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A Len Pennie poem (poyum) from 2020.

"Lidl asked me tae write a festive wee poyum in Scots tae tell the story of the Daft Days. This is the time between Xmas day and Hogmanay- the original 12 days of Christmas. It's a poyum for everyone, Scot or not, and I'm so excited tae finally share it wae yous all. I was inspired by 'The Daft Days' by Robert Fergusson, it was such a privilege tae be asked tae take part in this amazing project. The Scots language is so close tae ma heart and being able tae write and recite in it has been a truly magical experience. Thanks tae Lidl for supporting the Scots Language and the arts in Scotland."

I’m having a blast over at
Good for you. When I'm not checking out poems (poyums!) by Len Pennie I'm watching this YT on Scots Gaelic (pronounced Gallic). It is quite long though.

"Starting off with Scottish Gaelic? These 8 adjectives will help you express your thoughts and opinions smoothly and naturally"

24m 43s

RAWRIES, “A certain disposition of loops in a hap showing rows of loops across the hap, and the same on both sides” (Sh. 1914 Angus Gl.), appar. referring to the decreasing of the stitches in the shawl towards the centre.
KOK kω4k, sbst.1, n. a) handling(en) l. värksamhet(en) att koka; numera nästan bl. konkretare … b) konkret: det som kokas l. kokats l. är avsett att kokas på en gång; så stor kvantitet (av ngt) som lämpligen kokas på en gång.
@hope, would you care to explain what caused this, please?
It looks creepy. That's a lot of iron. This was in September 2016
In 2015-2016, the Company reconstructed the tailings storage facility and tailings pipeline of the hydrometallurgy shop of the Nadezhda Metallurgical Plant. At the beginning of September, the final work was performed to install the last section of the new pipe. Before cutting in of the installed pipe, the project of work organization provides for emptying of the entire tailing pipeline, its flushing and discharge of flushing water into the tailing pond. Filtration dams were constructed at the tie-in points to prevent the spreading of residual wash water. As a result of abnormal rains on September 5, water overflowed through one of the dams and entered the Daldykan River," MMC reported.

"Nornickel is taking all necessary measures to assess the locations of the greatest historical contamination and eliminate the consequences of the old tailings pipeline operation through sanitary soil cleanup. The Company promises that it will make every effort to ensure that abnormal natural phenomena do not lead to similar situations in the future.
Oh, I see.


Kok = Koch (engl. the cook, he or she who cookest :LOL: )
No, that’s a ‘kock’!

‘Kok’ can also be the amount of beatings one gets at a certain occassion; it’s only ever used in the expression ‘ett kok stryk.’
Braised spring veggies
