The Launch of the MJJC Legacy Project

Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

Nancii, I'm very interested in being a part of keeping integrity in Michael's legacy. I think I'm most interested in the Living Legacy Archive. Not sure why I'm not seeing links for PM. But take this as I'm interested and please provide details. Thanks :)
Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

I would love to help out! I prefer the Living Legacy Archive.
Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

Any chance or having a charitable arm in Michaels' name?
What would you want to see created in Michael Jackson's honor?

[FONT=&quot]Just the other day when I saw this commercial: ,
I was thinking that it would be cool if we, as a group, could do fund raiser MJ Parties to send donations in Michael's name to charities like:

A non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of education in America’s public schools by restoring music programs in cities across the country, and raising public awareness about the importance of music participation for our nation’s youth.

:agree: Yeah, it's a VH1 foundation, but it's for a good cause and other celebs are already's another option that we could do with minor effort this year, because it's gonna take a while to create a foundation of our own.

I'm still :angel: that Michael's estate will create an organization that we can all be a part of. I think that would actually be better than a lot of small fragmented foundations doing duplicate types of things.

One "Major Love" organization with several branches would be really fabulous. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Just my 10 cents.

Save The Music Foundation has received support from the following celebrities:
Just like to offer some general tips that work best from my experience as a member of the Campaign for Liberty that was started when I was politically active in electing and defending Dr Ron Paul candidate for president 08.

When Dr Paul became so huge that the Establishement got scared he could win they started and all out media bashing the same way they did and still do with MJ.
So every time some fake news would break almost daily, we'd received an email alert with links and text including facts to refute their lies and all we had to do was click and send to every body we could. Also when some bill would come up in congress, we'd receive phone numbers to call on a special day and we'd bring their phone system down. It was lots of fun to do this all together.

It worked very well. Many times we could hear some media pundit asking Dr Paul's supporters to stop sending emails because it was crashing their servers. And of course after the dirty media had succeeded tarnishing his reputation and he wasn't the chosen one to represent the party, then and only then they invited him on all their shows to dispense his knowledge on monetary and economics matters.

You at MJJC probably have tons of email contacts and every one of us have contacts also.
But it has to be easy for fans to participate. For example, today we all need to email LKL (I did) about the rabbi.
Next, we need to shut down DD so please send us all emails with links to her and her publisher.

Make a list of media and on specific days we all bombard them one at a time.

you have some really great advice.

I also think it is imperative that all MJ's fan clubs work together and coordinate our effort, specially when dealing with the press.

There is strength in numbers.
Hi. Great idea.
I'm definitely very keen for participating in The Media Advocacy.

The media distortions of MJ have always affected me, but since his death, they have affected me so strongly that I'm currently in the process of changing my degree over to do a bachelor of journalism. My hope is to make a difference, not only to Mj's legacy but to the way things are reported as a whole; so yes I'm really interested in this aspect considering its what sparked me in the first place. :)
Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

MJJCommunity will have its very own charitable foundation

The Childhood Fountation - In Honour Of Michael Jackson

Coming soon guys.

Anything I can do to help Mr.Jackson and his family, fans, and admirers...

I'll be there..!

:angel:Heal The World...WE Are The World...Education IS The Key~~~
Just like to offer some general tips that work best from my experience as a member of the Campaign for Liberty that was started when I was politically active in electing and defending Dr Ron Paul candidate for president 08.

When Dr Paul became so huge that the Establishement got scared he could win they started and all out media bashing the same way they did and still do with MJ.
So every time some fake news would break almost daily, we'd received an email alert with links and text including facts to refute their lies and all we had to do was click and send to every body we could. Also when some bill would come up in congress, we'd receive phone numbers to call on a special day and we'd bring their phone system down. It was lots of fun to do this all together.

It worked very well. Many times we could hear some media pundit asking Dr Paul's supporters to stop sending emails because it was crashing their servers. And of course after the dirty media had succeeded tarnishing his reputation and he wasn't the chosen one to represent the party, then and only then they invited him on all their shows to dispense his knowledge on monetary and economics matters.

You at MJJC probably have tons of email contacts and every one of us have contacts also.
But it has to be easy for fans to participate. For example, today we all need to email LKL (I did) about the rabbi.
Next, we need to shut down DD so please send us all emails with links to her and her publisher.

Make a list of media and on specific days we all bombard them one at a time.

