The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and Other Theories

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

This is a story of Tom visiting Uri again

This is his (pianogames) forum it's new.
Thanks. I did not know that Tom has another forum and that was with the Uri 2 times. But I wonder: why Uri Geller? :scratch:This guy is very obscure to me and I do not trust him. I have the feeling that Uri was making fun of Tom. :ph34r:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Thanks. I did not know that Tom has another forum and that was with the Uri 2 times. But I wonder: why Uri Geller? :scratch:This guy is very obscure to me and I do not trust him. I have the feeling that Uri was making fun of Tom. :ph34r:

I agree. Uri doesnt know a second about MJ's hoax.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

TIAI Update #4b: 777 + 999 = Greatest Proof Hoax, Not Murder
by TS » Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:11 am
TIAI Update #4b: 777 + 999 = Greatest Proof of Hoax, Not Murder

4-7. The Red Shirt & “777”

A close-up picture of this shirt, with the “777” on it, was the redirect for February 22 (2-22); this was done that day, because 777 + 222 = 999. The following comment (from user ILikeTrains) is very good, and the reason for redirecting to that specific reply: “Anyway, the most amazing thing, I think, about this shirt, is not the fact the 777 is there, it’s the fact it wasn’t there for all of rehearsal. He purposely had someone glue rhinestones on his shirt for it to say 777. He could of had ANYTHING on there. There’s a definite reason for the 777 to be on that shirt ... One of the biggest clues in my book.” {}

In the TII DVD: you can clearly see the red shirt with “777” on it in chapter #13; but in chapter #20, you can clearly see that there is no “777” on the same shirt. So our attention is drawn to the “777” as much or more than the shirt itself.

And this red shirt is so important, that it was in the first photo from TII; it was also in the first video clip released from the TII rehearsals (TDRCAU). And this red shirt can be seen about ten times in the TII movie poster.

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4-8. Numbers 4 Evil & Numbers 4 Good

Just like words, numbers can be used for good or evil. The number 7 is a special number in the Bible, and it often represents completion or perfection (good). Nevertheless, there are times when this number refers to evil—such as the evil beast with “seven heads and ten horns” (Revelation 17:3; etc).

On the other hand, the number 6—and especially 666—is often associated with evil (see Revelation 13:18). Yet even the number 666 is used in the Bible as merely a quantity of children, and not an evil mystical number (see Ezra 2:13).

Therefore, in order to determine whether a number is used for evil or good, we must consider the context and purpose of its usage; basically the same thing that we do to determine whether words are used for evil or good.

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4-9. Why Does 7 Represent Perfection?

God has infinite wisdom, and has reasons for everything He does. Therefore, why does the number 7 represent perfection: was it just a random number, drawn out of a hat—or is there a reason for it?

Man-made things are often based on squares, rectangles, and/or other 90 degree changes in direction (boxes, books, doors, walls, buildings, etc). Things that God made in nature are usually based on circles and curves, but not 90 degree angles (eyes, flowers, fruits, planets, orbits, etc). In fact, when geologists or archaeologists find something that is square or rectangle, they are almost certain that it’s man-made.

A circle is a perfect and complete curve. But what does the number 7 have to do with a circle? Take 7 circles of the same size (like seven identical coins): put one in the centre, and the rest around the centre. You will find that all 7 circles are contacting each other; if you remove 1, or add 1, it will not work. Also, the perimeter of the seven circles is the same shape (circle) as the 7 smaller shapes; so the pattern could be repeated endlessly.

Thus 7 represents God’s complete and perfect system: He is in the centre, and is in direct contact with all 6 around the centre. This system can also be seen in the creation story, as well as the Ten Commandments: there are 6 days for man, and 1 day for God—the 7th (see Genesis 1 & 2; Exodus 20:8-11). In this 7 system, God is the leader.

However, Satan comes along and decides to remove God, then all you have left is 6; and he takes over as the new leader. But he re-arranges the 6 into a pyramid, with him on top and layers below; no longer is everyone in direct contact with the leader. This is also an accurate representation of the people (bottom) being afraid of the government (top). Like the circles, the perimeter is the same shape (triangle) as the 6 smaller shapes.

If you turn the pyramid system upside down, you have a system where the government (bottom) is afraid of the people (top): V for Vendetta. And the 666 has been turned into a 999!

This system is not as good as the first system (7 circles); but it is much better than the 666 system. Nevertheless, the 7 circles system can’t possibly exist as long as there are people who don’t want God (all the circles around the centre have to be in contact with the centre, or else it’s neither perfect nor complete); so we can’t expect that to happen until God sets up His own eternal kingdom (see 4-25). The struggle right now is between the 666 system, the New World Order (NWO)—and the 999 system, where the people control the government (army of LOVE).

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4-10. Rounding: Down, Nearest Whole, and Up

As we will see in detail next (4-11), it was 77 days from the “death” on June 25 to 9-9-09; and it was 7 days from the “burial” to 9-9-09. Although I posted this half of a year ago, almost nobody understood it. So the subject got dropped, even though it is probably the single strongest proof of hoax, not murder; and also it very clearly shows one of the main reasons for the hoax: to turn the 666 NWO upside down, 999!

Since almost nobody understood it, I am redoing it now with a lot more detail. One of the things that was not clear for many, is the Biblical counting system known as “inclusive reckoning”; you must use this system to arrive at 77 days and 7 days to 9-9-09. For example, most people would count September 3 (burial) to September 9 (9-9-09) as 6 days; but with inclusive reckoning, you basically start counting with 1, not 0 (you include the first day in the count).

