The Launch of the MJJC Legacy Project

Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

Hi ellie09

Yes it will be a team project and once we have the teams together they will meet and establish a framework: what the focus and strategies would be, who would be responsible for what, the ground rules to be allowed, etc. We are looking to build a consensus so that the campaign is organised, responsive and sustained and not a haphazard, inconsistent approach.

Once we have built that consensus the teams and the actual logistics of how the project will be run will be officially announced.

Hope that answers your questions. If not give me a holler!

Prosperity and Oldmoon20 - what team are you interested in being on? Please note that because you are not on a team does not mean that you cannot help with the project once we get under way. You can also feel free to post or PM me any suggestions and ideas you may have.
before sending letters we have to know the facts in her book, not just hearsay. We obviously don't want to buy her book, but we can either get the book from a library or go to a bookstore and read it on-site. We have to be able to quote from her books and refute the lies with accurate information.
Also, I think we have to act smart and communicate in a professional manner as to not come off as some crazed fan.
We also have to be strategic in who we battle. The people that are getting the most face time should be the people or entities we battle first. Obviously, we can't get everyone. That is why it is very important to get the big ones. MJ has enough fans and fan clubs all over the world. We need to get them involved. Diane Diamond book is being released again, I think. Don't quote me on it . We need to look into it. We need to make sure it is a terrible seller. Like you said we need to be proactive.
WE can go library ,prints the parts we want then share it here.then we can send letters .let me know about it.
Thanks for the information, blanky. That's what I'm talking about!!! I know that personally I would not be able to stand reading that woman's book but it would be good if we could read it, highlight every LIE, EXAGGERATION and MISREPRESENTATION and counter it with the TRUTH (with supporting evidence - court documents, etc). We need to call her out on her 'facts'.

To everyone who has volunteered and has not heard from me, I will be sending out some PMs soon.

u r welcome dear.........united we stand. :)
Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

This project sound great ! I interested in Living Legacy Archive
but due to my English is not strong enough so I am afraid I couldn't help you guys as much as I can. I am here to support if you want
Thanks for a great project to keeping his legacy :)
Just wondering, when we all have a 'meeting' are we all going to get in the chatroom or something and share ideas? Or will we just share ideas on this thread?
Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

MJJCommunity will have its very own charitable foundation

The Childhood Fountation - In Honour Of Michael Jackson

Coming soon guys.

I am new to this board. Michael Jackson has been part of my life for a long time but i never considered myself a "fan" and I really didn't know what fan web sites were all about. When he died, I was heartbroken but could not express that to anyone in my life. So, I came here. I have to say, you seem like the nicest group of people ever. I can see why he loved his fans so much. Seeing your posts and participating here has meant a lot to me. Thank you to all of you who keep this site going.

I think that The Legacy Project is a great idea. There were many charities that were close to Michaels heart. Í have been thinking that the most fitting tribute would be for everyone who loved him and his music to join together in projects to raise money for the charities that he supported. Perhaps start annual fundraisers in Michaels name for different charities. He would love that.

I heard that 1 billion people watched his Memorial. If each of those people participated in just 1 charity fundraiser per year in Michael's name, just think of the good that could be done. He was just one person but his message inspired millions of people. He did his part, maybe it is time for us to do ours.

What's FAIR?

FAIR, the national media watch group, has been offering well-documented criticism of media bias and censorship since 1986. We work to invigorate the First Amendment by advocating for greater diversity in the press and by scrutinizing media practices that marginalize public interest, minority and dissenting viewpoints. As an anti-censorship organization, we expose neglected news stories and defend working journalists when they are muzzled. As a progressive group, FAIR believes that structural reform is ultimately needed to break up the dominant media conglomerates, establish independent public broadcasting and promote strong non-profit sources of information.
Uniquely, FAIR works with both activists and journalists. We maintain a regular dialogue with reporters at news outlets across the country, providing constructive critiques when called for and applauding exceptional, hard-hitting journalism. We also encourage the public to contact media with their concerns, to become media activists rather than passive consumers of news.

FAIR publishes Extra!, the award-winning magazine of media criticism, and produces the weekly radio program CounterSpin, the show that brings you the news behind the headlines. In addition, we have a thriving listserv through which we distribute regular Action Alerts to our international network of activists-- as of September 2004, the FAIR list has over 55,000 recipients, with more signing on every day.

