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Westminster Abbey choir stalls. If you go to a service there you can sit behind the choir. The front row is the choristers. Middle row is the lay vicars (the men). Back row will be the public unless there's a special service or some reason why they need to reserve the back row. But most days, if you want to, you can sit right behind the choir which is fabulous. Well, I always liked it.

In this picture I can see that they have the choristers from a Chapel Royal (most likely the one at St James's Palace). That's the kids wearing the red and gold outfits, standing on the floor.

Btw, did you know that Westminster Abbey is a Royal Peculiar? If the Archbishop of Canterbury goes there he has to ask for permission to enter the building.

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The Protopopovs, winning the World Skating Championships, 1965 (Ludmila Protopopov 1935 - 2017, Oleg Protopopov 1932 - 2023)

6m 6s - beautiful death spiral at 50s


Westminster Abbey choir stalls. If you go to a service there you can sit behind the choir. The front row is the choristers. Middle row is the lay vicars (the men). Back row will be the public unless there's a special service or some reason why they need to reserve the back row. But most days, if you want to, you can sit right behind the choir which is fabulous. Well, I always liked it.

In this picture I can see that they have the choristers from a Chapel Royal (most likely the one at St James's Palace). That's the kids wearing the red and gold outfits, standing on the floor.

Btw, did you know that Westminster Abbey is a Royal Peculiar? If the Archbishop of Canterbury goes there he has to ask for permission to enter the building.

Love love the fact that the choirs do have their own designated areas!
Treating myself to a coffee at the bakery, aänd this is what I see rn lol. These xmas gnomes have been a thing in Germany for years. Why? Lol
do any of yoy have these???

View attachment 3120
This reminds me of gonks which were really big in the UK back in the day. We called them gonks or trolls, lol. I didn't like them so never bought any. People liked to have them in the car.

Christmas is already a challenging time:

Forced joyfulness
Forced xmas market visits and parties with colleagues
The stress of gifts
Meeting the family oh no!
Why do we do it to ourselves?

Anyway, let's have a silly poem. Brian Bilston started off writing stuff on TwitterX and then got himself a publishing deal. Here's his poem for 6th December which, apparently, is the day that London - in 1897 - became the first city to license taxi cabs.

A Far Cry

I can never get a taxi
to stop for me in London.

Hardly a surprise, given
I hail from Birmingham.