When I posted this last fall, someone asked: then does 6 equal 7? No; but 6.1 equals 7. You see, inclusive reckoning is merely a system of rounding up to the next whole number (so anything from 1.1 to 1.9 would be rounded up to 2). Today, we usually round to the nearest whole number (1.1 to 1.4 rounded to 1; and 1.5 to 1.9 rounded to 2). And if not the nearest whole, we generally round down (1.1 to 1.9 rounded to 1).

Rounding up was a common system in Bible days, and MJ is very familiar with the Bible. In fact, this system is most well known in reference to the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ!

1 Corinthians 15:3,4, “Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:” (see also Matthew 20:19; Mark 9:31; 10:34; Luke 18:33; 24:7,6; etc).

Jesus died and was buried on Friday (day #1), rested on the Sabbath (day #2), and rose on Sunday (day #3). There are many other Biblical examples of inclusive reckoning (read carefully Luke 13:32; Acts 10:3,9,23,24,30); but I will not take up anymore space here.

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4-11. 77 & 7 Days From the “Death”, & “Burial” to the “Resurrection”

To follow this, you need to understand that the “resurrection” of MJ refers to 9-9-09 (the reasons and evidence for this will be explained later); the resurrection is not the same as when the general public all know that he is alive (bam).

Everyone knows that the “death” was on 6-25-09, and the “burial” was on 9-3-09. Using inclusive reckoning (shown below): it is 77 days from 6-25-09 to 9-9-09, and 7 days from 9-3-09 to 9-9-09.

September 3 = day 1
September 4 = day 2
September 5 = day 3
September 6 = day 4
September 7 = day 5
September 8 = day 6
September 9 = day 7

It would take up too much space here to show the 77 for June 25 to September 9; but you can take any calendar, and count the days starting with “1” on June 25. You don’t even need a 2009 calendar for it to work; you’ll still end up at September 9, it just won’t be 9-9-09. But MJ chose 2009 as the year, because that year would be three 9’s (as well as other reasons).

Full moon came on 7-7 in 2009, the day of the memorial; it was the first time since 1952 that there was a full moon on July 7, and it won’t happen again for decades {}. This is another reason for the fake death being in 2009. Furthermore, full moon came also on September 4 in 2009—just one day after the burial! And if you looked at the moon with the naked eye on September 3 (night of the burial): it looked full. Do you remember seeing the full moon in Thriller—both the original version {, at 2:10}, and also in the TII version {TII DVD, at 59:19, 59:37, etc}?

Speaking of the burial: why was it delayed for sooooooo loooooooooooooong????? Even the memorial on July 7, less than two weeks after the death, seemed like a little long; but why did it take more than TWO MONTHS for the burial? And remember, after waiting forever for the burial, it was finally planned for MJ’s birthday: Saturday, August 29 {}. But then the burial was “pushed to [Monday] August 31, because there are things the family needs to get in order before Michael is laid to rest.” {} What? After more than two months, the family still needed more time??

Then it had to be pushed back again: “... August 31 -- became problematic because of schools re-opening on that day.” {} So they had the burial on Tuesday, September 1? Or Wednesday, September 2? No! I guess school re-opened for three days in a row that year! And if they did not want to do it on a school day at all: then why not Friday evening or Saturday—the previous plan for burial on MJ’s birthday would have been on a Saturday, remember (August 29)?

And if MJ was really dead, but for whatever reason the family wanted his burial to be on a full moon: then why didn’t they have it on Friday, September 4? There is one very clear reason for all of these things: it’s 7 days (inclusive) from 9-3-09 to 9-9-09!

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4-12. Number 9 Represents Regeneration (Resurrection)

Of all the single-digit numbers from 1 to 9, the last one (9) is the only one which is always regenerated. Take 9 and multiply it by another single digit; then take the numbers in the answer, add them together, and you will have 9 again. For example: 9 x 9 = 81 (the digit “9” is gone, it “died”); but then add 8 + 1, and the answer is 9 (the “9” was “resurrected”)! And the same is true for 9 x 8, 7 x 9, 9 x 5, 3 x 9, etc {}.

But this does not work consistently with any of the other single-digit numbers. For example, 5 x 4 = 20; but 2 + 0 is not 5 or 4. Or 8 x 6 = 48; but 4 + 8 = 12 (and 1 + 2 = 3), the answer is neither 8 nor 6. Or 7 x 7 = 49; but 4 + 9 = 13 (and 1 + 3 = 4), not 7. Yes, 3 x 4 = 12; and 1 + 2 = 3. But it doesn’t work with 3 x 5 (15, 1 + 5 = 6); etc. Therefore, more than any other number, the number 9 represents regeneration (or resurrection).

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4-13. MJ “1998” Autographs

Several of MJ’s autographs included the number 1998, three circles, and an arrow {;;}. There is also one autograph, on the Dangerous cover, that is similar—yet it has some kind of formula, or code. Before going into any detail about the meaning of that Dangerous code, let’s look at the other autographs: 1998, three circles, and an arrow.

