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Polysticta stelleri (alförrädare)
Now, in the winter?
Yes. That photo is just a generic photo I found. I Googled 'winter daffodils' to get the right sort of photo. Otherwise it would be obvious I was posting a photo taken in the spring. That said, several letters in various newspapers recently are logging the appearance of daffs. This happens every year. It's not so much that people are competing with each other, it's more that everyone is desperate for signs of spring. Jan and Feb are always the hardest / coldest months in the UK winter and round about now everyone needs cheering up so the first signs of spring flowers always triggers a mini-flood of letters in the papers. :)
Yes. That photo is just a generic photo I found. I Googled 'winter daffodils' to get the right sort of photo. Otherwise it would be obvious I was posting a photo taken in the spring. That said, several letters in various newspapers recently are logging the appearance of daffs. This happens every year. It's not so much that people are competing with each other, it's more that everyone is desperate for signs of spring. Jan and Feb are always the hardest / coldest months in the UK winter and round about now everyone needs cheering up so the first signs of spring flowers always triggers a mini-flood of letters in the papers. :)
Now even more than winter daffodils, it amazes me that people are writing about it in the papers! This is really needed good news! It makes me happy))))
Now even more than winter daffodils, it amazes me that people are writing about it in the papers! This is really needed good news! It makes me happy))))
2 letters I've seen recently:

While returning to the village of East Coker after a short Christmas shopping expedition to a slightly disappointing, partially reconstructed Yeovil town centre, seeing flowering daffodils on the side of the lane most certainly cheered me up and brought a smile to my face. Is spring here early for next year, and is this a blooming record?
Martin Wells
East Coker, Somerset
Guardian 26 December 2023

Daffodils are out in East Sussex too (Letters, 26 December). I also picked some garlic chives, which are flowering in our Lewes twitten. The daphnes will be out soon and the campanulas are out over flint walls. Has spring sprung?
Lynn Wiseman
Lewes, East Sussex
Guardian Thursday 28 December 2023

Can't remember if I've seen any letters elsewhere (I read lots of different newspapers; I have no brand loyalty) but the other papers are behind paywalls so I can't check. Somerset is the West Country and East Sussex is the south of England so much milder and warmer than the Midlands or the North. What usually happens, though, is someone somewhere up North will be able to report also seeing spring flowers popping up very early. That's how it usually goes!
2 letters I've seen recently:

While returning to the village of East Coker after a short Christmas shopping expedition to a slightly disappointing, partially reconstructed Yeovil town centre, seeing flowering daffodils on the side of the lane most certainly cheered me up and brought a smile to my face. Is spring here early for next year, and is this a blooming record?
Martin Wells
East Coker, Somerset
Guardian 26 December 2023

Daffodils are out in East Sussex too (Letters, 26 December). I also picked some garlic chives, which are flowering in our Lewes twitten. The daphnes will be out soon and the campanulas are out over flint walls. Has spring sprung?
Lynn Wiseman
Lewes, East Sussex
Guardian Thursday 28 December 2023

Can't remember if I've seen any letters elsewhere (I read lots of different newspapers; I have no brand loyalty) but the other papers are behind paywalls so I can't check. Somerset is the West Country and East Sussex is the south of England so much milder and warmer than the Midlands or the North. What usually happens, though, is someone somewhere up North will be able to report also seeing spring flowers popping up very early. That's how it usually goes!
Thanks for these examples 🙏💕.
It's really good that people shared this. We don't have anything like this. No winter daffodils or letters like this.
Thanks for these examples 🙏💕.
It's really good that people shared this. We don't have anything like this. No winter daffodils or letters like this.
Oh, that is such a shame. It's pretty normal in the UK. Obviously, our winters are hardly the most extreme compared to other parts of Europe but we find it pretty hard going, nevertheless. So we all get very excited when the flowers pop up early. I think some types of daffs are bred, nowadays, to come up in January or February although the peak season is March / April. Flowering in December is pretty special although it has happened before, iirc. It's quite something to get daffodils before the snowdrops.

Maybe that's why
The plant was a traditional food plant in European Russia, Belarus and Ukraine until the 19th century.

Phylum Mollusca, Class Gastropoda. That’s where my thoughts went when you called the plant ‘gastropod.’
Oh, that is such a shame. It's pretty normal in the UK. Obviously, our winters are hardly the most extreme compared to other parts of Europe but we find it pretty hard going, nevertheless. So we all get very excited when the flowers pop up early. I think some types of daffs are bred, nowadays, to come up in January or February although the peak season is March / April. Flowering in December is pretty special although it has happened before, iirc. It's quite something to get daffodils before the snowdrops.

Galanthus nivalis (snödroppe)
Sly and The Family Stone / Dance to the Music - 1967

"All we need is a drummer
For people who only need a beat, yeah
I'm gonna add a little guitar
And make it easy to move your feet
I'm gonna add some bottom
So that the dancers just won't hide

You might like to hear my organ
I said ride Sally ride, now
(Cynthia, what? Gerry, what?)
If I could hear the horns blow
Cynthia on the throne, yeah

Listen to me
Cynthia and Jerry got a message that's sayin'
All the squares, go home, yeah-yeah"

