The Last Person to Post in This Thread Wins

Thank you for sharing what you know🙏
I admire this because I know about myself that this is not my forte))))
So I decided to refresh my memory regarding what I could remember about the Zone System. I got this from Wiki:

"The Zone System is a photographic technique for determining optimal film exposure and development, formulated by Ansel Adams and Fred Archer.[1] Adams described the Zone System as "[...] not an invention of mine; it is a codification of the principles of sensitometry, worked out by Fred Archer and myself at the Art Center School in Los Angeles, around 1939–40."[2]

The technique is based on the late 19th-century sensitometry studies of Hurter and Driffield. The Zone System provides photographers with a systematic method of precisely defining the relationship between the way they visualize the photographic subject and the final results. Although it originated with black-and-white sheet film, the Zone System is also applicable to roll film, both black-and-white and color, negative and reversal, and to digital photography."

It was hilarious. I got up to the bit about '... the principles of sensitometry ..." and had 16 nervous breakdowns ("here comes your 19th nervous breakdown" - the Rolling Stones). I don't know what sensitometry is and I don't want to know! I'm not even doing a very good job of pronouncing the damn word, lol.

Anyway, that's me and my non-science brain! :ROFLMAO:
Also Ansel?
So I decided to refresh my memory regarding what I could remember about the Zone System. I got this from Wiki:

"The Zone System is a photographic technique for determining optimal film exposure and development, formulated by Ansel Adams and Fred Archer.[1] Adams described the Zone System as "[...] not an invention of mine; it is a codification of the principles of sensitometry, worked out by Fred Archer and myself at the Art Center School in Los Angeles, around 1939–40."[2]

The technique is based on the late 19th-century sensitometry studies of Hurter and Driffield. The Zone System provides photographers with a systematic method of precisely defining the relationship between the way they visualize the photographic subject and the final results. Although it originated with black-and-white sheet film, the Zone System is also applicable to roll film, both black-and-white and color, negative and reversal, and to digital photography."

It was hilarious. I got up to the bit about '... the principles of sensitometry ..." and had 16 nervous breakdowns ("here comes your 19th nervous breakdown" - the Rolling Stones). I don't know what sensitometry is and I don't want to know! I'm not even doing a very good job of pronouncing the damn word, lol.

Anyway, that's me and my non-science brain! :ROFLMAO:
Really old (2013) review of an Ansel Adams photo exhibition.

"However, there is one important thing to note about every single photograph in the exhibition: all of them were manipulated. When printing, he would deliberately alter the exposure times of various sections of a photograph, accentuating the drama of the picture. With this, he likened a photographic negative to a composer’s score, while the performance is the photographer/printer’s interpretation and reaction in the darkroom. He is able to change how the negative is exposed, just like a composer is able to make different performances based on the same score."

Yes, I remember you did this before. The first one is the hardest one for me to understand. Is it a nervous laugh?
Exactly! don't I like that succinct explanation😍.
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Ovibos moschatus (muskox/Moschusochse/Овцебык (Ovtsebyk)/myskoxe)
A red-necked phalarope: between 70% and 90% of the UK breeding population is found in Shetland.

This photo shows the full breeding plumage.

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