1998 is an interesting number, that can be divided evenly by only these single-digit numbers: 1998 / 2 = 999; 1998 / 3 = 666; 1998 / 6 = 333; and 1998 / 9 = 222. If you add 222 (that last one) to 777 (red shirt), you have 999. The first one is 999 itself; and the other two added together equal 999 (666 + 333). Also, if you add the first digit (1) to the last three (998), you have 999 (1 + 998 = 999). And if you add all four digits, it reduces to 9 (1 + 9 + 9 + 8 = 27; 2 + 7 = 9). Even if we had nothing else to go by, just the 1998 alone should point us pretty clearly to 9-9-09; but there is far more.

For a code to be of real value, it has to be neither too simple nor too complex. If it is too simple, it would not be hidden (not a code); and if too complex, it will never be understood and therefore useless. MJ could have signed 999; but that would’ve been too simple. Or he could’ve used highly complex trigonometry equations; but very few of his fans would ever understand it, not even if it was explained to them. Therefore, he used a code between those two extremes.

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4-14. The Autograph Code on “Dangerous”

There are several unique things about this Dangerous autograph, different than the other 1998 autographs: #1 the arrow points down, not diagonal or up; #2 there is different symbol which points up (^); #3 there is a division symbol; #4 there is a number 4; #5 the three repeating digits are vertical, not horizontal; #6 at least two of the three repeating digits look more like 6’s than circles.

On the other autographs: the arrow is diagonally upward, and can obviously represent resurrection (on 9-9-09); in this case, the arrow is down and would represent the death. But you also have the resurrection here, with the upward pointing caret (^). However, these symbols are part of the equation, as well: start with the 1998, go down (subtract) by 666 = 1332; then insert this answer (caret means insert) into the last part: 1332 / 4 = 333.

Of what significance is 333? It is the exact number needed to turn the NWO 666 pyramid upside-down; 666 + 333 = 999!!! In fact, that is why the three digits on the dangerous code are vertical, not horizontal; they represent the vertical layering system of the pyramid (666), and then turned upside down (999).

Some have thought that one or more of the vertical digits in the Dangerous autograph are zeros, not sixes; however, the top two digits are much closer to a six than a zero—and even the bottom digit has a small hook if you look carefully. MJ is not careless, and he was not writing sloppy zeros; in fact, notice that if anything, his zeros have a gap on the top—not an overlap and hook. So it’s three sixes, just written so that it would not be very obvious—both because it is a code, and also because 666 might scare some people if they didn’t realize the purpose for it in this context.

Remember also that I explained the meaning of the 1998 and Dangerous autograph before 9-9-09 {}. So I was not merely looking at a past event, and trying to force the code to fit into something that is history (such as some have done). Oh and by the way: this Dangerous autograph redirect was done on 3-3, 2010 (2 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 3); and again, 1998 – 666 = 1332; 1332 / 4 = 333!

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4-15. MJ “Resurrection” Before “Return”

At this point, to understand what did and did not happen on 9-9-09, we need to recognize the difference between the MJ “resurrection” (on 9-9-09), and the MJ “return”—which is now in progress, and will be completed suddenly with the “bam!” (discussed much more below, see 4-39).

In TII, the remake of Thriller has a Black Widow spider pop up in the graveyard; and then afterward it comes out on stage. While on stage, MJ comes out of the spider; so we know that MJ is also represented as being inside the spider, even while it’s still in the graveyard—the graveyard “resurrection” (9-9-09). But you can’t see MJ yet, not until the later phase when the spider comes on stage; only after that, can people actually see him.

By the way: watch TII, and you will see that the death hoax film clip (Gilda remake), comes before the resurrection film clip (Thriller remake). Either this is yet another one of the almost infinite MJ “coincidences”; or else this sequence was planned, because you can’t have a resurrection until after the death!

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4-16. Autopsy Report “9-9-09, Date Finalized”

From TIAI Revealed, clear back in December 2009, I wrote: “... keep watching, we will yet see more developments regarding 9-9-09 and the hoax.” {Part 6; explanation of R26, posted on 12-22-09;}

And then on February 7, just one day before the autopsy report was released to the public, I wrote: “... keep watching for the 9-9-09 update. It will show very strong evidence of the hoax, and against the murder theory—as well as further evidence that TIAI (STUDY) has genuine hoax information (and is not a fake informer).” {}
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

It is theoretically possible that this 9-9-09 date is a coincidence, but not likely for two main reasons. I mentioned the date one day before the report was released. And far more significant, is the resurrection aspect. Imagine if there was a real death, and a real resurrection; you would need a dead body to do an autopsy, so you wouldn’t be doing autopsy work on someone after they were resurrected! So the MJ “resurrection” could only happen once the autopsy was finalized: 9-9-09!

It’s amazing how many were shaken or lost faith over this report—in spite of the fact that the coroner has been part of hoax theories from the beginning: moving body in the helicopter taken to the coroner; coroner van video; Craig Harvey, etc.

Aside from the 9-9-09 resurrection aspect of the coroner’s report, there are numerous other fishy things—too many for me to discuss here. But for those interested: here are links to the report, as well as forum discussion and YouTube videos, all on the autopsy subject

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4-17. “This Is It” Movie Poster on 9-9-09

There were three main steps in the process of revealing this movie to the public: the movie poster, the movie trailer, and the full movie. Let’s look at the timing of all three steps.

Although the poster may have surfaced unofficially a little early: it was not posted on the official MJ website, until Wednesday 9-9-09! {}. And remember, this is the poster with about 10 different red shirt pictures—reminding us of the 777 (77 from death to 9-9-09, and 7 from burial to 9-9-09).

