The Gay Gene Debate

nooo it wasn't sarcasm :) sorry I was just curious to your comments but I left my post short (too many things at once)

But I do know what you're referring to and I'm not sure how that all comes about though. :lol:
I wonder if the indecent acts were actually indecent acts, and I wonder if it had of been between a man and a wife would they have just been given a fine? :scratch:
no, it's definitely a prejudiced stance against homosexuals. and it's a shame to see it in Dubai of all Arab places.

unfortunately along with some of the great values Islam/traditional Arab and Persian cultures portray, it's also infected heavily with backward and socially-retarded ideals. the unmatched strong influence of Islam is what's stopping such states from progressing as they were once centers of civilisation.
Well Being Gay myself i do think there is such a thing as a Gay Gene because i have a younger brother who likes the ladies and me finding them sexualy unattractive (no offence intended girls) but i find it intresting that me being the first Son ends up being Gay and my Brother ends up Straight so i do think the Gay Gene exicts.
Well, there's a cultural clash in Dubai. You have conservative rulers with a large amount of tourists and non-Muslims. But, it's a Muslim nation... the call to prayer goes off every morning. In an Islamic nation, you have Islamic traditions. Being gay is sin, you go to hell for it. No more and no less.

Regardless of where you're from, you have to respect the country and it's people. You know it's haraam/sin in that nation, so don't do it. For lack of a better example, it's like me going to India and spitting on the statue of the Buddha. It goes against everything the majority of the citizens stand for.
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I have to agree with Browneyedgirl on this one. When you step into a different country, you have to 'obey' the rules and culture of that particular country unless if you are asking for trouble for free. Regarding to those girls captured in Dubai, they should have think twice on what to do in the public - especially since Dubai is an Islamic country.

Now we have gay tourists in Malaysia as well. But they know how to act in the public as Malaysia is an Islamic country (not conservative but still).

Regarding to Dubai, yes they are constructing the most modern and jaw dropping facilities as well as sky scrappers. But I doubt they can go further to be a powerful international hub for tourism. Yes they have potential to be an Islamic tourism and economy hub focusing on Islamic market but not as a wide international tourism hub.

unfortunately along with some of the great values Islam/traditional Arab and Persian cultures portray, it's also infected heavily with backward and socially-retarded ideals. the unmatched strong influence of Islam is what's stopping such states from progressing as they were once centers of civilisation.
Ouch. But I have to agree.

Regarding to homosexuality is a sin, I have made up my mind. I'm gay and if homosexuality is a sin, you should punish God as well for creating that passion and instinct to begin with. Just to be fair and democratic.
yes but it's "obeying" and not respecting these rules. people need to speak out and/or act, and had those two chicks not stuck their tongues down each other's throats, while probably gently caressing one another's sensual curves,,,, then we wouldn't be here highlighting what should be a bigger issue than just "obeying" prejudice.
I'm gay and if homosexuality is a sin, you should punish God as well for creating that passion and instinct to begin with. Just to be fair and democratic.

:lol: But true :flowers:

I normally would find it improper for any couple, be it straight or gay, to expose too much affection to one another in a public place like that. I consider such things private and not an object out of which you can make a show.

But jail sounds exaggerated to me :doh:

And in this case, I'm pretty sure the problem wasn't the indecent behaviour, but the indecent lesbian behaviour (that is, assuming it really was indecent) I don't think the reaction would have been the same if we were talking about a straight couple.

It's true that they should have known what to expect, since they were in a Muslim country, but I can't help wondering - if it is a sin to be gay, shouldn't God be the one to punish you, and not the legal system? Cause in the end, you are only harming yourself and no one else (I'm saying it in the sense that it's not like killing another person) If those 2 weren't Muslim and maybe had no religion at all, it only makes sense that they had nothing to fear or feel guilty of.

I, personally, respect the rules of a place/person I am visiting, but sexual orientation is simply a private matter, I really don't understand why it would have anything to do with the law :scratch:

I'm not defending them, since like I said, I don't think people should manifest themselves like that (whatever "that" is) at all; but this is only about prejudice, and jail is simply too much.
:lol: But true :flowers:

I normally would find it improper for any couple, be it straight or gay, to expose too much affection to one another in a public place like that. I consider such things private and not an object out of which you can make a show.

But jail sounds exaggerated to me :doh:

And in this case, I'm pretty sure the problem wasn't the indecent behaviour, but the indecent lesbian behaviour (that is, assuming it really was indecent) I don't think the reaction would have been the same if we were talking about a straight couple.

It's true that they should have known what to expect, since they were in a Muslim country, but I can't help wondering - if it is a sin to be gay, shouldn't God be the one to punish you, and not the legal system? Cause in the end, you are only harming yourself and no one else (I'm saying it in the sense that it's not like killing another person) If those 2 weren't Muslim and maybe had no religion at all, it only makes sense that they had nothing to fear or feel guilty of.