For an in-depth explanation of FAIR's critique of the mainstream media, you should start with our overview, What's Wrong with the News? You might also check out the article What's FAIR?, by FAIR founder Jeff Cohen. And see what journalists, activists and scholars have to say about FAIR.

I think for all ppl in the media advocacy grp, should check this out
Could this fall under the realm of the Legacy project (already posted in the This is it rip off thread)? Regarding Paul Anka calling MJ a thief.

We MUST take action. I do want to support the estate but I am not willing to give my money to Anka (for insulting Michael and calling him a thief) or to McClain (for insulting MJ's legacy as a songwriter to cover up his own incompetency).

What do you guys think if, instead of buying the "this is it" soundtrack we buy the "number ones" album? (you can gift it to someone, if you already have the CD)

it would accomplish 2 things:

1) it would help #1 remain the best seller in the US (Taylor Swift is trailing MJ by only 86K, and she is re-releasing her album in November. She will definitely outsell MJ before the end of the year and take the #1 seller for 2009)

2) Paul Anka would not be getting our money. He is getting 50% publishing rights (rightfully so)....but do you really want to give your hard earned cash to that jerk after he call MJ a thief? I don't...I really really don't.

McClain will also receive $$ for finishing the song, and after insulting MJ's legacy, I do not want to honor him by buying this particular song. He should know better...he did not have to belittle MJ to cover his and Branca's mistake. That is UNACCEPTABLE from a co-executor of the estate.

Most fans want to support MJ's estate ...we can still do so without that jerk Anka profiting from it more than he should.
We cannot do anything about the song appearing at the end credit of the movie, but the payment is usually a one-time fee.
Bottom line, Anka thinks he hit the jackpot and that pisses me off. He did not have to go to TMZ to call MJ a thief...MJ is not here to defend himself, but we the fans are.

Let's call for a group boycott of the "this is it" CD...and instead buy "Number ones". We can give the press a warning, so they don't question fans support for MJ.

I know we have tons of issues with Sony, but they did not insult MJ's memory.

Can we all organize this, together?
I'd like to get involved with the media advocacy and living legacy :)
Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

Hello Gaz,Nancii, checking in... I posted my part to REMEMBER THE TIME Thread. I'm interested in helpng as I stated when first announced... creative writing,, an art creative aspect,would be happy to do what i can..
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Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

MJJCommunity will have its very own charitable foundation

The Childhood Fountation - In Honour Of Michael Jackson

Coming soon guys.

This is an excellent idea. I'm interested I will do whatever it takes to keep his legacy alive. :yes: I'm also interested in Living Legacy and media advocacy.
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Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

Is there still any help required for maintaining Michael's legacy? Any way I can help honour this beautiful man at all?
Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

No thrillerchild you are not too late. Just let me know what area you are interested in working in!
Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

Great thread. PM sent the OP. :)
Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

No thrillerchild you are not too late. Just let me know what area you are interested in working in!

I am kinda out of the loop...Can we have a meeting and see where we are at?

Just to make sure everyone is on the same wavelength
Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

Hello fellow fans,

I don't know if you remember that a group of fans set up a charity right after Michael's death, Heal the World for Children. We organized a Children's festival in LA on his birthday (see the website for pictures), and now we are organizing hospital visits to give children gifts and smiles on November 20, declared by UN the International Children's Day (Michael's dream).

This is our website. Hospital visits in multiple cities across the world are planned. I am organizing the NYC visit to Beth Israel hospital and trying to collect toys. If you want to donate toys please email the website address. You can also donate money through paypal, and please mention for NYC visit in the title. Or you can buy t-shirts with the logo, also to help our cause.

We can together keep Michael's dream alive, and I know he will be smiling down to us. I miss him so much, this charity keeps me going, it's everything I have left.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart

You can join our FB group too.
Guys, continuing Michael's legacy is how we can maintain that bond with him forever. Heal the World for Children is a volunteering group made by his fans, most of them fans who knew Michael personally. We are going to make kids happy the way Michael wanted. Here is a pic for our next event on November 20. You can help by organizing a visit in your city, by donating toys or money.

Here's the event we organized for Aug. 29, a Children's Festival. It was a success, and we all cried
Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

That sounds quite interesting.
And even though I'm quite new to this community, I'd like to offer my help in Media Advocacy.. or just wherever my help is needed.
Thanks and take care!
Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

I've noticed some that have a project legacy team banner? I can't find the legacy room...
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