For the sake of publicity, the movie trailer was released at the MTV VMA. The timing here is controlled by MTV, and the VMA has only once been held on a Wednesday September 9 {in 1992,}; so it’s not surprising that the trailer was not released on 9-9-09, or any significant date related to 9-9-09. The tickets did go on sale, though, on 9-27-09 {'s_This_Is_It}; the 27th of course reduces to 9 (2 + 7 = 9).

The movie itself was originally scheduled to open on Friday, October 30; but they moved it to Wednesday, October 28. {} Although movies do open sometimes on a Wednesday, Friday is the more common day {}.

Notice that 9-9-09 was a Wednesday, and the official opening date was on Wednesday (10-28-09)—exactly 7 weeks after 9-9-09!! Also, the movie was originally scheduled to run for only 2 weeks—which would bring it up to 9 weeks from 9-9-09!!! And from the original Thriller: “… see you next Wednesday!” {Thriller video at 3:31,} “The line [‘see you next Wednesday’] is also mentioned in the opening scene for Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ when the police decode a message from Jackson’s werewolf character.” {; also; and}

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4-18. Jermaine and La Toya Supported 9-9-09

Jermaine had his MJ Tribute press conference in London on 9-9-09! {; also, and} London??? Yes, London—exactly where “This Is It” concerts were originally scheduled; and also where the O2 press conference was held on March 5, 2009 {}. However, half of a year later, the MJ Tribute is still listed as “coming soon” {}. So what are the chances that this announcement in London just happened to be on 9-9-09?

In the original set of redirects, R44 was a picture of “99” (on 12-16 & 12-17)—which was 99 days from 9-9-09 (inclusive on the 16th, and standard on the 17th). Two days later, TMZ posted this video of La Toya Jackson Christmas shopping (although posted on the 18th, she did the actual shopping during the “99” redirect). At 0:47, the camera points to a “9.99” price tag for about 5 seconds {}

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4-19. Stock Market Bottom on 3-6: 666!

Several people wondered what the stock market redirects had to do with MJ and the hoax. Some recognized that it had to do with the NWO generating the recession, in order to get the money out of the hands of the general public; and this is true, but that is not the only reason for these redirects.

Those who read TIAI Revealed, Part 9 {}, may have understood at least some of the other reasons for the economy redirects. Very well known, from the book of Revelation, is 666 and the mark of the beast (see Revelation 13 & 14). The mark is related to finances: “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark …” (13:17). Here is another verse, which connects 666 with money: “Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold” (1 Kings 10:14; see 2 Chronicles 9:13).

The USA has the largest economy in the world, and the S&P 500 (not Dow) is “the most reliable measure of the broader market” {}? The S&P 500 hit a low of 666 on 3-6 (three 6’s) {}. This was the bottom point in the worst recession since the great depression; and in fact many people were calling it the verge of financial “Armageddon” (another end-of-the-world term from Revelation).

Was it a coincidence, that the bottom was 666 on 3-6? No, I’m going to show you that it was the hand of God. The devil and the NWO powers were trying to destroy the economy; and God allowed it—that is, until reaching 666, to show that it was the powers of evil doing it (and also to warn about that the mark of the beast). Then God said enough is enough, and stepped in to turn things around.

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4-20 The Idiot-Maker Rally Started on 3-9

It is possible for the devil to work miracles (see Revelation 13:14; 16:14); but in this case it was not Satan who turned the economy around, because he wanted it to get much worse. Also, only God has the power to do genuine healing; if it was the devil that started healing the economy a year ago, it would not be genuine healing—and therefore it wouldn’t last very long, and the economy would end up worse than before the fake healing.

But the improving stock market and general economy has lasted for a whole year now; and it made a lot of economic professionals look like idiots—the “idiot-maker rally” {}.

This is because it looked like a “bear market rally”, or a “dead cat bounce”; and soon the market would fall again, even worse than the March 6 lows. But it never happened. A few economists are still saying that the big collapse is imminent, worse than a year ago; but even though there will be ups and downs, a major collapse won’t happen (not until the real Armageddon)—because it was God who turned the economy around, and when God does something nothing can stop Him!

On October 12, 2009, Aaron Task from the Yahoo Tech Ticker said: “… the speed of the rally is unprecedented. Fifty plus percent in six months has never happened before in US history.” {,PFE,YHOO,HUN,%5EDJI,%5EGSPC,AIG}.

“… Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever … he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings:” (Daniel 2:20,21). God is fully capable of controlling world events. And in this case, the 666 low came on 3-6, which was only one day after the March 5 press conference in London. March 6 was a Friday, so the 7th and 8th were the weekend; but after the low on Friday, Monday March 9 was the start of the fastest six-month rally in US history. And just in case you still think it could’ve been a coincidence: this “resurrection” in the economy, on 3-9-09, was exactly 6 months before the 9-9-09 MJ “resurrection”!

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4-21. 777 + 999 = 1776; Greatest Demonstration for Freedom

Now that we have seen both 777 and 999 used repeatedly in relation to TII, the death, the burial, and the resurrection—let’s examine what happens if we add these numbers: 777 + 999 = 1776! For everyone in the USA, and many around the world, this number is instantly recognized as the year of the US Declaration of Independence: July 4, 1776 {}. Could this have anything to do with the hoax?

Remember the MLK statement in TDRCAU: “In what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom [independence] in the history of our nation [USA].” {} Does this mean that the hoax is mainly for people in the USA, and not around the world? No; MJ merely used things that already existed about the USA (MLK, and July 4) to represent the whole world. He also used London (O2), and V for Vendetta parallels (in London)—but the hoax is not mainly for England.

