The Last Person to Post in This Thread Wins

Comedy, drama, melodrama, fantasy. It's not a serious movie))))) but the idea of a movie about parallel versions of life fascinated me.
A, yes, I love that. I’m gonna watch it real soon.

Posting this here while I hunt around for a better thread. Not sure there is one. It's serious but I think it's important or at least worth acknowledging.

"Just about 5 years ago, I flew to Utah to watch LN. Nobody had seen it. At the time I thought the estate hadn't seen it. The Jackson family hadn't seen it. It was 8 degrees on the morning of the premiere. I wasn't able to get in. But the next day, it played again in Salt Lake City. I already had tickets. I watched as a line of police were there to heighten security. I walked by a K9 sniffing for explosives and ammunition. I walked through a metal detector and had my purse inspected. I saw there for 2 hours, incredulously watching two men who told their allegations, but never mentioned their lawsuits. In total, the "film" was 4 hours with a 10 minute intermission. I sat in my seat, the only person who was, while the entire audience erupted in screaming "we believe you!", and a standing ovation. And I worried that the media might take Michael Jackson's legacy down with them this time. But no, the fans, Michael's family and estate, came together in one of the most admirable campaigns I have ever seen. The #MJInnocent events, lead by @mjinnocentuk, appearances by @tajjackson3 and @bjackson82, the grass roots film Square One by @dannywuyue all culminated into a course of action that would not allow the media to continue to print the lies that they have done so for so long. Be proud MJFam, we have come a LONG way in five years."

Posting this here while I hunt around for a better thread. Not sure there is one. It's serious but I think it's important or at least worth acknowledging.

"[...] But no, the fans, Michael's family and estate, came together in one of the most admirable campaigns I have ever seen. The #MJInnocent events, lead by @mjinnocentuk, appearances by @tajjackson3 and @bjackson82, the grass roots film Square One by @dannywuyue all culminated into a course of action that would not allow the media to continue to print the lies that they have done so for so long. Be proud MJFam, we have come a LONG way in five years."

Oh yes!
5 years already ...
My favourite films are biographies or biographical stories about historical people or people of fiction. I think there is no better material and more exciting material for a movie (or novel) than the human condition, people´s life stories in the context of their upbriging, their choices, history.
Now I am remembering all these amazing movies ...

This is one of the first movies I remember watching as a child on tv and loving it ... many times. Anpother epic story about humans / human nature
The intensitiy of Omar Sharif, Julie Christie
My favourite films are biographies or biographical stories about historical people or people of fiction. I think there is no better material and more exciting material for a movie (or novel) than the human condition, people´s life stories in the context of their upbriging, their choices, history.
I also really like biographies and just life stories and historical movies, also romantic comedies. And detectives and movies with unexpected endings. In fact there are a lot of them and this thought will be with me for a while))))))
Now I am remembering all these amazing movies ...

This is one of the first movies I remember watching as a child on tv and loving it ... many times. Anpother epic story about humans / human nature
The intensitiy of Omar Sharif, Julie Christie
I don't know how I got past this movie. I'll have to see it.
But only the first movie. It has an awesome atmosphere, different from the other movies (I'm so sorry they changed the director) and love the whole soundtrack 😍😍😍😍
My favourite films are biographies or biographical stories about historical people or people of fiction. I think there is no better material and more exciting material for a movie (or novel) than the human condition, people´s life stories in the context of their upbriging, their choices, history.
Oh, the one about Ray Charles (is it “Ray”?) I love.
Я смотрел это очень давно. Это очень сильная и тяжелая история.
Да, в самом деле. Очень грустно, но очень хорошо.
Now I am remembering all these amazing movies ...

This is one of the first movies I remember watching as a child on tv and loving it ... many times. Anpother epic story about humans / human nature
The intensitiy of Omar Sharif, Julie Christie
Interesting… *jots down*
My favourite films are biographies or biographical stories about historical people or people of fiction. I think there is no better material and more exciting material for a movie (or novel) than the human condition, people´s life stories in the context of their upbriging, their choices, history.
Thinking about the ones I’ve seen now… in my opinion, they often fall short. But when they do get it right, it’s very powerful indeed.

What’s your favourites?
I also really like biographies and just life stories and historical movies, also romantic comedies. And detectives and movies with unexpected endings. In fact there are a lot of them and this thought will be with me for a while))))))
I started watching Sliding Doors last night (or really, this morning. At 3 AM). I fell asleep about half an hour into it, though; not because it’s bad, but because of my tiredness. I especially love Hannah in the bits I’ve seen thus far (but that’s really no surprise since I enjoy his work pretty much unconditionally). And before I dozed off, I managed to catch that line of his! However, it turns out that it’s not really his, but Monty Python’s.

James: Cheer up. Remember what the Monty Python boys say.
Helen: “Always look on the bright side of life”?
James: No, “Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.”
But only the first movie. It has an awesome atmosphere, different from the other movies (I'm so sorry they changed the director) and love the whole soundtrack 😍😍😍😍
*jots down*