Hi guys!

Below is a letter which Samantha Moodley is writing to Diane Dimond's publisher. I encourage you all to write a similar letter and send it to the two addresses also listed below. We will also all be writing letters to the major bookstores saying we will no longer buy books from them if they sell books trashing MJ.

This is in response to the book entitled "Be Careful Who You Love" by Diane Dimond and is published by your company.

I am deeply concerned about the rather biased and inaccurate portrayal of the information presented in the aforementioned publication as it is in violation of the Code of Ethics as stipulated by various journalism organizations which stress objectivity,fairness and accuracy as far as 'journalistic integrity' is concerned and this book fails dismally on all three levels.

I'm utterly disgusted by the fact that a company of your stature would choose to publish a book that promotes 'yellow journalism' in the highest degree and thus,is misleading to the public at large.Furthermore,the "credibility" of the journalist is questionable given her "one sided" perspective which is evident throughout the book and hence,the failure to take into the account the actual facts of what happened from the point of view of both Mr Jackson and the accusers.Also,it is beyond me as to how this book could have been published in the first place given that it has been so poorly edited,that it makes it even harder to take Diane Dimond seriously as a reporter let alone an author due to the persistent repetition of certain facts (like mentioning that Adrian McManus was Jackson's personal chambermaid three times in less than two pages even after mentioning her previously in the book) as well as random spots with misspelled words or improper grammar.

Its clear that Diane Dimond has a personal vendetta against Mr Jackson given how she remains oblivious to the 'real' facts surrounding the investigation which prove that Mr Jackson was indeed the 'victim' of an extortion attempt on two separate occasions yet Diane does not care to mention any of these details whatsoever.She has a history of 'twisting' around the facts to her advantage and passing it off as the 'truth' and this book is just a perpetuation of the same pattern as an attempt to 'destroy' an innocent man.

Having said the above,I choose neither to read nor support your publications from hereon as your company seems to encourage "yellow journalism" at the expense of truth and accuracy so please be advised that I will no longer purchase your products.I will also be writing to the online book stores such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble informing them that I will also no longer purchase their goods and services if they continue to to sell the book concerned.

Additionally,I will be encouraging the various media advocacy groups that I belong to and inform them of your publication,and I will encourage then to take the same course of action.

The email address below is for the person who is in charge of Sales & Marketing at Simon & Schuster,his name's Michael Selleck.I'm going to send the above letter to

but if everyone is going to send a similar letter,I suggest they not only send the
letter directly to Mr Selleck but also to the following link at the company's website at

Contact Us - Simon & Schuster, Inc.

Also, I heard that in her book she says that MJ was ashamed of his race and never hired black people. I haven't read the book, but that is what I heard. You may want to mention all the FACTS why this is just an utter lie
Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

That is absolutely fantastic Gaz! I am rubbing my hands in glee!!!

To you guys who have volunteered for the project look out for a PM from me.
Thanks for the information, blanky. That's what I'm talking about!!! I know that personally I would not be able to stand reading that woman's book but it would be good if we could read it, highlight every LIE, EXAGGERATION and MISREPRESENTATION and counter it with the TRUTH (with supporting evidence - court documents, etc). We need to call her out on her 'facts'.

To everyone who has volunteered and has not heard from me, I will be sending out some PMs soon.
Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

That sounds brilliant Gaz!

TheChosenOne, just to let you know I did get your PM, I'm shattered tonight but I'm gonna compile some stuff for you over the next couple of days. :)
Good Idea to bombard them on a particular day. I have sent quite a lot of mail to DD and now I will to LK. It is good we shut up these idiotic people. I dont think Demon is ready for this. It has been 16 years she had her way now it is Michael's way, through us.
Why do I hate this woman,
Let me count the ways.
DD is convinced that she is on the side of right. She may well think that she act with impunity now ...
Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

MJJCommunity will have its very own charitable foundation

The Childhood Fountation - In Honour Of Michael Jackson

Coming soon guys.