Speaking of V for Vendetta parallels, that was one of the recent redirects. Both V and MJ spoke in London, with a red curtain background, wearing black, and for the purpose of freedom from corrupt elites in the government, etc.

And did you notice the fireworks in V for Vendetta? Well, you can also see fireworks in the TII DVD—both on stage, just before Light Man, and also projected in the video shown during Light Man {;}. Furthermore, you can see very obvious red, white, and blue on Light Man immediately before the fireworks. Anyone from the USA will instantly know that these colors are unquestionably linked to the fourth of July, known as Independence Day {}.

The fifth of November is basically “Independence Day” in V for Vendetta; and exactly 4 months later, on March 5, MJ had his London press conference. Between the death on June 25, and the memorial on July 7, there is one and only one date that stands out on the American calendar: July 4! This day was also about 4 months after March 5, and about 4 months before November 5. MJ probably would’ve done the London press conference on November 5, except that would’ve been too early—and probably a little too obvious.

We do know that the very last words at the O2 press conference were: “... see you in July!” {} Does this mean that Bamsday is July 4, 2010? Not necessarily; remember, we should not get our hopes up for any specific date. Nevertheless, he was not referring to July 2009—since that was long before 9-9-09, and certainly Bamsday would not be two months before the “resurrection”!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

If the above is real then Michael is simply a genius in every possible way!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

The number theories is pure crazyness.. I dont want to say bad things but cmon...
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Crazy but maybe not. Like I've been saying I'm taking EVERYTHING with a pinch of salt.

I'm not preaching...just putting it out there.

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Crazy but maybe not. Like I've been saying I'm taking EVERYTHING with a pinch of salt.

I'm not preaching...just putting it out there.


I agree heartbreaker.. its not against you :)

Thanks for the BOW transcripts by the way.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

great videos you're making! I love the soundtrack you put on in the intervew with Joe. If this is all a HOAX then it's kinda funny that he's just messing it up like that.. :giggle: I can imagine Michael watching it talking to himself "no no no.. NO he didnt SAY THAT!!.." and then the interview with Jermaine.. Daah.. It's difficult to disappear under these circumstances! :giggle:

hmm.. but IF it's a hoax, which I'm really shure it is'nt, then ain't it the best to let Michael keep his cover? I meen.. The whole world would F* up if he suddenly returned.. Would be cool though..

Nah he's probably long gone :no:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

You must be very careful. There are so many fakes profiles of family members on facebook and twitter. :unsure:
thankyou for your concern, i havn,t sent a request personally,yes there are alot of fake profiles on the web,people have nothing better to do,
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

TIAI Update #4c: 777 + 999 = Greatest Proof of Hoax, Not Murder

4-22. 777 + 333 + 111 = 1221; 777 + 1221 = 1998

We’ve already seen the 777 (red shirt), and the 333 (Dangerous autograph, and FBI files); but where does the 111 come from? In binary (the number system that computers operate on), the number 7 is three bits on: 111 {}. Also, the duration of TII is 111 minutes—both the cinema version {'s_This_Is_It}, and the main movie in the TII DVD (1 hour & 51 minutes = 111 minutes).

So if we add the 777, 333, and 111, the answer is 1221—the same as the 911 phone call, and also the 2012 movie (12-21-12). And just in case anyone is tempted to think that it’s just a coincidence: add 777 to 1221, and we’re right back to 1998!

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4-23. The 911 Call Was at 12:21

Whether you think MJ really died, or it’s all a hoax, everyone recognizes that the whole thing kicked off with a 911 phone call placed at 12:21 PM on 6-25-09. However, all the other timing was planned: death 77 days until 9-9-09; memorial on 7-7 (full moon), and 7 years from will; burial 7 days from 9-9-09 (and essentially full moon), etc. So is it possible that the timing of the 911 call was also planned? Yes, there are several ways to show that 12:21 was planned.

First, the call was received at exactly 12:21, and 4 seconds; you can see this in the centre of the computer screen {;}. You can be sure that emergency facilities have their time very accurate, down to the second. Also, most cell phones today have very accurate time set automatically; so it was easy for the 911 caller to know the exact time.

With most phones, you can preset a speed dial (such as 911) with one button; so it would only take a second or two to place the call. Then the 911 operator would answer immediately, as soon as the call comes through. So if the caller was waiting for the right time to make the call, 12:21—and then pushed the speed dial button—about 4 seconds into the minute is what we would expect, for when the 911 operator would receive the call.

This does not mean that the exact second was planned; it would be difficult to get the call through on a specific second. However, the exact minute was planned; and as soon as the planned minute arrived, the call was placed.

This explains why the 911 call was not made earlier. If it had been a real emergency, obviously there would’ve been no hesitation or waiting until 12:21 to make the call; but since this was all planned, down to the minute, nobody was put in danger by waiting until 12:21 to place the 911 call.

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4-24. Was the “Death” Time (2:26) Also Planned?

Quite obviously, the exact minute of the 911 call was planned. Could it be, then, that the exact minute of the “death” (2:26 PM) was also planned? Once you realize that MJ has been planning this for decades (see 4-27): you should not be too surprised to find that yes, the exact minute of the death was part of the plan (by the way, the redirect about 12:21 and 2:26 was done on 2-26).

