The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and Other Theories

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Then ALL TV channels would air it LIVE. ALL TV CHANNELS. HDHDHDHDHD. Imagine this, it must be the best way to appear.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Alright everyone so I have just finished reading Pearl Jr.'s book Pseudocide, and as promised I will give you a full review of the book.

Thanks for the review.. but one thing, did she gather these facts by searching through different hoaxsites and youtube? I mean, we already knew 99% of the stuff she has written in her book. What kind of research did she do? The hoaxers have already done the hard work and she just got all the information on a silverplate it seems.. LOL
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

She credits 270 fans for the work so yeah basically we did all the work, and she gets paid for it ;)
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Thanks for the review.. but one thing, did she gather these facts by searching through different hoaxsites and youtube? I mean, we already knew 99% of the stuff she has written in her book. What kind of research did she do? The hoaxers have already done the hard work and she just got all the information on a silverplate it seems.. LOL

Yes, that's true...I'm in the middle of reading it now, but there are quite a few things I didn't know....which of course, could mean I haven't seen all the hoax videos yet....I know I haven't...but what's nice about this is its all put together in one place :D
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Alright everyone so I have just finished reading Pearl Jr.'s book Pseudocide, and as promised I will give you a full review of the book. The first Chapter "My Finale with Michael Jackson" she explains her ties to MJ and the family. She has been very close to MJ but I don't think she ever got the chance to actually meet him or talk to him, just see him. She got close to them because of her sincere coverage of the 03 trial. She was one of the few journalists out there that showed us, the people, what was really going on inside the court rooms and not just what they wanted to tell us. Since then she has kept ties with Joe and some of J Bros and she also personally knows T-Mez and MJ's "manager" Raymone. So anyway she just talks about the way she became close to MJ's circle. The book is very simply written and isn't very formal, which i kinda liked because it was like reading a blog or something. Anyway the next chapter "Events Surrounding D-Day" How she got to the house and the paparazzi and ambulance were already there. Who can forget Ben?? The guy who took the last pic of MJ the Co-owner of NPG National Photo Group. The only guy that can get pics of Murray. So anyway she says the security was being really slow and ambulance backing out and all. Same things we saw. She says a black SUV came in behind the ambulance but did not follow it to the hospital. Maybe MJ was in it? The next bit is very interesting and could be the reason behind all this. In 2006 she saw a petition online for MJ to be killed. She said she immediately contacted the FBI and told them about it as well as Joe. Then she talks about how the media was saying MJ was dying throughout 07 and 08 with lung failing, him being in a wheel chair and so on. We've all seen those stories. She thinks that FBI started protecting him back then maybe. So she mentions something I haven't heard before, that on Dec 25, 2008 6 months exactly before June 25, there was a DJ in New Mexico that announced MJ died of a drug overdose, but then it was found out to be a hoax. Here's the link she then talks about all news stories like the Sun predicting MJ will die in 6 months. Very interesting stuff. She talks about Murray and his mysterious name and identity connecting to his ex-wife and his "sister" which is really a circus Susan Rush. Then she talks about the family's weird sense of grieving--that really wasn't any. Then she talks about Marlon Brando subleased his Tahitian island Tetiaroa to MJ in 2003. Pearl thinks that MJ might very well be there. The only person that lives there is Brando's son so it would be totally private. Plus the island hasn't yet been named--"A Place With No Name" was leaked in July--coincidence? Theres a whole chapter "Elvis Connection" talking about similarities in deaths. They both had come back tours, and ready to start over again and promoting themselves and just before the come back, unexpected deaths that raise very curious questions. Elvis was first buried at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Tennessee, but then was moved to Graceland when zoning issues were taken care of. That is the same reason MJ wasnt allowed to be buried in Neverland (if the family would have chosen that place). The problem with MJ's middle name was also apparent in Elvis's death. His real middle name was Aron but in death documents it is Aaron. Pearl mentioned in her book that a friend of hers had a conversation with Katherine and Katherine confirmed that MJ's middle name is JOE. The paramedics that came to save MJ and Elvis never even realized who they were working on. 2 of the most famous people to every walk on this earth, and no one recognized them??? MJ had to be ID'd with his Drivers License that he conveniently had while naked, first of all, and second his name on that DL is Michael Joe Jackson, so why not have that name on the Death Certificate and Autopsy, it is after all the name that they identified him with. Right? Both MJ and Elvis had just gone through their "Lloyds of London Insurance" physicals and passed with flying colors. No drugs detected or any other heart problems that both singers were said to have died from. Both MJ and Elvis fired a lot of people from their entourage right before dying too. I dont know what that is all about. She also brought up a good point about the drugs that MJ had in his room after June 25, she said if he was a drug addict, then the police would have found much higher quantities of the meds MJ was on and not just enough dosage for a week or so. If he was infact a drug addict that couldnt go on without his drugs, then he wouldnt allow himself to be so close to running out. She also brings up the point that MJ did once have a drug problem, we all know that, in the 1990's but we also know that he kicked it and never looked back. She says if MJ was back on drugs for whatever reason, Tom Sneddon would have found that out in his raid through Neverland in 03. But he didnt find anything that lead to that because if he did find just a small amount of prescription drugs in MJ's possession, he would have killed to make that stand in court so that he would ONE thing against MJ. but there was nothing of that sort. The next chapter she talks about legal forms and wrong names. She believes the 02 Will is a fake and that signature used on it is the same one found on Wikipedia page. It really does look identical to it which impossible to sign the same signature twice. She says the kids' birth certificates are not the real ones and that they are incomplete, so they are probably just the versions that are released to the public the real ones are locked up somewhere. On Prince's certificate only MJ signed it, not Debbie, Paris's Debbie signed not MJ, and Blanket's doesn't have a mother on it (idk if they usually put surrogates names but thats what she said) and none of the certificates have the kids' race written on them. Which explains why Joseph not Joe is written on their certificates, because those are not the official ones? idk maybe. Also she talks about the autopsy and how it is written so badly and could be written about a whole other person that is not MJ because of how misleading it is. But we already know all about that. She mentions TMZ and all their articles and wordings and what not and believes they know something as well. Or atleast Harvery does. She talks about the Coke connection and how they had a whole article about it and then posted pics of Murray with his lawyer walking in the street with the Coke umbrella behind them. I never knew this, but this pic was also taken by Ben of NPG. I was shocked. It says so under the pic, it says NPG. Then the "This Is It" chapter. She starts by saying TII was a weird name because thats something people say when something is ending. She says MJ always knew about the dates. He knew from the beginning that he would start with 10 shows to test the waters and then do more after tickets were sold. The contract with AEG says 31 shows or more, and no less than 18 shows. Thats what MJ said to Christian Audiger he said im gonna be in london for ten shows (3 months) but maybe longer and that is what Christian leaked at his party that night to everyone. Btw did u know AEG owns Staples? Where TII was made and where the Memorial took place. And Randy Phillips is the largest owner of Movie Theaters in the world? She noticed that TII was obviously made to be a Film not a concert and she focused on that a lot with all the registry information we've seen on here that say the footage was meant to be a Motion Picture since the beginning. "Personal use for MJ's library" is what we heard. They even claimed that there were only 2 cameras present at rehearsal totaling at only $6000 for both. The Red Camera MJ and Kenny are standing behind in the promo pic costs about $18,000. She also talks about how the whole concert MJ is wearing basically one or two outfits but just changing jackets in between songs. After this she talks about MJ and his disguises and how he always wanted to get away from everything. Dave Dave, green man WATW 25, and hat man at funeral were some of the possible disguises that were mentioned. She talked about the memorial and how it was somewhat weird with the liberian girl pics, and stuff. But nothing that we haven't covered. I think that's all. She believes he's alive and will come back, otherwise there wouldn't be a reason for all this clues and inconsistencies. Her personal guess is Valentines 2011, because of the whole L.O.V.E. theme in TII and the signature on the pic MJ hand wrote on the TII promo pic (with RED camera). Alright that's all the info basically. I don't think I missed anything pertaining to the hoax.
Wow, the book is little, you read so fast! lol! :wild: Thanks for your resume. :)

I do not remember this 2006 petition, this petition exists? :scratch: Jesus, how awful, Michael went through so much. Sad. :( :cry:

Return on Valentine's Day in 2011? :unsure: That promo picture TII (with camera red) seems to be fake, I do not believe it's real. I really did not understand that and I do not understand why people cling to dates and numbers. :scratch: :sigh: I believe that if something happens, it will be unannounced, will happen unexpectedly. :coffee:



Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Thanks for the review.. but one thing, did she gather these facts by searching through different hoaxsites and youtube? I mean, we already knew 99% of the stuff she has written in her book. What kind of research did she do? The hoaxers have already done the hard work and she just got all the information on a silverplate it seems.. LOL

Yup, thats exactly what it was. I knew that before buying the book though and was contemplating whether to get it or not, because I was basically paying for the work that you an I have done (the fans). But still I wanted to get it of course because it had MJ's name on it and I really wanted to know how someone outside our hoax forums thinks about all of our research. It's a very different point of view when you read it. But there wasnt any new info really other than the stuff I said in the summary. Let me know if you have any other questions :)

Thanks for sharing the things you read in the book!