WOW!!! :clapping: :dance:

As for the plan, I'd love to participate, though I'm not quite sure how much time I'll have to devote to this right now. Both the Living Legacy and Media Advocacy are potentially interesting. I can't make up my mind right now. :)
Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

Great :)

Which section is for vindicating Michael? that included in the project? Getting the true information about the accusations and the trial out there? .. I don't mean commenting on articles/youtube/negative blogs/horrid groups on facebook etc. because that goes on already and doesn't seem to work. Is it Media Advocacy? Because I'd like to be involved in that..but how will it work exactly?
Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

Hello This is Wonderful. I'm interested.
Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

KayHey, Rockin and souldreamer7 - look out for PMs from me.
Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

This is an excellent idea i would love to help however dont think in any way i could at the minute my head is not really together enough! However i support you guys 100% Welldone xxxxxxx
Hi guys!

Below is a letter which Samantha Moodley is writing to Diane Dimond's publisher. I encourage you all to write a similar letter and send it to the two addresses also listed below. We will also all be writing letters to the major bookstores saying we will no longer buy books from them if they sell books trashing MJ.

This is in response to the book entitled "Be Careful Who You Love" by Diane Dimond and is published by your company.

I am deeply concerned about the rather biased and inaccurate portrayal of the information presented in the aforementioned publication as it is in violation of the Code of Ethics as stipulated by various journalism organizations which stress objectivity,fairness and accuracy as far as 'journalistic integrity' is concerned and this book fails dismally on all three levels.

I'm utterly disgusted by the fact that a company of your stature would choose to publish a book that promotes 'yellow journalism' in the highest degree and thus,is misleading to the public at large.Furthermore,the "credibility" of the journalist is questionable given her "one sided" perspective which is evident throughout the book and hence,the failure to take into the account the actual facts of what happened from the point of view of both Mr Jackson and the accusers.Also,it is beyond me as to how this book could have been published in the first place given that it has been so poorly edited,that it makes it even harder to take Diane Dimond seriously as a reporter let alone an author due to the persistent repetition of certain facts (like mentioning that Adrian McManus was Jackson's personal chambermaid three times in less than two pages even after mentioning her previously in the book) as well as random spots with misspelled words or improper grammar.

Its clear that Diane Dimond has a personal vendetta against Mr Jackson given how she remains oblivious to the 'real' facts surrounding the investigation which prove that Mr Jackson was indeed the 'victim' of an extortion attempt on two separate occasions yet Diane does not care to mention any of these details whatsoever.She has a history of 'twisting' around the facts to her advantage and passing it off as the 'truth' and this book is just a perpetuation of the same pattern as an attempt to 'destroy' an innocent man.

Having said the above,I choose neither to read nor support your publications from hereon as your company seems to encourage "yellow journalism" at the expense of truth and accuracy so please be advised that I will no longer purchase your products.I will also be writing to the online book stores such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble informing them that I will also no longer purchase their goods and services if they continue to to sell the book concerned.

Additionally,I will be encouraging the various media advocacy groups that I belong to and inform them of your publication,and I will encourage then to take the same course of action.

The email address below is for the person who is in charge of Sales & Marketing at Simon & Schuster,his name's Michael Selleck.I'm going to send the above letter to

but if everyone is going to send a similar letter,I suggest they not only send the
letter directly to Mr Selleck but also to the following link at the company's website at

Contact Us - Simon & Schuster, Inc.

Also, I heard that in her book she says that MJ was ashamed of his race and never hired black people. I haven't read the book, but that is what I heard. You may want to mention all the FACTS why this is just an utter lie

before sending letters we have to know the facts in her book, not just hearsay. We obviously don't want to buy her book, but we can either get the book from a library or go to a bookstore and read it on-site. We have to be able to quote from her books and refute the lies with accurate information.
Also, I think we have to act smart and communicate in a professional manner as to not come off as some crazed fan.
Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

MJJCommunity will have its very own charitable foundation

The Childhood Fountation - In Honour Of Michael Jackson

Coming soon guys.

I love you!!
Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

:angel:This is wonderful! I am interested.
Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

I have a couple of questions...
Is this going to be a team project? Like you arrange day and time when everybody who wants to participate must come here and start doing stuff they chose or everybody is free to do what they want? How I'm going to know if someone else is working on the same thing like me in that case? Is there any way, any structure that people are going to work on? Is there time limit or something?
Thanks :)
I've seen and read some parts of the book...and it was a very long time 2006-2007...when i went to borders. She really has a disgusting mind. The only books i could find then was hers and another woman's book...i forgot her name, but its kinda the same as DD's.

in this book, she, how can i say this, Belittle him and make him and fans look like monsters... Its just very sad and ugly.