We must be careful, however, not to unnaturally force-fit a desired result. For example, we could take 2:26, and divide the last digit (6) by the first digit (2): 6 / 2 = 3; then we could add that answer (3) to the first two digits (2 & 2): 3 + 2 + 2 = 7!

But this type of mathematical gymnastics is merely starting with a desired result (7), and then using whatever methods are necessary—however abnormal—to arrive at the desired destination. In striking contrast: the next paragraph has three very simple and very normal equations, all ending in 7 (777).

First, 12:21 to 2:26 is 2 hours and 5 minutes (on June 25); and 2 + 5 = 7. Second, 1,221 + 226 = 1447; then 1 + 4 + 4 + 7 = 16; and 1 + 6 = 7. Third, add each digit separately, 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 6 = 16; and 1 + 6 = 7. Here again we have 777 (red shirt); and this would not work, unless both times (12:21 & 2:26) were planned to the very minute.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

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4-25. The End of the World Is Good News!

So this whole hoax was kicked off with a 911 call, which represents the NWO (911 terrorism); and it was made at 12:21, which represents the end of the world (12-21-2012). These are two of the main reasons for the hoax. And yes, these are the two main subjects covered in TIAI Revealed {}.

But many are having difficulty accepting these two reasons, especially the end of the world. However, whether or not you believe the end is near, you can’t change the fact that it is part of the hoax and MJ’s message—which can be seen very clearly from the call at 12:21, as well as “Jackson” and the other parallels in the 2012 movie {}.

If we understood that the end of the world is a good thing, it might be easier to accept. “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away [end of the world] … And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain …” (Revelation 21:1,4).

Jehovah’s Witnesses believe in the new earth; MJ is a former Witness, and still holds some of the same beliefs {}. Notice what Rebbie said about the new earth: “I know this is something you [MJ] not only cherished but talked about with others. Then the world will be a paradise, a place free from corruption and poverty.” {page 2,}

The end of the world is only bad news, for those who are not ready. If you don’t want the end of the world to come, maybe you need to take a look at the man in the mirror. God has promised to His faithful: “A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.” (Psalm 91:7).

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4-26. Can a False Alarm Eliminate a Real Danger?

True, there have been many false “end of the world” alarms in the past; but if this alone proves that it’s not the end of the world, then the world will never end. The Bible repeatedly warns about the end of the world; the only question is when. Don’t you think that the devil has caused people to “cry wolf” in the past, so that when the real thing comes people will ignore it (just like the wolf story)?

TIAI Revealed on 12-21-09, especially Part 9, went into a lot of detail about the numerous signs that the end of the world is near—including earthquakes {}. Since that time, there have been two major earthquakes in just two months: in Haiti, and in Chile {;}. Do you suppose that this is just another coincidence, or is it a warning?

Daniel 12:4 says, “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” Never before in history, has there been access to so much knowledge. Only five years ago, YouTube was started {}; now it is a huge source of information for countless people around the world—including hoax believers!

Some are dismissing the end of the world, because many scientists think that nothing will happen at the end of the Mayan calendar. It is true that nothing may happen on the exact day, 12-21-2012 (or even that year); but God can cause the world to end with or without any Mayan calendar (see Revelation 16:17-21; 18:1-24). The History Channel takes the end of the world seriously; maybe we should too {; see also TIAI Update #1,}.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

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4-27. Did MJ Ever Think of a Thriller Sequel?

The original Thriller made all-time records in both the album, and the music video {; also, and}. So do you suppose that during three decades, the thought of a Thriller sequel ever crossed Michael’s mind even once? Don’t you think there is a 1000% chance that MJ thought of a sequel at least one time, and probably hundreds of times?

And if he thought of it, what do you suppose he was thinking? Maybe: how to outdo the biggest music video ever. But that’s not easy; especially not with a sequel. Very rarely do sequels exceed the original. So MJ just gave up on the idea, right? Does that sound like Michael Genius Jackson? Is there perhaps at least a 1% chance that MJ came up with a plan to outdo Thriller??

There is one thing, and only one thing, that could possibly outdo the original Thriller video; you guessed it, a real-life Thriller! Do you honestly think that this thought never once crossed his mind? In fact, the original Thriller went back and forth between reality and illusion several times; and yet, it was actually all just a video—not reality. But is it possible that he ever once thought about bringing it off of the screen, and into our real-life circumstances?

And if he did think of a real-life Thriller: do you suppose that he had the time (about three decades), motivation (especially after the two court cases), money, influence, and intelligence to pull it off?

And if he did plan to do a real-world “death” and “resurrection”: don’t you think that he would plan to do it at a specific time? And what would that time be, if not one that fits so well with 777 & 99-09, etc? He certainly didn’t do any big death hoax before 6-25-09; and if he was planning to do it after 6-25-09, why? Why pass up the perfect timing, and plan it for another time later??

Could it be that 6-25-09 is the date that he planned? And if so, is there a slight chance that he succeeded in his plan?? Or did he just happen to die on the very same day that he was planning a fake death??? And again: just perhaps, did he plan a Thriller sequel that would outdo the original? If so: then perhaps, just maybe; maybe, maybe—“This Is It”!!!

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4-28. MJ Certainly Had Something Big Planned

Is there any evidence that he has been planning this for years, maybe even decades? Yes, there are several things. One of which we already examined, and that is the autographs (1998, Dangerous code, etc). These all indicated at least something major on 9-9-09. The Liberian Girl video, from about twenty years ago, leaves us with a pretty strong feeling that he was already working on this plan back then.