I, personally, respect the rules of a place/person I am visiting, but sexual orientation is simply a private matter, I really don't understand why it would have anything to do with the law :scratch:

I'm not defending them, since like I said, I don't think people should manifest themselves like that (whatever "that" is) at all; but this is only about prejudice, and jail is simply too much.

Yes, I understand jail sounds over the top. But we're talking about an Islamic country here. I know Dubai sounds less conservative emirate compared to the other emirates. But they are really, really tight actually. My family used to live in Dubai for a long time.

Not just homosexual couple can be jailed in Dubai. Non married heterosexual couple also face punishment from the Dubai government (if they were found smooching etc). Kissing in public may get a person imprisoned and then deported. But yes, I do agree that homosexuality will get extra heavier punishment.

In Dubai serious crimes like murder, treason and rape, may attract the death penalty. When I say rape, I don't mean only the rapist but also the victim can be punished. Worse if the victim happens to be gay. So yes I do agree that there is a prejudice towards gay folks.

There is a freedom of speech through the naked eyes but limited deep within. Just like my own country.

The problem is not just due to the laws set by the government. But also the laws and prejudgment set in the public mind.

Hence whether we like it or not, always think twice with our act when we are in Islamic country.
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Yes, I understand jail sounds over the top. But we're talking about an Islamic country here. I know Dubai sounds less conservative emirate compared to the other emirates. But they are really, really tight actually. My family used to live in Dubai for a long time.

Not just homosexual couple can be jailed in Dubai. Non married heterosexual couple also face punishment from the Dubai government (if they were found smooching etc). Kissing in public may get a person imprisoned and then deported. But yes, I do agree that homosexuality will get extra heavier punishment.

In Dubai serious crimes like murder, treason and rape, may attract the death penalty. When I say rape, I don't mean only the rapist but also the victim can be punished. Worse if the victim happens to be gay.

There is a freedom of speech through the naked eyes but limited deep within. Just like my own country.

The problem is not just due to the laws set by the government. But also the laws and prejudgment set in the public mind.

Hence whether we like it or not, always think twice with our act when we are in Islamic country.

I believe you, I have read before that Islamic countries are very strict from this point of view. I wasn't questioning the measures taken by authorities in such situations, but rather their necessity. :no:
I know I don't have the right to judge other countries' laws or beliefs, but I simply fail to see why kissing in public should be a crime. How does that harm anyone??? Fair enough, death penalty for murder, treason and rape - things that affect other people's lives, maybe a whole society's. But how on earth does showing affection to someone (and I'm referring to something small, not sex) affect other people's lives?!

Like I said before, I believe such things should be judged by God, not by other humans.

And besides, I think that foreigners could at least receive a warning or a fine at their first "crime" like that. Something to make them understand they should just refrain themselves from such actions in that country, or else. But being thrown in jail just like that...

I have deviated from the subject a bit, this wasn't about Islamic laws. Hope I haven't offended anyone :flowers:

I'll just say this: people love to judge. -_-

EDIT: And thanks for the insight on some stuff, Rebirth :flowers:
I believe you, I have read before that Islamic countries are very strict from this point of view. I wasn't questioning the measures taken by authorities in such situations, but rather their necessity. :no:
I know I don't have the right to judge other countries' laws or beliefs, but I simply fail to see why kissing in public should be a crime. How does that harm anyone??? Fair enough, death penalty for murder, treason and rape - things that affect other people's lives, maybe a whole society's. But how on earth does showing affection to someone (and I'm referring to something small, not sex) affect other people's lives?!

Like I said before, I believe such things should be judged by God, not by other humans.

And besides, I think that foreigners could at least receive a warning or a fine at their first "crime" like that. Something to make them understand they should just refrain themselves from such actions in that country, or else. But being thrown in jail just like that...

I have deviated from the subject a bit, this wasn't about Islamic laws. Hope I haven't offended anyone :flowers:

I'll just say this: people love to judge. -_-

EDIT: And thanks for the insight on some stuff, Rebirth :flowers:

Nah, I understand what you were trying to say. No worries. I also fail to see the logic of punishing people kissing in public. We had similar issue (kissing in public) last year. It was done by these two young heterosexual Chinese love birds. The public complained about it. It was taken to the court but I didn't follow the updates.

Like I have said previously, it was not just laws set by the government but also laws set by people in people's mind.

Last month there was a news of a man peeping a woman taking a shower. Several guys witnessed it and chased that man. However the man managed to escape. Those guys kept on searching until they arrived to this one house where wife, husband and their children were busy watching TV. They dragged the husband outside and kicked him to death - assuming that he was the guy peeping that lady. The wife begged them to stop and tried to explain to them but they didn't even bother to listen. Once they have realized that they got the wrong person, they ran like headless chicken to save their own lives. Some of them were caught by the police.

