The Epic Thread of Random-ness [MERGED]

Re: Random Thoughts

Janet's boyfriend is REALLY sexy. wow. :blink:
Re: Random Thoughts

a bit suprise to know: some people here know how big of the "born"... @@(whateve it that "know" made me happy, as if you just found some excellent book and some did agree and know the same "excellent", the pleasure of sharing---got the comrade of your soul). it wasnt as easy as "to know how big of the public-ownership-topic", the latter made you know how big it was as soon as you cast a glance on it. the former's different, very very different, different and much bigger than the latter
Re: Random Thoughts

I got it!!!!!!!!!!!!

but my drawing's still crooked :angry:
Re: Random Thoughts

because the big-ego benefit ourselves, and the self-ego didnt.
so... when people care the former nor the latter, it's another kind of selfishness-------the one in the holy name

correct it. please
it was a serious problem to mankind. let's make it more clearly: morality based on "for the survival of race". but "the survival of race" cant reach by only caring the big-ego, in fact, to reach this goal need to keep balance between both. so... people even cant say "it was moral that only care the big-ego of a person without caring his basical self-ego"-------------this kind of stuff cant support mankind system, cant suppor our living across the universal jungle sign
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Re: Random Thoughts

I need to spead more time here

I'm gonna check Twitter and then I'm gonna have lunch
Re: Random Thoughts

I finally understand it..
People from internet wrote: "I'm always here for you."
But look around you in your real life, are they there for you? No..
Re: Random Thoughts

I finally understand it..
People from internet wrote: "I'm always here for you."
But look around you in your real life, are they there for you? No..

because they are far away. but if u have problems you can always talk to your internetfriends :yes:
Re: Random Thoughts

Happy thanksgiving, to those who celebrate it. I know this is probably not the best of places to say it, but I saw no other thread for it, so I reckon it'd be random.
Re: Random Thoughts

I finally understand it..
People from internet wrote: "I'm always here for you."
But look around you in your real life, are they there for you? No..


I know it's not real life ... but we are here for each other!