No problem :dont_mention_it:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

She credits 270 fans for the work so yeah basically we did all the work, and she gets paid for it ;)

Gee, at least she could have spelled MeserEau right, was misspelled at least once. Copy and paste surely cannot be that difficult.

I enjoyed her a lot more though previously, her "MJinsider" narration was a blast. "Hmmmmmm, here he is with his hands in his pocket, hmmmmmmmmm, so manly, hmmmmmmmmmmmm." :D
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I always wonder how hoaxers could explain such things ,for example-both Karen Faye and Michael Bush told that they helped to prepare Michael body etc. they obviously were veru emotional and upset.I know Karen showed her real face and enormous ego and I despice her for many things she done/said during these months but how you can explain if its really hoax her involment,her confirming many times that she made last make-up?More over there was video(the link below was posted at July 20o9, now I cannot find this video by this link,by by old comments of fans I learned that it was video of Karen and Bush going to Forest Lawn back then at 6th July probably and Karen was seen crying at this video,so it like material proof tha they indeed were at foreset lawn that day and were deeply upset
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I had not realized this, Janet's dancers were wearing masks:



Maybe it was a reference to Michael. (?)

I always wonder how hoaxers could explain such things ,for example-both Karen Faye and Michael Bush told that they helped to prepare Michael body etc. they obviously were veru emotional and upset.I know Karen showed her real face and enormous ego and I despice her for many things she done/said during these months but how you can explain if its really hoax her involment,her confirming many times that she made last make-up?More over there was video(the link below was posted at July 20o9, now I cannot find this video by this link,by by old comments of fans I learned that it was video of Karen and Bush going to Forest Lawn back then at 6th July probably and Karen was seen crying at this video,so it like material proof tha they indeed were at foreset lawn that day and were deeply upset
I think you should not lend credibility to what Karen Faye says. She was having a very strange behavior and saying unpleasant things. I do not believe 100% in the things she says. Now, she goes quiet. :unsure:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I always wonder how hoaxers could explain such things ,for example-both Karen Faye and Michael Bush told that they helped to prepare Michael body etc. they obviously were veru emotional and upset.I know Karen showed her real face and enormous ego and I despice her for many things she done/said during these months but how you can explain if its really hoax her involment,her confirming many times that she made last make-up?More over there was video(the link below was posted at July 20o9, now I cannot find this video by this link,by by old comments of fans I learned that it was video of Karen and Bush going to Forest Lawn back then at 6th July probably and Karen was seen crying at this video,so it like material proof tha they indeed were at foreset lawn that day and were deeply upset

Karen isnt as innocent as you may think.

Karen has lied MANY times in the last 11 months, she's sold personal pics of MJs tomb to TMZ, she started a story that her and LMP had a seance for MJ and they spoke to MJ (The Sun ran the story and KF removed her commetns from FB) and she has been ticking fans off left right and centre.

However, Karen Faye has been in MJ's life since his vitiligo started.

And Michael Bush also has been touring with Michael for decades. He obviously trusts them.

I wouldnt put it past Karen to say she MJ's make up.

What's odd about that though is that when she claims to have done his make up and he looked really good etc was months after MJ died.

Anna-Nicole Smiths family wanted an open casket at her funeral. The coroner had told the judge that they better hurry up because her skin had started dropping off her bones already after one week.

So imagine how Michael would have looked after 2 months! :bugeyed
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

no she is not quite she posting on twitter her BS
BUT... I mean-ethical side of question-exist video where she is cryingwalking to Forest Lawn before or after she did last make -up to her boss and as she claims best freind
how one can explain such things?also ACTING,like hoaxers explain it about kids
or mother at memorial/burial-isn't it highest form of cynizm?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I always wonder how hoaxers could explain such things ,for example-both Karen Faye and Michael Bush told that they helped to prepare Michael body etc. they obviously were veru emotional and upset.I know Karen showed her real face and enormous ego and I despice her for many things she done/said during these months but how you can explain if its really hoax her involment,her confirming many times that she made last make-up?More over there was video(the link below was posted at July 20o9, now I cannot find this video by this link,by by old comments of fans I learned that it was video of Karen and Bush going to Forest Lawn back then at 6th July probably and Karen was seen crying at this video,so it like material proof tha they indeed were at foreset lawn that day and were deeply upset

Im sorry but why would she apply make up on a corpse that was still not complete yet (i believe they said that a part of the brain was still not returned to the family) could you imagine how hard it is to do such a thing? and for what? There was never an open casket. I dont think the family even got to see him. I dont mean immediate family but other relatives. Just sayin'.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

@ArabianGirl Joe on Larry King Live said that there have been a private viewing of the body (one day before the public memorial I think) but he didn't go because he didn't want to remember Michael in that way.

and yes there was a video and pictures of Karen and M.Bush leaving Forest Lawn and she rejects all the hoax theories. there have been some times she has been quite open (graphic) on twitter.

I'll agree that K.Faye is not the most credible person but how about M.Bush? He has been with MJ for a long time and never been fired.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I highly doubt Michael would disguise himself as a dancer on national television, American Idol nonetheless.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I highly doubt Michael would disguise himself as a dancer on national television, American Idol nonetheless.

thank you...this is a post with some sense..:clapping::clapping:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I highly doubt Michael would disguise himself as a dancer on national television, American Idol nonetheless.
That was me? why I posted the pictures of masked dancers? :unsure: :scratch:

I did not say that Michael was there disguised as a dancer. lol! :mello:

Maybe Janet made reference to Michael and a little tribute. :yes:

I agree with you that Michael would never do that and it also serves about Michael having gone disguised Dave Dave on Larry King. -_-
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

What is up with Randy's interview in which he talks about the Mausoleum thing ? He looked like he was afraid to say something, thinking and building his sentences carefully. One step forward, two steps backwards, then one baby step forward etc, etc, etc.........

I do not mean to disrespect Randy or his family, but maybe it would help some ppl if someone from the family discussed the hoax and made it clear that mj's gone instead of letting some ppl believe mj might still be around as it will hurt more ppl in the long run when they find out he's actually really dead.
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Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

What is up with Randy's interview in which he talks about the Mausoleum thing ? He looked like he was afraid to say something, thinking and building his sentences carefully. One step forward, two steps backwards, then one baby step forward etc, etc, etc.........

I do not mean to disrespect Randy or his family, but maybe it would help some ppl if someone from the family discussed the hoax and made it clear that mj's gone instead of letting some ppl believe mj might still be around as it will hurt more ppl in the long run when they find out he's actually really dead.

I'll post the interview here:

Randy was interviewed while at the Los Angeles Children's on May 21, 2010.

Interviewer: Tell me the recent thing right now with the mausoleum, and clear up

Randy: (interrupts) Recent thing about what?

Interviewer: The recent thing about, you know, saying that you what legions fans to go.

Randy: (interrupts) Oh that tweet

Interviewer: Clear that up. Tell me what's the real story?

Randy: Ok, um, first of all, first of all, um, I wanted to, I was supposed to meet with Forest Lawn today and I didn't because I'm here at the Children's Hospital. And so I'll probably meet with them next week. But I wanted to do whatever I can, could to, um, just get the kids a little bit closer, not actually inside the mausoleum, cause I understand there are rules, and um, and restrictions, and I respect that. And we have been in touch with the directors of Forest Lawn, and they weren't upset about anything and they haven't heard from the Gable Family,so I don't understand where that came from. But they were fine with everything. As to the fans getting beyond the gates, I don't know about that yet. But I'm going to have that discussion with them to try and get them as close as possible cause I know my brother loved his fans and I love our fans too. So no, one one's upset. I don't know where that rumor started, but I heard that certain families with their loved ones in the mausoleum they were upset about what I'd twittered. But I have no heard that from Forest Lawn so that's what counts to me.

Interviewer: Now some pictures have gotten out from inside, and I think you're upset about that. Tell me why and what you're going to do about that.

Randy: Well, um, some photographs got out, and I always get a little upset, maybe I shouldn't. Some photographs got out of, um, the flower arrangement around my brother, where he's laying to rest and I was destroyed that that happened because we don't allow cameras inside the mausoleum so how that happened I don't know how. But I am disturbed about it, so I will meet and find out how that happened.

Interviewer: As far as the flowers with Lisa Marie. How did that touch your heart, knowing that she went and, you know, orchestrated this sunflower garden to be around your brother's mausoleum area?

Randy: She's a sweetheart, she's a wonderful person. And I just told her to arrange it the way you like, and so she did and it's beautiful.

Interviewer: And the 25th, tell me the significance of June 25th to have the fans get closer to your brother?

Randy: Well, of course it's an emotional day for us, the family, but also the fans too, you know, they've been just wonderful. So I wanna do whatever I can to accommodate them on that day.

Interviewer: Cause it's the one year anniversary.

Randy: Yes, one year, yes.

Interviewer: And what is the family doing, another special to commemorate his memory?

Randy: Um, I don't like to tell you. Just joking. Of course we're gonna be there. We'll probably break bread somewhere and talk, listen to his music, I don't know something family oriented.

Interviewer: And finally the year. How has it been for you? It's almost been one year, emotionally?

Randy: You know, it's like, it's up and down for me. Some days I have good days some days I have bad days. Some days I miss him terribly. Of course, all the time. In the beginning because I was organizing everything for the family it really hadn't hit me. But after I sat down it just hit me like a ton of bricks. It's something that shouldn't have happened. And it's such a sad situation.

Interviewer: And all the lies coming out must just so annoy you.

Randy: No, I try not to watch television. I try not to read too much of the newspapers, because I always see things that break my heart. But I hear about them sometimes and it's just crazy. What people write, what people say is unnecessary, it really is. We are humans. We are family. Yes we are a famous family, but we are a family, and we are effected by those things, and people need to know that.

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Thanks a lot ArabianGirl for taking the time to write this. Interesting facts, some unclear, but who knows... Dead or alive , Michael Jackson = MYSTERY.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

btw ... Randy's twitches ? Omg.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

@ArabianGirl Joe on Larry King Live said that there have been a private viewing of the body (one day before the public memorial I think) but he didn't go because he didn't want to remember Michael in that way.
Yes I watched the live stream when the family went to FL the night before (LaToya and Randy arrived first) the memorial.

However they could have just been getting ready for the next day's festivities for all we know.
and yes there was a video and pictures of Karen and M.Bush leaving Forest Lawn and she rejects all the hoax theories. there have been some times she has been quite open (graphic) on twitter.
Well if Karen knew about the hoax, she's not exactly going to say yes he is alive!

To me Karen's behaviour is that she knows something hence her "graphic" comments.

Plus alot of what she says is not consistant.
I'll agree that K.Faye is not the most credible person but how about M.Bush? He has been with MJ for a long time and never been fired.

Who better to trust than a long time friend? ;)
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

That was me? why I posted the pictures of masked dancers? :unsure: :scratch:

I did not say that Michael was there disguised as a dancer. lol! :mello:

Maybe Janet made reference to Michael and a little tribute. :yes:

I agree with you that Michael would never do that and it also serves about Michael having gone disguised Dave Dave on Larry King. -_-

No worries, my comment was directed toward Jonflip on the last page.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Thanks a lot ArabianGirl for taking the time to write this. Interesting facts, some unclear, but who knows... Dead or alive , Michael Jackson = MYSTERY.

No prob ;)
You want me to clarify something that I said? Sorry there was much to say I couldnt make the post TOOOOOOOOOOO long! haha!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

OMG his voice worries me so much! He sounds so scared. Tell me MJ-the genius was feeling this and he just let it go and decided to go on tour. Why the efffff would he do that?? That man had a plan. I dont believe anything less, he would NOT just sit and take the back seat and leave himself and children in danger. No WAY!
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

OMG his voice worries me so much! He sounds so scared. Tell me MJ-the genius was feeling this and he just let it go and decided to go on tour. Why the efffff would he do that?? That man had a plan. I dont believe anything less, he would NOT just sit and take the back seat and leave himself and children in danger. No WAY!

...i's hard to hear him like that....he did sound very scared, and alone :(...I agree with you...he had a plan ...
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Again..... Tell me this man did NOT have a plan... This speech was given 06/15/2002.. Obviously the man is thinking of a plan right? What does he do less than a month later?? Sign his "will" 07/07/2002.."Now I believe in miracles, and a miracle has happened tonight" not I believe in coincidence! lol!! Take it for what it is!