Another thing is the MJ will, dated 7-7-02, exactly 7 years before the memorial {;}. Just a few weeks before, MJ had spoken out and said: “... they never thought, that this performer, myself, would outthink them. ... I promise you, the best is yet to come.” {; and see this similar video, from just one day before the 7-7-02 will:}

What was he referring to? What was his plan (outthinking), and when did he implement it? What was the “best” to come after 2002? And what was the big and “innovating” film “surprises” that he mentioned to Geraldo in 2005 {}? There seems to be no answer to these questions, unless of course the answer is Thriller II (TII). In fact, since MJ did do film clips for TII (Gilda fake death, spider resurrection, etc): then whatever he was planning, we can be quite sure “This Is It”.

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4-29. Hoax Timing, the Bigger Picture

It is quite obvious that the real-life Thriller sequel is exactly what MJ had planned; and he planned the timing—not only a specific day, but even right down to the minute. So now let’s look at the larger picture of the timing—especially since we know that MJ has been planning this for many years.

MJ moved to Bahrain in 2005, and then to Las Vegas in 2007; finally he moved to Holmby Hills in late 2008 (and remained there until he “died”). For several reasons, he wanted to be in the LA area for the death hoax; so that’s why he placed himself there, just at the right time to get things rolling.

Notice the following chronology statements from the TII DVD: “... after a decade’s absence from the stage ...” {introduction}. “About two years ago [2007], we were building a new arena in London [O2]. ... So I pitched Michael two years ago, and I was summarily turned down. I was told, ‘He’s really not ready at this time.’ ... Then, early September of ’08, I got a call from the gentlemen who I work for, and he said Michael was actually ready to come back to work ... this was gonna be his come back to the live stage after 13 years ...” {Randy Phillips; TII DVD, Staging the Return, The Adventure Begins, at 2:35 & 7:35; see also, 2:01}.

According to MTV, the Dome Project (film clips for TII) was completed on 6-9-09; this would be about two weeks before the “death” {}. Amazing that the film portions were conveniently completed, just before he “died”!

“June 24, 2009 ... that last rehearsal day ... the goal had been reached ... We were gonna then pack up everything, put it on a boat, send it to the U.K., to London ... and start dress rehearsals over there. That’s how close we were.” {Travis Payne & Randy Phillips; TII DVD, Staging the Return, Beyond the Show, at 7:00}.

Randy Phillips (the CEO for AEG Live) reported that MJ said the following, after that last rehearsal night: “... thanks for getting me this far, I can take it from here.” {} That was a rather strange thing for MJ to say—strange, that is, unless he was expecting to fake his death on the following day.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

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4-30. Coincidence: Odds of 7 Versus 777

So we have seen that all the times, in relation to the “death” of MJ, were very well planned: the year, the day, and the hour, and even the minute! What is the likelihood that this could’ve all happened by coincidence (plus the many, many other things which aren’t even mentioned here)? True, it’s possible for the timing to be planned, and yet not a hoax plan but rather a murder plan (designed to look like a hoax). In that case, it would not be a coincidence. We’ll look at the murder theory in Update 4d; but for now, we are just examining whether this could all be random coincidences.

For those who are trying to find a specific number, such as “7”: there’s about one chance in ten that any single digit will be 7 by chance, not by plan; so if you are looking through hundreds of numbers, no doubt you will run across many 7’s that are just coincidence. On top of that, if you start doing math with the numbers, you have an even greater likelihood of finding a 7 by chance; like 3 + 4 = 7, or 1 + 6 = 7, or 5 + 2 = 7, etc. So a lot of 7’s could exist quite by chance.

However, it is much less likely that 777 would exist by chance; instead of one chance in ten, this would be one chance in a thousand. Nevertheless, it is quite easy to look around until you find a 7, and then continue looking until you find two more 7’s (three 7’s total), and then stop looking.

For example, you might find a picture with 7 trees in it—then look around and see a driveway that is 7 feet wide; after that you look for something to happen at 7:00, and indeed something happens then (because something always happens). Then you say wow, I found 777! But these three 7’s are essentially unrelated. If the picture had three distinctly separate clusters of trees (not more than three clusters, and not less than three): and each cluster of trees had 7 individual trees, then that would qualify as finding a 777.

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4-31. Any Chance That This Was Just Chance?

In the hoax timing, there is not one but three different SETS of 777; and each set of three 7’s are things very closely related, and have three 7’s, no more and no less. The time of day on the 911 call (12:21) and the death (2:26) had three 7’s; the day of the memorial had three sevens (7 years from will, 7th month of the year, 7th day of the month, all in descending order: year, month, day); and finally 9-9-09 was 77 days from the death, and 7 days from the burial. And all three of these 777’s are in the same general category: time.

What are the odds that these three sets of three 7’s all happened by chance? If a single set is about one chance in a thousand: then three sets would be about one chance in a thousand, times a thousand, times a thousand—or one chance in a billion! Yes, it’s a little less, because some simple math was used on the 12:21 and 2:26.

However, it’s actually far more than one in a billion, once we calculate the odds that the 911 call was made immediately at 12:21—not 30 or 45 seconds later. And then there’s the 1998 autograph, pointing clearly to 999 (9-9-09); also the movie poster on 9-9-09, and several other things (autopsy finalized, etc). And 777 + 999 = 1776; the list could go on and on and on, but we’ll stop here to save space and time.

What are the odds that all of these things happened by coincidence, and were not planned? Quite frankly, at least practically speaking: it is IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!! We can be 100% certain that these things were planned. The only question is whether they were planned by MJ, for a death hoax—or were these things all part of a huge and complex murder conspiracy, designed to look like a death hoax?

TIAI Update #4d is the final part: {}
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

so austin reebies son has sent seeingclues a friends request?,
seeingclues is a well known hoaxer.

You must be very careful. There are so many fakes profiles of family members on facebook and twitter. :unsure:

It looks like it was the real Austin. I have him on Facebook and the screenshot is the same name and photo, without an actual link though idk.

Raffles Van Exel actually follows this 'Seeing Clues' on Twitter. I was surprised when I saw that but maybe he's just interested in what they are saying.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

It looks like it was the real Austin. I have him on Facebook and the screenshot is the same name and photo, without an actual link though idk.

But I think things could be easier. :scratch:For example, twitter when the page is official, appears: "Verified Account". The facebook and other sites could have this feature. (I do not know how these things work).

But still serves as a big alert, because I know there are millions of fakes profiles of the children of Michael and have fans believe they are. :mello:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

This is the real Austin -!/RealAustinBrown?ref=nf

His Facebook account is linked to his Twitter account, and he links to it on his website and myspace so this is 100% real.

He doesn't use it much though. He normally updates his FB status through his Twitter account.

Whether that is the same one as the one who requested 'Seeing Clues' I don't know.
If they had posted the link we'd know.

Yeh... I think FB should do verified accounts. There are lots of fake ones of all the jackson family members.. even of little Blanket and Jermajesty! Jaafar had a real one but it disappeared after the stun gun incident when fans decided to tell him what they thought of him. The Jaafar accounts that are there now aren't real.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

If this all is BS, BoW is causing a really big emotional damage to everyone who blindly believes her...Omg, I can't even think about the results to them who don't take her messages with a pinch of salt... :no: Although I like to read her messages, I don't trust her.


errmm just as I was going to forget about this stuff and leave the hoax theories behind :/


Uri Gellar at his home in Sonning with Woodley teenager Tom Pickering

Is Michael Jackson still alive?

By Natalie Slater
March 10, 2010

A Woodley teenager who is convinced Michael Jackson is still alive has quizzed spoon-bender Uri Geller about his theory.
Sixteen-year-old Tom Pickering has documented his conspiracy theory on YouTube gathering a massive following and has even persuaded Uri his old friend MJ might still be alive.
Uri invited Tom to his Sonning home to discuss the theory and has admitted there is some ‘compelling evidence’ to suggest the King of Pop did not actually die.
Standing on the exact spot where the music legend stood for the renewal of Uri’s wedding vows in 2001, Uri said: “I am 99.5 per cent sure he is dead, but there is that slim chance.”
Tom, a former Waingels School pupil who is currently working as a volunteer for Age Concern, first had his suspicions aroused when he heard the King of Pop had died from a cardiac arrest but had been showing a “weak pulse”.
He said: “It didn’t seem to add up because that is not the kind of thing you associate with a cardiac arrest and when I started to look into it, there were other people thinking the same thing.
“I was never a huge fan of Michael Jackson although I always appreciated his music but the circumstances surrounding his death seem too suspicious.
“If you listen to This Is It backwards, it refers to how he wants to leave the world but he is still alive. It is a clear message.
“On the day he died, LAX airport was closed for some reason and only one flight left to Mexico and there is no information on that flight or where it landed so maybe he is in Mexico, or maybe he is in Las Vegas or maybe he is in the UK somewhere.
“I know people may think my theory is a bit crazy but the videos I have made have collected a total of one million views and I am getting 100 to 150 emails a day in support of the theory.
“My parents were a bit sceptical at first but I have managed to convince them, and my brother and sister and we now all think that he is still alive and has just escaped to get away from the media.”
Tom’s videos pick out a character standing around when the ambulance is reportedly taking away Michael Jackson’s body. He claims this loiterer is the legend himself.
Known as PianoGames on the internet video site, he has been interviewed on American radio over his theories and is continuing to make new videos as more evidence emerges.
Uri said: “Tom has some very interesting viewpoints and some of the evidence is very compelling but there are always conspiracy theories around legends like Michael.
“If he is still alive, he knows that we will always be friends and he is always welcome at my home if he wanted. We may not have been in contact too much before he died but I was really touched to hear Michael had tried to contact me just before he died but I was away travelling and never managed to get back to him.”
To consider Tom’s theories for yourself visit
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

errmm just as I was going to forget about this :/
lol! Yes....

“If he is still alive, he knows that we will always be friends and he is always welcome at my home if he wanted. We may not have been in contact too much before he died but I was really touched to hear Michael had tried to contact me just before he died but I was away travelling and never managed to get back to him.”

I believe that Uri Geller was the last person on earth that Michael would ask for help. :bugeyed
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

i mean just as I was going to forget about this stuff and leave the hoax theories behind out pops uri geller with this..its just like whaat. he shouldn't be giving any credibility to this really. the public (not fans) see him as a friend of mj.. for him to be saying this isn't right.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Anything to do with Uri Geller I'll take as 100% BS, he should just get back to bending his spoons.

"I was really touched to hear Michael had tried to contact me just before he died"

Probably to tell him he's not invited to the concerts and not to waste his petrol. :giggle: