response email. I thought I caught everyone that should have been in the distribution list. :doh:
That's great, thanks alot!!! also for the response mail

and the other thing .. forget it! :D we are all only humans, windy09

L. :love: V. E.
TheChosenOne;2249147 said:


Our motto is: MJJC Legacy Project - Honouring, Preserving, Defending.

We honour Michael’s legacy by upholding the highest standards, by our conduct on and off the MJJC board, living our lives with integrity, compassion and tolerance.

We strive to establish a positive presence on MJJC and to ensure that our mission is clearly understood and supported. We want to inspire others to aspire to emulate Michael's example of living a purposeful life.

We also strive to become an active and integral part of the community of fan sites and discussion forums, sharing information and partnering with them.

The Project will also initiate and manage projects that showcase Michael’s creative and philanthropic legacy.

It is important that we defend Michael by challenging lies, mis-representations and mis-conceptions about his life and his work.

Ultimately, the MJJC Legacy Project team is committed to standing strong and together for Michael, now and in the years ahead.


At this time the project has two main components: media advocacy and living legacy.

Media Advocacy
This team's purpose/role is to:
- to advocate for fair and accurate reporting on Michael Jackson
- to express gratitude for coverage that is fair and accurate
- to correct erroneous information, providing the correct information with supporting evidence (where possible)
- to galvanise members to respond to stories/features in the media
- to organise a cadre of writers to draft official responses from MJJC and to decide when these official responses are required (we have to be careful not to bludgeon when a swat would suffice)

Living Legacy Archive
This action team
- collects, preserves and promotes documents and videos that honour Michael
- establishes links with fans who are already doing this work, supporting and promoting their work
- produces Fact Files and FAQs
- supports the writing of 'academic' essays on Michael's work, philanthropy and his cultural impact and encourages intelligent discourses on these
- compiles and maintains a database of information on fan projects

We welcome any suggestions and ideas so that we can move forward as a force of unity and strength for the man that we all love. Feel free to PM me!

Keeping the faith
Legacy Project Team Leader

This entry was edited on 29 July, 2010
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I would very much love to be a part of the MJJC Legacy project. It is a wonderful idea and I fully support - and already work along these lines anyway.

:ciao: Greetings and Hello MJJC Fan-mily :group:

We YOUR Legacy Team have made some changes and some updates to our LPForum and we hope you enjoy what we have done to improve and better our work that we do here in the MJJ Legacy Project !!

We thank-you and Michael you ALL for your support over the years and your L.O.V.E..

We L.O.V.E you MORE

MJ TinkerBell
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