The Launch of the MJJC Legacy Project


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011


Our motto is: MJJC Legacy Project - Honouring, Preserving, Defending.

We honour Michael’s legacy by upholding the highest standards, by our conduct on and off the MJJC board, living our lives with integrity, compassion and tolerance.

We strive to establish a positive presence on MJJC and to ensure that our mission is clearly understood and supported. We want to inspire others to aspire to emulate Michael's example of living a purposeful life.

We also strive to become an active and integral part of the community of fan sites and discussion forums, sharing information and partnering with them.

The Project will also initiate and manage projects that showcase Michael’s creative and philanthropic legacy.

It is important that we defend Michael by challenging lies, mis-representations and mis-conceptions about his life and his work.

Ultimately, the MJJC Legacy Project team is committed to standing strong and together for Michael, now and in the years ahead.


At this time the project has two main components: media advocacy and living legacy.

Media Advocacy
This team's purpose/role is to:
- to advocate for fair and accurate reporting on Michael Jackson
- to express gratitude for coverage that is fair and accurate
- to correct erroneous information, providing the correct information with supporting evidence (where possible)
- to galvanise members to respond to stories/features in the media
- to organise a cadre of writers to draft official responses from MJJC and to decide when these official responses are required (we have to be careful not to bludgeon when a swat would suffice)

Living Legacy Archive
This action team
- collects, preserves and promotes documents and videos that honour Michael
- establishes links with fans who are already doing this work, supporting and promoting their work
- produces Fact Files and FAQs
- supports the writing of 'academic' essays on Michael's work, philanthropy and his cultural impact and encourages intelligent discourses on these
- compiles and maintains a database of information on fan projects

We welcome any suggestions and ideas so that we can move forward as a force of unity and strength for the man that we all love. Feel free to PM me!

Keeping the faith
Legacy Project Team Leader

This entry was edited on 29 July, 2010
Last edited by a moderator:
I want to be a part of all three.
I am heavily involved in the Investigation now, so this is where I would like my main focus to be, but I want to also contribute to Media Advocacy and Living Legacy Archive

The Media Advocacy for me goes hand in hand with the investigation especially now.

And the Living Legacy Archive is my ultimate goal in all this, working with other fans to make sure his legacy lives forever.
I'd love to be a part of Living Legacy, anything I can do to help Michaels legacy carry on forever. I've sent you a PM too. ;)
living legacy for me too.But i also want to know about few things like: martin bashir petition
2.few people are trying to write publisher who is working on diane diamond book
3.few people r working on boycotting rabbis book
4.there is group call vindication is better than tributes
what is our stand in all this? r we supporting them?
i think every one has good intention but we need to help each other also in this.its just my opinion.
blankyluvdoodoo, once the action teams are set up within the next week we will 'meet' and look at all these concerns!

Look out for a PM from me.

Limonali, I will send you a PM as well.

Thank you both for your responses.
I believe that this is exactly what we need to do.

Thank you Nancii for spearheading this effort! ((Hugs))

This is gonna be great! :D
I would love to be involved with the Living Legacy Archive

Well done great idea
Just like to offer some general tips that work best from my experience as a member of the Campaign for Liberty that was started when I was politically active in electing and defending Dr Ron Paul candidate for president 08.

When Dr Paul became so huge that the Establishement got scared he could win they started and all out media bashing the same way they did and still do with MJ.
So every time some fake news would break almost daily, we'd received an email alert with links and text including facts to refute their lies and all we had to do was click and send to every body we could. Also when some bill would come up in congress, we'd receive phone numbers to call on a special day and we'd bring their phone system down. It was lots of fun to do this all together.

It worked very well. Many times we could hear some media pundit asking Dr Paul's supporters to stop sending emails because it was crashing their servers. And of course after the dirty media had succeeded tarnishing his reputation and he wasn't the chosen one to represent the party, then and only then they invited him on all their shows to dispense his knowledge on monetary and economics matters.

You at MJJC probably have tons of email contacts and every one of us have contacts also.
But it has to be easy for fans to participate. For example, today we all need to email LKL (I did) about the rabbi.
Next, we need to shut down DD so please send us all emails with links to her and her publisher.

Make a list of media and on specific days we all bombard them one at a time.
Welcome everyone. Thanks for your responses. In the process of sending out PMs!!!

Riviera1992, is it okay if I contact you for advice.

Much love to everyone.

I am down for the advocacy group and on a needed basis for any other group. Use me, I will do anything to help preserve MJ's legacy.
Re: Launch of the MJJC Legacy

PMed you Romi!

Thanks ensleyave for the link.
As I said previously, I would be happy to help within the Living Legacy Archive in some capacity.

THIS is the most important thread in the entire forum right now. thank you.