The Investigation Surrounding Conrad Murray Thread (ALL POSTS/ARTICLES on Charges, etc. GO HERE!)

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Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

but no large amount of pills were in his system

no PILLS were found at all in his stomach according to the leaked autopsy report , that;s why i believe the LAPD leaked it intentionally , it was a reply to chernoff
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

Ramona, the 'pill theory' was pushed by the reporters....NOT Murray from what I recall reading back then. To me this looks like Murray was shocked that what he did killed Michael; meaning he didn't 'get it' and didn't know why this happened.

We all 'assume' Michael was knocked out, but was he? If he was asking for things or speaking to Murray, he was not knocked out. This is a matter of what do you believe; not what is necessarily fact.

Legal note: Autopsy is automatic if a patient dies in the hospital within 24 hours I am near positive.

What gets us is when the 'news' comes along and says something different or we just assume there is an autopsy because of foul play. Not so. This was a 50 year old man who showed up and either died there or was DOA (which was not called at the time...why??)

Also, Murray spoke to the police and freely admitted to giving the Propofol. How do we 'know' for a fact what he told the paramedics or the UCLA doctors? I don't think we do.

Beach, Murray said himself said that Michael was knocked out. He didn't leave the room until he was asleep. If Murray wanted to push Michael OD himself, why would he say he wasn't asleep. In fact, Michael usually was awake and getting ready for the day when Murray claimed Michael begged him for propofol. Now, unless you are going to tell me that Michael reached over and turn up the drip on himself after he woke up and overdose himself, then Michael should not had died of Propofol Intoxication. The amount Murry claimed to have given him would not had caused that.

Murray did push the pill theory. He claimed Michael had a complex medical history and he took things he didn't know about. You see where Murray was heading, even though he didn't bluntly said "he was taking pills" It is called reading between the lines.

As for Murray speaking freely with police, he did freely admit Propofol to them, but he didn't tell the MTs or the hospital staff this. If you are trying to save a man's life, don't you think it is kind of important to tell them all the drugs you gave them. He only told tem about the lorazepam and there were pills bottles of lorazepam next to his bed. However, no pills were found in his body. If he was only given an IV of lorazepam, why were there pills next to the bed?

Btw, we know this because the MTs said so. Given they were actually there, I see no reason for them to lie. Also, the Propofol was hidden in Murray's bag somewhere in the house. If Murray told the MTs what was given Michael that day, don't you think the LAPD would had tore that house up until they found the Propofol? Instead, they came back 2 days later after Murray's interview and found his doctor bag, just where Murray left it.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

The lividity part. IF he had lividity, I question why the paramedics did not call their chief immediately and report this. I understand that Murray was there and he was a doctor but the paramedics would have known something was wrong and are obligated to report this. This isn't a simple matter of "the doctor said we had to". That doesn't fly as I have worked with hundreds of paramedics and one thing these people do is follow the book/rules. They won't take someone to transport from a hospital if the blood pressure is low, not to mention missing without calling 'home' base.

The other part of this that sounds wrong to me is that UCLA worked on him. Lividity is a Dead On Arrival to me. Thats a no work on case and if that is true, why did they? They would have picked up liability. In the ER if they are dead on arrival with lividity this is a no brainer. I question this part as being accurate which makes me think he was really not dead but then again,.....

the police were notified at 1:00 pm , mj was moved to the hospital later , so it seems the paramedics knew there was something really wrong with the whole thing .

They did put in a central line (an IV catheter which is pictured in his neck that does go straight to the heart) and they have intubated him in that 'last photo'. His coloring does not look like a dead man. I have seen many and believe me, Michael looked good there. So, they intubated him and put in a central line and moved him to the hospital and somewhere I read that the ambulance went slowly because they were working on him and somewhere else I read the ambulance sped away. We know it backed up slowly but after that?

My question is simply this. Did they ever get a pulse back? It is possible they did but if he was without oxygen for too long (minutes count) and was he brain dead? It was said that Frank Dileo knew he was already dead because of the nurse at UCLA but they were continuing to work on him?

MJ had vitiligo so no colour , so from the colour of his face you would not have figured anything , and by the way mj was almost a skeleton at the time , in the pic he looked bloated , just my opinion .

Also note this part for accuracy. The very second Michael arrived at UCLA Dr Murray was no longer "the doctor" in charge or had part in anything. He would not have been allowed to 'do' anything as he didn't work there or have priviledges. He would NOT have been asked to do anything (in fact, would have not been allowed) and would NOT have been asked to sign the death certificate (as has been stated) or call time of death.

the search warrant :

COOPER pronounced JACKSON's death at 1426 hours. MURRAY refused to sign the death certificate

true, another indication MJ was already dead when he arrived at the hospital , and they belived he should have signed it himslef since mj died when he was in charge .

why they kept working on him even though he was already dead , becaue he was celebrity , and do you remember the woman that was revived after rigor mortis set in :

Woman comes back to life after rigor mortis sets in
Posted by Mark Frauenfelder, May 23, 2008 12:09 PM | permalink
A West Virgina woman's heart stopped three times and she was brain dead for 17 hours at a hospital. Rigor mortis had set in and the family was discussing donating her organs when she suddenly woke up. She now appears to be in good heath.
[Val] Thomas suffered two heart attacks and had no brain waves for more than 17 hours. At about 1:30 a.m. Saturday, her heart stopped and she had no pulse. A respiratory machine kept her breathing and rigor mortis had set in, doctors said.
"Her skin had already started to harden and her fingers curled. Death had set in," said son Jim Thomas.

They rushed her to a West Virginia hospital. Doctors put Thomas on a special machine which induces hypothermia. The treatment involves lowering the body temperature for up to 24 hours before warming a patient up.

After that procedure, her heart stopped again.

"She had no neurological function," said Dr. Kevin Eggleston.

Her family said goodbye and doctors removed all the tubes.

However, Thomas was kept on a ventilator a little while longer as an organ donor issue was discussed.

Ten minutes later the woman woke up and started talking.

so they just hoped they might be able to revive him .

Some things just are 'assumed' in the story but they are inaccurate as reported by the press, as I have shown that CNN did the Propofol video and it was not the bible on how Propofol is used outside the operating room. This drug CAN be injected with a needle (like a flu shot would be) but it won't keep a person out for long. It was also reported WRONG that they put an IV in his legs. (or tried) WRONG. He had a central line (IV that goes directly into the heart) in his neck. (unless those pictures are wrong....but my gut tells me they are real). You can see this on the left side of his shoulder in the photos.

according to the leaked autopsy , the needle marks were only on his ARMS . they mention a surgery to his knee .
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

As for Murray speaking freely with police, he did freely admit Propofol to them, but he didn't tell the MTs or the hospital staff this. If you are trying to save a man's life, don't you think it is kind of important to tell them all the drugs you gave them. He only told tem about the lorazepam and there were pills bottles of lorazepam next to his bed. However, no pills were found in his body. If he was only given an IV of lorazepam, why were there pills next to the bed?

Btw, we know this because the MTs said so. Given they were actually there, I see no reason for them to lie. Also, the Propofol was hidden in Murray's bag somewhere in the house. If Murray told the MTs what was given Michael that day, don't you think the LAPD would had tore that house up until they found the Propofol? Instead, they came back 2 days later after Murray's interview and found his doctor bag, just where Murray left it.

very true , and keep in mind not only propofol was hidden but also midazolam, lidocaine. basically everything he used when he administered propofol .

a question ? when he was collecting the bottles and hid them in a 'safe' place who was performing CPR on MJ ?
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

I understand Vitiligo and the 'no color' theory. He still had color. It was white, meaning no pigment. He would still have looked gray if he was dead in that photo, bloated or not. Absence of oxygen makes you appear different.

That story of the person who came back to life sounds like straight out of the National Enquirer and not possible. Michael was not found frozen; quite the contrary.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

The search warrant states that on June 25th, approx 8 bottles of Propofol were found along with numerous other vials and pills. Not 3 days later.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

I understand Vitiligo and the 'no color' theory. He still had color. It was white, meaning no pigment. He would still have looked gray if he was dead in that photo, bloated or not. Absence of oxygen makes you appear different.

That story of the person who came back to life sounds like straight out of the National Enquirer and not possible. Michael was not found frozen; quite the contrary.

I have heard of stories of people coming back from the dead after they were declare dead. One person was brain dead for days as the parents decided what do to next, when the he 'brain' woke up and he came back to life. Sure he had some brain damage, but considering I think he came out quite well. This was not the National Enquirer, btw, it was Discovery Channel. There is a thin line between life and death and sometimes you do come back when doctors said it is hopeless. Death is a process, not a moment.

Also, Michael had no color at all. He was pale, not white. Even Oprah noted when you looked at Michael with no make-up, you saw right through his skin and saw his veins. Turning white is a term that people and the media used to describe the process, it is is far more drastic in its advance stage.

Since we only have a single pictures of Michael taken from a window and didn't see it 'live' you cannot say that if he looked dead or alive. Even dead people looked like they are only sleeping when you take a picture of them in a casket. It is not until you see them in that moment with your own eyes that they look dead. Since the MTs saw, touch, work on him, they would know better than any of us if Michael was dead.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

The search warrant states that on June 25th, approx 8 bottles of Propofol were found along with numerous other vials and pills. Not 3 days later.

NOT TRUE , in the search warrant they mentioned all the drugs obtained on june 25 .

and then later they mentioned the bag and what they found in it .

Read the Detective Orlando Martinez' statement of probable cause carefully . He is the one who is responsible for it and no one else .you are referring to a statement by the officer in vegas who based his statements on Martiniez . which were not 100% accurate .

and no it is not the National Enquirer , it was everywhere in the news back then
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Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

The search warrant states that on June 25th, approx 8 bottles of Propofol were found along with numerous other vials and pills. Not 3 days later.

The Propofol was not found until two days later. Why do you think they went back to his house if they collected it already? They went back for Murray's doctor's bag, which was hidden somewhere.

If they knew about Propofol and the other drugs that Murray mentioned in that interview, they would had tore the house up looking for all of them. They wouldn't leave and come back two days later because they forgot something.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

NOT TRUE , in the search warrant they mentioned all the drugs obtained on june 25 .

and then later they mentioned the bag and what they found in it .

Read the Detective Orlando Martinez' statement of probable cause carefully . He is the one who is responsible for it and no one else .

I read it in this copy of the officlal search warrant. "Martinez Stated that on June 25th...." Its there.

I may really BE dumb as a box of rocks but I can read.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

The Propofol was not found until two days later. Why do you think they went back to his house if they collected it already? They went back for Murray's doctor's bag, which was hidden somewhere.

If they knew about Propofol and the other drugs that Murray mentioned in that interview, they would had tore the house up looking for all of them. They wouldn't leave and come back two days later because they forgot something.

Again, read the report I just posted.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

NOT TRUE , in the search warrant they mentioned all the drugs obtained on june 25 .

and then later they mentioned the bag and what they found in it .

Read the Detective Orlando Martinez' statement of probable cause carefully . He is the one who is responsible for it and no one else .you are referring to a statement by the officer in vegas who based his statements on Martiniez . which were not 100% accurate .

and no it is not the National Enquirer , it was everywhere in the news back then

Ok...I see what you mean here but this brings to light the fact that even the search warrants may not be 100% accurate, which makes me question things more that we think are fact may not really be true?

Seems the more I read at times the more questions I come up with.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

Martinez never stated that , so as i said before read what martinez stated and see when he said they found propofol and what drugs they recovered on june 25
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

Martinez never stated that , so as i said before read what martinez stated and see when he said they found propofol and what drugs they recovered on june 25

Did you read the warrant I posted? It said it in there.

This is why there are so many confusing and conflicting facts.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

i read that warrant 100000000000000000 a i know everyword written there , and again Martinez never aid that , they said he said but he did not say that .
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

His license to practice up till now has been clean or we would have known about it by now.
a woman under hiscare died in 07 after he operated on then.

re calling a TOD. reports said they were wiating on katherine to get there and after all this was mj they were probably going on longer because it was him
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

a woman under hiscare died in 07 after he operated on then.

re calling a TOD. reports said they were wiating on katherine to get there and after all this was mj they were probably going on longer because it was him

A woman died under his care? He is a cardiologist and there is nothing abnormal about that.

I'm not sticking up for Murray. Just saying his record has been clean till now.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

i read that warrant 100000000000000000 a i know everyword written there , and again Martinez never aid that , they said he said but he did not say that .

Well, you can understand then why I question even those warrants being 100% factual then. It is a legal document that was executed and it is not correct. This tells me we don't have all the facts straight.

I don't mean to nit pick but thats the fact of the matter.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

A woman died under his care? He is a cardiologist and there is nothing abnormal about that.
she bled to death after an op when he didnt tie something off properly etc. i wouldnt call that normal
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

she bled to death after an op when he didnt tie something off properly etc. i wouldnt call that normal

I worked in a cardiologist unit of a large university hospital that did cardiac catheterizations. Unfortunately, this is one of the things that can happen during this procedure and often it is because a vessel is very weak and when the catheter goes into the vessel the wall ruptures. Before this procedure you sign a consent and it says right on it that this can happen.