So yes I agree with you that some people love to prejudge other people and feel that they have the ability/authority to punish other people.

It's okay, I believe we all have the right to question laws and beliefs especially if the laws/beliefs do not make sense and against humanity like honor killing.
I'm not sure if this article has been posted before.


Ballan's gay village in worldwide demand

Amy Walker


AUSTRALIA'S first gay, lesbian and transgender retirement village to be built at Ballan is attracting worldwide interest.

Since the launch of Linton Estate on July 24, developer Peter Dickson has received interest from across the globe.

People from 24 countries have visited his website including France, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Greece, United States, Brazil, China, and New Zealand.

The website has logged more than 650 visits to date, averaging about 30 per day.

An Irish radio station has even interviewed Mr Dickson about his plans.

Strong expressions of interest in moving to Ballan have so far come from people living in the United States and Malaysia.

Construction of the $26 million village will begin next April with the village set to open in 2010.

When finished, it will contain 120 self-contained units, tennis courts, a bowling green, and a health and wellbeing section.

Mr Dickson, who was born in Bacchus Marsh, said the strong worldwide interest demonstrated a clear need for gay retirement living.

"I think this is phenomenal considering that I have not done any advertising," he said.

"This feedback is just based on the launch and associated media coverage.

"I've rung some people personally and they tell me their stories and say this is really needed.

"Australia celebrates diversity and Linton Estate will carry this on, everyone is welcome if they are open to an open-minded haven."

Mr Dickson said he had not personally received any negative feedback but had read some negative reaction on some websites.

"I know I will not be pleasing all the gay and straight people but I am wanting to look after the people who need this facility, whether they are lonely or couples in need of assistance," he said.

P/S: Australia always have my utmost respect to be one of the coolest and open minded countries in the world.
Nah, I understand what you were trying to say. No worries. I also fail to see the logic of punishing people kissing in public. We had similar issue (kissing in public) last year. It was done by these two young heterosexual Chinese love birds. The public complained about it. It was taken to the court but I didn't follow the updates.

Like I have said previously, it was not just laws set by the government but also laws set by people in people's mind.

Wow, putting the highlighted parts in relation, you make so much sense.

It's as you say, society could do something about these anomalies, but they refuse to.

To complain about such a if there weren't enough serious things to complain about in life. Throw 2 people in jail for loving each other, that will surely make the world a better place :rolleyes:

Last month there was a news of a man peeping a woman taking a shower. Several guys witnessed it and chased that man. However the man managed to escape. Those guys kept on searching until they arrived to this one house where wife, husband and their children were busy watching TV. They dragged the husband outside and kicked him to death - assuming that he was the guy peeping that lady. The wife begged them to stop and tried to explain to them but they didn't even bother to listen. Once they have realized that they got the wrong person, they ran like headless chicken to save their own lives. Some of them were caught by the police.

So yes I agree with you that some people love to prejudge other people and feel that they have the ability/authority to punish other people.

It's okay, I believe we all have the right to question laws and beliefs especially if the laws/beliefs do not make sense and against humanity like honor killing.

Interesting case. A practical way of proving that it's better to just mind your own business (e.g. those guys) and that no matter how much you try to live an honest life, you can always end up dying thanks to other people's plain stupidity. -_-

There was something similar here, just even more ridiculous. A girl was raped and an old lady reported she had seen the man who did it. The guy was sent to prison, served his time for 7 lovely years, after which someone finally had the bright idea to do a sperm test and see if they guy's sperm matched the raper's. Turns out it didn't! The guy is set free and the police goes to question the old lady who had testified. What does she say? "Well, truth is I didn't see him do anything, I have no idea who raped her. But when the police asked me, I just couldn't say I didn't know anything and since I don't like my neighbour too much, I thought it might be him."
Of course, she was charged with false testimony, but I doubt anything happened to her since she was 70+.

Again, being an honest man doesn't necessarily mean life's gonna reward you for it.

I have gone O/T again, sorry, lol.

Ballan's gay village in worldwide demand

Sounds like a great idea! I hope those who will be able to move there will manage to find some peace and live their lives free of fear :)
I'm not sure if this article has been posted before.


Ballan's gay village in worldwide demand

Amy Walker


AUSTRALIA'S first gay, lesbian and transgender retirement village to be built at Ballan is attracting worldwide interest.

Since the launch of Linton Estate on July 24, developer Peter Dickson has received interest from across the globe.

People from 24 countries have visited his website including France, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Greece, United States, Brazil, China, and New Zealand.

The website has logged more than 650 visits to date, averaging about 30 per day.

An Irish radio station has even interviewed Mr Dickson about his plans.

Strong expressions of interest in moving to Ballan have so far come from people living in the United States and Malaysia.

Construction of the $26 million village will begin next April with the village set to open in 2010.

When finished, it will contain 120 self-contained units, tennis courts, a bowling green, and a health and wellbeing section.

Mr Dickson, who was born in Bacchus Marsh, said the strong worldwide interest demonstrated a clear need for gay retirement living.

"I think this is phenomenal considering that I have not done any advertising," he said.

"This feedback is just based on the launch and associated media coverage.

"I've rung some people personally and they tell me their stories and say this is really needed.

"Australia celebrates diversity and Linton Estate will carry this on, everyone is welcome if they are open to an open-minded haven."

Mr Dickson said he had not personally received any negative feedback but had read some negative reaction on some websites.

"I know I will not be pleasing all the gay and straight people but I am wanting to look after the people who need this facility, whether they are lonely or couples in need of assistance," he said.

P/S: Australia always have my utmost respect to be one of the coolest and open minded countries in the world.

Oh wow :rofl: :rofl: this had me laughing, I have friends who live in Ballan I'm gonna ring them and ask them when they're moving in :rofl:

Great idea though. Ballan's a nice quite little country area though, very peaceful, but not really close to anything big, Ballarat is about 25minutes from it, or Bacchus Marsh in the other direction.
^ I've never heard of Ballan and I live in Australia! I find it a bit odd though that they'd base a whole retirement villiage on someone's sexual preference.
I love this discussion!

I do too! It's proving to be a great read and the level of respect on a conversational level reminds me of some of the great threads we had on MJJF so I'm really enjoying reading here :)
Some interesting perspectives in here too.
i have a gay cousin he s marrie d to another man however i don t really believe in the so called gay gene
it s way too easy to trow everything on simply geenetics and dna so far there is no prove for any of this
allthough its surely time that pple will be a bit more accepting towards each other regardless how the other pple decide they want to live
as long as everyone leaves everyone in peace let them be they re not hurting anyone
remind me never to travel to these fucked up areas... because, while I could refrain from sucking off the face of a lover, in public... I do not and will not hide who I am. My ass would more than likely end up in jail for I just won't go there :chichi:
Gay joke time :wild:

Lesbians Playing Golf

Two lesbians were out playing golf. They tee off and one drive goes to the right and one drive goes to the left. One of them finds her ball in a patch of buttercups. She grabs a club and takes a mighty swing at the ball. She hits a beautiful second shot, but in the process she hacks the hell out of the buttercups.

Suddenly a woman appears out of nowhere. She blocks her path to her golf bag and looks at her and says, "I'm Mother Nature, and I don't like the way you treated my buttercups. From now on, you won't be able to stand the taste of butter. Each time you eat butter you will become physically ill to the point of total nausea."

The mystery woman then disappears as quickly as she appeared. Shaken, the woman calls out to her partner, "Hey, where's your ball?"

"It's over here in the pussy willows."

She screams back, "DON'T HIT THE BALL!!!! DON'T HIT THE BALL!!!!"


Van der Merwe is invited to have lunch with the Queen. While sitting at her table he says to her:

"Jis you know Queen you have got such a nice house, and you know Queen your clothes are so nice and you know Queen your food is bakgat!"

The Queen gets pissed off with this Queen bit and says to Van. "Mr Van der Merwe, you should not be calling me Queen this and Queen that the correct title is "Your highness".

Van says, " ..jis that is unbelievable, my brother's name is also Johannes and he is also a queen!"


Top Ten Things Heterosexuals Need to Know About Gay People
10. We didn't invent disco music so stop blaming us.

9. We're not sure about Ricky Martin either.

8. We also didn't invent the color black, but we are in complete agreement that you look better in it.

7. We are secretly glad Anne Heche is back on your team. She scares us.

6. Our so-called "gaydar" does not get us more cable stations or better reception.

5. We think your mini-vans are sooo cute!

4. David Crosby was not Melissa Etheridge's only choice.

3. If he's using two or more hair products at any one time -- yes, he is.

2. If she's won Wimbledon sixteen times, she is too.

And, the number one thing that heterosexuals need to know about gay people is...

1. Relax, we don't want you!
Linda, you're MAD :rofl:

Top Ten Things Heterosexuals Need to Know About Gay People
10. We didn't invent disco music so stop blaming us.

9. We're not sure about Ricky Martin either.

8. We also didn't invent the color black, but we are in complete agreement that you look better in it.

3. If he's using two or more hair products at any one time -- yes, he is.

1. Relax, we don't want you!

These ones had me :rollin:
3. If he's using two or more hair products at any one time -- yes, he is.
hey, u's serias!?
i better go reassess my pussy priority then...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

But I think you're telling the truth on #10. :shifty:

Barry White was a disco pioneer and he was straight as a damn bull. "HEY BABY". ;) LOL
^ Omg, lmao :rofl:

A legend indeed, maybe he makes it in the Guinness Book of Records :rollin: