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Tried to figure it out. Didn't understand half of it. (Oh, that great musical language!)
Found this.

Our brains are tuned to perceive the notes it expects, and music in general is more often consonant than dissonant, so we expect a good chord. So when a chord is not quite what is expected, it leads to an effect of emotional awe.

John Sloboda

Professor of Music Psychology."
:love: This is a fascinating topic.

And in all of this, what struck me the most was the fact that there are professors of music psychology 🤣🤣🤣🤣
A tritone (a musical interval spanning three adjacent whole tones) is a more unfamiliar chord (in most cultures, I think) It sounds "dramatic" or even unsettling.

Someone pointed out (some musician on youtube, I think) That DSTYGE starts with tritone :D

... when Michael sings the first word LOVE-LEY, he sings a tritone :Do_O. And it reoccurs throughout the songs verses ... It is just a fascinating little anecdote to me ....
A tritone (a musical interval spanning three adjacent whole tones) is a more unfamiliar chord (in most cultures, I think) It sounds "dramatic" or even unsettling.

Someone pointed out (some musician on youtube, I think) That DSTYGE starts with tritone :D

... when Michael sings the first word LOVE-LEY, he sings a tritone :Do_O. And it reoccurs throughout the songs verses ... It is just a fascinating little anecdote to me ....
Thank you so much for such detailed material 🙏💕💕🙏💕💕🙏
Michael got a little naughty 😅😅😅😅
I hate music theory lol. I never played a "chord instrument" and was always too lazy to really learn music theory.
Oh, don’t you say that! When I was in gymnasiet (whatever that’s called in English), some people used to call me “Mr Tritonus”! Music theory is among my absolute favourite things.

Random, but I found it interesting that DON`T STOP TIL YOU GET ENOUGH starts with a tritone! 😵‍💫 :love:
That is random! You’re talking about the verse melody, I presume?
It's not clear here. He was in a parody of Living with Michael Jackson. It's called Lying to Michael Jackson, 2003. It's not pleasant to watch.
Oh, my days! Goodness gracious me! I had no idea.
I have to admit that this humor is beyond my reach 😅😅😅😅
Tritonus (a raised fifth/lowered fourth, ’överstigande kvart’ or ‘förminskad kvart’ in Swedish) is an interval, that is, the distance from one tone to another. If you play a c¹ and a g𝄱¹, that’s it. It’s very common, too, because for example in a major seventh chord, you have a tritonus between the third (ters) and the seventh (septima).

Back in medieval times, it was to be avoided at all costs. “It’s the devil’s interval,” they cried.
Oh, don’t you say that! When I was in gymnasiet (whatever that’s called in English), some people used to call me “Mr Tritonus”! Music theory is among my absolute favourite things.

Are you joking? That is intimidating! I am humbled before you 😅 😂
That is random! You’re talking about the verse melody, I presume?
Tritonus (a raised fifth/lowered fourth, ’överstigande kvart’ or ‘förminskad kvart’ in Swedish) is an interval, that is, the distance from one tone to another. If you play a c¹ and a g𝄱¹, that’s it. It’s very common, too, because for example in a major seventh chord, you have a tritonus between the third (ters) and the seventh (septima).

Back in medieval times, it was to be avoided at all costs. “It’s the devil’s interval,” they cried.

Okay, I believe you, Mr. Tritonus :oops:
Yes, they all belong to the infraorder Palaeognathae.
Oh here we go . the book of Ostrich baby

Apteryx sp. (australis?) (kiwi)
It's so large! big bootay ostrich haha
That's a cool name! When I was a teenager, we had a cat. I was into Michael's music so I named the cat Jackson. We affectionately called him Jacksulya, and then my family started calling him Suslik (Gopher) 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
What is this suffix -ulya? Is it diminutive?

And what’s Suslik? And Gopher?



Yes Mr Tritooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonus. go on a bus n get gone hahahhahahahaha

Sorry guys i know you n hope were talking and i just barged in there haha
You mustn’t leave.