You can also die during a colonoscopy or endoscopy.

If it happened only 1 time to him, thats not negligence and yes it is normal. So, no, I would not say he 'killed' someone. It is a risk of the procedure. If it happened many times then I would question his technique.

I always say this but I am NOT sticking up for Murray as much as pointing out that SH*T happens and this is why I don't believe in unnecessary procedures.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

well it aint normal here if u forget to tie something off or do something else wrong that leads to someone dieing.its called medical negligence
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

well it aint normal here if u forget to tie something off or do something else wrong that leads to someone dieing.its called medical negligence

You will just have to trust me here. If it only happened ONCE and he has done these procedures many times (and he has) it is not negligence. You don't 'tie things off' doing a catheterization and families will always blame the doctor if something goes wrong.

It is a FACT. It doesn't matter if the person was an alcoholic for 50 years drinking quarts of vodka a day. If something goes wrong they blame the doctor. Its just how it is.

I'd be first in line to call Murray negligent if I saw that behavior. (I am talking before the MJ thing)
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

well if a doctor does something wrong during an op that leads the patient to bleed to death a few days later than who elses fault is it. i know u work in the medical field so will defend docs but negligence is negligence
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

well if a doctor does something wrong during an op that leads the patient to bleed to death a few days later than who elses fault is it. i know u work in the medical field so will defend docs but negligence is negligence

I am not defending doctors because I work in the medical field. I am stating that things happen because people are sick to begin with and thats the simple fact of having any procedure.

Let me put it this way. Was this a totally healthy patient who just decided to have a procedure on their heart for the heck of it? Likely, they had something wrong with them.

I am saying if he only lost one patient this way and thats all the dirt they can dig up, chances are, he was not a bad doctor. It would have come out all over the news if he was a bad doctor, just as the reports of him having children and not paying for them has.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

u dont seem to be getting what im saying. if a paitent dies because for example the surgeon forgets to tie something off and they bleed to death or leves a swab or instrument inside and that causes someone to die than they are at fault. its irrlevent that the person was having an heart operation cause they needed a bypass. it was negligence that cuased the death and not just the paitent didnt get through the op cause thier heart gave way
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

u dont seem to be getting what im saying. if a paitent dies because for example the surgeon forgets to tie something off and they bleed to death or leves a swab or instrument inside and that causes someone to die than they are at fault. its irrlevent that the person was having an heart operation cause they needed a bypass. it was negligence that cuased the death and not just the paitent didnt get through the op cause thier heart gave way

No. I am not missing what you are saying at all. Perhaps you can post the link to the story so I can read it for myself? All I had seen was one persons family who made these erroneous claims and to me it looked like nothing to get my panties in a wad about. Maybe I didn't read that same article that you did.

I totally agree that if a doctor doesn't tie something off and the person bleeds it is negligence but on the other hand.....he was not a heart surgeon. He is a cardiologist. Does he do heart bypass? He isn't a surgeon.
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

He performed heart surgery before and killed someone
Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

The Lupus also means little to me and I don't know if he had this and why people believe he did. His nanny Grace DID and it was stated in an interview. Just little things that I have learned over my years of working in the medical profession.

Grace didn't have Lupus. Tabloids printed that and then a couple weeks later printed "Actually, it's Jackson that has it" :smilerolleyes:

Chopra, Klein, Faye, Taraborrelli and plenty of others have stated (over the years, seperately) that MJ has had Lupus since the early 80s. You can clearly see the characteristic "butterfly rash" in pictures from that era. Legal documents were also presented during court depositions. The Vitiligo was a direct result of Lupus, as they often go hand-in-hand. He had to take lots of steroids and injections (Prednisone was found in his room) to help combat it and they gave him hell. There are pictures where his hands were swollen like a balloon. The autopsy stated that there was evidence that he had knee surgery and injections to reduce joint inflammation. There also was evidence of arthritis of the spine and fingers, and chronic inflammation of the lungs. "Avoiding sunlight is the primary change to the lifestyle of SLE sufferers, as sunlight is known to exacerbate the disease." - all point to Lupus. He's also been seen at Lupus fundraisers in the past.
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Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge?

Grace does suffer from lupus , see her pics with mj's kids lately in all of them , there are many spots on her hands and feet .
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