The Gay Gene Debate

^ eh? what does that mean? :unsure:

that reminded me of a quote I know... "Why can't they have gay people in the army? Personally, I think they are just afraid of a thousand guys with M16s going, "Who'd you call a faggot?" -- Jon Stewart

so basically they were looking at making an effective lurrrve potion :girl_haha:

The plan for a so-called "love bomb" envisaged an aphrodisiac chemical that would provoke widespread homosexual behaviour among troops, causing what the military called a "distasteful but completely non-lethal" blow to morale.

*has image of men dropping their guns and running around trying to rip each others clothes off*

:lol: I highly doubt that would work ... omg what if it turned the closeted gay soldiers straight :mello:

Sometimes I get the feeling that the army has science fiction writers as their ideas men :lol:

The topic of gays in the military is such a hot button topic in the states for some reason :scratch:

which always brings me back to this funny quote:

The one bonus of not lifting the ban on gays in the military is that the next time the government mandates a draft we can all declare homosexuality instead of running off to Canada.
--Lorne Bloch


I just don't understand why having a gay solider in a squad/plattoon (whatever you call it .. end of term braindead please forgive)... would be such a serious issue, surely the masculine hetero juggernaunts aren't that insecure with their own masculinity.

but what would I know I'm a woman :lol: but if I had to go to war I wouldn't care what sexuality my fellow soldiers were as long as they knew how to do their job.
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the whole idea of a GAY bomb to create male on male attraction, that would interupt military functions, is ignorant.

As if that is all gay males do ?? Yes that is our life, we lust after one another and search out sex 24/7. It is our only purpose, we are like Zombies that way.

That is like saying if a black army was sent 'Fried Chicken', they would cease to function because of the affinity to eat it. Ignorance from Ignorant 'leaders' :chichi:

Waves :pride_flag: @ L.J ... yes you big 'MO', I am gay :lol:
the ONLY reason y science would research it further wouldbe to find a way to supress it...u know it'd become gattica....parents engineering their children and makingsure they'd be perfect and straight and this and that.....creepy
I don't believe it's as clear, cut as being born with "the gay gene". I really don't think there's one "right" answer, but I do know that people can't help who their attracted to and who they fall in love with. Now whether that has to do with being born that way is debatable but people like who they like....

Yeah, like if you're molested as a child: "oh no wonder you're gay"
Or like browneyedgirl said, her friend was turned off by women so "oh that's why you're gay"

Me personally, it don't make no sense. Gays have been around since the Bible and they're not going anywhere. The thing is we've been programmed to act dumb and stupid and try to say that "gays don't have rights" when that's just idiocy at its finest. How hypocritical you can be if you allow blacks and women to vote yet gay people can't marry? HUH?! WTF is that all about?
Like Chichi said, they're always trying to find reasons about why you are who you are but I guess not everybody believes it.

It's not the same thing at all. People do not choose their race or gender. I don't get when people compare the black struggle to gay rights. Two totally different things.
we may choose to accept, that we are the way we are, but why would anyone choose to be something that is looked down upon by the majority ?? What point would there be in the choice to be taunted and ridiculed ... have your rights questioned and held back at times. To be thought of as the cause of death and disease ... saying that people choose to be gay, implies that they can choose not to be gay and that is not the case. Speaking for myself, I did not choose to go against every religious teaching that influenced me during my childhood. It was not a choice to hurt the ones that I loved, by coming out to them. It was a reality, that I eventually had to face and deal with. If it was a choice, i would have made the choice that I was taught was moral and right.

when did any of you 'straight' folks Decide to be 'Straight' ?? hmmmm ??
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It's not the same thing at all. People do not choose their race or gender. I don't get when people compare the black struggle to gay rights. Two totally different things.

it is about human rights ... being black white green straight gay bi ... we are all Human. that is the connection ... it is not about making one equal to or equatable with the other. it is simple illustration.

NO the gay community was not forced into slavery and brought over seas under inhuman conditions ... that is not the point of the comparison. After the abolishment of slavery and the de-segragation ... the struggle's are quite similar. Both groups have been treated as second class citizens, targets for ignorant hate crimes, lynched, burnt, stereotyped and degraded.
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it is about human rights ... being black white green straight gay bi ... we are all Human. that is the connection ... it is not about making one equal to or equatable with the other. it is simple illustration.

I understand what you're saying about human rights and of course everyone should be treated equally regardless of race, gender, sexuality, religion, etc. but I personally look at gay rights and the black struggle as being seperate for a number of reasons. It's just not the same thing to me.

And again, i'm not saying anyone chooses to be gay or not though, like I said that is debatable. I have heard of people who grew up all their life liking or being attracted to one gender, then all of a sudden they do a complete 180 and fall in love with someone of a different gender and it's a complete suprise to them (See: Anne Heche). From gay friends that I have and what they've told me and from reading about this subject as well, it seems that most gay people always knew they were gay all along but that's not always the case. It is very possible for people to realize that they are gay later on in life.
It is very possible for people to realize that they are gay later on in life.

:yes: definitely !! still it is not a choice but a realization.
:yes: definitely !! still it is not a choice but a realization.
i don't think every individual will have the same reasoning and cause for their homosexuality. and as cloudy as the science is right now, it's very possible that throughout a lifetime environmental changes affect biological ones - just as it's possible that predetermined genetics is the cause for most.
Mmm! interesting debate/discussion...

Being a female, I have always been attracted to the opposite gender, putting it respectfully...Giggles~~~

As the history books have noted...the gay community has been around for century's. This should not have ever been an issue with society, who cares, whatever floats their boat, makes them happy, so long as just like anything or anyone else as individuals/or a couple, don't hurt others, law abiding, and infringe upon others rights...the gay community are human beings just like the rest and should be treated as such...Equal..!

I have a couple of wonderful male gay friends, their fun, understand women, and have very good taste in style...

Heal The World~~~"Education Is The Key"
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it is about human rights ... being black white green straight gay bi ... we are all Human. that is the connection ... it is not about making one equal to or equatable with the other. it is simple illustration.

NO the gay community was not forced into slavery and brought over seas under inhuman conditions ... that is not the point of the comparison. After the abolishment of slavery and the de-segragation ... the struggle's are quite similar. Both groups have been treated as second class citizens, targets for ignorant hate crimes, lynched, burnt, stereotyped and degraded.

Yeah that's what I was talking about. Of course our struggles are not physically the same but we both deal with b.s. and discrimination. It's been like that since the creation of Earth really.
Sexuality is way too variable to be attributed to one gene. If people are predisposed to being gay then how exactly is it inherited? And why doesn't it manifest itself in every generation? And what about bisexuality?
at the end of the day i think as has been found with most things it come down to genes and genetics. the environment you grow up my trigger those fellings but at the end of the day i believe you are born that way.but it may take years for you to realise. i find it strange how ppl go on about chosing. straight ppl dont get asked if they chose to be one choses. your brain tells you because of how you react to seeing someone. what you decide to do with those feelings is a choice. but the original feeling is there because of mind and body reactions and thats something you cant chose. tbh i find those who are sooo against gays really weird.why would anyone care about what 2 concenting adults get upto? are they that obsessed with it because they actually get a kick out it themselves. frankly i dont wanna know what ppl are getting upto whether they be straight or gay
Well, I don't mind seeing two guys getting it on, if you know what I mean:punk::ph34r:
:hysterical: that definitely falls under TMI :lol:

but thanks for sharing :flowers:
:lol: He & Marie are just saying what a lot of people think. I'm a straight female but I too enjoy seeing two men in action lol. It's a major turn on. I don't know why, but I think it's hot and know a lot of other girls who feel the same way .

I'm only into it if the guys are cute w/good bodies tho. If they're busted, I aint watching lol.
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T, you are into seeing two hot guys makin' nastay minkey sex ?? Dang !! U iz freeekier than I suspected :lol:

J/K I know what you meant :cute: you was talking 'bout two fione azz feminine type ladies ;) I'z was just pullin' on ya chain.

hope it wasn't too 'hard' of a yank :giggle:
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Mmm! interesting debate/discussion...

Being a female, I have always been attracted to the opposite gender, putting it respectfully...Giggles~~~

As the history books have noted...the gay community has been around for century's. This should not have ever been an issue with society, who cares, whatever floats their boat, makes them happy, so long as just like anything or anyone else as individuals/or a couple, don't hurt others, law abiding, and infringe upon others rights...the gay community are human beings just like the rest and should be treated as such...Equal..!

I have a couple of wonderful male gay friends, their fun, understand women, and have very good taste in style...

Heal The World~~~"Education Is The Key"

See that's one of the problems... for some folks the law does not favour their sexual preferences. They cannot get married and have kids together because the laws themselves restrict that action. :no:
That is the real issue with some people though. There are those that feel gay couples or gay people in general, should simply not be parents. The entire argument they attempt to put up, never makes a point either. Statistically it is the typical heterosexual family that is more likely to be abusive or dysfunctional. Some groups feel that a child would be better off on the streets, in shelters or in an abusive home. Opposed to placing them with a gay couple that is willing to give that child a loving home.

And the school administration is full of these people. They think they know what a child needs and are quick to belittle the care that a child is given. Any time one of my kids has an issue at school, it is noted that they are part of an 'Alternate lifestyle' family. :yes: uh-huh Sounds like they shouldn't be able to make such a distinction ?? Nope, they have every right to put that in there. Trust me, I fought it. I don't lose very often with the school system but that one was clearly a win for them.

They have attempted to poison my children against me. My daughter was angry one day, when I say angry, I mean the girl was screamining and acting out. They had never seen that child in school previously. Instantly, their immediate reasoning was that she had been seriously abused at home. School therapists from other counties were called and she was given the once over by them all. They wanted her to have been abused by her 'alternate lifestyle' father. It was very clear what their motive was. This episode was their way to get me and my fussy, nit picky, 'don't fuck with my children or else', pain in the ass, Gay self, out of their hair.

Not only did I win that battle but I was invited to join the PTA later that year. I declined :chichi:
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T, you are into seeing two hot guys makin' nastay minkey sex ?? Dang !! U iz freeekier than I suspected :lol:

J/K I know what you meant :cute: you was talking 'bout two fione azz feminine type ladies ;) I'z was just pullin' on ya chain.

hope it wasn't too 'hard' of a yank :giggle:

:lol: Yeah and nah it wasn't too 'hard'. :shifty: